v : w 1 uní i ttW uOODS ! ! i I). L. WOOD, & Ctt Aro nu rtcclWrig nud opening A Starge aíid Bcautiful -OF- S-t-a-p-1-e a-n-d F-a-n-c-y DRY GOODS! CROCKEUY, LAD1ES' AND CULDUJYS SJIO-FF, f:c. $e. Lo. AT THE OLD STAND OF D. L. WOOD. 77í"S" yoúís have leen hought siwe the recent docline in pricH ' the JBttsttm Markett and will be sohl corretpondingly CEEAP. We'would rvsj-eetfuUy invite tha eitizensof Ann Arhor ana the surraundingcounty to CALL AND EXAMINE ÓttB GOODS 1 A it is no trouble to show lhm,and tí bope j BY FAIR AXD HOXOEABLE DMALIXO To inerit. a liberal hnre of tlieir patronage. D. L. WOOD. Wm. O. FOSTER. Went side of Public Squan Ann Arboiy April 20. löliü. "43tf G U ITERMAN HEAD-QÜARTEKS! THE MOST COMPLETE GLOTHING EMP0R1UM In Michigan ! CONTATOS TIJB % [i O 7 A53 [LAISSSir STOCK OF GARMENTS EVER OFFERED FOR SALE ÍN TRIS M A R K E T! OUR SPRIJÜ & SUMMER We Tcísp everytMng which lliefashion and times demand, aíid can sell them cheaper th&n any other Establishment in the State. WE HAVE MORE THAN' 1OOO 3Li33eix Ooa,"t OF EVERV VABICTT OF FASHIOX, Such.v.Packs.IT.-.lfíackja Frock Coatí, &c, mnufacturcrtby ouinclve,frotn tbe betqualitiMoí Liuen', Caseimorepanó Marseillc; AUo a laige apsortment of DRESS AND FROCK COATS, Of evtrv fjiialKv, of Brown, Blut and Fnucr Colors. Wc havo lbo LA TE S T S TYL E S -orFrom theflní.lpattertn, j.lin nífuncy, in tho wMe wUe world. The most fstidioiu can be atisfled by our larg nud newly nelccted stock of Mito RQO (SOX COLLAHS AND SHIRÏS, Of all Undí. CraTat, ShlrtBosoms, Ilandkerclilf f, Pnspeudprs.UmbrellaSidirpctBíigí!, Trunk, &c. The rich estGlOTM.from the flnest nük M tho toftest Hoantein Kid.already to fltjtliehand ufevery customer. Toa cíih llntl everytl'ilng in omcstJibiiiiUincut wlíich tlit írurlí ofto the tradiDg comiuuuity iu r: üt-i "m."1 atar m: jmr a-AKD- CLOTH FOR GUSTO M WORK! W hav alto tho flnest French andBelgianBroad Cloth, Fancv GWimern, Fmicv Pilk and Marsfülc Venlinprs, &c. v oulil also cali th attenlion f tlic Studente, epiifciallv the graduating clans, if Rny of tlicm want a GOODFITTINu Sl'lT, let them como to fONDHEIH, n orilt-r to get a good fit. Tbaakiul for iaat patronal to our oíd customers , we invite as mftny uew oues to come and give us a cali. D on't fail to soe Guiterman's IIcadqiiaitfrF, bcfoi-e ro ing olseulicre. M. GtlTKllMAN fc CO. Ann Arbor, April 11,1860. 7tf FRESH AB RIVAL -OF- NEW QOOI3S. - AT- STEONG'S New Cheap Gash Store. pREAT BARGAINSARÏ OFFEnF.D la:je lineof Silk Parasols from 4s to $3,00. rhe be8t of Watch Fpriug Steel Pkirl, Five Cents a H- 0- O- P- . lip Top 36 inch Umbrcllas, only 12s other Bizca in propoftion . Alaigestock of Prlntn Tery ow LACE AND STELLA SHAWLS, LACE AND CLOTII MANTLES. STRIPED ANDPLAIN SIIEETINGS, YANKEE NOTIONS, EMBROIDERIES, Hats & Caps, Grocerios Crockery ho.j he. Also large Stock of Ladís' ShoeSj At Prioes 10 per cent less ihan usual %3 No trouble to show Goodg. Cali and oxaminp,at Strong's CHEAP CASH STORE. EXCHANOE BLOCK, ANN ARBOR ti EW. MORGAN, Agent lóiMutual Ufo InsnranwCompaDj-, New York. AccumulatedAsfiota. .... $5,3&Ü,0OO. tbe loadinR Life Insurance Company in the U. S. Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company, New York, n first class safe 06. - ternu reanonuble. Humboldi Fire Iusurance Company , New York. Oanital, with alarfre surplus, - - 8200.000. Peoría Marine S: Firó lasurance Oo. , Tooria 111. -liotk ï Xp. 1 ï'ir Tniuranoe Co i. 707tf Cupítal, - W,000, Ui' WIT 1 1 THE TIMES! THE OLD AMD" BELIABLE Clothing Empor mm! ! NO. 3 P II (E.N rx BLO i Ii, MAIN STREET. "VSTiai. "W-A.G3-3"3an3 hasjnat rtfaroed trom the F-atf-rn Ciüff, with a targ aul de hablo stock uf SPRING AND SUAIMER E O X El ! which h; Is ucw ofTerhig at uuutiually Aroong bi5 AssortDient maj be foond BROADCLOTBS, CASSIMERES, D0ESK1NS, & VESTÏNGS, of 11 dMcriptkm, MptcUDy tor -■. ïv.'b he te cutttng an,d tnaklng lo order, in fcbflatwt and best stylc.", togvtlier wiib. a superior aurluuctit of UFAD Y MADE CLOTHJAG! rnrxKS carpet baüs, umbrellas, aud Gentlcmen's Furniehing Goods, with ntmtroufl othT artïdta usually fotmd in similar otabli.hnieulr. As ANEMPOKIUM OFFASHIOJS, t esirtutriberflattan himwli", that bis long pT]m-foucc il] eoabta liir.i to gite the greatest satísTaction to all who may trust Uiin iuihe way ofaiau unfacruriiig gannents to order. CALL K A R L Y ! n! leaveyour ordem. Wli. WAGNER TO IIOUSEKEEPLRS. SOMETHINCr NBW.i-B. T. BABBIT'S Bet Medical Saleiïatcs. I? maDufactured from 00BHQOD Bilti nd ijlj prepan entirely different from otfaer SaleratuR. QJ Allthe delctotiou? matter extractad iu mcbau a manner a tO produoe Bread, líí.cuit, and ÍMÜ Ol kinti.s of Cake, without contuiniiiR a partióle otlQ) Salomtus when tlw liroHrt or Cake is hukÉta thereby prortucing wholesomft retults. tÁ'j partirlo ol Salratu8 is turned to gae. and mbH km thxougb the Bread and Bisou t wlifle baklDg H f L} cOEirequenilr, notliinp rinaïuslMitcomujoD Salí 00 Water, and Floor, You il! r p IUj peroeivi . ■ ■ . the taste of Ibis Palf-ratus, Uut it is eatirclj gj different firofii otherSaleratuB. lj Ii le packed lo one poand papa, nchw&p y i [r brandad, "B.T. Babbltt's Bost. Medicinal y ( ö áateratu;" alWj piöturo, tiristed lejaf of bread, 2 O O with a [lasa of cflïrvepeing water on tlie top - . Q W'hcu f0u patehase onO paper you should pre (L S4rre tbfl vrappöT, and be particular to get tbc w :iext exactly like the first- brand as abnve. Li iyf Full direotloniiformaklngBread wlththlsöal-lf U eratuB and Sour Mtlk or Crea ir Tftrtar. illao eompan; encb pack≥ nlso, directious for "IJ makmïftll kiiids of Pftstrj; alao, tor makinp Sou Water aud SeldUte Pon a 9 MAKK YOUB OWN SOAP with y a T. BABBITT'S Pl'RE CON'ClúNTRATFJ P0TA8H. J Warranted doublé the Rtrin'th of ordiuarv W Potash: pat np in cane - 1 Ib, 2 Ib, 3 Ibs, 6 ni tbs, and 12 lbfl - with full direotionifor rookíng J AND iíard od Poft Soap. Consumer will ttud thir hj the cheapesi artiole in raaikot. Manufactured and for salo by h3 B. T. BaBBTTF, J ñ4, 66, PK, "O, k 74 Washington pt., New Vork, Q W ud No í$ ïndia st, Boston. W NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accuraulatcd Jan, 1800,51,707,133,24 MORÉIS FRANKLIN, President, J. C. K ENDALL, Vice President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEP0SITED with ÜwOomptroBerofthe Sta+o of New York. Divldenci averagt1 4ü per ceut. aunually. AfSSETS. fafh in BnoV, SI ,S.r.".,40 inTestad u B6cnriitQs.eKatd under the lxwsof tht 8tte of tfi Vork aii'l of tho D. ?., 368,870,ïfl lteal Kstate nml Filtates, No. 112andll4 Brradwny 132,450 M Bonda and Uortgagdrawlng7porot. intpreit 683 Kotes receivod for 40 por cent. of in-enliuius on Ufe policie?, beving int restj 675,015.85 QuarU'rlv anl Smi-annnal subaeqiicnt'to Janiiary 1, 1SB0. 