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Douglas Men Moving In North Carolina

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Now that tlty State eleetiou is over m N irth Carolina, the Democracy are preparing to oommouoe the Presidential oampaigu. Mr. Eobert P. Dick, the memher" of the Pcugla National Exocutivo Committcc for North Carolinn, h;is issue.l a :!! fbr ;i State conVention to nomínate an electoral ticket. Mr. Piek says: '■The oscited poÜtical contest iu whit-h the people of tlie State have been engaged sinee the adjamimeiit of the alicinul convention has cacsed the poBtponemont of tliis all to tlie present time. I eau uow, without fear of enibarrasging our local elections, appeal to tbe friends of Douclas and Johnson - the' nominees of the "uatioual dcinocracy- throughout the State, to orousa themselvea to action to rally to the support of those tried friends of the coustiuition and the Union - to stand finnly and boldly by the flag of the national democratie party - unawe ! by the administration at Washingtrn city 0:1 the one hand, or the Yaucey secessionists on the other. Whntever politiciana may have said or done - however wiiliug and ready Rome of tliom may have been to commit our good old State to the purposes and fortunes of the secession ticket thu people of the democratie party have novar yielded thoir wühng assen t or approval, but hare been waiting anxiously the opportunity to speak out boldly ín behalf of the national nominees of their party. To all such I appeal. - Gome fcogefcher, national demoerats, friends of Douglas and Johnson, on Thursday, theSOtli'of this month, and let us take couooil, aud determine what duty and patriotism - devution to tho constitution and the Union- demand from us, in tho present thrcateaiug aspect of political affairs."