"Judge Granger's Popularity At Home"
Un dor tho rtbova heading, tlio Advertiser íi lew days tsineo had an edito ria) - probably written n Aun Arbor - isserting the popularity oí Judge Grangf.h "a", home," and nttempting lo show it by too uanvassus oí' iS0 íiihI L852, when he run on the democratie ' ticket; and f 1856, in which latter yoar j be w:is ulectod Jodge of Probate, - Not baviug a Btutenuiit of tho returns for 185') and 'ñ'2 at haad we do not pro. poso ti uommcnt on thetn at present, ' liut sitnply to air his " popularity at home," as shown n the election of 1356, üf tilia etection, the Adcrrtiser says : ' It. is a' liiitrue th.it Mr. Q-rabger was '-fonr liMiidred votes béhiiíd" his ticket when ho rao fór .1 nd,o;e f Probatu fonryears figo. Wiierevor lio was best fcriowri; lie made tin excellent c:invass, ai.d was on!y 53 votes behind Gov. Jiiiipr'iam, wlio was running l'or his second tenn for Govèrnor; lic was 208 votes behind Jíobert J. Barry, the must papular enndidute vrho has ever beon presfiited lo thé suffrages ol the people of tint county, theri running for Olerk, bat Mf. Barry was very largely ahetid of his ticket. Tho opposition ooncentrated their whole forct; against Mr. Grntiger, because of the patronage belonging tb tho office, but he ws triamphantly olected, néveiïhëlèös1, ly a innjority ot -i 111 Let us use anothor mode of conipar son than that adopted by the Arföf-rtiser. That Journal admita that Mr. GiiANGEit vvüs "55 votes bohind Oov. Bingham," and "203 votes behind Kon eht J. Baüuv." Were those republi' cans who.by the Advertiser's own show ing, d;d not vote for Gkaxubk, sirnply content v tb erasing his name, or did eaoh and every ono oí thein give their votes to his opponent, thus showing at the samo lime their disüke of hitn and doubling the chances of iiis defcat ? A cornparison of majorities wül answer this questioti much batter than a coraparison of votes. And what were the mnjoritics at that (ílection ? Fremont, for President, had 738 Bioghain, " Governor, " 557 Howard, " Oongress, " 711 GuAXiiF.n, " Probate Judgo had 4-1-1 Mead, " Sheriff, " 053 Barry, " Clerk, " 375 Martin, " Register, " 757 Gnsson, " Treasurer, " 743 Grané, " Pros. Atty,, " 54C Vanclove, " O:r. Ct Oom., " 747 These rnrijoritiés inay prove the poworing popularity of Judge Grangef, but we shoukl doubt it. As to tho oharge of the Adeeitiscr that greatei eflbrts were made to defe:it Mr, Graxoer than any of his nssouiates on tbc ticket, it ia siinply falso, notliing more, nothinglcss. L3T Mr. E. C. Walkkk, of Detroit, who was not nominatod for Congress in thia district, publishes a Cardin tho Young Mens Tem'prance Journal, in which bu exonérate Mr. Sylvbstbï Laknhd froDi using the laoguage attribufod to hin by tho Journal, to wit. i' If yon nomínate Walker you wil] [oöse 1200 of the Germán lager-beer votes in Detroit, and so of Estabrook and Mclntyre,, and others," etc. Ho tbinks that it was impossible for Mr Lai;ned to have used such 1 nguage bccause "he was from tho beginning to the end ol the conventiou in lavor of my (Walker'a nomination." If Mr, Laiiked was in favor of the nomination of Mr. Walkkr he took a qneer way to show it. The speojh wo heard hitn inake after tWe first ballot, wasjustthe fpccch to kül off Mr. Walker, and we remarked to tho gentleman sitting besido us that Mr. Walker might wtll ex claim, "save me from my friends." In tono and manner of uttoranco it said plainly to the convention, " I vote for Mr. Wai.kki!, but had a lecth rather have somebody elso nominated". So rauch for his support of Mr. Walker. As to the why Mr. Walkkr was not nominated and Mr. Graxger was, it is not for us to settle ; but we havo it from a man whoso veracity is not to bo questioned, that before the oonvention convened he heard Mr. Larxed mako the rery remarks wo have quoted above as charged upon him. Can Mr. Walker eeoncile such electioneering arguments with the professed support oi Mr. Larned ? tp Tiios. Alexander, Jr., named in our last as one oí tho candidatos for Sheriff, says that he is not ín the field for the present campaign. He acknowledges to having been "sold out" by the party in 1858, and thinks that he is not ready to be sold again so soon. We oheerfully strike bis name from the list In doing 60, however, we have two or three additions to make to il. Constable Hatch, of this City, is pronounced one of the most industnous of the candidatos; our friend Martix, or "old Put," is also named by his friends in conneotion with the Sheriffality; und vre have also haard it intimatod that Mr. Pattison, of Saline is enrollod as a candidate. "Tho more the mcrrier. " and we may exclaim with the poot : 'The corobat deepons, on ye brave 1" ■ ui w in . ty C"l. Sheldon McKniuht, well knon-fl to tho people of this State as a busincis man and poliücian, died in Washington on the evening of the 21st inst. He was near 50 years old. EP A Bell and Eyekbtt consultation meotins vvas held in Dutaoit a few day sincc, and it was resolved to hold a State Convention during tho coming State Fair. t5 We are somewhat of the opinión of our neighbor of tho Journal, that the "temporalice quesüon lias nothing directly to do with our National politics; " but we would like to ask infomation whether being n tempreance man dis qualifies one for a Congrassional noniition ? Qivo us tho ''statistics" of the question. gag The census departmont at W.-isliiiigloii, IVoiu tho partiaj rolurne rt'tcivcd, estirnatca tho jopulatiou of (,lie Union at about thirty-two