O UI TER MAN ilIEADQUARTERS! Til il MOST CQ,ai5TB uLjU lli ïiMrunlUï ï,i Michigan Í STOCK OF G ARMEN TS R OF1 ERED FORSALB IN TUI S 2T A R K E T '. OUIl SPftlJVtí & SUBÍMER E3 L L "BO && .Sla6 mNíy üPCEíSicñlsTIl't' keep everyfhing u-hich Ihefishú n and tdmei demand-, and ean sdi thev ■■■■ ij''' than any oiher Establishment in the Stat. WE ÈUTB MOHF IH4 1OOO 5113:1 osi O'oLt, OFEVUtY VAB1ETY 01' FAPHIOX, Sur.h asParits.IInlfinrtf nd rmck, kc, mnD ulaciuri'.lb; ourmlvos, (Ymu ihe be1 ijviiuUiMOf Luu-n, CaMhnMMi4li4 MarncilleR; Also a l&rge a.urtiuent of DRESS AND FROCK COATS. Of eeiv quaUty, of Bïf-wn, Bluf and Fancy Colms We lüive th LA TE 8 T STYLE S -OFFitim Snuit pnftci-iiü. r'-i'n a'" fancT. ir Uw 'i'1' vid vurld. ■ on bo 'it:sficd by litgt' tod newly elccted stock of ÍKlTO & KI O A P ö I OOLLABS AND SHIRTS, Ofnll kind, ('ntili, FhlrtBosom,Handkretalfc,Su noden, Umbnllao.CarpetBag, Trunto.c. The virt wt Qloves.frxua th Bnest nik to tho tfiftent MounUir kld,ah&d; to tt,thehnü ofevery eustomer. Yon car ÜD.l ererjthlng la nurrstalilishmeat wliich tho world of to the tra(j.n sonunuait iü C3 mi s r".BL' b;bc ai jsk sa-AND- CLOTil FOR CUSTOM WORK t Wo have also ihe fïneat Fronch and Belgian Broad Cloth, F.tD'-y rjis;iïïi?res. Faney Pilfe anfl lUrseills Vf fop, A:c. - W oulii alo cali attention 0Í tbe Studente, rópFciaUylfaegnuUiatingclatis, iï any of tbom want ■ i 0011 KITTING eUlTjlei (iu-m come to fONDBEIM. ín order to get a good fit. Thankful for past puironage to onr old customera, we invito as raany new ones to come unl give ur a cali. I1 ' ni lail lo see fiiiiternian's Hfflílftiiartorp, beforego irhre. M. aCITBBMAN 4 LO. Aun ArbOT, April 11, 1S60. ' T43tf _orNlilAV GOODS. -XÏS T II O N G ' S New Chcap Gash Store. fXWtíT ÏUBGAIN9 ARE OFFERED- a &:gc llneof Silk Parasols from 4s to $3,00. TU bftgt Of W;iích ?irng Sttcl Ekirts, Five Conts a H- O- &- P- . Tip Top 36 inch Urabrcllas, ouly 12s ofber í!7íb in proporfioOi A laigesíock of Prints ven low LACE AND STKLLA SHAWLS, LACE AXD CLOTII MANTLE8, STRIPEI) ANDPLAIN SIIEETIN'US, YANKEE NOTIOXS, EMBROIDERIES, Haís & Caps, Groceries Crockery &o , ';c. Also a. largf Stock of Ladics' Shocn, At Frises 10 per cent less (han usual jQCfi N'u Iroubíe to show Good. Cali ana examine, nt Strong'a CHJ3AP CASH STORE. EXC1IANCE BLOCK, ANN ARBOR, LOOMIS & TB.IFP, Chapín A LoomÍ8#andCbíipin, Tripp & Loorais rriïlE aböTfl firm of Iiomis í: Tripp having pu rehuid A tke tntfro inliMCiit of the forraor compftul continue the bnittiQSfl &i ïht old stands, vhflre tlu-y wiH :v, un Ihc shortest uotíce, to íill all orders iti tlic Castings and MacMnery, in the ín'iíit vorknuuilfka mnnnpr, and on as Liljcral termfl ;ik nny ot!tprf]iop ín í .Slale.A:nin;: ' ■ pari" ous aiticleMLiaiiufactuieJ by u, w wouM enumérate STEAMENGINES of ftllfkinds Mili Go&dng and Fixtures, WToaghtand cast; all the vaiiuus caatiiiK.s for íimkiuj; and COpftirtng Ilorse Powcrs & Tlircsliing Machines such a arr :it prount} or have formeily bnen in iisp m tliin pwrl of tlie State, h wtí as il t)i( variout kinds of castillas atnl D)4chitt0 n orfc calle! for by faimcra aud un clifiiiics iuthi scctioti of the ooantry. of uil tlic variouf p&itvrns, op in sir-esaudpricos. wil] bc kfjitconstantly on haud, gjL tUc most moderu alid iuiprorcd tyles. 'HUBBARDS WROTJGHT IRON REAPERS & MOWERS. riavlns commwactfd manufiicturing tlns BtiperiorMacliïiio, single nnd eombiDOdj the farmers are luvitcd to im'.I ai.ii BOfl ri q ■ ;;.i:-n macliinf now in our ware room, lmfnre purchasfng clsevbi i b, belierfiiS thatthin machine need oiily to be Boen to couvince the farmer of ITS SUPERIOEITY over the Rea pers and Mowors in tliis market. Thankful for fwrmer w4roDAg4 to tho oíd ñnrix, we would soticit a;i' f rom oíd incluís, and a triul by all vtthlng forauything iuour llneof busiqeM. LOOM1S & TRUT. AnnArbor,Ma7 IStli, 1850. 697tf Y W. MORGAN, Agcnt for JCjm Mutual I.ife TnsuranccCinnpany, Kew York. A ecu ni D lutofl dinimtfl , - - $5 (Ü 60 ,01)0. í!h' LmmUbk I'ifc Insuütnce Coinpany in thp U. S. Kniektrbocker Ufe hismancc Company, New York, -a first cIam mJí ('o. - tonns reasoiuble. Iluinbiildi Fire Insurance Compaiiy, Nt'W York. Cnititnl, with a largo urphis, - - $200,(100. Peoría Mniine Se Tire Insurance Co-, Teoría 111. - hAtt v No. 1 Fire Insurance CVa. 7O7t.f CftptteJ, .... $600,K)0; InE peoría mariní: & fire IXSURANCE COMPANY. OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - $500,000 one of Cío BBAVTEST, f AYFST and BEFT Tnsurancc Co'p. fn tho U. ï. Ins'trM on roíl30nabl ter ni, anüíi!ways par proraptlj Tliere ís no botter Fire lasurauac Company. THE OLD "AUB EELIABIE Clothii ■ g 3ci mini 1 .} P IHEÈ ÏX Ê LOCK, BI A IN SÏRL'.ET. ima.iiiKt returned fron tlio Saetero CtttWj itli Large tuut i--. SPRING AND SUMMEE O O X 2 whicíi t unuAuaMy IO?47" PRIOES! Aiufng Ui? At-snlmcnt msy be found BROADCLÖTHS, 0ASBIMERE8, D0ESK1NS, & VKSTINGS, of att decrtptloiip, ppi'cii'lv (br !,:' !