40,960.38 Iiiti-rt-st accraeU up lo Jan. 1, 18ro, 86.4.7 1 Ríntiacoru9dnptoJn,l, lcfi', 1,709.84 l'rmiiums on policieR ia bauris üf gnti, 20,445.19 $1,767,133.24 Drs. Wkxu arni Liwiti, Moflicl Examinara. 743tf J. ClIBEfll S.MIX11, Agent. :rcr23X7" SEWING MACHINE. JO JEÏ JE GÍ rHTfl WEwoold respectfully tnform libe oltlzeni of ANN ARJlOii, and all surroundins country, that we lm vu opened rooms for the sale of the fcllowiug well knuwo aiid pojiulftr Sawihg Micl.ïucs GROVER & BAKER, WEST & WILSOF, rOHEST CIÏY, TUE FEABL, CLEVELAND fcLOAT, & RAYMOND. Ant" perioni fsbi&g {f examine oir asBortmonl wil] pIOMe favor ua witjkafiallatouz rooms, direcÜy orer the CfuoSbop, in Thompson &Sutherlaud's biock, frora 8 to l' a. ni,, and 1 10 6 p ui. c t. wiuïOT, a. .i. nntmBtLAVD. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Mis SIAKY A. HBRIWHT wül tnkc charge of this Deparimeni of oor buaineita and do all kinds of FITTING AND SEWING, A:id give Instructiooa 'm the useofUachinei to such as ■wiehbou o) uirua knowledgo of tlii'ut. WU.MOT 5: SCTUEBLAND. Ann Arbor, Feb. 2S, IS90. 77tf LOOIvïIS & TRIPP, AaoottMon to Chapin fe Loomis, andChapin, Tri pp A Loomis rTiIIITabore firm of Loomis & Tripp haThtg pnrehaped J. tbe entiro interest of the formar compauies will continue the business at theoM nínmls, rhere th t UI ba rwuïy, u the Bbortest noiïce, to fill all orden in the lino ot Castings and Machinery, 1 ii tlie mnst workjnanUkv oxaiinor, and on as liberal terms as any other shop in tho State. Among tb tari ous aiticlesinanufactured by ub, we would enumorats STEAM ENGINES of all kin'l.-' ■. Xill (Citririg and I-'ixturcB, vrougltt and cant; all vaiious castings lor iniiking and repair ing Ilorse Powers & Threshiug Machines such a are at present , r have foi-merly bon in usa m thiit part of tht1 Suite. ;is wcll as all the va nous kinfis of castlngi and machine rork osJledforby farmers and mechanica intliiï Bection of the country. öf nll the variovis patierns, np in sizcsnml pricee. will bc kept cuostantly on Iiand, got the most modern aid improred steles. HUBBARD'S WROÜGHT IRON RËAPERS & MOWERS. Tiaving commiííiced ma nufact uring tliis superiorMachine, single and combfaed, the farmers are ravitod to rail and see a Kpi-t-iraen machine now in our ware room, iK'foro pr.rcha'iiielBewhere, behevinü thatthin machine uet'd ouly to be heen to convinco the farmer of ITS SUPEKIORITY tver tbo Rfapftrn anti Mowers io tliift market. Thnnkful for formor patronage to the old llnus, we WOtÜd Miücit a coiitinuaiK'o from old freni, and a íiial bj all wishiug foranjthtng iu our Une of bnsinera. l.OOMlá k TRirP. Ann Albor, May 18th, 1859. 