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BARGA.ÍXS IVEKÜllERED 1859. JSLqJIn tlii City, are iiovr beingoffered at tha CUEAP.CLOCK, WATCU, & 'lH1-" Slibccribor wnuldsny to tlif citizcnuo) Ann ArI bnr. 1 pirliculnr. nd the ret of WturnHW Cnanli in conornl, that hohiujmt IMPOKI'ED DlRECTLY fruiu IX'UOrK.. Tromeiiilons Stock of Watchosl Ah of which hr bindahluurlfto teil CBEAPEB thuo cnn bi btmghr wrn' of New York City. OprnFacu CyliLdiT Wrnchu Inim $6 to 10 du di Lover do do 8 to 31 Iluntiiig !■.■ -Ni do do U to 35 do do Cylioder do do to 28 Oold Wiitehei from 90 to 150 1 ! re lu tas CELECRATED AMER'CAN WAT CHES, wMch I wlil en Ur $3V rery Watch warranttd to perú':.. i vrtjll, ortbo momy reiunded. Clock., Jnwelry, Pfnted Vm--, Fanry Goodr Gold Peni, Musical InitrumenU and Siringg, Catlery, Ac, and Ín fart ft YArietT of efry.hine uuIly krpt by Jew cl ra can be brupht for the oext utnoty A?y at T'ur OWN I'EICESI PertotJi buying nythine at tbi mr known ewuHtfinf ui run rrly upon getting goodi rxact!y ai repretent'd, ortbcmony reluudt-ü. ('üiitij mnd ce cur thf bfSt bnrgitiai ever offered in thi City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : We rr prpired to mnVp ny ren air onfine Or cominoD Wftichfi, fTt-n tn ni kinv c er the eutlrn wmrb, if nC4.sefiry. Krpniring of Cl o k d Jfwrlry BRftl. Aleo the mhniifm-turinz oí KINGS, BROOrH-, or nuythtng di red, frotn Califrni Gold on tbort notice. RnprraTÍPs in nlliu branches exetoted with dhi cea anddupatch. J C WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jon. 2PthJL59. 7Hr Somelhing Worth Reading! "clioflT&Mmer, ARK AGAIN ON f.ANn.tthnlr!d nt, (ThrriLoorNorthof Fr'nkün Uouae,) wltb the mul eonptetewd Extensivo Assortment -orBooks and Stationery, Wall and WukUv Papers, OÜ Painted, and Gold Boideied Shaden. Cuxtain Rollers, Tassels, Cords, THOTTSANÜ ASOONE THING8 In thHr lni, fNTIUK'Y TOO NUM Rf'tJ.'5 TO HRNTIOM hlrh th?y inirito ibrlr lri-1;d..i d thr piihlit g uf rnl] y, t CALL ts U3C-LVIWIIPJ-E B'fori Purchapine' Elïpwhere, l thrtT flntt#T tt-ertiíplTí'ttbsT thrtr Pljlri nd Prir' c-nnot fnij 'o prove 4ftttsfctOM. tnr Arlir V ry 1, 180. HOR AC JL WATERS, AGENT 333 nroadway, Npw Y or k l'ublliln-r of.Mulr aiul MuiW Boolu êLD nir.iïKB 15 Pianos, Meloduons, Alexandre Ornns ürgan ADordeoDn, Martin's c-elubrated andother Guitars, Vtolins, Tenor Víots, Violíñcelloff, Accordeons, Flntinas, FluWTFif, Triangleí, Clari inetts, Tnniníj Foiks Pipes BndHammer, Vialiu Bnwii, best Italian Stringf, Bus InPtrumentti for Band, Piano Stool, and oovr, anti all kind? of Musical Instruments. JS lx o o 't 3VX u. S i o from all the publilierH in the L'. í., lïertini' Huntin'ii, and Mivlern -School, ainl all kindü of Inntrnction Bookx for the above intriiiacnts; Church liuaic Borks; M.i.iic legantl.r louad; lluaic paper, and U kindt of Music McrcliMidise, A t t heLoucst Prices. New Planos At $175, $200, 2, $250, und up to $00. Hand Pianrm fn-m $'-3 up to $160; .Ve Melodmnv, $45,' $60, $T5,$100,nd up to $'200; ."econd Ilnd iílmlfunn fn-m $30 to $S0: Mexnndri'iiririnx, with five stops. $lfi0, ninestop, $185 and $'iJ5; thirtpfn stops. $:1501 $275 and $:itX; flrtetn Btop.