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JNrOW .Aclv, .,( U;,n(,n:s; BROWN MABE, aboullOyoars ola ; had "A" brandcdon rtehl .', „r der, hito lar In forohcad. Tl, . to iy cboifM aud laï hor airay, recuestad JOHN' I HAYKE n,i,1;;,w,1,r,AU,.::,,1Sf,o._"N "jL ' JLIFE IWSÜRAJVCE. The Connccticut Mutual Lifo Insuranco Compiny. Aceuraulatod Capital, . 3,500,000 WII.I.IN-UKi: UVB8 rn nny kmouni not r,.i ■„! Í10.000 the nbole toon ol üfo orfo, , t,u ' . ywira, on tho moni ravor.iblc ternu. . N. B, IJe Cómpany is püroly raatual nd tho n,,i;cv holdcrs gt all toe aurplus ovor tbecxactcost of Insur ancro It aecomodatos th. iiunred in the sctllfmnnt ,,f thcir premiunu (IN LIFE POIJCIES, f,"l, kv Í a unto fur oue balfthe amouut, bcaring iaterest at si por coat por anaum. Dividends ure Declared Annually! nnl slnee Uicj now unaunt to i im per cent on the pro. niiui, c.ish and note, nn ï mo mcroasing tUey iiiyv i... ai.plied fcancol thenotus. ;- Tlio nhtoa ol premiums trom low :i-; any other rDCompany m.l tho larj;e tocunrulated rand ..f. $3,500)00 1 soourel) [j i my !■ seen ly roferrncL-to the statpnient made according to law, on e in thooffioooftheCouniy CIcrii,at Aha Albor i JAMEá GUODW1N, Pnal CtTR. Pncus,Secy. ForparUcnlatftppIy to JAMES C. WAIVO.V, "''J'1 Agent at Ann Arbur, .Micli.' O . Bliïss" ■■■MranmmiBitjsimitnTiiimr.ii'iMiimiimiRiBmii-rBwimii StiH iu the Field! WITB A LxVUGE STOCK of GöODS In my tino iVirect from New York, Boston, nniï t lio Manufacturers! I havo juit rcceivod a large and iroll role I CLOCKS, VVATCHES, J ET W E Ii 5. Y . SIL VER PLATED WARE, Musical Instrumonts, Table aEd Pocket Cutlery ! GOLD rENS, Aud 11 grcnt vferjety of Yankee Nuüons, feo. I wollig cali particular uUenUun to my lurgo Btock of of Gold, Silver, Stoel, and Plated witk PERISCOPIO GLASS A superior articl, and a groat vaiicty of artlclea ín tho line, OJEI33A.I3 for OASH. iiTscns haring diiïlcult watehofl to fit willi gbisea, ran beacoommodftte l ta my siock s lafgc mul completo. P. S, Particular HtU'iitnm paid to the REPAIEING of all kitidi of Fino Wntcho, such as Making & Setting New Jewels, m'IONS, STAFFS and CYUNDEKS, also CLOCKö, AND JE W ELK Y , KeAtljr Rcpaired a.u vamuited. C. BLISS. August 28, 18GP. 7C8tf FALL i Var O O JLp &9 ? AT C.H.Millen&s. IMMENSE APCT10N SALE!" An Ext rao ril i nar y opportuoity to juirehase ELEGANT First -Class FÜRWITÜRE, RICII IKON' STONE CI]IN-A, SILVER-WARE, MIRRORS, PIANO FORTE, &c, etc. THE ENTIRE FURNITÜRE OP TUK THE BIDDLE HOUSE, Siiturday, Sept. lotli, 18(50, At 9 oclock A. M , and c. ñiUnue uattl O&tdi&di compri ging Üie whole Purnitare r tbc homo, matto to ordci '■ tlio boat OfiWio makers in inp city. Partloa in cpaest of flral elasa Furoltarc aro particularly requested fcoexamjoo thia poforo jiurcUa-sing clscwhcro. SPECIAL STTF.yVlOy IS CALLEO TO THE PAU LOR 8VITSt ALSO, TUK PIANO FOUTE, Funiiture doalori, Hotel kcopen ftod priTate iuliviJuala wfll öiul this docïdodiy lhO groat