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Be Happy As You Are

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mother, are you tired rtnd eilt oí patience with yonr liusband's and ;, our children'fl demands upon timo and atten tion ? Are yon toinpted to epeak out angry íae'inga to that faithful, buf, porhaps, sometimes heodless or exncüng hu.sband of yours ? or to scold and fret :it thoso sweet and benutiful ones ? Do you groan and aay, "what Á fooi' I was to rnarry, laava my íather's house, wliora I lived in eae and a', ease ?" Are you by reuson of tho caro und vear of body wíiicli wifehood and mothertiood must bririjr, forgutftil of, and ungratoful for, their conlfurts nnd tlieir joys 1 Oh ! wiíe and mother, what if a titroke should trko your busband and ay him low ? What if. your chiidpen should be snatched from yonr arrriM and fruta yourboBom ? What ií theio were no s.ifc üttlrf innocent8 t nos'.le n yóhr ai-ms, and to lovt you or toreceiveyour love 'í How would it be with you thon? üe patiënt nnd kind, dear wife; be unwearying and long sufferinp;, doar rnothor ; for }-oi know not how long you rnay havo with you your bcst and deureet treasi;res - you know not h iv long you muy tarry with thoiti. Lt'tthore lio DOthing for you to romember which wil! ruig in your honrt with remorso if ihoy loave you alono ; let there be nothing í'or them to remember but swootnes.s and luvo, unutterabla Ipve, ü your are called to leavo them by the way. lie patiënt, lo pitiful, be tender of them all, for death wil! step isooner or later bet-eei) ti'.em and you. And oh ! what would you do ií' yon were doomed to eet Kolitary and forsakea through years and years r De happy ns you ar, even with al! your trials ; for believe it, '.hough wife of a loving and true busband. is no lot in lile