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New Advertisements. LIST OF LETTERS RDMAININÜ iiitlicI'oblOfliceat Ann Arbor, July Elt. 1860. Allen ETG Mannen Hcnry '::o E M.'irtin D-'nnis Au?lc E (J Malo; lïni :iscr Geovge Mickel.s IC Butler .Ido Munscn V S Agnes MarrtSiW Iïostwick Charles Ottmar üftrbara . nry C Perkin Ethviu Crane K C Hry Qeone Ciitttr X Rubinson Henry D.ilky yrn.'t 5 Siras James Kiton O J Seymore T S Fea íoroms H sbin t.;:o W Frederick Anti Shfti'p Harrisou flur.lnfr Asa A Pmith Noble !TI1 II N Stam MU V Hinckloy Wm Symoíúl Cliarles Henuinï Hoclor ovd Miar H Hookc-FW Slilsoa Jsma tnnlsWP Rtrttón MIK E R Juilsou John Toiupson Wm Rewle A Tncker Morris Frank WfOIams Qo E Leiris EU W.iinwright Sam s ]■, i ■: aa WagD6r Gottlelb Millnrd S A Warner Samuel W filcriders Jch i l'Orr'gri Dávldaon Jarnos 2 Kranse Frar.k Johnson Warren W Kasc II EmiihJohn Persons calüng for sny of the .ibove I.ctteve ivi!l pleasc BIJ '-Aaverü.-Oi'." H. 1). rr.NNK'IT, V. M. NOTICE. Wahenaw Co,, Clerk's OfiïCB, i July 30, 18öO. ƒ NOTÏCE IS HERKBY ÓIVEN (hat the Juspeciors and Director' bianks for School disttiota in eaid Couníy, have boen recelrod, and are roady for flistvibution. í 'ii v and Towa Clerk.- wiü piense ca.ll and obtain Uiy ROBERT J. BARRYè Uerk. FfcOMTHE SÜBSCMBBR in the Tmvnship of Saline. oq lay, July lltta, ona span of durk bay hore?, the h r.-y has a stat in the forèhead and two white Jiitui Fecf . tlio mare has no partícula t dm rkri. Any inrorraation whirh wil! ■ uf said horses, wiil be libeialiy vewanlcl. Addi 75 tt LEWffi lïL'SIT, Saline, Mich. HEAR THE CALL. Mtrvttt Ís pniiod ati 1 tli.u -i largo . irorniscs to pay him are now dm1. Ba li 'i ii to hoar trom all INDEBTED TO HIM AS SOOIS as convenient, mid '-hal the conronlent time w 11 come F o r 1 1 w l t h, Immcrtlatcly, ' to 'lio Captain)] office aal &eai cali of auothe knul. r Ann Arbor, AuguRÏ 2, 1S60, T50vi-3 School Libra: y Ñotice. ALL PFJiïON'ïï ha ving in thek possesiionfl Ecoks boing to the School Library of this City are requested to ret-rn thcni to llif Librauy imuic-diatelV' : [o1 ley'i Dutch Repuo" He, andother valuublo works. E. B. rOND, Librarían. Atin Ail'-i. JttJy 26, 1S60. 3w"S8 NOTICE. WHKREASMY WIFK PAW1.TXA CROWL, has lef t my bed and b ajrd irithout just cause or provoca - liou, tüMefore I bérob'j Fojrbld all persomi trustiog hpr on mv nccount, fis 1 illpay no dt-bts of her contraeting ai'ler this date. MARTIN CROWl Sah-m, July -3, 18C0, FRESH FIS il . f 33C3ITGÍ-1Z3 3O. IHISXX f dt Satharlaad te Bell1 Store, is recofTjng on i;iy and Frldar naórnÍDg of oacn ireefcj fipnJ Lak e Michigan Wbttg sb and Biackioaw Trout. Wairantcd in prim ■ . . , v tlu-ni. Anu Arbor. July 18, 1SÖ0. 