NOTjICE. I1V (tivi-n fluit tlic. mibacrlbtrii II 11 11. ■ i!, ■ i' ii to the Circuit Court for tlipCoanly ■ . . ,.;-i .: . ;.. !■■ i .■!.! Mi II." Courl Ufue Ji Ui': -i.'1, t ituijt) ti tli: u) Tunela; "i ' ' ■ , . ni ; ( uui '., -r a voon i i ■ .. vnofclo crl tniij ■. il-' -lii.'K' A.lOlttoll to thp. V. in-Lteiiaw nu. i SUte ■ ■ .- ■■! .-ttifi éontfgaoaa :■.;■! yi . :i;r. .:i 1 tbc northrrly ■ . . Mm ■ Alk-v be■ lu.jili ll.irc, uil f Miutlx' on !'.(■ outherly . ■..:.. 1..1 t wentyI ...-.., .: ■■ .. ' ii.'i cfintigiiou to ; ie il ni.l ddltion, .1 'i)N CHOSS, .ü:tims u eeotts. I. ( ■■■■. MlMnv. J58WI 's P-. n f. Juh . . !j MiirftffëlVt ShT Ore lij ■. ■, i ol tbo r. s ) , BI . -. líiaífl nul of the Circuit ; c I irict ofMichiIho third daj third ,toy of July, A. I. ISjü. when ik Willinm A. Êmith.Wil i ni í tecle, Jr., .l Ira Pmttli.'Jr [ , , n ]. Morrill and ■!■■ . ■'■ n nm,d i Ltd ant dehvored to Ui , - ; .,, .,,, mhhl by hia Hcputy, i. :. Wallinx, dH on Ihe fifth r!ay of Ju'T. ' ■■ li ' uifon tha follon-iug derribad Inwin or pretnieex, viL Th" ouïh-ivcst quarU'i ..! :-..-ii.m N. amt (bo-Kouth tiftv acic froin "rï the east half ' : írtír of wclloii N. ntiiotwnj aurl ■ qimrtorof MctiOII SCo. sevintei ri, and tlicsdjitli cast quarter-oi the pouth west quarier ofüeclioiiN'o -ik-l'': al! in totirn. fwo soutta of' rast. contalDfnx :t aïl thrpo hutidml ant' thirty :::rff of lanti nr lo-s. Noth e ii h eïur pireö' tluvl bj viriitö ut' ai.l k.vy I .hall scll at l'ubüc Auciiorr or vpnii'io at tbc fr.nt 'l.iur nf tli" (Vwi fïiiae in th' 1 i . I Ami Ai! (ir, n ] District, on ?}", t6i 9rt r'.-i.'ciu'H']1, A. .'t. , 1860, ot r Q't-iotiie, ü'i.mi, o -i.'l -i:.;. . ;i:i ol the :i V.M1 dpscribp'i hioilx ot jihcáalMM oí so ni i... -u i : ..-. .i.i ;iv nviv bc n cnwiTy t f1 Ëfttfffj BáM e ution iogotlu-r with u'li cor thtreon. 3. 8. RAGU, r. f. Mir.'lMl. liyN. B. NYK, !V..,'r. ' aled, Ann Arbor. July 16, 800. IM'.t jVLorigago Foreclosure. DLT 1IAVIN0 IÍEKV JIADK IV conditioi of Mortgaxe oxneiitcd br .'nlm Wninan ti Wil lam , n-narrf, the 24h dJij of Julj-, A. U. 185S, aiu r ' ! - 's Office in the Conntv of Wish tcnaw In Ubbr No. 24 of Hortfigei. at p ne-6A] on Hit 25rh )riy of July, A. D. Hfln-n minnfea past tilo, P, M.,ljy whjch dofault the nrr of al roiit.iiiicd ia snid ramlgc operativo, and no Kuit 1 nr proc dici hnvinij boen in.litutcd at !aw to recover 'it sc:irM aaii! mortgngc. or anr part thereof, and the Fum f t-.L hundred ann fort'y ilollnrs nnil eyenty-oiie eenfs, !n-in:r nowclaimed to be due thcroon. N.'li.ois therefnre. Iinroby given tbat the aid mortag fnrec'osed by i Mie of the moricaped premixes ■':. ■ Mi'.-nlHTe'evin, tvn-lvc, thlrleen nnd fourte 0, .". ] iock rix nut. rai!p;e (wo 6 it, nrronlinc to a i Williom 9. Ifajrnarj'o ►erond aildition in Ann Arbor,' in ftftid counly,or some part thercof, st pub. lic rmdao, t lliCourt Floupe in the c tr of Ann Arbor, on tliL'tíiird day of Norembpr next, at nói'n. Wst. S. MAYNARD, Mortgigce. F vlT. :',--jn, At'y. DatM, August 8, A. D. 1860. 74ÍW Mortgage Foroclüsurc. DrFAI.I.T DAVtNd HEKS' MADE in the coniiition of a ecu ted by tamuel W. Fouter to Jnpph V, Soymourf"flatetl Tobruary eihtceoth, A. D 18ÍÍÍ, snd recorded m th tUigiatcr's offico in the lountr of V,, in I.ibcrNo. 