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Important t o Femnlei, I) r. O 11 E 12 SS E M A ' . Plttl.. Fit;:".' umi bt CoiiNjcuna L. Cuii&UHAbt . n., New Vork City. Tiicconitiioation of inffrcdieatB in lhea ViV.n nr tb r";ii; i'i t tougai ' sxtñiij1v praci - . Hiej re mfld u 1 lieii ■ i eting all ii i -.:,,., i ■'■■■■■ . ■ , o 1 1 1 ' 1 1 whethoi i e, pat in tb aide, palpalatlun o( Ünhravt, traite, ui . 1i"Ti.f, hysterie, fatigue, f-uin iu the bad md itil disturbedülop, n-hteh Hfitws frum inUrniutiou of uatuü TO MAKRIEIJ LA] LEá, pr. n)-rrui:i:: i-'ilL are tnv&luabíe, aj tfccy wi ■ ' tic avintb'.y perio') ■■..;■■■■:■■ BKve been dies jj.ijintRtl in the use of othea Hl Is mui pla nfiftenee iu Dr. ChwtK-taaa'a PiUU ú ■ . y ■ pi eènt to do, A O T ƒ C IC U nv c Gonditvm of tht fcmoU $?{m in whtet '■ PiHt c&nnot h takev niüuntt proÓvclvp a rif'' -■ . V, The fionriittm reftrred ■ % i . ' O l A8CY ' the rmuU, MlCARJclAGS. fuch is Uit breeistabJa ten ■ . ■■■■'i.'.ii-r f restore the si runt funftiovs t. a noi jfifil ■!,: ,''''.'.-' 't., 'hal ev n íht TêpTudtiGtitu JHJWW ' nnturc tiarmo r&ist ü. "VRvrratited purely regeiaie and Irèé" ïnm txuyiu.i, Explicitdirection, whïrh ahould I i f'um:ji!iv fï.ac!i b.. "ftiit b mail ■ . ?.l !■ u Li ■■!.;■ TiH,"Box4,631tPostY)ffice) Net ITort i it.v. tÜT" !oW 1' ony Druggi&t in eviry towu iu tl i R. R. HrTCHINGS, GUSKRJ.L AOKVT POR THR 0VíTKT RTATRSy ATo, It, Brmttfie '■, ÍVw frw, l'T To wbota a11 VÏTxolesalfl ordn nhmlil I i aold In Ann Irbor, by Kathard, Btibionii k Wilsüj and (j, Gkk.n'i.[.f, T3Pj] Mas wïnslow. An experioncod numttttf fcmale physlctan, has s áoothlny Srap for cluh'.rfn, tycthlng, whicli greatly f:i cilitates tin promaa of teetbiog by ■ofteaing the gums ruducing &U in ftmmatios - will allay all min , and l - aro ín regulato tht , boweh. Dppend apon it, mothern i, will fjivo rest to yDurselves, nwi relief aod healtfa te yuur iufants. l'errpctly s s f ei n all casos. S6 advertía mout in anctbcr cjluinn. THE GREAT ENGLISH KJEMEDY. SIR JAltfES OLARKK'S Ceicbrafed Feauaic Pilis. PROTECIED SjsJI L E T f E R P BY EOYAL PATEUT Preparedfrom a preêeription of 8ir J. Clarke, M D„ Phyridan Extraordmary te the Queen. This inrala&ble medicine ifl unfailing in the cnro of ai! t-Jiope paiiiful and dangerouB dfonRC to wbich the femóle ;anptitution is svsbject It moderaten all excesa and re moven all obstructions, and a Bpe#d_r cura maf b rfciie J on. TO KAKUIKU LADIES (t is peculiarij nuited. It will, in a hort tims, bring on the montbly period with rularity. ■aak bottle, prise Oo Dullar, bars the Qovenuaent Stamp of Qroat liriuio, to prevent coanterfeiu. Ttase Piltt tkould nol te tmktn by fimnlel thirinf tkt FIRST THREE MÜSTHS of Prigaant, as tUf ari ure la bring om Uitvtrriage, hut I ar cihtr Itsu (ie aj taf e. In M caaei of Narrous and Spinal ASwtUoai, PáiB in tbe Back and Limbs, Fotigae on aligbt Hrtion, Palpite tion of the Haart, Hjatarici, and Wliitfa, tirana Pille wffl effect a cura wban au othai meana have bilsd, and hltbough a pewerful ramedj, do not eontaln iron, oaloxaai actlmcaj, Of any thing hurtful te the oonstitatioD. Ful! dSreotioM aocompary moh package. Eole Agaat tor the Onited Siatel and Canada, JOB MOSES, Oata I. C. Baldwln 4Co,l Rucheatar, N. Y -$l,()0 acd 0 pottaga t&rapa endosed to any an Agens wffl ionn a bettl of Üt FUli bj tam V 'S M by G. GR EKV1LLE, Arbor, nd by Crug■ n every iowd. 1TCHIÖAN SOUTHERN & IVl NORT1IEIIN IXDIA.VA RAILBOAD. 