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Business iWfertnrq. I. O. O. F. YJI7"A3HTEXAWLOPGENo9, of the Indep13011' orV V der of Odd Fellows meéis at their Lodge Roüm , every fri 3av eveaing, at f }í o'clock. D. B. WIL-ON, N. U. SORO, Sec'v. TWITOHELL & CLARK. Á ttorxeys and Counsellors t Lair, General Life and A Fire luaurance agenta. Office in Uty Hall Block, on Hurón St., AnnArbor. Collections promptly made rndremitted, nd special attention paid to convcyancing. D. S. TWITCBELL, [UMÍ] E. P. CLAKK. james e. Gorr, T AW OFFICE, No. 2, over Slawsoa i Gter's Storo. L SCOTT & TOBEY. Ambrotype & rnOTOURPH Artists, in the rooms fornwly occupied by Cordley , over tlie store oí Sperry S Moori' Vríec t satistïction guoranteed. L. D. GODFREY, ATtorxey axh Coc.vsellor at Lsw, Ann Arbor ciiy. Office Norlh fcastCoruer of the Court Bouse SüTHEKLAND óc BELL, Wiiolksalk retaii. grocfrs, East Knie of Main streot Arm Arbur. jCS" J'rovisiuns bought and sold -SA " W. N. STRONG, Dealer m Dry Goods, Boots and ShocB.Groceries, BonaetatFancy Uoods, i:c.. Exchauge Block, Ann Aibor. WINES &KNIGHT. Dealers in Staple. Fancy Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Jtc. &c, .Mam Street Ann Arbor. MARTIN & THOMPSON. TTr-mtckk Ware-Koohs, Dealer in all kinds of Fumiture, V &c. New Block, ilain bti-eet. KltiDON & HËNDERSON, DEALEiiö m Hardware ,Stoves, boustfurniahing joods, liu Waru ac. :ü., iNew Lilock, Uin Street. A. P. MILLS, Dealer in Staple Dry liods, Grocerios, Boota and sliotw üud iL-au" Made Clotuiug, üuiuntrcut Auu Arbur JOHN W.AIAYNAKD, Dealer ifi&tepie Fancy iry ü'joda, Buota and Shoes, &c. &c , ilaiu otruet , Aun ArOor. ' iiKAkJio & AiJüJL, ATTORNEvs & Counsellors AT Ijiw, and SoUoitors in Uhaneery. Uüict' in the oíd hoat Uñice builaing, Ann Arbor KIKGöLEY tc dOUGAN, TTORSEYS, Counsellors, Solicitors, and Nutariee Pubi lic, have Book.1 aud l'lats ahuwtug tilles ot au kinds la the ouoty, andatieud to couve3Tancingand colleui-ing iemands, naS to pyii% taxes and scliool interest in aiy part oí tüe ütate. Oüicet;a!t6ÍReol the cquare, Aon Arbor. JAMES R. OOOE, Jvstice of the Pkace. Office iiear the Deuot, Ypsilanti , Michigan. J. LOVüJOV, M. D, Physician & Suegkon, has pennanently located in the City ofAnn Arbor, and holds hiniseü in readiness to tttend to til calis in the line ol nis piofession. Keaidence ooNorthiit., 'üUüuíü east pf Catholic Church. Wm. J.KWin1, M. D, Phtsicun 4; üurgbon. Office at Mu resiclence, North Bidé of Hurón street, 3cd 'ú house West oí íiviaioa etreet, Aun Arbor. . collier, MAXüFACTCREE ana dealer in Boots and Ehoes. Exciiange Block, l doors iáouth oí' Mayaard, íátebbins fe Wilson's 3iore,Ann rbor, Slich. Mí 'ORE & LoOMIi. MWCTAcruRSBa an'1 úealor in Boots and Shoes,Main st, one dour íiortn oí J. '. Jlaynard's. Wm. 8. SAUNDEiiS, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers, Aon Arbor Cash Boot & bhoe .Store, south side ot Public square. M. (tUIíEUMAJN & CO, WHOLESAiE