■ '■■- . i ■ ir ;ii!'1 maktag to order. In tbelatest aml Wr-ft . ■ . ,- rt.ib h BUJWil l' a&BOTtment Of RE AD Y MADE LL0TU1KG! TIU'.NKS CAKPUI BAOS, [JMBREI.LAS, ned I Gentlemen's Furnisliing Goods, [ with numerons otber artxlea usaalty round In ifmilaz ANEMPOHIUM OFfASBlOS, t esubstriberflattara bimulf. tïr.t bis long experience .ihlo him to gïve Ü ■ aU who iiiü.v mfHci ■' ■ . ■ ■ ■■' :■'■ ; ■ ■ C A L L EARLYJ and leavoyour orden WAGNF.R TO I1OUSEKEEPLRS. S0METH1NG NEW.- B. T. BABBITS Best Mkdioal Salkbatus. Ir manufacturé from common salt, and te lj [)rt.']irr enr:'' ieratus. fy Ui tUe dolct6riou9 matter a u ■ i (Kinnpi mi to produce Bread, Hi.-cuit, am Orictnüfi o( Cake, withoul i ■ rio oí üj .aleratv w ben Wie Dreftd or öike in bnkedJj thorolty produoing vboleaoma rettulta. i ■■■. rj Iparticlc ol Snir: :l t ha i tuniM to cr-ií, énd u 1 UU íVftter. and Flour. You willreadily prcei"e, bjin thetasteof thte SaJératua, that it is , lifll . . itua. , !u . In ono pound papers, each vrrap Q . ■ '..:. ■ B T. Babbitfs Best Mcd ■ Qpaleratus;'1 aleo, piet ut, twisted li?::f of bread Jj2 UO ïfitb :l glara of eCforvescïttg vratei on the top.- ij n should pre t erve tbc Trapper, and ' particular to get tbt jji brand asabove. -u 'T f) i l1 directioiwfor maklng Braad withtl f vieratus andSour UUkor ....i Tartar, wïlisc eompany eauh paokaAfr; aïw, directioos U,r ■ f ■ al o, P r oaaklng "' ''.itoranl Befdlitü Pov r 9' EYOUROWN SOAP witb U B. T. BABÜ K COXCENTKATE1 C POTASH. M VTarranted doubïe the streogtb of o: ■ i"it uii in cons - 1 lb, 2 !'s, : .lis, and Ibs - witb full dii ■ ;akin i n i Soft Soap. Consi mera n tli Öj ; . i ii market. f . ifaetured aod foi sale bj W3 ii. r. BAnmrr. :3 ■■"l,C0,6s, ?0, 74 Washington st., w YorkJO V 4 au'l Nú ü8 ludia st, Bostrn. ; n M. W. HAWLEY'S Celebrated Embrocation. For Human Flcsh aud Animáis. ÍN cslllnc tho altcntioii of tho Public to t!iis Medicine, wo would 8y that it lias been fully tried, nnl ]nndreds who have usel it 6po.ik in tho must coiiipümomary terms of ils wonderful eftecls npon Human Flesh aod tho : bruU creatlon. It Is faat gaining pnpularitv. Whcrevtr uscd it is received ivith aeolamanonfl of .107, and prononnced to bo the fcrentest Iiemcdy for Aclies and Palm Yeroffered to th Puhlio. Ita rawterly effects over jlwaM, %vh#n appllctl. Rives it ft celobruy unsurpaised by any exiernal prpitra!ion now In uso. Tb.erfore we caá soy, n iili tbo lUir.ust coufldsnea that tb Embrt)cat) wlll Cure RheumiMnn, Burnaand SenM.1. WcakDoss if Jointó, " Swellinsi and Tumor, " HeniorrlioldserPües. ' " Chllblalna, " " Tnnhaclionnl ('happed Uandi, Embrocatlon will Can 'I1 Sores oud Crsmps, " " üolls and Ooms, " t'ontracted Musolo, " " Onllsofall kind, Ring Buno and Poll Evll, " " Callona nd Spavij, cmbrooitlon will Cuis Sn-ccny and Sitfast, " Bprinchault and Fistnl, Scratcnes or Greas Kxternal Toisojis, " " SandCrackj, " Lamencsa and Struin, BDibroMtlon wUI Cura l"onnired i'cet, " ilnnito fc " CraeScd Tt, Garget i Cow?, " " Foot Eot fn Shot p. „ ,. , " AcBOí.v, N. t., March!), 1SO. _We, tha undersigned, do certify, that we havo uhkI M w. Uawlkt's CKLF.niiATtD Eifcm.c.iTio.i, tor Inflamintory nd Chronio lilieuluiitiani, alid chcarfully recommeod !t &A the best reincdy we have ever used J. M. Morri, M. D., James L. JTewjon, Ij. W. Clemcnts, Orrln Ilurd, Peter Fiero, 8. F. Gould. . v.B'.?,b ,nscn' ' I"fopltstown, III., uyt : 1 osteem It toe bet Linlinont I havo ever known. It givei anlTersnl atlsfcotion, and 1 caa UUfy to it e(Bccy from my on Mniracliirei by M. W. UAWLEY, Anbnra, N. T. O. N. TUTTLÈ, Aubnrn, N. Y., General itnt, to whom all orders ebould be addressed. ■""Ilv Sold by all Druggista md Meroliaata tbrongbont Uu and by UifKAED, STEBBIiTÍ t WltSON, AllQ Ailjnr. SEWING MACHINE. WK wniiM rcspccifully inform tho citizen." of ANN ARBOR, Riiilnll turooadiiiK country, tfaat ba ítit'iif(l rooms fr tbe snle of the foHówinjJ ircll known and popular Bewing Machines GROVKIi & 1ÍAKER, WEST & WILSON, FOÍUE6TOITY, TUE PEARL, CLEVELAND BLO AT, & RAYMOND. Aaj ïTsfins wi?hinfï ií fXfijninc1 our as.rríniení Will please favor us withaeaitatour roomn, dlrectly over tho (nu BbOp', 111 ThotifpüOfl i; Sutherland's biiick, frum 8 to a. in., ft inl 1 io C p m. C. T. IVfUt'tT, Á. J. RlTirKRT-AND. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. MIshMAIIY A. IITCBBRItT wlU oharge cl tl iin Pepni tinont of ÖBT businesh :uil (lo :ilí kiadSOf FITTING ANO SEWINft, Aml cive instructions In tli UMof Machines u BUQlLAi iriihbñCM uiroa knowledge nt them, n'IUiOTitSÜTHKRLAND. Aun Arbor, Feb. S8, 1590. 