$iOand $;i7ft; A liberal discount to Clerfr.imen, Chareta, Abbath Schools, ffenrinulM and Teachers. The Irado supplied at the usual trade discountn Testimoniáis of the Hornee Watrs Plnnns mei Mclodroiii. John Hewptt, of Carthaffp, New York, who has had on of the HoraccWatcr I'iano. irrite u follows:- . A friend of mino wtshw me to pnndHM a piano or her. -be likes the one you fiM me in DrcMnber, lS.ift. My piano isbecoming popular in this plac. anti I thïnk I cao introduce one or two mnre; they will be more popular than any other make." 'We have two of Waters' Tianns in use in ourFemïnary, one of which has beon severolv tested for three yearn. and wc can testify to their fjnotí qualitr and durability." - Wood ife Urego'ry, fattnt Cnrroll, IÜ. H, Wateia, Bftf. - Dear Pir: Ha ring used oneof yonr Iiano Korie fnr tnoyears past. I have fonud it a rery superior Instrument. Alanzo Gbat, Prinripnl Brooklyn Hrighi Srmitinj. "The Piano I received from you continúen to give atisfaction. 1 regard t a one of the hft initrumenta in the plaee.1 Jjmk. U Cijrkf.. Charleston, Va. The Melodeon ha1 afely a-rrivert. I fw?l oblijro.l to you fory our libera] discount." Rer. J. M. McCoKHick. YarqiitxvilUS. C. Tbe pi no was diily roprived. Ii eime in eieellent condition, and in ve-ry much admired by my numerous faniily. Accept mv thank for your promptueu." - Roiïert CoorK, Wárrenhamt BraJjoed Co. Pa. 'Vour piano it'.eases us mij, It is the bet nn In our county.1',- TuuMas A. LathiM. Campheltion, Ga. "We are very much ohliged to you for harinp sent ■en a fine instrument for $250."- BtuxK,HcLD A: Co.( Bttfalo Democrat, "l"he Jioraro Waters Píanos are Known a?among the very betrt We are enabïed to speak of these nutrumeuts with conftdenco. from personal knowlelgp of their excellent tone and lurable quality." - N. T. Evangelist. "We enn Njtc.-ik uf the merits of tha Ilorace Water pianos from personal knowleiltjo, as bing the very Qnt quali:y." Christian IntMligenctr. "The Horace Waters pianng are ouilt of the be.t nd most thoroughly scasoned material. We hi e no doubt that buyers can do as wcll,perhaps bet tor, at this tban at any otherhoune in the Tnion." - A dr nc-att and Journal. Waters piano and ra.'lnleon challenge comparinon with the flneat maïo anywhere in the country. " - Hom Journal 'Ilt'racc Watfrs' Piano Forte are of full, rich and even tone, and powerful - .V. Y. Afuticat Rn at. 