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The Prince Of Wales

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Tlio special correspondent of the New York Times grows costatic over the sprig of Royalty uow amoug us. He says: I liko hini. He sceins to bc about fivo feet four ineho8 high, bis eye is bcautifully blue, mild, funny, clea'r and jolly. - His nose is well deliued, not perfectly straight, but clean cut aud prominent. 11 is mouth is full and rather sensual, and his chin retreats wondorfully. llis couutonanco iudicates a happy disposition, good-natured, humorous, fun-lovmg boy, who knows what he is about, and can't be casily fooled. His hair is soft aud fine, thoufrh disposed to grow rather low down the ncek and on the Ibrehead, while his head is well shapcd and would indicate iirmncss, bcncvolcuco, quickness of perception and lovc of music. The very, yery largo hands of the young gcntleinau uro but reproductions of thoso of his Royal mother, to whoin Dame Nature has been yery generous in that regard, llia form is small and very well proportioned, and his bearing is diguiliod, mauly and modest I am pleased to put 011 record niy belief that Albeft Edward, Priuco of Wales, Duke of' llothsay, and Lord of the Lsles, ia a good boy, Aud though he doubtless bae bis t'aultti, his foibles and his üttlc jadiscretiong, ae motst üwys ojf niuotccD do, that lio is on tbc wholc a letter lookiug, a botter buhaved, a kindi -r dispositioned and bot tor temperad bul {han six out oí every tea wo wcct in daily life. Ho was dressed in the f all uniform of a Coloiiol o f e Roynl Anny, wearing a cockod hat, red coat, with red mal bhio bamls, b'aek pants, patent loathor boots uil Bpurs, auJ vcry illiitting, soilcd white glovca. 1Ü.V TUK LADIKrf TIü: AT IlIM. Ajartyof ladios wout on Soafd the lloro tiiis atïcnioon, oxamincd tlio cabin eccupiod bj tho Princo, a d utole evcry p;n, evary pioce of wax, and all tlic k' iokKuacks t!i: t thcy cnuld lind thora, nu souveiirs ot' 1IÍ3 lloyal Ilighiiess. Tlic Prince's prvato ronm wfis nlw invadcd by a ruhh of tbc fair box, who mouuted üno damscl was caught trjiig on hi overcoat, from wbiclj ovcry button bad boon out by eager dovotoot) of tho youtl - ful Quclph. ïhe Princo says, il' anybody wiuts to b'jow biin attontion, lot thom got him up a bal1, -howill williufily dance all ni-li', anl v, o ild go homo with tlie girls in t o in r, itrtho Duka of Nowoaatlo woulii allow bim. HOW HB BXJOYBE IIIS VISIT. The Govoinr-Gcneral romarkod to the Puko of Niiwoastle, last evoning, that our little man s 'Cined tobe enjoyiog bimaelf, to whioh iho Iukcropiol tliat he had done Dothing olse sinco ho left merrie England, but that ho had nevor Been him e iter with such abandon into the festivities of tho ovening as ho was thon do'n g. Every one admires tho Puko, loves t! o l'rineo and ünvies hiy suite, his diapoau, playod with his sword, and foolod with hij accoutrementi genoralh'.