opportonlty of tli Bé&BOIli $35,000 WORTlf OF F.VKItVTlIIN'i; IN TUK HO06E KKETUÍG UNE Ha nüici'iit RoBevood Grftnd Piaaot, Tot costly suits -t' l'uvior Furo'turo, 1 roncb, Plato, Pieraiiá Mantel Mirrore, Englleb, r'u■l.s i-iuii.iif LngVftlQ auJ Tlu'cc -Piy CarpeU. Mcliillton,and Uohug Rugft- importod by Stcwart h ('., Niw York, Prcacb licdtcadri with Fnlll&stftn andllair M.ittrcsscs, ! tinta li];inkvts and Cbuntoq iïuatiwood aud Mahogany Uarblc lop, Centre, Card, Píer and SiflottaWes, Walniit and Eoan}cd Buranus, Wíinii'ui't- , Sifus, ('iMiclics, LouDgoSf Koclcers. Arm aod Oval-bach Chatre, Waah-ataudff, Cfaamosr Batil oC China . i -.i.ii of aUdwotiptioaa, ShoeU, Pillow Oaaos, Xowels, DamaHk Tablo Lincta, Breakfasi and Dínaor Napkius, [)v li.'( Tublf Sproads, tc., &c. FOUR UUyDRED íEET Oí Cherry Extensión Diaíng Tables. Eron-atono Chin,' . Sil Per Castorsj lyotj balancod Han dled knires, l'l.mi ined Watt, HÁfttom, Bnaniolod aad Cli na Water and Crenin Puchero, Decautcr, üoblots, li: -i GlaFCS) Wlnes, ClinropognoB, 4c. GASBURNERS. CHANDLIERS. &c. TEttWS OF SALE. Uamsunlr100, C8Bb ovorílOOml unJor iZM, ver ÍO uuü onder W0O, niDrtjr oaj ; oto Sillo quJ un ler íi.o, sis monthi , mhI ;l u 'ki íl,tUO, Liinem..nU. I rprovíd papar. .,,..,,, PiUun'iv pvrniDl I i t was '!'■'"''' '' ■'■■' "l0 ' '""l"'"1 ,,,.,.,„„, t,„ totoo Ahn Ai ■!....,■. ilua-jrth.layol Angu '■ ','.',' v M.vor V63U Uulü.Ul J. Ü.U'.Ki, .M.ijor. SliorilIV; Salo. 7}V viMrr OTAN" EXECUriON stdoal nfan.lun I) dcrthcvalurtnu Circuit Court for the (,..uty "l ÍVashtcnaw, and (Mato ' i aï,,,! , ,nv .. .i ., ■- deilyen I, agaiiist II I ehattel, and for want tlicrotfl lauban.1 tcncmcntt ui OuMavu M;in", ''''"r" (honra naincd, l dld on Urt IU 'liv '"'■'■ ls"Y' „Tí ■tLg CÜffSXÍ 8outhaírnsi , oommoncing at Uu cinur ol the toad lca.l,1!t fkom Aun Arto t pojot I) chaina and 75 linka aaterly trom n , r. "i ■-■:ii-ii.i..,l and tliu wort lino uf said moho, ruUol toaldscct!i u lino 3 W"W"" to the ditch toi Uu' ereek, tlienco aft along U1 u'"'11 J : 43 links to Solomon Hann'l caft line, themo south tomid roa.i. thenee ms! to tlio place ol bogluniDKMa lofa nitmber 14, 13 and Uf 'Md '', l lart { lot uuniberll, Hiat hoa ooth of .-. Uno Orawn fr..m nd :■ : plat ...part r tho norll. ''■'sl;''".rl'. ',',,„ o cetion iiuniWr 3 , Unraahlp mun'jor 3 ooth ol ra ■ A';"'.'t "'"V1" " ' ui', addition. Al-o the tojlolns, Wng J ivc Uily n,i„itl„. west halfof north cm 'lu;"tl ■ l.i. T,,iiH'i-v!,itl'"go lx cast; more particutarW docribed as l"11"" to-wit: I i r""'! ''■■" ,lro" Ann Arlior .i . I: (intlolntieliorcthe cast and w lui!. ...i ii.lúuarU-1 secUonnirilK IU L' " I""} road, ritnilins.tlicanáouUi onjtUc line east lialvca of noftli east -i narter '" alurceald 74 rodsand 11 link, Ihcnce west u 1"'1-"1 ar"' 7 link, tlionce nerth to tho centts of id road, tneiice M U-rlj Uroilaand? links to tbo place ol bcginning; :. au of land in the towiwnip "i Ajo Aruor Dhd n Iho couhiy "f Washtouaw and State "f Mirlr.