From Pike's Peak
St. Josepli, Sopt. 3. Denver Oity dates to August 28th, reachod horo tliis cvoning. Thoro is a reportad dieooyisry of riofi placer diggings in tho vicinity of Fovt Garland, New Mexico. Sevoral hundred miners are on tho way thither. Accounts aro exccedingly contradictor. Partios almost daily arrive from bcyond tho snowy rango, most of them reporting favorably. Nearly 2,000 Choyonnea and Arnpnhoo Indiana are about 10 miles down tho Platte, approaching Denver. Somo of thotn throaton violoneo, but tho niajority appear well disposcd An Arapahoo who spealis English, supposed to bo Loft Hand, is visiting ranches on Cherry Greek, warning tho owners against tho Kiowas, who thrcaton to cut oñ the B3ttlor., and if possible, dostroy Denver. The News l'nnting Company commenced on tho 27th, tho issuo of a daily. Anotljcr daily paper is to bo startod September let, by partios from Missouri. Soveral moeting havo boen held in tho mountains with referenco to tho fofmafión of a Govornmcnt. Tho general íVeling among tho miners is in favor of tho oíd provisional Government, and there ia somo talk of holding (w öleotión onder it. But little interest is manifestcd concerning tho Presidential election.
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