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Arrival Of The Overland Mail

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St. Joseph, July 24. The arrival of the Pony Express this evening furnished the following summary of California news to July 7: For the greater portion of tho time since the sailing of th? last steamer, the inarkct has been extrcracly dull, with but a trifling amount of goods going forward to the country. Since the 4th inst., business has evinced moro activity, and an inoreaaed number of transactions are noticeable, but at greatly depressed prices. At the same time, only small eales can be made, and no round parcela cau be disposed of without submitting to even lower rates. Judgo ïerry wag ycsterday acquitted of the offence of killing Senator Broderick in a duel, by a jury iu Martin county, under euch circuuistanees as lea?e no duubt of a colluKion betweeu the prosecution and defense, to produce such a re-' sult. Tho witnesses establishiug the guilt of Terry were on thcir way from San Francisco in a wnall boat, and they woro dclaycd so that tlisy did not reaeh the court Ilouse till about 12 o'clock noon. Judge Ilardy opeoed the Court at 9 A. M. Tlie District Attorncy aunouuced that his witnessos liad not made thcir appearance. The case went to the jury without a word oí testimony, aud uuder the charge of Judge Ilardy a verdict of acqnittal was rendered before 10 o'olock. A uew directory' of San' Francisco is jut puWished, contaiuini; the uames of 26,000 men. The ship Carrier Dove ha cleared for 1 V:i'ji ■'.! ■;' -.' wrt-ii ■_'■' 'i Inuliola büi-U'v, :M,!M I IIm Ifafn sivi!, ;iio!{silvcr, tnllow fftid otlior California product s, in all valued ;i! SGO.OOO. Thi' hip Ilufc htkea nvcr 15,000 aaoka of irbcat to Üustralin, valued at $28,000. Tlic S iji-.'!n ■ e,;,:-; haa ticcided the controvl witíi t:i ■ Srato l'sm lossco legal, í:id l'io cuiii i':i. 'ti r cm draw $270,Ö00 from Tvcasurr. Tliis wil! more tli-ui exb:ni-i( t!rn fn ija in tlie Treasurj. Over 6l)00 CW teee uur 'i.-rt Lvnvearrivo() wii':, a w. ■,■!;. CtíUüidura U nnxicty s in ifestad o;i account of i; ■ uou--i:' of tbo i'oiy expiess, wliiöli uliould liavo loi'i St. Lou is óti the 20th n i 24tli Juno. Tlie laI test expres du tes f ro in the Kast are to the lOth a, hl 1 Uli June lv the O ver land ; Mail. ÍLoagoul of tlie Pony Kxprcss here, höwcvorj (liiüks no nnxletj in cal led Pot', tliat th ■ expreiss riders bctwocn Salt Lake and Cjirsun VjJlejr have had to depend for Hupplïcs of stook ou chance, as the anímala wuicb werc driven off by the Indians have only jnst been replaeed. As soon as the pony that leavcs to-day arrivés tliroiigh at St Joseph.. tlio horseü on tho route will all bo placed in order for making usual tima each way, aud everything is expected to be iu pornianeut good condition. A firc at Crcsceut City on the '27th uit. , destroyed property valued at f6000 - insured 3000 in London aud Liverpool insurancc coiupanies. The wheat and bailcy crops aro protty woll harvested, witli an immense yicld. - The surplus for export will bs largor than ever béfore. Considerable quautitips of ore continue to arrive at San Francisco from the Washoe miues. About fifty tons have arrived witlïin the last ten days, worth frora $21)00 to $3000 per ton. It is ground to an impalpable powder, when its valuc is determined by onemica] analysis. It is then put up in 120 pound slips, and can bc sold to tho agent of the Kothschilds for shipment to Eugland, within a fraelion of its true value. Not loss thau half a million dollars worth of tliis oro will arrive within a month. The multitude havo abandoncd tho idea of lmnting for new mines, and capitalista are realiziog 1. andsome returns from the astonishingly rioh l'omstock lead already discovercd. Therc bas been eo recent troublc with the Indians on the Eastern slopo of the Sierra Nevada. The latest Chinese adviees are to the 7 th ot May. At tint time the general impression among fjreigners was, tliat the Emperor had refused to submit to the Englisb and Frenoh ultimatum. The latest Oregon dates are to tho Tth of May. At tbat time tho goncral impression among foreigners was, that te Emperor had refused to submit to the Enclish and Freneh ultimatum. The usual annual floods in the Culumbla river and tributarios, had passtd without doing much damage. Intelligence from Lieut. Mullen's expeditiou had been received up to the tth of June. An express had reached that office from Fort Bcnton, with intelligence of tho movemeut westward from that po'.nt, of 300 troops over the road. Tho road will be completcd to Fort Benton by the last of July. Othcr ucts unimportant. Britisu Coi.umbïa - On the 29tli uit., the minors were active and in good spirits. Canals werc constructed iu mapv places, and more progressing. The ümitcd nnmbe of minera employcd were doiug well. The gold product was at the rate of one and a half to two million dollars per aunum. Seven to eight hundred more Chinese, direct from Iloug Kong, had arrived at Victoria.