-;ii'. all of whicb pieoiUía I shall expone for ale-t public js the law Biiccti, at !he front ■ tho Cmirt llotiBc lii Uic City ufJTOn Arbor, thni bcing th t""" for hoiilinir the Circuit OAirl for the O.unty of Wa Iriiaw.on Hnday Uio22ddayof October next, al eleven o'oiock iu thu fo ■ l'áay. TU03. 1'. LEPSARD, ShcrilT. iih-, AU3. 29, 1860. ShcniTs tJölC. BV V'IRTUE OF AS i:.i:CL'T;O lisacd '■"'. of and un dcf'tlic scal of the Circuit Court for tin' t'ounty ot 'athtcuaw, nvA State of iclilgan, bearing date the lutli day of July 1880, anil to me diroctc-1 and SeltWred. .■:;:ii..t tho gomt and ctiatteb, aild foi want Ihercot lanüa and tenementa of Ir;i Bockley, defendant thercin, uamcxl, 1 did on tbo lOth day of July, 1860, levy upon oml olio all tlie rlgut, title and int rest ol t iaid Ira Uccklcy In : illowing described landand [ir.'in iwn,towil ;■■■!, iiaii oftfce uortb-west quarler of bectfon uumber lO'm'towahlptiüniboSr'S south of r;inii ti east eontalning so actu in tho couuty of Washteuaw and State oí Michigan, all of which prciaiscs I uiall ex ]!..- jov pubho aiiction,n thu lw dircoUj at the frontdoor ofllu Court House, in Uie Citjr of Ann Arbor, that beirt : the place for holding thj Circuit fomt fur the Coonty ril w Mhtaoaw, on Uonday thu2d i!ay of Uctober nxt,at olcfen o'elockin the Corenoon of said day. MÍÜS. V. LEOSA1UI, SherUr. I) tod, August 28,-1800. Sheriff's Salo. BV vii'jTEii'AS" KXr.t'l TION iiuued out of and tfn der the ser)f tho-CIcuifrOuuit fr the ('iiunty of Wiifditenaw, and Ftate oí Uicbfgnn. bearing dato tbe lSth day of Augiutt 18(IC, ftwlto me dimeted and deliverwlj ngirhigt1hrgooto and ehattcla, aadfor want tlnvi-.,t lunds and tonementn pi Willi.un !'. Wliiie, deknaant tliervm naiiinl, ldid'on tho lüth dayof August, 1860, tow 11] n.n au 1 gotee .i!l ili' right, li'i-' and intentft of tlio tlie ■. : WiUiiim r. Wuitefn and to fotlowing deaert lw.niinil anil iiri'misc, t wit : Tho Mutll waal qiuixtet ol il ■ ' a!i o.i.l inuu Ut ui' M-iTtion thiity 011e iu Town Fhiji four -nutli 1.1 rango leveu eflwt. bolng ifa thu TtownI An-;n -t:i , i:i tltC ciuiity ot Wnshtfii.iW utnl .-t.ite of Micliigun, :ill of which i- omiaej I shall expoae for .ilo Wtc Mtiriioii, as the la-wa diraeln. at the ■ Ihc Court lloiiMi, inthcCïtyof Ann Arbor, that bnng the place ter bolding tho Circuit l'iurt for tho Coonty ol YYftshtcniw, on Momlay, the '21d day of Uctobt r lïcxt, -ii eteven o'clocb In Eorenoon of sai-1 dy. THOS. F. LE0.NA1U), Sherilf. J'.itnl. Augusi 29, 1SC9. Sheriff Sulo. ' BV ii:i( K ij!' A i:i:rrTKi [naued mt of and unlicrthe scal ■■! llic Circiilt Cöuft f"r tin' I "t Waiihtonaw, and State ol Ilichigan: bMrlng oate the Tth d;i r.: July, lsr.u, and to me dircotod and delivereil, againiit the :4""li :iitvl chattcls, and for want tlierool lands and tcncniiiti of Francls Way defendant tlierèiA named, I did on the7th tlay ot' luly, ]8öo, Icvy upou and ttelzeall the tijlit, tiUe.