2w75 7 STATK OF ICCHIGAN, VourtU Judicial Circuit i" LQQfly, : ï E. niBPI.K. S iic rtendinir in the Cbtmii EUCilARD W. CLARK, Courtfqr tne County of aDd j Washror.c.v', In Cbancarj, ADDIS50X G. BICKFOHD, [at Ann Arbor, Juty 27, va. CEO KOF. E. PARMFXEF, J It api'f.tring by a (lula vit 4o the Ifttisfáctioil of tlio Couct, Cb ' int in thi.s caso dcos not r Michigan, but is a resident of the State of California. On motion of T. M. Cooloy. soliciior for ownplaJnajit, it is prdered tbat ; i;is appoaranee to be entercd in this cause, and notice thereof to be servad on coinnlainant's ?.ohcitor within thro months írom tho ;late of thie order ,an-1 that in case ofhtfl appoaranco he cause bis answer feo compla'nancs biil to be füed and a copy thonofto bu servod ou onmplaiiiata's solicitor within twenty days of the service ufo copy of said bill, fiml In (lefnult tlit-renf said bilí ny be í.ilcrn aa oo&fVBM by bim. And it is furthcr oiderc"! within twenivdays 04mp'Uunánts cause a copy jf his order to be pubIiiïhctl ia tlia Michigan Arfrus. a public nowsp:iper pub■ ■ : ■ .-■ ': county, and that such pnb lication be conti: wi Ín i ! paporat !èasi oDce in each . . . . ■ ; -:cy cause tbln order to bo personally eorvod on siid defendant. at least t vont y lyfc before the time above preücrfbed foi pearancP. C H ?AN ■ ■ ■■ ■ J . II E JV ti L RESPECTFUI.LY fnforroihil former patrons, on-1 Urn atm bit anta f An.i Arbor in general, thmtíwwíH inBtruot Achulan intn on t f n Pumo, iolin, (íuitar, in Thuroagli Has, Sinjring: and nlso in tji (ïerman IinguiiRe, at the same tinms ns li1 usod t'i cbargc. Ile will . i" ÜUe icsHODfl in bis dwn hciue, ir In tliehousea of Hm gcftiolfl re. Resldenco Ia dwcllfng in iho rear of the Store latoly ocCllpied bj HU ; U i 1 iiitjii:ll:i;í icsji ;■!)('' nf ,1. K. Koyw, ilirrc may bu tseen Drom 7 to 8 A. M., Cron o 1 and 6 1..7 P. M. ' 7L7m3 HO! FOR THE NEW STORE - Tremendous Sacnfice! 20,000 W0&TH -01DIIY GOODS! TO BE SOLD ! KEGAUDLESS 01' Ñ E W YORK C O S T I WOULD reapéctfiilly aiincmunce to tbc citizens of OW ■' a .M-nriw and adjoining counties, that ho ia now buiMing one of tbe most elegant and largest stor r in Michigan, at the nouth west corner o i Main and i.iii il : v Ptt Is, A.',;i Arbor, and is determioed to cl( so oui ''.'■ ■ niinciiso stock Of goods of All kindrtatany Socriflce fot Oash, pnimratory to removiug to his Newr and SpftCioufl Aparlincuts. Jlivin concluded to mako a grand opening vrilh au entïre uew tuck in my new storü UÜi faU. I trill sell forüio NKXT 00 DAYS, all kinds of ÏSSgli (goOO g Chaïlieê, Del a in es, Poplins. BLACK AND FANCr AT MOST ANY Pil IC E.' 1 pan ;:!- AÏbo Shoeii, Haln r( t-vory deRcription .it your own pi ce. Bo ft) ot hare headodany louger, but tro to GRKAT CLOSÏNG OUT SALE! And 'nu your 'piitcsf covered for a shilling and upOF ALL DESCEirTIO NS! TIlKI.AUiUvST STOCK ever brought (o thig pluce, tai At Prices to Suit the p6or83t Family As uxitally clicapcr than can bc found at any other mtablishmenl íti thia cemnty, and IX SHORT EVFT.YTHIN6 usuall; found in my targe anl attractivc