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Arrival From California

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St. Joseph, Aur. 15. The Pony expresa arrived at 2 o'dock this morning1, bringing California dates ■ San Francisco, Aug. 1. - Tlio Jntin L. Stevens R.ailed this morning for Pannma, with 2 12 passengera and $376,000 n treasuro, $780,000 which was for New York. A morir hor passen o;etv wore Liaut. Gells an I the Bishop of Victoria., from IIonj Kong. Tho inqniry for gooda f'om first hnnda ethibits a littla moro animation, but s not by any moaus active. Tli o Pony Expross with St. Louis 'liti's of t!ie l7th J;ily, uitíviv! it San ÏY.ine'sco on the 39lh. Anotbar Exprm, with dates to the 28th, is graphod, nd will reac!) San Francisco to-night. Cmfidence is now restOBqd in the futuro reguhirity of the Express. Tho pemooratic Stato Central Coinmittee, tnetntSan Francisco on the 30Sh and Sist, After a long; dheussion, endeavorinj; to avoid a split in the party, by huldiiií? hnt one State Oonveotion nnd nomináting bnt one tHèetoral ticket, it wms foi.ind impraoticabla to act liarmoniously, Twontr-six Comtnitteeinen wore for Breokinridge and too for Douglas. The former have balled a State Convention to nomínate an electoral ticket on the llth September; and thn lsitter hold their Converition to nominnta a Dout1sh clectoml ticket orí the 5th of September. They claim that federal patronado :ind i ítlnerce havo grreut y weakoned tiieir at; e!it;th n tho Convention. Each branch of fio CoDvontion has publisbed m addressto the Dáraooracy of the State, the one clr.iming that Donólas was regalairy nominated, and entitled to the support of a'l the members of the party ; the other denying that eiither Dourrlan or Breckinridge were retrularlv nominated at Baltimore, and leavin it optiona! whioh candidafe is voted for. A Breckinridgo ratification maoiing was held in San Francisco on Saturdny evening. It was callad as a Democratie rotifioation meetiniï. and tho Douglas Do:nocrat attendod in suoh numbers as to be able to voto down all the rafifying'rcsolutions It is now alleged th:it the Doug-las demócrata are takingcourago throughout the State, and f'eel con fident of oarrying the great mass of detnocra:ic voter.s with them. Tha Breckinridge ilion, howpver, are pre paring for great efforts, and thoir thorough organizaron and Federal backing gives thom great advftntage Charles Huchl, editor of a Germán Democratie paper Ins been removed from a hative office in the San Francisco Mint on account of h3 advocating Douglas in his journal of the I6th. Ol the State Senators who hold over and will vote for Gwinn's successor at the nest meeting of the Legislature, sis are knovvn to be Douglas men, Sovcral others are non-committa!. A movement is on foot to cali a Bell and Everett Btate Convention to nominate an electoral ticket. Gen. Shields arrived at San Francisco this morning by theOverland Mail, which left St. Louis on the 9th July. A company of ono hundred persons, havine; 38 wagons and 500 head of stock, have arrived at Carson Valley from Salt Lake. They ara Mormon seceders, and escaped with difficulty, being pursued by a band of Saiüts and threatuned with vengeanco. The f=hip Ocean Pearl is to sail today fnr Song Kong, taking $180.000 in gold and silver, ánd $41,000 worth of llour, whoat and potatoes. The ehip Victoria haa cloared for Australia with 16.000 bushelft of wheat. Hl MM lll