-in'l interetft oficie unid J-'rauci.-i W.iy in and totlu' foliowing described land mul prèmUeft, tn wit: U6uac and dog bounded-eaatj west and "titk Jn A. Trarerbnd, nrtl by land-iowned by Scth e. Darwinand Wm; near ï raver'a Saw Ulllandfor' rned i-y Uead Tupmaa in township two southof range six cast in the county 01 Wanlïtonaw and state of Michigan, all of whicfa pnmises 1 shall exposé lor sale at publfcauetlorr; 1 the hiw lhect.,;itth.' i'ioui .io,i oí thu Court UoiKte, in 'lic t'ity o:' Ann Aroor, tliai beiug the place lu' boMiïig tbe Circuit Court for the ('otiuty of IVash tenaw, on Kond; the 'ÏM day of October next, it elcvcno'clock iu the forenoon ofaaid !:iy. TUOü. I'. LtOXAKD, Sluriï. Dated,AugoslS, ISSa MANITOÖD How Lost and How RestorecL Just Puhhshcd in a Sealcd Ennlope, A LKCTURE ON T1ÍK KATUUE. TRKATMKXT AND RADICAIi l'lUK OF SPKRjfATOlUtHOEA, or Bominal WeaJuMKft, Sexual Uebitity, Nervmqne8q hü.1 Involantarv ËinlssiOQS piuducioff Imputeacy, Coasumptioa, aul Mental ind PhjBic&l Debility. BY ROB. J. CULVEUWELIi, M. D. Tlio important fact tbat the awful con.-erjucnctvi of nlfftbusc niav bo offcctuAlIj romoved without InUntal remedios or tio dangorous application oi cnuii. ■■, in atrumenüs, modlcfttetl bonpies, aiiil otlicr einp_vrical 'lt! iiccs,i.s boro doarly demon.tratel, aiiil th cnttrolv qcw and highly succoasit] trofttment, as adopto! by the celobrfttd authnr fulïy explaincd, by meftns 'f Whtoli ovory one is enablcd to cure lUmaelf pcrfcitly, and at tho least possihlé ootit, thereby avoiding all the advertised QQstrunu of tho day. Tliis Jícturc will prove a boon te tltoui-aiiils anl thoasandfl. Sent under seal to any addio&s, post pald, on tho re ccipt of two poRtago stampa, by addrcssii lr. CHAS, J.C. KL1XE. 480 First Aveoue, Mow York Post Box, 4,586. lyTtï MUSICAL. Mr. JAMESS. DRAKE W[IX GIVE IKSTRUOnON on tho Pianu Forte, aud iñ Thorough-Basti and Harmouy II l. T L] S Per lV::n of twfiit -fmr fiftftgonB. Three tossons pel week 10 CO Two 4i " ' 13 so One " m " 15 00 lí-.'oi:i .; ai Menee OÍ Hrg. KfilLOGG, COU1CI Wasiliii ton aml División Btreets Ann Arbor, Aug. 0, 1SG0. 762v2 Pfioí: Z. M1LLEWS ÍIAI1L INVIGORATOK. AN EFFECTIVE, SAFE.AND KCON'OMICAL COMPOUND, FOU RESTORING GRA Y HA1B to its original óoior without dyemg, and prevéala tlic Hair f rom turning gjay. l'OR I'RKVKNTIXC IÏAI.DNKSS and curicg it,wlun Ibero is tlie least partióle of vituliíy or iveuperative energy remaiiiing. FOE KIMOYIXG SCÜBF AND DANDRÜFF, and all eatancoua affectioiia óf tlie Bcsüp. FOR lïKArnKYlNiiïIIKÜAlR, impnrting to it an unoqunUcd alus And brillianey, m'aklng it =ift aud sílky iu Us texíuie and causiog it tocar] roftdily. Tho ínit colobrity and Ihñ increasing dommul fot tLis uuëquaiïed preparötion, conviucc ihe propitetor that ono trial isonlv ueoosaary to Bátisfy a dlscerníiig public oí lts superior qualitiee ovet my ptlier preparalion at present d use. It cleansoB the licol aml soalp frora dandruff and oihcr cutancotis