18C0. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1M0 Iralna now run on thia road, ?uidays exceptod, fOliÓ Toledo 'ot Chloigo at 10 26 A M. , and I0 M ti Detroit " lt -" ' An-iving la Cliicago from Toledo and Detroit at 8,00 I ' Arriveat Petroi't from Toledo, at 7:06 A. M., e:50 I "'ArdvJ 'if'uetrolt from Chicago at 6.60 P. II. , an-J 7 0. irrlve in Tolodo irom Cbicago 4,30 P. H. and 4.60 M and 3.40 P. M. Ioavo Adrián rorJacttaon at '■ Jaokion lor Adrián at S,00 A. M.. and 1,30 P. l CONN'ECTIONS. At ToLimo- With Cleveland S: Tolodo Rail Roail, wi'. Wabash Vnllcy Rail Koad. AT Detroit- Wrth Grand Trunk Bailwuy, with Ore Western ÏUllway, also, Tith the Detroit audMilwaukt" AtNsw Albast & Siunt ft R Crwbixb- WithTraa for lafavett, New Albanyacd Louisville. AT Chicago- Witn Chicago and iiock Wand, Gal i: MiKaukec, Chicago. Burlington and Quincy-Vn West Kaihvay- Chicago, Alton and st. Louis, Illini Central, and to all l'oints Went and ftratb. Tiains are run by Chicago tune, wlnch is u m.: ute slower tban Detroit time. Woodruff s Patent Sleeping Cars accompany 1 Nijtlit Traína on thiü Route. Xo ohange of cars botween Detroit, Adriana Chicago. a_ Patent Ventilators and Dusters are used on bummer Traina. för Timu and Fare th aame as by any other Ra JNÜ. D. CAMPE ELL. (Jene-al Superintendent ÍB O O T -AN-DSHOE MAKER'S STEIKE. THK JOURS WOi GET THEIK FKICE FOB THEII: work &ud Boots & Sliocs nill be high'r! Will havo to pay more for your goods. 1 BATE JÜST PURCHASED AN EXTENSL VE STOCK OF many of them, on aoount of thö LARGE SÜPPLY IN MARKET! Iïl.O3Vt $8 TO && PER CASE LESS THAN It Oost to Mak e Them and bIiaU Sell them till I have to Pay more for them ut the EXTREMELY LOW PR1CES namd balow. MENS' BOOTS. Men's $3.50 Calf Boots, for $2,50 ' 4,50 French CalfSuperfine, 3,50 " 3,50 American Calf doublé soled, 2,75 " 3,25 Kip, 2,50 " 2.50 Summer, 2,00 " 3,25 Doublé fiole Stogas best quality for 2}75 GA1TEKS. Ladios' 50 et. Gaiters, for 37 i " 75 " Gaitera for 50 " 1,25 " Gaiters for 1,00 Ladics' best qnality of Gaiters witli and without heelsfi'oin],25 to 2,50 Ladies' Leather. Calf and Kid Boots and Congress Gaiters from 80 to 1,0.' Men's, Boys', Misses' and Cbildren'e, of evory desirable kind. Trunks, Valises and Satchels ! AH tho above good3 and macy otherB, will be sold, at MUCH LESS FBIGES thao havo Ever Been Sold in Ann Arbor. "Wm. S. SAUïsDERS. Ac2A.'b=r, Match 20, 1860. TSeaiS Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to be the most effectual Alterativo that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combincd with other nubstanees of still greater alterativo power as to aftbrd an effective antidoto for the diseaes Sarsaparilla ia reputed to cure. It is believcd that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish thoir euro must provo of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fclloivcitizens. IIow completely this compound wil] do it ha3 bern proven by experiment on mnny of tlie worst cases to be found of the following complaints : - ScitOFULA AND SüUOFULOUS CoMPLAIXTS, EuUFTIONS AND EnUPTIVE DlSKASES, TJlCEBS, PiMPLiis, Blotches, Tumors, Balt Riieum, Scald Hbatj, Sypuilis and Syphilitio AfPECTION3, Mercurial Diseasf., Duopst, Neuralgia ou Tic Douloureux, Dehility, DysPEP8IA AND INDI0E9TI0N, ErYSIFELAS, RoSB or St. Antiiony's Fiks, and indeed the whole class of complaints axiting from Impdkiiy of the Blood. This compound will be found a great promoter of health, when taken in the spring, to cxpel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the ycar. By the timely expulsión of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare thcmselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channcls of the body bv an alterative medicine. Cloanse out tho vitiated blood whencver you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruption or sores; cleanse it when you find it is oy etructed and sluggish in tho veins ; cloanso iS whenever it is foul, and your feelings will teil you when. Even whereno particular disorder is feit, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of lifa disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later Eomethinff must go wrong, and the great machinery oï life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During lata years the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to givs a quart I of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curativo proporties whaterer. Henee, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the j name itself is justly despised, and has become eynonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we cali this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to Bupply Buch a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy wliich rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it Í3 intended to cure. In order to secure their completa eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the botüe. HtEPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Prlce, ftlperBottlei Slx Bottles for $-"., Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself euch a renown for tho cure of very variety of Throat and Lung Compluint, that it is entirefy unneoessary for us to recount tha evidenee of its virtues, wherever it has been employed. As it has long been in constant usa throughout thi3 section, we need not do moro than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to da. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, TOB THE CTJBE OF Coitiveneu, Jaundice, Dytpepsia, Indigestión, Dyseniery, Foul Stomach, Erysipolas, Hcadache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptioiu and Siin Distases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tettér, Tumors and Solt Rheum, Worm3, Gout, Neuralgia, ai a Dinner Pili, and for Pwrifying tha Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most 8nsltire can take them pleasantly, and they are th best aperient in the world for all the purposes of & familr physie. Prioa 25 oents por Box ; Fivo boxes for $1.00. Gre&tnumbers of Clergymen, Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, have lent their nemas to certify the unparalleled usefulnens of thesa remedies, but our space here will not permit tha insertion of