737tf GllEAT GIFT SALE -orSCHOFF & MILLER TN'lORDK.r.TO MAKE ROOM TOR Q 3F Xï. I X-CT JB ■! O C Si , biivc doierniine'l tí) aoll thoir MIS CEL LA KE0 US B 0 O A'S PUBLISIIER'S PRICES, And givo to Eaeh Purchasor a Prosont In valué fi'om öOCents Up to $100 WITIT E A C II Ii O O K S OLD. "Ifem Catl early and exnmia Jher Bou'U) and Prefrétw; Ana Arljor, MaichS, 18tK. ■ , ■ 4 Scroflúa, or King's Evil, is a convjtutional disenso, a corruption of tho blood, by whieb. thia fluid becomes vitiated, ■vcak, and poor. Beifig in the circulation, i{ i pervades tho whole body, and muy burst out m disenso on any part of it. No orean is freo from its uttacks, nor is there one which it may not dostroy. The scrofulous taint is vaviously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered ot unhealthy fuod, impura air, tilth mul fllthy habite, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the Venérea! wfectíon. W'liatever be its origin, it is hereditary in thefcon? stitution, descending " from parents to children unto tlie third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod ot" Him who eays, "I ■will visit the iniqnities of the fathers upon their children." Itti cffeets eommence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulceroua matter, whioh, ín the lungs, liver, and interna! organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellines; and on the BUl&oe, eruptions or sores, This foul corruption, which genders in the blood, depresse the energías of Ufe, po that scrofulous constitutions not oiüy suffer from scrofulous compluints, but thcy have fav less power to witlistand the attacks of other diseases; consequcntly vast numbera perUli by disorders which, although not scvofulou in thcir nature, aro stiil rendered fatal by lh3 taint in the system. Most of the consuniptioii which decimatcs the human family has its origin dircctly in thiö Borofuloua coiitainiíuuion ; and many destructivo diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, mise from or are aggravated by the same c One qusxter of all our pcople are scrofulous ; tb ir persons ave invaded by this lurkíng inffection, and their Jiealth is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovato tho blood by an alterativo medicine, and invigorate it by healthy food and exciuise, Sucb. a medicine we íuppry iu . ' i AYER'S Coinpoimd Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectnal remedy which the medical skill of our times can deviso for this everywhere prevailing and fatal malady. It is combined from the most active remediáis that have been difleovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructivo consequences. Heneo it should lie employed for the cure of not only Scrofuia, but also those other affections which mise from it, such as Ervptive nnd Skix Disr.Asus, Sr. Anthony's Fiiie, Kose, or EitY8iPELA8, Pimples, I'usttles, Blotchls, Blaixs and Í3ou.s,Ti'Mons, Tetter and Salt Rmeum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheuxatism, Syphilitic inuUlr.iici uialDisjíases, Dropst, Dyspefsía, Debllitt, nnd, indeed, at.i, CojrpLAiNTg abisinq fbox Viti.yted ou Inpurb Bloos. Tho popular belief in " tmpurity of the blood " ia foundcd in truth, for scrofuia is a degeneration of tlie blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa■ rilla is to purify and regenérate this vital fluid, without which sound health is inipossible in coutanúnated constitutious. ATER'S Ague Cure, FOR THE SPEEDT CUPE OF Intermittent Kever, or Fcvcr and Ague, Remittont Pcvcr, Chili Fevcr, Duiub Aguo, Pcrlodiinl Ileatlaclie, or Dillouo Headaclir, anti lïilioiiH Fevers, indeed for tïtc wHole class of dis ca sea orlgimitiiiiï in blliary tlevuugemcnt, cauned ly tho Malaria of Itliasinatic Couutries. "VVo mu enablcd havo to offer the communily a romotly Nvliiili, whilo it cuiea tho abovu compluiuts with certaiuty, 3 Btlll prftlj bannloss In any quanüty. Snch a reinedy is iuvaluablo Ín Uistricts wbcro tbeso affllctlDg disorders prevail. Tiiis "OüttB" expela the mina mat ie poison of Feveu asd Aouk from the system, and preTcntá tho dcvplopmcnt of the ditieaae, if taken on tho flrst approach of itB iJifmoiiitory eymptoms. It ia not only tho best remedy ever yet dlsoorerad for this claea of complaiuta, but also the chenpest. Tho large quanltty wo supply for a dollar bi-iugs it witliin the roach of every body; and in billous distrkts, vhr Fëver am Agujü jHevails, ovcry body should havo it and uso it fieoly both for euro and protectlon. It is lioped thia piice wlil placo it wlthln tho rcach of all -the poorns wc!l as tho rith. A great Miperioriiy of this remedy over any other ever dtseoTored foc tho spcody and certuin care of Intermltteiltfl is, Ihat it coutains no Quinïno or mineral, coesequoníly it proilucos no qolDbm or othcr iujurious effects whatvcr npon the constitution. Those cmed by it are left as healthy as if thoy had nevcr bad the disense. Fover and Aguo is uot alono the consequenco of tho ■ftfaumatlo polaon. A greal varítíy cf disorders nrise from lts initatinii. amoDg wblch aro Xïeuratffia, lihctonatism, 6out9 ïïcadadte, BUndnesd, 'Jlothach', Earache, G.rtanii, JsfJtma, li lp lotion. 2'aittul Afftctxan of Üu Hysterie?, J(un in the lfotcds, Cvlic, Paraljsit, and Derangentent of the Siomach, all of which, wheu oriinatii)ff iu this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become perlodlcal. This "Curb" bxpels the poison from tbe blood] anj D-U5cqucnt!y cures thein all alikc. It is an laraluable protectton to fmmlgraabs and persons travelling or tcmpornvüy resïdlng in the malatiotis distiicts. 1Í taktju occusioiKiliy or laily whilo exposed to tho infoction, thatvlU be exercted from tho syutcm, and cnimot accntunlaté in suffleienf qimntity to rlpcn into disease. Henee it is oven moro valuablo for pioleotion than cure, and few will ever Bnffer from Intermlttebts if they avaü theniEelves of tho protectiou thia i-emedy affordB. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWELL, MASS. JIAYXAl:n STEBB1NSA WISON.and by all Di: ': Dealers everyhere. J. 1 UK1.11.I. Traveling Agent. 5 ■''■"'■ risfid ia Oxyffen ; . combustión in K-.-i :■■-■. cUoDcfl bv tbe liigbeni Mei thinEu - . tLc i ni Wil States, and pro nib I tl I ie r piác The (?t i - .,, [:l-, p. aratiiinof Iron cn bo compared wilh i. Impuritles of tbe bli una of vital n wise eickly coniplexiona ia'Ucates its aece every ■.-. ftble cas. lana iii all na:-. '!;.:. in wliiob h i hu proved atenhttely cafatire'in escli nf n,c fo] contpla'ntp, vir: i;i UiiiiiK)' rv rvous .n"ciiion. Emoclatlon lyprplo, t'ontlptfon Dlarrhoen Dyaontery, ln!Ki.t Coiisumpdou, Kctoftdoiu TuI i i. Solt .-. Cklorosit, Lir-r'Ci'turlwnts, malitm, Intcrmitutu l'nrrs. Phnpleioa the, Fac Injcaneoi i;i ■.'::!:■: -ii - . v. ■-. I.. ■ ?, ,■ i :.- -. mil ..f acule i, or of tbe o nUnoad dlmlnotlon of nerrani and muscular PDtrgj fr.m ihronic iplainte, one trial o this reatoralire lias prpved I i. an rxtont which no ilosciipiion nor-irritten attflstalion w-ii!.! i-m der croiliblc. InvalMs so Umg bed ril.ion at to have b(-tnmo forgotlrn in iiieir uv.ïi neighborhoods, ; dsuly re-appearedio thabaajr world aaifjual retomed from protractf-rl travel ina dijtant lan i. nal tnstaneea of ilii kind oip attrsieilof female ki maeiated rictiuis otapparonl maránnus, saoguiueoua ■'. and U. at oomplteation "f nerrou Uo averaion to air and axaroiM for wliidt the pbysician luw m ■ In Ni kvoi mti noa of all k nd, anrl fnr raanni fa. miliario medical men, Uia aperatios f thu ti. ni of iroo njlWt iirjc.-sMLiü.v be nnl.ilnry , fcrt nnlikatlit Oíd oxide, it i i onio wltbout beinz exciting nw overheatlng! andgently, ragularl even the mout obsliuate cases of oo iht( aesfl wltli ■:■; i n .) Iicïng a jputrlc pnrgative, or It is this latter property,among otherx, wliicll m so cmnrhably eflwcttial aml pfruiauont ;i n-niedy for .' Hei apon wblch It alb appearg to exert a distinci and upociiic actiou by ÜBpcrsing toe local tenJcacy whicli torms tiifin. In DtsraPBM, innumerable asarelisoaiiaM, a alngla hnx uf theje tujilybeato l'ills h.i(' ofttn iróf the moii habitual tun, incluig t lic atfMSblït CosliveIn unchor!tf(! DlARRROM, evfn whe advanoed to Vysm ttry confirn-.Mi, , aod apparentl; mail tlu oirccii ;. i . mg i :i eqnally dooiilve and aaton Iuthe local : . ■ . ! Il gl llfl.l ÜV ■ Innjfmt Conszuip'ion, m aevera] ver grafafvinff 'n T' rcuoUtoj this medlcated Ii"n bat M 1 hi inore than the if the mout cai f bao ■■■ preparsllons of lodine, without any of i i iífII lino Theatti odtofhl rittoralhc in il,c casos pc-culiarly afFcclin; lironld nivï [nflammatorj in tlie atter, however, more ducide'll.r - ii has boon invariant; "'! rl'l"'r ■ ing pain and roduoiag tbc trcllingss In irUefmHtent Férril mu! I il remdy anii energetic re.tor,iüTp, n ■ : . . , n n,,. ,„.n. citlim.nts of tho VTest, 11 probably be ouu of higli reinivn and uaafulnasa. No teme i -.n dlicoveretl in ihe whole I jofmoi , ■ meh prompt, happy and . Goojl app .' di■ ■ : mgth, u-ith au nnuaaal ■ I cbeorful exorcl e, lmmedlately ullo'.v :K ilko. Tu ni. ;.i unit flut mUHiw enntntntiie 'll r box; for ale by druttüists and doalei-H. rlll boaerrl frff to anjr addroai on receip( of tho prloo All letters, oraer,cto..,shonkl beaddrei - . - . ] i,, B. B. LOCKE,&Co , Oencral Agent, Tyl 33n Broadira7,N. V. DE FÓEÈST, ARMSTROIÍG & CO. DRY OOODS IHEIÍCHANTS, 8O & S2 Chamljera St. IV. Y. .yoCI.I) MiTOV T1IK TIIAÏ'K 11:-, t (,,..,-..,,„ . ÍT Heckly, in ,cv and beaatifui iialtm . Al:-.o tiik -A-xa.oslK.oixsr, ,New Print, vhieh neela vny Prlnl ta tbc ('mmlrv i.UKiftuiu fnll rs.- 0;;r ,D. ;a mhrv(,t lin.j mc-etinir wih . Or'k-is rom'tly attcuJcJ fo ' Tl' GREAÏ. GItEATER GREATEST B i RG A.INS 1 V ] 1. C 1 J . 1 , ] 1 1 1859. JpIHoi). j Iu tbisCity, are uow beingofferecl ut thfs CHEAP,CLOCK,WAT0H, & & &-XX7 fólry itoxO1HE Sübwribor wouldsay to the ottlxena oí Ann Arbor.í; particular, ninl tho rost of Wl í'í-untv in ftf ihthI, tbat hahasjutt IMTOKTKÜ 0ÍRECTLY fjoni KUKOpE.a Tremcndons Stock of Watches! Ah of whic-h h6 hiniRt-lfto se] OUKAPKR tha can be bouelu west of Kew York i'ity. Opon Face Cylitidi.'r Watchoa trom fc'J to $m do do Le? er du do 8 to ï 1 HuntingCsgp lío do do 14 to 35 do do Oyllnder do do 9 to i8 Gold Wntohce from 2Ü to 15U 1 lave also Uie CÜLKBRAT12D AMEPJCAN WAT CUES, wbtch I will seu ter $31. ICvoryVvatch warraotud to ; pBT{orm well( or the monoy v ïunded. dooka, .Tnwfilry, rintoi Wape, FüTtry QoodB] Gold Pens, J Musical Instrumenta and Stringa, C?tit!elT, &.C] and in f'nct n variuty of flvwytnloa uguully fcept by Jew elt;r3 can be bnutíhtforthe ut;xt ulDOtv daya hX your OWN PU ICES! Persons buying nnything at this weli known e&tab. i lisi.ine ut can rely upon gotting goodt itxact!y as repI ropcntfd, or the nit'Di'y rciunded. Pakeurly tul du euro the best bargaina ever olibred lo ihlt City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : We aro preparad to mnke nny repairs onflaa or common Waicbes, évtn toKKkingc er the ro-tlro wntch, i-j-ry. U }■. ring of Clücks 'tt:d Jowi .' y & usual. Alao the inttmifaeturiiiji ot RINGS, UUOOC'IIS, or imythi))jj desired, from Cttlif rt)ia Ooliï on short notire. Engravimr i" Mt i u branches excentcdwiihncut cuas and aispatcn, J WAÏTÖAon Arbor, Jnn. 28thlg59. 