discascs. Gauseil the huir to Iuxuriantly, nuil givos it a vich, soft, fflossy atï3 Dexlbtd ap pearancO] and alsotphesv ho halr is loosenlng and thin nlntf, it ■vvili gire stroníh and vigor to tlu rits, and restore the gröw ib to tho nrU irhioh hare bccomo b.d'l, eftoeisa it to jrtold &Jkttk cocer ing ofhair. Tdoroaro tiuaüroda oí (adiós -and gentlemen iu NVw Vork who nave nad thmt j&air rostorod by tho uso of this IñvigoratÓE, wlieu aU oiher preparatkna bod taited. L. M. lias iu lii-í posscssioD lotteü innnmoiable tontifyiiif? to Uie afco íiicts, fiom porsona ufthc blghest respectabilíty. It will offectoally prevent the hairrom turnivg grey until tliu latost poriod oí Ufe; ;unl iu OMOfl whero Ihe h;ur lia ; cbongod its color, tho use of tho Invigorator will witlij oitainly restore il lo Us original iu, gmug it a durk, glossy appeaiunce. As ;i porfumQ tos tho toUet and a Uair Restomilve it iu partieularly cecQnunend&d, having ;in arcoublu fisgrance; and the gtoat facilitiw it illiuils in dressing tkehair, wluch, wheu moist with tho [nrigoratoï eau bu dressed n auy retintred fi'm o a& Eo prcaor ve Its place, whetherplafn.or En henee tlie grcat demand for it by the ladiea aa a itanddht taüet artirle wuicli nono nught to bc without, as tho prii:ú places ii wíthiii the ro&èh of all, boing ONLY TWENTF-FIVE CENTS por bottle, to bc hal at all ïvspectablo drugUtd and pöl ,v.] i ■ . h tHÏLljER wouM cali tho attontion of Párente aml Guardlann t the umq ol hlfl longocator, in owea vhero tho chlldrons' Hair IneUnes to bo wak, The uso of it layi tho foundation for a good head "(' tuif3aa it ronjovoA any iinpurities Ihal Dfty have t" como conncfiiod witlfc the i cftlp! tho rcmoval oi whichiö necossary buth for tho heaith oi the chlldand tho futuro appcarance of its ttatr. (.'.m'tion, - N'one renuine without thefac sunUe LOUIS MlUJOllbeiuK on tbc outcr wrappor: also, L. MII.I.KU'S II Al 11 INVU.OliATDlï, N. Y. bluwñ i" thc Wholc ■:■ D !■'■ . &6 Doy si. niid oïd brall the prïnci píe Merchante auï Druggists throngliout ïlv v,orlt. Libcfaldúcount tq purohasórfi by tho uuntity, 1 also ticslm to prófwt to tho American l'ulilic my Now & Improvod Instantanoous. Liquid Hair Dye ivhieh oftci r:us et EiciejfttiGc exparimontUut 1 have ■ i poifoctiiMi. Ii dyo blAck or inwn Inntantly without ini-.iry to the Elairortíkln wairanted ÜA best urtielo ot the kind in oxistenco. PRICE ONLY FIFTY CENTS. DEPOT, 50 DE Y ST., New Yori. Ti. ■-■! sbIbd wheat. rpHESUBSCIUBEB IÏA9 AT hla residence ono mik 1 n..iilic;i--t oi railuM'l ilcpol e!x hmuUöd and .s'-y sis bushols of WHITE ATIÏEA.T U, :O!1 produel OFON'E lU.-lü:!,, r NHVV.IKltll AUofthe land intftc í'l -uliich I oiïor at $5J i"i buBtael, uhii-h ii.i lamji eau aflunl to .1., williout, tliat lutendi lo raise wheat, beicg íníinlv F R l!' E F Ii O M JU I D G E , ;.,,! Wil' v i-1.1 ijll.ll t.-r Hl.' Il-' '1 1""' :U'1ÍL' Kaiuplnt mat bo een Una bl ni.l iu Iho Imu.üi-, al M . all. A,ilu,nu,.ilul(iiv ua;UAniJ 70iÜ