7 f Mortgages, . t pago 8, on tbootlidayof Maren A. D. 1830, t Hfty minutos past 4 o'alock I'. M.,and i y said Scymour ajtigneü toNolson H. Wlng, pr 1 thirteentli, A, D, 1839, by deod recoriiod Juni; ei:htcentti A. 1). lSöOtat one o'clock P. M., insaid Libor 7, ,at pige"449, by whieh dofaull tho poworof sale entaiije.l iu Baid Mort-.iitge bcc;ime operntire-, and no suit or procecning ha ving been instituted at lftw to recover the '.'cl)t secured by aid mortgage er anr [■'irt (berenf, and the Bum of thirty-four huodred rad ufty .mx dollars beir.g no claimed to be dnp thrrcon. - Notice i? therefore hereby givcn that the said mortgaje wiil bo ratöctomd by a Silo of tho mortgagod prfraiae, towit: AU th&trcprtain tr.ict or parcel of lan-.l kuown si)4 dcïTi'x-d as -o in ich of tbc SurthGuti fraction of Bectios nloe, in the Tovnsfaip of Sein, i said County, as lit'5 west of tbo Titi.ige m Sein, „,.,) vre.-,t from la.) ownert at rf laid Mortgage bv Rufun Croarman and Orson QiMckciibuah , (oTcepling ono bal f acre of land rlfc-dió ta tlosea Wallace, Janunry fourteenth, A. A. 1SM. nnd oi:c half scre of Una where thcre are ktciaijravp. iDd also (lie rightn of flowing land which had then iKt-D deoilol to Orson Quaekrabush and Rufu.i man . by Joseph W..ymourand Saoiui-l W. Fopter.ï lud lea the Eas( -nrt of tbe Wet quarfer of the Sou-; : of. sectian hrep, in the Townshi] aforegaid, containMg about seventeen acrefl, lying Ksnt froiu and adjttceat to iand then o ned by Thomas Ho-kynj. AUo lots on Biock k n tht part of the Vit - ! I y S V. Koster, q April A. 11Si5, and recorred in tbf lïegi.tor's cö:co ij iaid countT-, nrtdwK part thereo' at public vsnitua at the Cmi'ri. Houbü in the City of Ann Arbor, oa tho third day of November noxt, at noon. KELSON n. TTIXG, Awtgne. F.W.Womsjix.Att'j. l'-itci, itugusi 7, t. f. 1SC0. - - - , Chancery Sale. 1 N p'irstianeo. nnd by Tirïue of a Herroe of the Circn. 1 Court for the ccunty of Washtcnaw, in rhancery1' made July ISth, A. I. 1S6S, in a cajo in unid Court beUveen Wiliian Hulbort Complaltinut, and I.nval ïower, Dcbby Ann Tower, llni:l, nd Justin Kellogg, I'ei.n lints, 1 shall selj it [rablic venduo at the Court House in the Cityof Afeo Arbor, on the 25th dav of -nst DCXt, st noon, the suth Blxtyncreh "and one flfih acres of the South cast quarter, xt alio the Boutli one-fiftn of thé Roitth -est qnsrtor cf -ection Xo. ' ï ' ■ - - v i.x. In Toirpshlp Xo. throe sonth of innge fira east. lyug iu I-odi, in p.-ï i . 1 ominty, except about onei ;f an aero deeden to Ruftel Brigï, aud one acra deïdcd to Stephen Andrns. l'ated, JulylOth, A. D. 1860. c. rr. VANTurnt, &"1 Circuit Conty Comniisioner QT.1TE OF 3I1CUI0AN, Fourth Judicial CireuJt tn k7 Oh:' , 1IENRY 1Í.' PIBBIS, t Stilfppndinfr In the Circuit ■.iAKDY.LAitK. 1 C-urt f ir the Cmmty flnd j XTashtenaw in Chancerv n;i?0XG. DICKronUat Anti Arbor, 27 V5. I 1860. CECP.CiEE. PARírFJ.EF, J It appeanng by affldavit to tho m'.isfaction of tho t'mirt. iha: thedofendant in thi case lco? not renidc in Michigon, buVUa resident of the Stato of California. On motlop of T. M. Cooloy, solicitor for complainant, it H orflered that thi said dernndant nme hia "appearanco to be entorcd D this cause, and noüce thereof to be orved „!