7i4w Something Worth Reading! ;hofF&Mi31er5 ARK AG A IN ON FrANI),atthlrld mnud, (Thrfe 1'oorsNorthof Fruukün House,) with the most complete and Extensivo Assortment -OFBooks and Stationery, Wall and Window Papers, Oil Painted, and Gold Boidcred Shadcu, Cttrlain Rollers, Tassels, Cords, AND A TTIOUSAND AND ONE THINGS In thelr line, ENTIRRI Y TOO NIW ROUS TO MKNTION, which thsyln.tvitc thelr friends, and thi p;ib)ic Micraliy, tü CaLXjIj cis 333C-LV.3VIIlXrU Eefore Purcliasing Elsewbere, fis thoy flatter themnclersthat tliir Stjles and Pricwfi cinnot fn 11 to provp satisfuctory. Hnn Ar'.i"r Viy 1. I f'.'.!). IIURACE WATERS AGENT 33 3 ïï r o a d w a y , Ne w V o"r k l'uïjlisïur ofr-Iu-ic anflifastc Books AXD DKALEA IX Píanos, Melodeons, Aloxandre Otanfl Organ Accordeon, Martra's celebrated and other Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viola, VioIincelloSj Accordeons, Flutinas, FJutos, Fifes, TrianglepClari 3óetts, Tuninf FoiksPipea ondHarnmera, Violïn Bows, best ftalian Stringe, Basa" Instrumenta for Bands, Piano Stool?, and oovere, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. S lx o o t 3VE xx S i o, f rom alt the puBTiliera in the U. S., Bartlnl'a Hunlin-a, l) Í Si ■ andatl kinds of Instrnction lïooks for the above instrumenta; Churcfa Husti ly bound; Wuslc paper, aul all kinds of JIuc Murchan Att ii e L owest Price s. New Planos, At SUñ, $"200, $225, S250, and up to $800. Secüud Pianoa from $25 up to ïlöt); New MeLddcon $60, S75,10n, nul u íq $200; Beoonrl Hand Uelodeona fivm $'■'! la $80; ■■'■■- i rt3 ■■ Orgaas, with ftvo stops, $lco, , $250, $275 aiK1. ■ I $376; A liberal ■' ■ rgymeu, Chu ■ th Schools, Semlnárfoii and Teacheis. The 'liaue suppticd attlieusuil Lnuio disconnts Testimoniáis of tbc Hornee Waters Planos aitcl nïe.Ioiïfons. John Hewett, of Cfttthage, New York, who luu hrirt one of tlio QoraeeWateca Piano, writesas followa: "A friond of mine wishes me to purchnsp n. piano for her. Shc Ifkes tho OBe you sold rao in Doccmlirr. 1858. My piano is becomin popular in thin pLicr, and I tliink T oan iniroduco one or t-.vo mírc they will be more p'ipular than aoy othev mafce." 'We have tvro of Wators' PSanoa in uspi in crarSemi nj-ry, v ne oL whicli has boen sevortily tc.sted Tor throc ypars. aud we can tostlfy to their good qnalltv and durabiiitj .'! - W'ood S; Goïgorj, Mount Cnrroll, Til. - DbaR Sib: Haring uaed oneof your Forteif for tWo ycars past. I have fonud f a very superior Instrument Alosko Gray, Principal ftrookhjn Heigkts Seminar]. "The Huno I ■ ñiou continúes io rhreMi. isfaction. 1 regard lt as one ofüie best Instrumente in the i .-■■■ ' á'-;vs T C'i.Ait&B, Charleston, Va. "ïhe Mclodeon h safoly nrrlved. i fa] oblifrfdto voa toryonr uoer&l discount." Ecv. j. M. Blo YarqnesviUeS, C. "Tbe wM fluly rocöived. Ttcam in excellent condición, nnd is very mnch ftdmtredy mjr njijnetooa famiiya Acccpi thunlts tor yonr promptness." b, Wcyrrnkarn, 3rtuffoed Ca. Vu. "Your pianb piants ua welt. Il tHa bo.t. one iu our county.",- Tnoiaa A. Latuam, Campbdkon, Ga. "We : ich pbligod toyou for haring sent SHcii a finr iii.struoiünt for $250." - ÜkamEjIIelu k Co Bnjfdlo at.. ■ i !:■ Hocace Waterj Pianos are known Ramona the vc-ry bei are enftbled to spealt of tlfese Instrnnients nitfa oonfldence, f rom personal jcnowlt '■■."■ of thelr excfiltent tune and durable quallty." - N. Y. EranjfelisL 'We eau spdHk of the nierity of the Bbrace Wati r pl anos ftom personal knowledLce, aa boing the very flnest q uali y . ! ' - ChrUtian IntclHgenctr. "The Uoraoe Waters pionoa ure ouilt of the bost. and raoSl thoroughly soasoned material. We hsve na doubj thatbuyers can öi as ircU,perbApa botter, ai thltitban at any otberbougö in tho Union," - Adtof-ait avd Journal. ' ptanos iuj-l melodeons challenge ooñiparíson with tlio finest made ftnywhere in tho country." - Home JqunmV ice Waters' Piano portea are of fulT, rich and i! - .V. Y. Musical Reveu. lOur urïends wQl Gnd ai Mr. Waters' frtör tho very iist assortment of Musio and of Piano tobe ;' ; rpje our sonlhern and w Pstern [rienda to give bim a rali whenever thoy go V orkP ' - Gr aha u's Mugazin e. Warchouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bel], IOO-O1K) i s.