them. The Agents below named furnish gratis our American Alm anac in which they are given j with also full descriptions of the abovs complaints, and the treatment that should be followed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make mora prcmt on. Deraand Ayer's, and take no others. The sick want tha best lid there is for them, and they should hntfb All our remedies are for als by fcio .. .. iSON, and V.y all Di'uggists imd Dtulcr evryrhre. J BURKILL Tiaveünsr Agent. ÜOÏICE. Wasbikuw Co, , Cirnff's Tnix, 1 July30,18"0. ƒ VOTTCE 13 HFJtüTBT GIVEV hat the Inspectora sn 1 Üirector's hlaska for 'chool niatrlcts io said 'oun tj, b'e bceu receivel, fiod aie ready for distributlnn. City and Towa Clcrks will pteA&e oail &n obiain the lamt. UOBLl'.T J. BAKEY Clork. HEAE TEE'CALL. MOjES RO'jEKS says ILat tho h&rraat ia endo.1 &n4 that arje nuaibor of prnmisoi to paj' bim ar Dow ilue. He hopea to hear from a!l INDEBTED Tü HIM AS SOOK s coavenion, ani tliat tbö conveaieot time will cou: " F o r t II vv i t h, I m ra e d i a t cl y . ' Hasten to tlio Captain's offloe aad aavg a culi of auotaer kind. Aud .rbor, August 2, 18C0, liOvB School y líotico. AtL PEBüOMd having in tlieir possossions Boots bs longing lo tho chooi Library of thia City are requested to ret-rn them to the Library immediftteiy. Among the missing volumes aro ilntky'ft DutcU Bapublio, and other valuablo works. E. B. FOXD, Librarían. Aun Albor, July C6, 1SC0. 8w768 J . JJKJVGEL RESFECTFULI,y informa his formor patrons, end ;bs inbabitants of Anii Arbor in general, that he will instruct scb'tlars agaln on the Piano, Violin, Guitar, in Ihorough Hass, üinging; and also m tho Germán Lan guage, at the samu toims a he used to charg-ö. He will givo thö lossons in hia owu heuse, or iü tböhouses of his scholartJ. Kesidence in dwelling in the rear of tho Stcro latcly oocupied by me and adjoiniug re&idonce of J. F. Royce where he may bo soen trom 7 to 8 A. U., from 12 to 1 and 6 to 7 P. M. 7j:m3 Bonnets ! Eonnots ! Bonnots ! rpHE SDBSCMEEK HAR A LAEGE itJck of f-'Uk and V E L V E T B O N N E T S , of lato stjles, tliftt he will iwll at oost and if .j L-e-s-s T-li-a-n C-O-S-T-, to bIosq them out. Fiíces ranfie from oktï to TEN DOLLARS. t. Cal! and ea thom. nt the New Detroit Store, txchange Block, W N. 8TRONG. ICE ! ICE I ÍGBTiGH ï mHE SUBSCRIBER is prprd to furciah FaaLUea and X allpersons w;shing it on sUortnolice. WiU deliver to families, 10 ibs. per day ai $ 1 per monih Largor quantitica at 30 CENTS per 100 F OUN DS. All ordor Ieft with Thompson & &jD wlH bo Uiankf ülly received aud jrioinlly exeeuted. CLEMENT K. HIOJÍFEONÍ. Aun Albor, A;ri! 24, 1SC0. Lm"4 Howard AosociatioD, Pniladclphia. A V'tncvo'tnt Jkttitutton mtoblit ! id by ti vial end Krr.rvf, fnr therclirfnf the 4V4 and DUtrntctd, fJc'td toitk V" it-'ml and Epidemie Discnsi-s, a;:d L! prtally for úit Owe ofDUeasis of He Pernal Orynn-, Ditpeneary fret to patiënt tn all i?artt nf the Vuitcl Saten, VALUABLEREl'OKTSon Spenuatonhcra , uort ofberPiseabesoithe Scxunl Organa, and on tho.NEW UL:.:i.Ml I c-myed, sent to the afflicted in bealed cnvelopes, freo nf charge. T'o or three Stam ps for postage be will Ue ctptable, Address-DR. J SEILLIX IIOCCI!TCN, Aoting Purgeen Howard