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(Jedioation of t!ie wigwam at Jackson. the Lausing Republican speaks in highly complimeutai-y terms of ITon. J. M. Asbbkx, of Hou. II. Waldkox aud of Spread-Engle Kellogo, but says nctry a word about tbo apsoch of B. F. Granoeh, tho niwine i fór Pöngicffl m tbis distQct, Mancuüstrk, A iig. 20tl, 1860. A Democratie Oonventiuii was held ai Manchester, Aug. JStli, the purpoae of appoioting dfilegates to the Oeunty, Senatorial, and Representativo Oonventiuns. Tlio oonrentiyu was oalled to order by appoiuting J. I). Mbhritfiew, Cllairraan, and M. J. (Jvsi;, Scoretary. Oa motion J D. Corey, M. (Joodjear, A. Aldrich, N Granger, and Win. St. Brown, were appobted djlogates to tlio County Convention. On raotioD, James Kellcy, Gcorge Brown, Horatio Burch, &L J. l'rout, and A. S. Doty were appointcd delegates to fiic Ivepreeesutative Couventiou. On motion, J, D. Corey, AVin. Chase, L. H. Goon, J. L. Clarkson, and P. Coou were appoiated delégales to the Senatorial Convention. Oa motion, eaeh delégate was enipowered to üil his own vacaucy could he not tttüiid. Moved atid earried that the pvcceedings of tbi;j conveutiou bo published in the Michigan Argut. Moved and earried that the convention adjourn to meet on the first day of Sept. next, at four o'clock, P. M., at the Manchester Hotel, to organiza a National Democratie Club,