and Rttail dealers and manufacturera of Keady Made Llolhing, Impune ol Uoths, Cassimeres, Üoeskms, üc. Xu. 6, New Block, Ann ArDor. o. & po j a ek, pyLk Scrgeox Dbstisi. Office cornor of Main jMlBHËL aui i1"0 atreetri, over F. Bach'b store, '-CTW Anü Arbur, Michigan. u-L-l-r April, 1859, Wm. WAGNER, Dïaler in Ilcady Made Clothing Cloths, Cmsimeres and Vestiuga, Hats,Caps, Trunks, Caipet Bags, &c. Main 1 ann Arbor. M. CAMI'iON, McnCHiXi Iaïwr and dealer in Ready Made ClothiDK -u 41, Fhteuix Bleek, Anu Arbor. JBAUH & tí LftöoN. D "IERS in Dry üoods, Grocenes, Hardware, Boots & shues, &c.,Maiu sireet , Ana Arbor. MAÏHAIU), BitliblKB db CO., DïSS tJ. ?dS Gr0ce8! DrW & Medicines, Uoott 4: Snoos ie, corner ol Mam and Aun 6tretn Ut ml = w the Excnange, Ann Arbor. reets, KBhKb AUH & OO„ Dealers in Drugs and Medicines, Perfuniery, Toilet articles, a few doors south of the Frankiin House, Ann Arbor. SLAWSON & GEER, GROCERS, I'bovisio.v & Cominission Merchants.and dealers in Water door East of Cook's Hotel. C. BLISS, Dealer in Oocks, Watches, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, at thesignof the Big Watch, No. 2ï,I'liojnixBlock J. O. WATTS. DïAlKRin Clocks,Watches, Jewelry andSüver Waro No 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. FREEMAN. BiRBEK and Fashionable Hair Dresser, Hain Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Hair Fronts aad Curls kept onstantly on nand. bCHOFF & MILLER. Ci EiUtRS in Miscellaneous, School, and Blank Books Sta ' tionery, l'aper Hangings, ;c., Main Street Aun Arbor. D. DkFOREST. WnoilSALE and Ketail Dealerin Lurnber, Lath, Shingles, bash, Doors, Biiuds, Water Linie, Grand Kivcr PlaBter, l'laster Paris, and N'ails of all sizes. A full and perfect awortment of the above, and all other kinds of building matenals constantiy on hand at the lewest possible rates, on iletroit Street, a few rods from the Railroad Depot. Also o jerating extensively in the Patent Cement Koofing. WASHTEN.UVCOimï B1BLK SOCIETY. I epositort of Bibies and Testamenta at the Society J prioes t W. C. Voorheis'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO. SUCCE86OBÉ TO MANCFACTUKF.BÍ OF JExrlxit,: Bools., - andCO L O R E D MEDIUMS, amï Aieiiou niy h. O. 33, PORTrT I) tl N 'J1 1 53 T fFFICE come of Mrain & Huronstreets, optjosite the i? House Ann Arbor, wheie becontin esto JJ ui customorB any style of work dcbirad in the art Snrgical Mechanïcal & Denistiy, wWchthfofir'beaü"tvh C?ystlil sld füil and spongegold, guhis, remeÖying i:reg Uriw iTff ?í m0,uthaIld Lns'for children mcZtlfiY''00d.,nWOD. Thero are m.ny nStu'S ,l"I'er '" mente latei, introducé mú MechÏÏlUeuUs S for beauty, natural exprwK.on, aa,i „trSgit 'il work cannot fail to please. Wholo or partiaTo.T" pla.W,süver plate, continuous gum, work pktina i.latB Alíoanew and impio-.vd mctiiod of insertinc te-'h c' Tulcanized rubhor gutta percha bate, culled vJrött nüet in tcauy rejpectj superatike aü..,:.c Ö9&