-íi -; 1 In ten Mouths. The onpreoodented saie of thlBbookhaa ln4ooedtiM publiübet to add sume 30 new tunes and hymns to i!s pT66 (ut sim, without extra charge, except on tho chcap rHi :iong thomany heautiful tunos ;in'l tivmn may hu found:- "j otight to love my mother;" "O I'll be a Rooii chlld, inoce-l I will.'J Thcse aml etnit othora fifom ma Bell.were Kimgat the Sunday Bohool Anniver sary of the K. Ghurcli ;it. tbe A ; i i n;v of tfoaio, with gréat applause. The Bell coi:tains mariy 200 tunos and I ■■ i ■!!! ■■, and is ono of tho bost collections ever Innod. :' ■■ ' :■■: $10 per hundreflpostoffe 4c Esantly bound, a gilt, 25e; $20 per 100 It. has boen tntródüced inU) many if the PoWto-Scboolfl. Tin; e ! i. pabllflhed in Bmail nnjnben entitled Anni. reraary and Sanday School Muslo Books, Ños. 1, -, '■'■. -v 4, in order to acoommodate tïw raiHie; price $2 Ai S3 prr ininilu'-l Xo. 5 will goosbe IsBttftfl - -rommenrpnKnt of inother bQok Also( Hovival Uugle Bookfl, Ño, 1 & , price $1 k S per 100, postage la Uorcthan aoo.uoo aopïfs cf ihi nbnvo v . . the past ntchtoen months, and the demand srapïdly ncrcaöinr fubliahed by HOItACE WATERS, Agent, 333Bruadway,N. Y. Publised by Horaco Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. Vocal, Kihi Words can neverdif;" "Tho Angels told no s.;-; "WÍIdfl of the Weat;" 'TTioughla of God;'1 G ... i ie back my Uountain Ilmne;'' "Day Hreams;" . Cock Robín;" "I'm with thee stlUp'Petnaines;" 'Thoro's no darilng like intno;" "Satan Jane Lee;' ■v of thee;" uI'm leavingthce tn Borrow;" "Bird of tcautyt" '-Hmo of our hiril:;" of BoaÉlelTn aml : ike lady, rake,,' price 2i eaeh. Lvstruiie-STal,-1 'Palace Garden, or Pinjrinjt Tïinl 'olUa,' 40c; "Swinging Bcnottutche;" "Mirabel Schotinch;" 'Thomas iiaker's Scliotti.sctie;" piccolomini 'Olka', .15 cents oach. The abwepielieKhavftbeautlfui 'itifcttoo. 'Weimer Polka;" "Arawan Waj gry Maroh," Ue v-ery lapt; ilVa.soviapna Donieils Uazurkaj "] iiK Polka;" "Crinolino Waltz," and itancers' Qaa. rille, "25ceacli. "The Kmpiroof Reich'fl Quadrille;" a iaxv danëe, and "The tflWrhíftíi Qüadfüïe," 3Scoach. !nny of tiioso pieoen are played by IJakr' oelobratfld ra vitii preat applrÁise. Mailed freo. A irelotof Porelgn Sluato at half pi-ice. Piaïtos, Mclorfeons and Organs. irace Waters Pianos and Ifolodeons, fbr depth, arity uf Umc anihirahiüty, are unsurpasBed. I i'ry low Sceoii.l Hand fiñnos and Helodeons from $26 hJ 150. MubIo aud Musical Imttraotionfl of all kinds, aithe iwest prices. HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. 833 Broadway,N. V. ' TKwriMotr.'.:1:- "Thf TTnrncf Watert Planosare knowo Kaniong: theTeiT beat.' - ËvonfêlUt. ' ro can speak of their ments from personal kiuiwlle, 'J - Ckr'vstum Ititeltitfou. . Nothingat tïic airÜispIayeS'greatêr excellence -"- I 'hurchman. Vaten' Piano and Heloctaons onallonge oomp il yio ü mde iiuy wlieie iu the countrv." - Uome ' i Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, f &S JtL TB LU Jtftk o NEW STORE!! :KT O "VST I1 1 X 223. - New Pur nittire, MAETïN & THOMPSON, SIt'OK.SSOKS TO O. M. MARTIN, TTAVK JUSX OPENF.D IS HUIR e mi Elegant War e-R o o ïu s EAST SIDEOF HADT STREET, u3l. xx x. K" 't orí A COM PLET E STOCK OF ROSEWOOD, "MAHOGAiSY and SETS OF PARLOR FURNITURE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany ROSE-WOOD, BLACK WALXUT, Plain and Marble Topped Og ROTTIG TtL[iOp ROSEWOOD, iMAHdGANY, BLACK WALXUT, FANCY and COTTAGE CHAIRS &c, tc, &c, &c. 9. XL SS 3 9 El e g a n t MIRRORS, Bureaus, Secretarles, Q3 esa coa ip U O öO B e d-R oom Sets, 1XCLÜDIXG LATESÏ STYLES, -ofOF TUE BEST QUALITT AND Different Material. In Fact they Have Everything W- H- I-C- H "The Old Polks," O-R "YOTJNG MAERIED PEOPLE" WANT TO F-U-R-N-I-S-B PARLOR, BOUDOIR, SITTING ROOM, OU KITCHEX, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO loDger go to Detroit or elsewhere To Find ALARGE ASSORTMENT T-Ja.-1-S FURNITURE M U S T BE S O L D - A N D- And Will be Sold ; A- T VEE Y LOW P E ICES! &&- Lft evrry man and hia wife or going to be uifo COME A.N 1) SEÈ Tlif ■} also hare a HE A ESE CARBIAGE, Wt nro alwayt rfü'ly U ntirnd to U:o bnrinl of tlio Moruï in Ule City anti a(j()ining coujitry. Warc-Knonift east ?i'lo' of Main Street, botvéen Washington aud Liberty. Ann Arbor, Nov . 1869. O, AL MARTIN. 0. B. THOMPSON General Land Agency PEK SONS wantinpfnrm8,orre8i(lrncpr[nornflii Ann Arboic, can by calling ontne teloclfrom a ilst of over IOO Farms Fr SaJe! Of varioin sIzps trom 3, to 1300 acrct-iach (ioitm ■ good aeany inlhii Connty.) Morethan SO nwellug Housen iothisCltyromtwo hundred to fourthouanncido . arsoach: und over S O O BUILDING LOTS! (Vmongthotartni aro the lüthcps larm, 1M0 neren, :he Potter frirm, in (raen Oalt; the Plncefartu u j I taores. the Blandón and Ji-nlm farms, tn vveb'ster; Ii StabSa, Michacl Claucy, Newton Beegan and' F'allali.ii l'armc. In Aun Arbor; J.Kir.gsloy'41'nrm n t!ie Holch nr.d Huik iuriïia In üiè l'trii;!c ('layufann in Freedom; V. S. DavUon B . üakerg and Buck'e farms inSylv"an. Mostf licse anr) many others can be dlvidüd to suit Turoliaflors , ' E W.MOJGAX. nu.VrboJ, Jan. Ut, 1856 RISDOiN & HKNDEltSoN . - :rJ:]gtï:mL7_ a-j) „fa Bi to-rf' L- Jes. B NEW HARDWARE STOEE ! ! ! , O ■ ' WB WOÜÏ-n CATX TUK ATTENT3ONO? THK PUBLIC to our êUtdk of aHBC Ok. BL. J -OWE 3L. JBX. SS @SS rJD? CC W JE3 9@ 9 IRON, STEEL, NAILS, TUT COPPER, & SHEET IRON WARE, CHAIN AND CISTEEN rüMPS, PAIIMTS, OILS, GLASS, BRITANNiA WARE, die, &c, á-c, cj&c. And ovcry kinü of Hardware and House Furuishing All ork will Ijp snlil as '.'11LAI' as :tr nnv otÜT Bstabllsliment in iVüciiigan. Vn say we have gul tho Best Assortment of Ccoking PAR