'Our friendswill AmlatMr. Waters' itore the very hfKt ivortment of Music and of Piano to b found in the Doitad Siate-tand wc urge our Bontbem and western friends to trive hint a calí wheoever they go to New York." - Grakam's Magazine Warchouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b b a t h S c h o o 1 Bell. 1OO OOO lóced In ten Mouths. The unprpcedntel aio of this book ha inducM th publisher to ñáá toan 30 new tune-sand hyran toite preent Fre, without extr.t charffe, except oo the chenp editioa Axnong tbemany beuutiful tune. and hymn addd raay be found: - (I ought to love my mother;" "O I'll bp a koon chDd, indeed I will." Thee and eiffht other from the Iie)),wer isung at the Sunday School Anmrernary of the M. K. Ohiirch at the Academy rtf Music, witb greail applausO The Heil em.tain ni-arir'-MO tiine and hymn-, and 15 one of the best collectif)n crer issul Price 18e; $10 per humired, j.ostipe 4c Klegantly Iniund, cmbosed filt, 6c, $M prr lüi) It ha beoo iatroduced int" mnny of the Public Schools. The t puhlished in m-ill numher ntitld AnniTersa 'y and Sunday Sobool Mimic TVkfiktt, Nos. l,2t 3, 4, n i.rderto accnQ:uodate the million; piÜM k tü jr hundred No. 5 will aoon be isued - commencemi-nt of atiother book. Also, Revival Music BQOka, Nn, 1 . i, price $1 A: $2 pr 100 poatftffQ lc. More than 300,000 copiPK of thft alKire boon luivo Inn inued the past eifhtevn mnntha, and tbc demand Urapidly increasinPubliahod bj H0RACE WATER?, Ajjent, 333 Hr-adway, N. T. JSTnw IVIxxio, Publised by Horace Water Xo. 333 Broadway, w York. Vocal, "Kind Word s can never die;" ''The Angeld told ida so;" "W;idii of the Wb1:-1 "ThouRbtn of Ood; G. va me back my Mountain Home;" "Iay Prwms:" llaii'ly Cock Robín;" 'l'ni wit f i thee still; ÏVtnaino;" "There'a no darilng like mine;" "flkifth Janel-ee;' "Erer of thee:" "I'in leavinj? thee in Sorrow;" "Bint of Buuty;" ''Home of uur birth;" "firave i f KoRabeJ," and 'Wakö, la'ly, wake,,' j-rice 25c each. ' TsaTRi mrvtai.- ' ■frutee implen, or ioírínít Rird 'olka, 40c, "Hwinpin.e Schottische;'1 "Mirabfl cho ■ich;'' 'Thtimas lïaUor' Schntticlio;'1 "Piccolomini olka, 35 cent each. The abu%p irceshaveboautiful Viffnettee "Weimer Polka;" "Arahian Wai cry Mnrcli," he very ta-st; "Vasovianna DoatsDl Mftjurkn; "Rea 1; ne Polüa;" "Crinoline Wtlti." anl "Ijinoorc' Qua drille,"25c each. '-The Knprecf ReichV Quadrille;" a iew dance, and "The Hi bernia n Quadiille," 6ceach. Many of thone pieces aro pkyed by liaker'ts celebrat4 orchest ra with gn-at applrue. Mailetl fre. A Urge lot of Foreign Music at half prioe. piano, Mcloricon Vm Organs Tlie Hnrace Water Pinno and Jíelndoon, for depth, pnrily of tone and durability, are unurpassed. Price ory low -cond Han1 PUnoi and Meldeonji from $ 6 to $t5 I, lluvia and Musical fantrncHmip nf uil kind? .attlie owent prtOMi I1ORACK WATERS. A?entt Vo. SM Rntadway, V. V. Tkstimoxiaií:- "The rioriiec Wa'ers )'iauo are known amnnc the very bot.' - FrantTtHnt, "We