Assooiation, No 2, aoutU ülDti Stroat, l'hilaüoiphia., it:, ntji, iNOTICE. ITTHEBEASJIYWIFE FATVUKA CrOWI , ha, Ieft VV my bed and board without just oauso or prevoration, thereforol berehy forbid all persons trusiing hr on my account, as I wiUpay uo dibts rf her contractina jft. i tbis date. MAJHIN CBüWL, Salem. July 23, lSfitl, A.yer's Cathartic Piilss imialion ofIP.ON ni i ■■, H. m ■■■■ the liijrLuBt Meaicat AutlicritiM, boibi ii ICu . . Uta UuitfeJ 9tato, uu'! prescribe.! Ia tli n i isc■ ;■■: ■ net of ■ ; aiatituof Iroi can l " vtiiu i'. lm of the 1 ri ilm i.' v:: rzy. : . y o':in loxiou ■ Li ui ':. i ; tnoat . toncttvabJc ei '- ■' '1 Hl ■ '■ ' '■ ■■■■ adios in wljirh i 1 j boef) t r'o '. , ved a')sd!i:te!v curatira In each of the folio wlntf a nt. vW: In ptbiaiy.Ncrvon .flfcrtloni, Eiunerln x'.ow nytprjmin, oitsttpatton. Man-hoen, r.yse i u. vy , Imtjileiil C'oiitumilloii, Srrcful.ln 'In fercalcuilo. Snit ttitm Mimtntruntirm, i," ,.. s. Licrr Ontnplaintt, C'n-ni,: ƒ tdaehtr. Tl lui mulism, lulermiltnu JFiter, Pimpla on (As Vin-, i;c . ln;c.ise of Gkïkbai I nitn v. ïthothcr tbe rcult of ota "ï of the contknued ttjminutlun of uervous anti ■■ o:io-gy fi-rm clironic complaiuta, one tria] of i'.rjiMve Ija3 provod itMCMi'ui to on 9xtent wbich no 'it'soriptiou nor writtcn fttteittatloQ vouM renibl. Invalida m 1'jij-j bed Tinten p. to bava booome forgettrn n tbcli own niighborhooil, Imregudct'.uy rt-.ippf:ircil in busy world t if Juetn4iirncO fri m protractwi Irival !nl .iir'Bnt lunj. S me ig. nat [netnnsQi: oí' ihi.s kitif' are attosted of femalo - emaciatcd victims of apnarenl marasmus, Kanruiuooua uxhaustion, crüicr.l changef, and compllf ut on of uervous aod dyaptptic aversión to air aud exerdn for ■!ii''ti (hf1 physician has no no mi.1. In Xi:rror imunloxa .f aü kinds, and for rcaons fn - m'.llHr to medical men, the oporatioo of this lionof Iran mast necönnarlly basalutary, for, unüli ■ tho oíd oxidw, ït l.i rlgoroiu;j tóalo withiut bcing Dioltioj au 1 orerhfatlng; 1 gcntly, rcgularly anerieot, oren. tbe most obstinate casfti of costívne ivitliovt eren ijcinp a Sastricpurgativí, or Inflicting dlaagioeabla -■ i! i IWshitlor propertj-.nmonij oihtiv, uhicb tatiim it iblj flaetual mvi permanen! a remad; fot il iioon wliico it alio aupaan to xert a dlatbict nd npec:(ic action by disj.-uisiiií tbe local tendOBcr whicU ferm thmi " In Dtspepsu, Innumerable aarelt au, a íinla box of thene Chtybraif Pilis liare often ufi thO rao l babitoal canes tucluding the attondent Coslire ín wicbMked DuuiMffli, even n-her, Mraswd to Thjuntrr'j connrmei], emiciatlog anl appaiently (halignant, the e:;o?:s liavmi; becn eqully decisive and astoni.-hins; In the iocil prvins, loas of flesh and utrengui, deblUtAtlng i uRh, aml ntafttent hoctic, vrliích goneratljr indícate .ffftpúitt 'JowimpUo'i, m sfcTerul ?erj gratifvlug and ine ei'inir inufaioo!. ín Sc-iyfiilous TubcrcKolsts !hl meoScaM Iron hns cd fr more Ihan th ood ellecta of üie mnst cantiousao b&lanoed prop&rarioni of lodiiM. wíthcat anj cf lyeir wull known Jiabilnies. Theaiteiuion of fernile- cannot botooconfi'l.