LOR AND l'LATE ÍS TOV ES I3XT TI3CXS; STATE, And wili sellthem Ch&aper than THE C UEAPEST, Ple&ss cali an(ï scr1 u.. All tiinds of tin ware kept on band. Particular aitentiunpaid to allkinda of Which wül be dono wlth NEATNE&S KNDDJSPLTCII. P'.ercc-caUanüsce onr STOVf; ROOM iu 2d story of Bloct. UISDO.V i: IIEXDERSON. Ann Arbr.r, Oet. 7, 1559. C3r O O I í . RICII GOODS! Clieap Goods! ! BACH & PIER30N I IAVK JUST OPENkD TKK OriOICEST STOCK - OF- Spring and Summcr Good to bo found In this City, conisticg of LADIES'DRESS GOODS newest Stylcs and paiterr].;;, CAREFULLY SELECTED, pui'chaseU cbc&p, aad Warrant e rt to P le ase. Also, GENTLEMEN'S GOODS, Domesticü, Ftaples, Family Goc3iies, &c. CVn?ult your ovrn interets cali anp carlr. BACII fc PIERSOST 1859 1SS9 City Cheap Lumfoer Sash, Doors Iilinds, Piaster Paris., Grand liivcr Piaster, Water Lime, Mails of all sizes, Crlass, Paint and Putty, Le., &c. . D. DeForest, 1IAVING iucreaacd his iVrilitics for tloig busJJL dcbs aml cnlarged hia Yard and Ltrk,U premrtul the present seaOQ, with ttc bes) Urgest ori ehearegt scasoned stock nverin this mirktt. to ntisl'y the renionabln esnftctfttlons of all. Our motto Ís not to bc undersoJdfor cash on delivery wiii not tindertak!to frk'hlenthe public hysaying hnt thry will getshuved il thoy bu y olsewhere, for we presume that othor nilisellaëiow usthey can fford to. A.U kinds of ïimïer, Jotata, nd Scautling, Pinc, Whitcwood, Basswüod, Hemnek. Flaned and M?.tched Fine, Whitewood Ash Klooring.Plnneri-uid roun Pineaml Whitewood sldlnfi.FeDCi Foau, OakundC'edar l'osts andi'ïckets Of all kinds. Pint f atlj, anïi ilMjUcujooïr L. ri Ptnc, Aah uirl Whitewood Shinglo, Barn Boards and Bain Floor Flank, Blnek Wa.uUt,aud Chorry and thin stuiï", Waonand BUGGY AXLES and TONGUEö, Boxitnd Body Lumber,AIap]e I,og Timber, ilickory, Oak, Ash, Llm, Beech, Of alUhicknoaaea,widthd andlengthB.&c. cc, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallkimli. XVTciiXs of all siics, &c, &c, SASII, DOOIiS, db BL12ÏDS, niade by hiiütl to order na low ft9 fnctory prk'ce, on the shortcgtuoticc bytbe bostof workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bills ti i i! dcrijtiün in tho abjvn building line fa rniflhedon 1 1'. ef li'jrteatof n o tice, for We ha vc Mills Cuttiig Regularly. A ful! and ii perfect astortment of tho above aud o tuur kinds of Building Materials Constantly oulinndalthc lowestpossible rates Cali and be Convinced. A feio rods soulh frota 11. H. Depot on 'Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mick. 11 O O F I N Cr. N.B. - I ain now operatiiig Extensively in the Patent Cement Rooiiug. City Meat Markei. rj'-T;rN]:;(;xr.!., .■.. t uw Uio.Post Jl Üfflc1, koe] oo hand a f uTT assbrfnisiit of Iri-r-o-.-ís-I-x. 3VI-o-Lt-t-si-í v wil] alwfivs be fouo.4 in i padíoeasto ruï u;:.ío will ba 9jTíí to kccji their Diaruci Clean, an 1 M e a ts Sivcet and patrono m.iy rtlj iij'íi1 I BOASTK itk.'Tï!, chips, ciü., -.ljat caá büiíiwírf UithcCitv. CAL, ANPII'.V I'S. S. PROCTOH I T. WALKER. 1 Sheiiff'ö Sul?. i DY VIKTl'K OFAN KNUL. JON" imii out of aml m ! .O ilcr tlie acal f the (.reuil Om i ftr the ('mmt t4 ■- chlgjaa, li trfngdatothe ú;h : . ui . i , 1860, bih! i" m dtrecied aml deliYorwl, . . dfi ttllü cii::l'.i -- und few m :it llirrc f ï. S!aun defendant .... the Mil t.-iy -J.ily. IM0, lery B right, tille .'t int rent of i lio MtÜ : uewrlbeO laud i . ff . t : .t twnshfp nninm-r 2 ■encii g ai the orator , cl (bc r-nl Lvadlug from Anu Arbov tu Juck.vm, at .-v . ■ ■ Lhu inUTi-eotioti oction, M.enoj nortb i.r..'i'-i ■ ■ i line ;i ohalnsandis lint ■ li for tvLO c. ■ ■ ■'■■ along iud litch 3 . eik to tiohmiou Manu caí t line, south (o ai I r d, thoi cc we1 to tiro place of boginnfng. AUe 1 td numbev 14, 13 ntid IJ. and uil of thl part uf ir 1 1 , that Jwa uuth of a line drawn Brom and 4:: Uuta south of tin' nortb-o t of lot ntúber l J, ! thfl nortb etvt qunrtvr nf ■ ruiliip number 2 louthoí rmu 6 ilod ín líber I'. v' '-"- AJao M numbwofc nn' a4lUio.i. Aluo tlic fullowing, beiug tha the v.vM balfof the wirfhfiaai iuaiUr ■:-;o, townabip number 2fou4ho( muga U ulttrW dosoribed as foUowi to wit: Boglunii in lL ti iTltorlal tóA laadJng frnm Ann Atbor to Jacksonata wwretheMt aad t tbfl éontet (tf l'i ■ , :!: on lbo liue botwoen ths oast nti-l west uoitm df uorUi-eatt quartec "f wection . LI Ihilui, tliwwowest 11 roda an-lT linh.-i, theaco acrlh toUi coti- if s.ii'1 rad, thonc easterly 11 rofli and 8 Hnkn t tho placo ofTxghmtng ; contftiaii land in ii:' towosblp o( Ann Afboc and in 11"' conotjr of WTanhtenaw and State "f MicUfgan, all of wbicb premiApx 1 ahüll pxpwe lr cule al publja aaction, ;t Un luw Iíu-1k, :,t Ibe iront ilcM-ir oi the Cvurt e, li tbo City of Anu Arbor, that bpuig the place for 1 thig the Circuit Court ftr the CotfOty of WnshtoDan', ou iicii'l-iy the2Lddayof October nxt, nt clüvoa o'cicck in tlic foroaoon j1 u10 diiy. .i.OXARDjShoi-iT. raio!, AjK. 20, 18Ö0. Shcriffa öalc. BY VÏRTUE OF AM EXECÜTOON is-iue.l out of and onflor iho seal oí tho Cirenlt Cpurt for tho ('ouoty f iaw, acd State of MCchían, bosriugdate tho loth ilay ofJuly L380, and tn nn direeted aad (clivcrcJ, v'íUt-st tho goodá mi'1, i' ..'