lian peak of their roeritw from personal knowledc" - Chrimtim Tntriturencer. ■N'otliinnat tne Fair dipplayed grotr xoolleaoo ■"- Churckman. Waters' PianM and Meloifons rhallenifr comnArion with the Qaeut mvio anywhorein the countrv,"- Horm 7iTtmml. TINT Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, NEW STORE!! Hew Fur niture. MARTIN & THOMPSON, COCIMOES TO O. M. MARTIN, TTAVB JCSr OTEMGD 15 TUIlIRmw tui Elegant War c-R oom." KAST SinEOF MAIN STREET, xx xx la ox, A COM P L E T E STOCK OF ROSEWOOD, MAIIOGAJNY and SETS OF TARLOR FÜRNfïüRE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogan ROSE-WOOD, BLACK WALXUT Plain and Marblo Toppet O S lüfl TT S K TT A IL g O rosewood, MAH' GAXY, ÜI.ACK WALNÜT, FANCY nd COTTAGE CHAIRS &C, O., &.C., CC. jL rncd sm 9 iil e g a n t M I R I{ (3 B S Bureaus, Secretarles B e d-R oom Sets, IXCLÜDING LATEST STYLES -ojrSjCC emict a íbsíbsb OF THE BEST QUALITY AND Different Material. In Fact they Have Everything W- H- I- C- H "The Old Folks," O-R "YOUNG MARRI E D PEOPLE " ■W-AV-T TO r-ü-BN I PAR LOR, BOÜDOIR, 8ITTING ROOM, OR KITCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO longer goto Detroit or elscwher To Find ALARGE ASSORTMENT PUaNITüEE MUST BE BOLD - A V D- And Will be Sold ; A-T VERT LOW fKICES! 9& Lt eT#ry ttn tnd hit wlfa or fotng t b wife, COME ANP 8Bt TLpt jlm tam 6y1 ?SA" 6'4 RRIAGE, We ar alwaj ready to ati-Dl to th bun'] of the dead ia tb' City nnd adjüining ctnlntry. Wro-IUKm cast side of Main Stroet. botwín Washington and Iiborty. Ana Arbor, Nov . 1M9. o ... : i n. C. B. THOMPSON. General Land Agency PFRONP wantinc fnrrrn, or rcirinrf ï I B ornAit Ann rb'T , oao by cnIllneonTriPoIcifrom list f oTer 1OO Farm? For Salet (il furloiif dtzpr trom Sj'tc 130 '%rpich (tome food bh" t ; n thiii Onnnty.) Mnrfthn BO DivpIIih: Hnti i i f hini'ityrnm tw 'ïundrrd lo fourthousan r do rtntch: and otk' 2 O o I. ('lfJ)ïJi G LOT : Amonpthp furrn urn the Klfthopt iurrn, i .100 aerea, tïir Potter farm, in GreenOak; te Placefarm, a j ) arra, thrBUndon and Jnki ñirmi( ia Webiter; th Stub'tf, Michnel Claory, Newton Beean, and Pnllnht fsrrai. in Ann Arbnr: J Rin8)py'4 farm, in the Httrh and Hick. Uroif Ir. Indi: the Patrie Huya farra in Prflfiiom; W. P. DiriKim, B. O. Baker a and Burk' farmi InStln. Noi'. "f thrr mnê many otbctri can ba dlvlded to aait purobuen K VrM0iGi3F. ' ;. lê, lfL6 9 CO BL.OC 3ESLN E W II A RDW A RE STORE !!! o WE WOfl.n CM.T. THE ATTKVnON-OF Tilt PUBI.JC to our ituck 01' X- L. BS MJTVW k. IT "HFC -Auds 'rjc -w je ss 9 IRON, STEEL, NA1I.S, TIX, COri'Eli, & SHEET IKON WARE. CIIAWs' AND OISTtRN PUUPS, TALNTtí, OILS, GLASS, r.KlTANAiA WAUE, tJËc. ifec, S e , t&c. Aad erfry km 1 of Hardware and Houso Furnishing All i ork will bo sold as CIIEAI' as at an.v other Ëfl HblIsbBieiit in iiciiiguii, fr t$.j we have gvt the Best Assortment