697tf DE FOKEST, AHMSTliONG fe CO. DRY GOODS MERCHA7ÍTS, 8O & 83 Cliambers St. IV. Y. W0ULI1 NOTIFY TUK TRADE thal tncy are r.jjonin Wecklv, in ntir aníl bpautiful patlt'rní, the AL6O THB Aiiaosls.oap;, A Naw Print, frblab exoelu every Print in the Countrj fo peifoction of oxecution and deaign in full (ladder 0Ó1 ors. - Our Print are chc;pt'r thau any in ttarkfl , anl meeting wtïi fxU-nsivo sale. Orders prompt Ijr attnded 7SÜyl R E M O V A L ! o ar. HAKTGHTBRPBH TT AS FOR A SHORT TI1IE REMOVED I.NTO Wm ALLABYS SHOE STORE, untilhocango back into bis own Building which he is nmv building, and would bo happy to eee bis old frionds and cntomers. K. B. Ico Crram by the Gallon can bc iupplicd to par Mes at a short notice. X HANflSTEKTER. Jjïb Arbor, Maicb 12 1860 I orienl Stonfachlc preparation ofIKON pnriel d ís mvI Carbon combustión ín Hydroeen. c tíoneri by the highet Medical Authorftlès, botï in Ku roo ;.:iii thu United St&tea.and preacribod in tln-ir pmotic-1 ixporiencft of fltousandi öaiïy t rovc Ihai do prepi 'f Irnn can be comparod v.itli it. frnparttta i the blood.dBprewiuMOf vilaïnergy, palean vrlw mckly complex ion s iudicates ts tjecetsftjr In &uU overjr concejv aqle i% in Whlofa i! hriM l.i'i-n tril ■! . lias proveí abwolutely curativo in pach of the followiug liniplfiMils, vit: In !i -lil'Ify t rviMii A iTv 1 1. kir, BmacUUon líyupí psln, Congtlpntlon, Dlarrhoéa, Ij'mm:1ory, Fuclplent Consamptlon, Scrof"ulou Tu. bf-rcalosls, Salt lïhtttm, Miimcn$iruafii. Chlor-jfiis, Livtr Compiaintt Chronic fadahes, Hlttümalifim, Intermütent Fetwêf Phnplee on the Fa . eof GknbralI KBiLiTT,whotherttiero8ult i (linease, or of the continuad aimiaatfOB of norvons anñ muscular tnergy trom chronic oamplaiiita, one tiial qJ tlii rostoratin has provod succe;sul to an axieul whtch no dosertptiou nor vrltteo attostaUon would reader credible. Iuvalids ko long bed ridden as to Lavo bocome forgotion in thefr own Aefgbborhoodfl, h&vesuddeulj rc-apireai-cdia thebufty wocÜ as if just returned] protracted travel ina distan land, Some w nal iiitaüi?cH 4f kind are attestedof female ufrer r, Bmaolatcd vtotlms öf npparont innroRmiiB, gangDÏnéoue rbaiutids, critica] cnanges, ai'i that oom] oí nervdu? :im ilvRpo}tic aversión to aii" and exorcitio for wïiieb tho phvsi'-ian bai do ñame. Id Nkbtoüs Afi-rciju-Ní oí ali kinds, and for reasonn r,-i . miliar to medical men, th( thia prepara Uon of iron mustnoeesfMrily bc salütary, tor, uniikc: Uu oM óxidos, it H vijíoior.siy toafo, trltboui bdíng ■ and ovorheatlngi and geatly, cegnlarly aprlon1 , even the niORt obstinate rno? t' costivcnesti witlumt oven belng a : tro, or toftlotlog a dlsagrceable lensation. His thi.slattcr proporij,'among oibera, which makeq ii fo omarkablv offeotual and permanent h remedy for Files, apon wbiah it also appean to exen adiitinct and )? öiflc action Ly diflperslög the local teudoney wliich fotai.s them. In Dykpepfi., Innumerable as nro it. enitsps; a siucrlo box of these Chalybaate Pille havo often asJBetd for the must habitual ciñes, including the attciulent Costivcnvê. In unchecked DuxRnnu, evonwhoDadvanccd to Vysem ttry confirmed, cmaciating nnd apparentty malignant, the e&octs haviog bcon eunlly decisivo and astoi Iu tbe local pains, Iosf of flesn andatrongthjdebUitatlng cougli, and reniittent bectlc, whlcfa generally hidicate Tnctpimt Consumption, in scveral vcry giatifyiug and interestfng inBtancés. In Scrofulons TubercuoUis, thlfl medloatfid Iron has had far inore than the good efTocis of the moat cautiooiiI.V bAlancwl propararious of lodlne, without auy of noeir woll known ]iil;'.iti(iH. Tle attontion of fe-males c.innM betoocoafidfntly fnvitod to this remedytiná restorattvc Ín the cases peculiarly alTecting them. In Rheumnttsm, both