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From Washington

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Washington, July 30. The officéra of the I'. S Aaricultural ! Society :ire Muiiistrifiusly fínpKtycd in sending (n all j5arfa oí thc Union (he premium líetsand circulare of tlo patioDol exhibition irhich ia to be held ;it Cídcíq; ati in September. It is expected tliat thü Oincinnati fa'r will eclipse any yèl held iu fltis country. Tlie premium liats amouiitsto $30,000, of which alargo bIiíuo -iu supia of $500, 300, 00, and $100- is offewsd for horeos.- A. level tracif, one inile long, and fifty feetin widtb,wil a (Tura a fine opportuni.ty for trials of peed. Larga caen premiums are aluo offered for portable and tta tionary steam crimines, Btcam plowB, and . sleam fire engin ■. The grand gold modal of honor is óffered for the best threshing machine. The Coast Survey office audtlio SmitliBonian Institution nre iuvestigating the subject of tornadoes, stimulated by those of recent occurrencc in the West. An sfficient officer conneoted witb. the Coast Survey lias been detailed to visit the scènes of their effects for the proeuring of guch data as to geography, &c', as will aid the seientiíic exaniinaüon. Although no proclamation has yet boen made as to thc result, there is no reason lo beÜHve the joint comnaission have come to the conclusión that Paraguay is not responsible for indemnity to the United States and the Paraguay Navigation Company, wliich clatmed damages to tho cxtent of nearly one million dollars, exclusive of the allegcd violation of grants of important and vory valuable privileges. The Savannah hns! been ordered to the Mediterranean as part of the American squadron, without roference to the masacres in S3:ria The stcamship llichraond - Gapt. Ingraham, it is said. having volunteered to take eoramand - would havo been ordered linthor if sho could hare been prepared in time for service on that sea. The steanib'liip Urooklyn left Pensacola on Wednesday for Xörfolk. Official dispatches froni Utah show that 100 army revolvers and 8,000 eatridges werc fnrnistied by the acting Adjutant General to the Agent of liussell's Pony Express to defend the riders from the Indiana, W. D. Irvine is in charge of the Biitish Lcgation daring the absence of Lord Lyons in Canada. Col. Preston, Minister to Spain, is here, transacting busiucss at the State Department prcluninary to liis return to Madrid. Geu Lañe has arrived fioni a visit to North Carolina. Thc difficulties which have arisen in l'Ogard to tlie House Printing are amicably adjusted. Gov. Ford, the House Printer, returued to-day, and all parties to the eontrovcrsy have agreed upon a settlemenf. Mr. Pangborn, whose authority is recognized, rernaina as the legal representative and agent of Mr. Ford to superiutend the busines8,and Larcombe & Englisli are employed to executo the priotiiíg. The House. printing will now be speedily eseeuted. Four thousand copies of the Covode report will be iiuniediately distributed.