of Cooking P A R LOR A 29 D VLA Th STOVEB I3NT TI3CIS STATE, ADd will selltliem Chaper than TUE C ü E AP ES T, Pie cali and ne u. All kinds nf tin ware kept OD band. Particular attontioopaid tu allkiiUk of LrCSDO3 S; CD 32. OS; Which will be done wlth NEA TiVESS A ND DISPA TCIL IMía cali and m onr STOVK ROOM n 2d stor ; nf .N'ow Block. BISÓOS Í; UE.VDERSüN. Ann Arbnr. Oct. 7, 1S59. C3r O O ID S - o RICH GOODS! ClieapGoods! ! - BACn & PIER30N TTAVEJCST OIBBO TUK CIIOICEST STOCK _0FSpring and Summer Good to be foand in thi Citj, consiitiug of LADIE S'DRESS GOODS neweit E'.lea and pattcrct, CAREFULLY SELECTE D, purchased cbeap, asd Warrauted to Please. Al, GEriTLEMEX'S GOODS, IometlCB, 5taps, Family Goceries, &e. insult jour own uíTeite culi np parir. BACH & PIÏKSON 1859 1859 City Cheap Lumber Sas?) Doors Blinds, taster Pa?'is, Grand lïivcr flastér, Water Lime, aaifo of all sizes, 67rt.SK. Paint and Putty. ttv., Êc. , D. DeForest, 1 AVINO increaerri hl fanilitiet tor io!ig Susine5 ind enl rgcrf his Yard and tock p:epHird ttae prwnt sriMir, nii it hes lnrg'fi and mea ftit tewtOMiNi tuck everin ttiia .íuriit to i a ti f y the rem -■■on hl' :'tarioDi ti all. (jui mottn i n"t t" f un í-tí.iIH or cib o" daiivrry I wül nut irnl'-rttki ',i t rji;htt-iithi public bv nying thitt ihy vi 1 1 iít thiivfi ti rht-y "ii Uivhfrt ín] re prchumt ihat otber ilir)lntlow aschey cn affbrd to. Al) kinds of Tïmber. Joisfs, and -Suantling, i'ine, Whitewoud Bnsocd, Hemlork. Plaued and Matched Pine, Whitewood ib H' loo ring. Imifd md r tufh pi- md VV'iite"()od idint1, Fenc' l'oètf , Ok ■ndCilm Pott and Pickct ot all kinds. lïxnt t'ail), anb Df)itwS L .0 rtm, ib n1 W'.iirw'od MDft, Barn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, BlaekW jUt.imi 'h rr ud thin -luñ', iVn:on nuh BUGOY AXLIÍS Und 'I'ONGUES, Boxnd B'idy Lanibar.Mapl '-op Timber, Hirkoryj Oak, Ash, EJm, Beech, Of .!i;fllcKaoiPi, widtïu tmi iMtitth-. Ac. A:c, Piaster Paris, and Piaster of llltlndi. rjflilai l tl .I;-., &r , c, XAS. B(kJt&L BUND&, made by hnud tr 'rdr t af low as tarto' y prirpt. on the ihorteitnotlce hytht bainf otkmpo and Best Seasoned Lumber. Billr otqi' ieijrip'ioii in the ih.ivi huildin; linr fa rnih#i'on thrh tr"ii ■') nnlfe# fir We h ei re Mills Culting ftegutotly. A ful' iid s parend -mi crliï.ria ol Hbuve mió other kinrii ut Building Matei !.ils Conntantly Dtihand al th luw 831 -isih]o ratc Cali and be Convinced. A few roih xouth f mm R. Depot on Detroit Srert. Aun Arhorl Mich K O O F I N' O-. N.B - I am aovr oparatiug Sxtensively in the Pateut Cement Roofïng. THE PEOKTA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPAXY OF PEORÍA, 1.LLOIS. Capital, - - - SöOO.000. oo of the HEAVirgT, BAITÜSI mai BEST !ü- Co'i; in th U. S. Iniim on rirtBah'.'rm, -nd al wfiyi jwy prompt ij Tiere i no bettpr Fire lusuraDco I Ayer's Agüe Cure.