stock, at A GREAT RATE OF REDUCT10N .' Farmers, Mechantes, Lawyerx and Doctors, and ihe rest of mankind, LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS ! Drop politics and rush in en matse to C. MACK'S Great Ctosiug out Saio, where Six Shillihgs u-ill pass for a Dollar all flay long. Como Ono, Come All! I mean whnt I nar. 1 am deti-i'inine'l tu t'll off all ni y present stock of goods aí a great sacritfee F O 11 CASH! Béfota rcmovhig to nay NEW AND ELEGANT STORE. Wlicre I amioinate rcmovingwith fin cntíro new stotk of goods, on the lirst Jay of September. C M CK Ann A.rbor, Jnly 9th, l8fiO. 75Ttf WATCHËS A '. II T valued froin two dollars to ono hundred dollars G-IVENT with evcry Book sold at reta:! priros. At least one Watch U AR ANTEE D to every twelve books! these nilitcements are oífered hv the SUFFOLK EXCHANGE C0. 116 "Washington street, Boston, The mostexttiifiive and the most liberal Gtft concern ín existence . SESD FOR A CATALOGUE.' Those who havo patrouized oí her Gift Honses are particularly réquested to ncquaint thcmselves with our teims. Our mciuceuit-nts are unrlTftllod, and put all 4her3 in tbc shado. Tl!o fuLlowingarcsomeof the Gifts to purchasors of EsoiiSH Lever Goi.t Watcdes, Hunting CEutB. Patent ; " 1( " Ladics ' u " open faco. Deiachetilver Silver Watches, Hunting Carpí. Lcpine Silver Watches, open face. Gold Lockets, various sizes. Iadies and Gents' Gold Chatas, various styïes. I,aclies: and Gcnt3 GoUl Slcere Buttons and Stud, all pattema, (ientjj1 BosomTin, new aad rich stylcs. Gold Penofls and Ptfns. Gold Watch Koys and Belt Pins. A great variety of lAdies' Jöweliy, Fins a.nd EarDmps, comprising all tho Btyles now worn, such m Cameo, Mosaic, Gold Stone, Ia va, Florentino, &c, Gold BracelGtFfalUtyles. The Li?! of Hooks comprimes a assortmont of Ktandard works ín pvcry departraent of Htorature, intrto the yonug and oíd. Do not íaü to senil for & O, catalogue. Catalogues niaüed free to any adJ.eBs- Apply to SUFFOLK EXCIIANG E COMP'NY, 116 Washington street, Boston. M. CA MP ION. rpHiC SUBSCHBKR HAS JIST HETCRNKD from th JL Kast wilh his G-O O X SS W II IC II HE IS D ETE II 3VC I 1STJS U TO BELL AT THE Ij o xr e (9 t I3 XI IOB, FOB O LL S H , ai which'j Wbrrnt Qull(y Goods onn afTordod inthli o:rv. Hfy cloths aro all f the Finest QUALITY ,vil u i n-.auufacture thm into clothiog myself, I ara e na bied t WARRANT EVERY GARMENT Iwli.trt be 1VRLL MADE, whfehtd astroninducpinent tocustom&ri (o patronizO my store in preferenceto plao vaar la i's ïunntities of half ma4e goocls are kept for salo. I havo the latfst FAnioirs, and mu givojon &8 Fintandveü Fitting Garmtnt as ran bt bougkt anyiohere, I am bc una to sell 5t r: m-M. L3 jm .w kj m. -.AND- BETTEE GOODS, th-in any othi irimtUv NttáWíí-hment in this cityYour omtom Is motl respect ïuïïy IftfUtö. i ot. 30, 1853. 1714
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