chronic and fnflammatory - In tho Int tor, howovcr, more decidodly - it luis been invaiiably wcll rejiortcd, both as altevmtin pain and reducing the Hvvellinesíiiid süíTuosof thejomta aud musecls 1 ii Intermiittnt Fcver i t must nccossarily boa great remedy and energetio rostoratlve, and lts progresa Is the new ettlcmontíi of the Weet, will probably be one of bigh rcdowh and usefulncss. No remedy has ever been discoveren in tho wholc htito: ry of mo iicíno, which exortn sutrh prompt, happy, and I lully rostorative effect. (Jood appi-tite, complete dlgent ioi., rapid aequlsitlon ofstrength, with anoAusual dlspositioo fnr lu'tivf and ciicurful csercl3e, inimedlately tbllov its ue. Put up In nent flat mefnl boxen eontaining T50 pille, prioe 50 cents per box; for sale by druggistu end deak'rs. Wilt besent freo to any addresH on receipt of tho prico All Lettert, orders, etc, should benddressed to B. B. LOCKE, kVo Gcnoral Agent, 477yl 330 Broadway.N. Y. GREAT GIFT SALE -ofBOCKES& JEWELRY! SCHOFF & MILLER TNjORDERTO MAKE KOOM FOB SPHING STOOSKL, have determiucd to ecll their MIS CEL LA NEO US B 0 0KS PUBLISnER'S P E 10 ES, And gite to Each Purchasor a Present In Talue from 50Ccnts Up to $100. WITH E AC E B 0 OK S0LD. 0@k. C'all earlv and fxanilne fhpir Biikji anti Preenffi. Ano Arbor, MulcUS, 1860. 78tftf. EXCITEMENT ! ! Th ose New GOODS AT A . P . MILLS' CHËAP CASH STORE, (South Sidc of the Public Square,) are creaAing % freai xcitment, and thoae wishinjr to make their SPRING P ü E C II A S E S, are invited to cali and examine Ptyltf and pricf bofore pnxchMlngi JVice Chaliies from Is to 2s. Lawnsy Beragety Foulards, Crapemenlst BalzarineSj Brilhants and Fancy Sitks ingre&t variity, aud of the latent patterni, Silk, Crape, and Cashmere Shawls very low. A Splendid Stock of Prints from 6 ets. per yard up. Iliinp Sfeirtsnt nno half the usnftl price. Hats and Caps, Ladics and Children's Shocs ! ! Slimmer Clothc nd Vtetinetin grakt varlefljy of l'ntterna, whioh I am pre pared lo make up nd Vv'ARRANT AIÜ1. A full assortment of DoineBtic Goods, Crockery and Groceries, a!l of hich I oiïrr at the lowest cash prïcei. ftS. T am not to be undcrftold . A. P. MTUfl. M. CA MP ION. TOE BTO8CRIBEB I1AS JfST RETCRNEB from ka v.-.t wltb bla f&ll AraO orairiiK Gr O O X & WHICH HE IS DETBRMINED TO SELL AT THE Xj o TTsr ost I3 H. ICB, FOR CASH, ttt trbicb, Plrt Qunllty Gnorts cn h ilTordod iotki city. My cloths are all of the Finest Q17ALITY and as I manufacture them Into clotblng mjIf I na enabled tu WARRANT EVERY GARMENT Isell.t" hu WELL MATIE, whlch H a trnni nrlncemrnt tocnstomf'rs to patroniu naj utorcin proferoncp to iiIho whcru large qtuntlttta of" half oiarle gool ar top fíTfiilr. llif UTSR MSBI0H8, ind Cl give ym as Fint andweü Tiuing Gartncnt as can bt anyvhcre, I ara bouud to teil cz: oarac "sta sk. ap je . - ANDBE T T E R G O O D S , ihan any other itmflar edtablisbniant in this ctty. Your custom U tuubt respectrully invitcd JJ. CAMP1UN Ann Arbor. PcDt. 30. 1859. j . 7 1 1
Dry Goods
D. L. Wood & Co.
M. Guiterman & Co.
Strong's Cheap Cash Store
Life Insurance
Wilmot & Sutherland
Loomis & Tripp
Agricultural Products & Services
A. P. Mills' Cheap Cash Store
Old News
Michigan Argus
Elijah W. Morgan
William Wagner
J. Gilbert Smith
Jacob Hangsterfer
M. Campion