-ntly ínit Ki th:i remedinnA riMnratwi a the case.) piciiliarly airectini; thrm Tn Rhtumaiiam, botli cnronlc an-1 inflamiriaíory - in tbo , latter, however, more decMüdly - it haa been invariablv well rported, both as alloriatiDg pain and redudng tiie ! s Jta'U&gsand stiffnessof tUe joints acd muMols. lu Intermittrnt Frvcr ií maat opccs.;arly boa cr.".-t rcmI edy a:id en-jrgetic rstorotive, öad its propre ;i; in the n- I se'.tlements of th ffsit, vil; probably be o?.? of high re nown and uscfulnoss. N"o remedy has orer been dtscovere'3 m the v.holp bisto ry of o?iicine, which exettá a'ioh pr;mp% hapiív, and I tully restorative affecta iood appetite, emulóte dlgelior., repid arquiaition of ítrength, irith an nniuual I di ;porf!tion for cctlve aad cheorful esorc'íe, immeJlatclj follow its use. Put up in non t flat mofa! Inxea oontalnlnf "90 p::is, price ñO cent. per box; for sa'e by druflfts and dealere. Will be sost free to any addresa on receipt of the prlcy VU letters, orders, etc., should bad'lresred to B. B. LOCKE,&Co , ;,Tieral Agont, 477yl S89 Broudwny.N. Y. GREATBARGAlIS AT Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. WE HAVE AGALV REFLEMSHED OCR STOEI WÏTH the most sjleudid Stock of E3r O O B, tliit W í evvr oflereii '" iny one tabUáhmact ts ths Stato, ail of wiiich v; aífi ror La 1ot as can be founcl Id the Unioa We want Money I ,dí will mika ?reat Sacrifices ca Anyiliinn .e hare to obtaln it, not ctceptlog JLD NfTES AKD ACCOUNTS We oordiaíly Inrit ALL CASH CDSTOMERS I to cal! and examln our üooj and Pi'iccs. W al invite our Prompt Paying Customors to coras and buy their Buppllu for tbe Wintor. To tljo:( Bashiul one that ars airaid to eU, w tay to tliuo, tai. cüurafra .333IjXj Your VPIÏEA.TI ithou1. longw waitii.g for higher prioca, come ín, PAY XJS= oli coros, añil then at aucl) priees as will ni .ke up all lortn. It Ís barJl; neccesury to cuumcrateour Goods, for We have EverythingJ A krge assortment of CARPEING, CROCKERT DRY GOOüS, MEDICINES, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, [JAT CAPS, BOOTS, SU OES YANKEE NOTIONS &c, &co &c. O[LIL ZRD O[11 ÜDO? (716tf) MATNAUD, STEnBI ; WUñÓ 0SrjE."VV:r3FllX3EL 3Ü GrREKVJLLE & FlILLER, TTAVIKG ASSCdATET) tbem'dves fov the purpogo of XI dbüling in the varions articlea ín thtí Oiug trade, offor fur sale a fuli abBOrtmoiit uf Pure and Genuino Medicines, Wines, Xote nnd Lottcr Psper, Liquors, kc , Tancy Arti'le.-, Perfumery, Flavorij Extr:ictB, C'om'ü.i, Fabcr's í'cuciis, v ii. .i, Axaold's Ir!.9 lidie Dytis, Popular Patent Medicines, Jaynes", Adims' LircrRaltaia, Ayc Tá Hnulí'tter's Bitlí-rs. Ilülloways, Hooílaad'ü Germán Eit'.crí Brown's Trochfff, Townsend6 and Bryani'a Pulmouary Balsaw Gujsott's barsaprilla. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &o., &o. Zinc, Varnisho, Patoat Pryer, Hiberni tírcen, Burning Flu'd, Caaphino, ïildens iluid Ëztracti, Sugar Oated ruis, nnd Granulas. N. B. l'roscriptxn compoundeil wltli aeatuesa and dispiUli by cxpericccd purous. G. GREN'VILLE, JOHNT FDLIÍE 742 t FROJÍ THE EUESCEIBER in the lowcfhip of Salino on WcdcesCay, July lltli, on pan f dark b.iy hora, 1be brrse hae a star in the iorohfad and two white hind ftet, the mare Tías ño particular cnarks. Adv iritorruatiou hieli will H'ad to Ilie neovsrj of ea'.d horso, will be literal!; rewardod. AfKlv Tt9t! LEW1S BÜJH, Saline, Micb. Ayer's Agüe Cure.