-, co.nplainaot's olicitnr within three roonthi from the .late of this order ,and tlmt in ca-o of hi appearaneo hc ciuse hi anstror to complanan bül to be üled and a cep; ihereof to bo served on cotnplainatn's sollcitor within twenty days of the service of a copy of sald bill, anrl in ilefnult thiroofssd bül tnay be t.-iken as oonfeswii hy him. Anditis further ordered that within twentv dy enmp'alnanta cause a copy of tbis order to bo pubImhed In'the .fichan Argüí, a publle. newsnaper pubIMhod at Ana Arbor, In taM c-fmntv, and that such pnblication bo contJnnod in said jxtnti at hst oneo lnéaeh week, for -Ttrht succesfive n-eeks or that thev cause thi order 1o bo personallv aerved on sald defenda'nt, at leat twenty davs L-ofore tho time above preicribed for his lp rra' C. II. VAXCLEVK Circuit CourtCora. for Washtenair Co. Mich. 730 w8 m"gïmpïon7 npnE ñi'rtSCBIBEli HAS JCSTIïnURXED from fin X Ltusi wit h his FMJL MSWi W ö öïl IT 1 i E3r O O X WII1CH HE IS D ETE R ai X JNT 33 33 TO SELL AT THE 3L= o -vxr o is t 3f 3Ft IOE, F O XI CASH, at whieh, Flrdt annlHy Goods con b afTorded In 1!!i city. iiy cioths aro all of the Pinest QUALITY arrisa T manufacture thcas bto doihlng myaelf I en i bied U WARRANT EVERY GARHENT I si-ll, to b. WELL MADE, wbich is a stron? indacemfrit to customors to patronizo my tora i pretererxo to plaèe s vheze args quantities of half made goods ara ki-rt for tale. Ihave the latest faísotoss, and enn givoyouaniTSneíináv.vií Füiing Garmnw os eo be bnghl aniwhert, I ata bound to seli C3 3BT-JC SB2 JS V 3B32 Kift. - AND- BETTER GOODS, haa any othcr Imilar eftablishment in thln e'rr Your custom is mast renpectiully invited ' An Arbor. St. 80. 1859. " ffí'fe Ann Arbor Marble Works. W. F. Spalding, & Ou TT AVE on hand a Qne asaortmtat of American and ITALIA N MA RBLE v.iiich th?y aro prep&rod to nwnuracturs into MONUMEN I S. 11 E AD STONES. TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOPÜ -i Ac, fec, fec., in all their i-arietie, and in a TVORKMAKIJKE raanntr. Havtug had considerable espártenos in the busmes. they flatter themselves that they wil] bc able to plcah all who my favor tluin with their ordere. Their pricf % are a LOW AS THE LO WEST, Fhose wisbing nny thing in tbo.r ':ne are rcspecifuUv in-itodtn cali. ,v. f?. M'ALDLW;, & (o. ' Arhor. Ai:k,12, 18S9. ;u7; y SU. VER PLATING TU! .-[HSCrtirjER1Snoxvpre.pared tocto iU kinds ef -■, P.ittfiloither on Conper, BragB, m; (criuao aiivor, also to replate 3POOKS, r'ORKs, TKA Y5, CA3TE3S. r.UTTLR KX! . On the the short'iSt notice. I'tico reasouablo. Ordci may bc left, Bither at the nciiinc of the Sut?' (One rloor north of tho OM AcaderarJ or ai ' ruff k Spony'B Barometer Ka ■ ■
Public Notices
Courts - Washtenaw County
Public Auctions
Mortgage Foreclosure
Dry Goods
Ann Arbor Marble Works
W. F. Spalding & Co
Old News
Michigan Argus
Jason Cross
Martinus L. Shutts
J. S. Bagg
N. B. Nye
William A. Smith
William Steele Jr.
Ira Smith Jr.
Marshall I. Morrill
Gardner H. Shaw
L. D. Walling
Samuel W. Foster
Joseph W. Seymour
Nelson H. Wing
Orson Quackenbush
Rufus Crossman
Moses Wallace
Elijah W. Morgan
William Hulbert
Loyal Tower
Debby Ann Tower
Daniel Kellogg
Justin Kellogg
Russell Briggs
Stephen Andrus
Churchill H. VanCleve
Henry E. Dibble
Richard W. Clark
Addison G. Bickford
George E. Parmelef
T. M. Cooley
M. Campion
William M. Davis