Three Opinions
Spoaking üf our friond Col. Hixon, tho Democratie candidato for Judgo of Probate, tho State News, formorly tho Lucal, says : "The Col. is oneof the fow men of the Democratie party who gcnorally succeed when a candidato for office, but as thero ia not a ray of hope lor him novv it was oruel to put him on the tiukot. Thero are men enough who aro fur botter qualified tbr the ottíee, (wo moan in a legal point of view, not in any other sonso,) than Col. Hixon, and who can stand a dofuat rauch better than he can." We would suggest to our cotemporary that that habit tho Ooi. has of "suececding when a candidato" rendura it unnocessary for hirn any sympathy, and wholly improbable that he will want any. As to tho lack of legal qualificationa we shall spoak prosently. Of tho saine uomiuatiou our legal frionJ of tho Journal says : " Gov. Folch was lirat noniinated for Judgo of Probate; bul being too cunning lo bo caught insueh a trap, he doclinod, and tnoreupon the Convontion nominutcd tho Hon. Daniel llixon, of Bridgowater. Ho is a respcotablo farmer, and has been sovcral times a membei1 of the Slato Legislaturo, buthas no legiil qualiiioaiiona to tit him for Judge of Probate," Wbat a pity the Col. has nover read Blackstone or listenod to certain lecturas on law. doliverod bofore an embryo law dopartment oí tho Uuiveraity somo two yoars sinco. But, "Monsieur Tonson" comos again, and that mongrel sort oí a sheet, wlth a Breokinridge publisher and Lincoln editora, the Ypsilaati Scnttnd says : "áquire Ilixon ia a suporannuated Justieo of the Peace, now in the last stago of decay, whoso only knowloilgu of law has boen obtainod froni a book callod "ovory man hi3 own horso doctor." Wo do not boliovü that this trio of oditors will succeeJ in throwing dust ia tho eyea of the people, or in making them believo that it is necessary to bo an incipieut, brioiloss lawyer or a ring bonod, spavinod, brokon-windod, deoayod disciplo of Blaukstono to fit him for tho rosponibla but wcll-dofinod duties of tho offico of Judgo of Probate. Co!. Hi.xos is not a lawyer, but what cannot bo said of all lawyers, ho is a man of good common senso, of discrirninating aud souud judgmeut, of sterling and tricd iutogrity, qualifications ominently necessary in a Judge of Probate, whoso Oourt sliould bo ratlier a Court of equity than a Court of legal tochnicalitios of whioh aro seldom if cvor unravcled. But, aa Ooi, IIixo.n's otker qualiiiuations aro not quastionod. wo will mquiro what other oountiea have thought of tho nocosBity of clooting lawyers to the offico of Judgo of Probate. In Wayno County tho last Judgo of Probate was not a lawyer, the pre3ont ono is not, and neithor is tho Domocratic candidato for the sucecssion, Wayne shiens lawyers for that position. Tho prosont republican Judge cif Probate of Livingston County ia not a lawyor, in Jackson Cour.ty tho present Judgü, a Ropublican, is not a lawyor, and tho ropublican candidato for ílo uoxt tertu has neither attendod or deliverod law lccturcs. Branph County has not clected a lawi yer to tlie oflico of Judgo of Probate in the last twonty ycars, and theeaino may bo said of numcrous other couu tien. In factf tftke tho State through, lawyers as Jtiil ■■ of Prubüte aroto day an excaption rathar Üvaft n rule. Cm!. Uixon - j'idl tlia min (v y'u [A:ix, and in lis han 1 ■■ ■'' tltj i(f(iWd .i.r.ï .■'■ir'!;.: [rf ', Cnuiity l bj sai;. L1.'. led.