.■'■■. nad for want thoreof ..'i touetnentfl r lm Dtvlttojr, ileft-mlant thtrtiti . i rtlü on the lOth d:iy of.íuly, 18ÍM), levy pon and scizt; all the right, titly aml iutrcst of tho saví ln Beckley inftil to Use followinff déacribed lnndand ïromirit: Nortb lialf oorth-ireat qwrwr jf Boction uumbor 16 in tunnhip amnborS souUk of rango 6 east contalnSnff 80 acre m the countjr ot VashtDvr anfï State oí UI -li l.-: n , all oï wliich preralsefl I ha]l axpoKforaaleat pablioaactioD,aa the Iaw directa, at tha frontdoor of Uu Court Hooso,in t!i GttrofAmi Arb-n-, tlmt iN-iiij; the pbxoeforhoMlHg tlu dreuu Court for the Coatïty of Waihteiuw, oti Mo.nlay the22dday of oleren o'elocl: in the foxenooo 't airt Jajr. TliOS. K. LLOXAKDfálieriff. Ditcd, August 29, 18C0. 'SherifTa Salo. BTVIKTCEOFAN EXJSCUTION ÍMoed-onteí and ander tito Beal of the Clrcait Cvurt foc tho Countj of Washtenaw, and stal of Michigan, hearing date tho lfttli daj ofAuguai 3 ?0, audto ino direoted aml dtflirered, against the goods and chattc'n, and for Trant thoroof Inniï.s and tenementa of Willinm P. White, r]efenUnt tbcrcin iiaiuöfl f I did on the I5th day of Augimt, 1840, i"w upon and séize all the right, titlo and iutwrest of the the sai i 'iVjiliaMi P, White In and to the following doAcnbed land and prendada, to wit: The itnutb vrat quartor of the South-Gftst rjunMcr of seetion tbirty onc in Towuihipföur outh of range swraneaattbeing in the Townsbip of Augusta, iu the county of washtvnav aDl títat of Uicbigan, al] of which premtaaa I thaU exposo for salo it public auctiun, tin the Iaw s di reets, at the frontdoor of tho Court Elonaft, iu tho City of Ann Arbor, ïiinl lii'ujf; the placo for holding the Circuit Court for %bo County of Waalitenaw, on Uonday, the 22d day of Oatoher tiext, at olevua o'clock ín tho forpuoon of akld&j. TH6S. F. LEUNAUD, Sb-ifL. Patcd, August 20, 1850. Bberiffii Salo. BY VTRXOEOF AN EXKC0TI0N 1moo4 out of anJ udïer the seal of the Circuit Court for the Countj of Wanhteruiv,', anti State of Ulèhtgan, hearing dato tho 7tb. rtay of July, 1S0O, and to mo flircctod and delivored, ■■'. chatteb, and for want thoröof tanda and teneroenta of Krannis Wav defcudant tiioroin name1,I dia on theTth day of Julj, Í860, lery upon and srizeaU tne rhht( ttttèandrintoréêt of tho saM Kraneü Way in and toilte foUovtng deacribed lanl and premiaee, to wít: Houm and one acre of land hounded east, wut :i:i! Bpoth hy A. Tiav.-i's land. north by land owuod by & tli e. Dar win and bejng nar Traver's Saw Milt andoriiK-tly ovned by Mead Thomas in townjhip two Bouth of range bïx eaat ín tho county of Washteiunr and State of o, all of r&icb prmieea 1 hall oxpote for Kale at public auction, as the Iaw diröcU, at the front doorof the Couri ld ;.-;, Ld the Citj.of Ann ArOor, thai bei ng the place fr holding tho Circuit Court for the Coanty of iVash 'u-i.n.v, on M.inday tbc 22ü day of October next, at tleven o'clock iu the lorennon of saitl dar. TH03. F. LKOXARD. Sheriff. DaleJj August 3ít, 1S60. Mortgage Forcclosure. LJ of Mortgage executedby Joha Weinman to Wil tooi . Mayiiard . Uit 24ïh day of Julr, A J? 18 „t WêÊè&A i to id mol Igjg6 became „p.rative, a"d Tui 't prpcMing hoving bwn Mtituted t Uw to recoT Vt br J mortgage, orwy part th7 an! the 8um of two hundred and fortv dollar A Kotlce theref herel.y given that the aid mor willheforeclosedby a sale of the ninrtgaged p"S trV "'■"[""""'"'"ven, twolvo.thirtfennd? Plat f Wllliun S. Maynard'. .coad adrtitioa In 2nl Arbor,'' in snul couuiv nr nnmi n!yt ti, r I E. W. MOM, S' MAYX-1RI'. W". Datcd, August S, A. D.' 1SC0. T5W Mortgage Foreclosure. rvEFAULT HAVJNO BBEK MADi: In the conditi.n „f, lmortfli-oc-x.njtf.iln-satuu.l W. Fort to Jop' i. Seymioïi aatcd_Febrary clghteenth, A. D. 1839 rüedmtheRegwler'soffl, In thó itounty „f power of íBléMntAoedin -:,i.t feortuam bcrame opera, tnc, nd no soit or procceding havinK ban „süruted H law to reeoi i r Ibe iebt si oured by -■,„! „1IP[, „ ""„, part lh„,. ,r. .„,1 ,l,o sum of Uríty fnúrt.mXd an .oavnow claimpd to he d„e thcreon _ Notxo.slliou-rotchcrebygivro that the said niortKa. wlllbe forlod by a ale of tho mortgageS prmU '"f A.ltkAt certa... tractor parcel of land known A. 1839, and onohalf acre of land whore thcre ateT altraTM,ndalo the righti of lan-1 wWch hadthen beendeededto Oraon Quaokeabuah „dutS Crowmau,by.lutc-ih ft . s-vmourand Samuel W. Folter 1 aud :,y„,h-i.ast partot Ü.eSouUi.oi.1 .marter of the uü.-Uest quarlor of section tfiwe, in ,'he To,„shiF ■ lid, containlng about serenteea cros, Ivine Eat from and adjacent to land thea on ned by yn. AUo lots olio Wock six in ibat part ofth., s,:;,..,,: !, 8. W. Foster, in April A. PlsJo, and reoordea in tlie RtgfeWii office in said couoty, ■ ut public vendue at tho Conri Houw in the City of Ann Arbor, on the third day of Vevember ncxt, at noon. KEMOS H. IVINT,, Asslgn. E. VI . UoRGAS, All V. B Iiatrrt, August 7, a.'p. 18iO: K1U1.1MJ w . CLAKk, j Court for tho County of EDISON ttñ&ú, te„'neTbor? % GEOIV.K E. EABMBtBF 18' Court, thiUlie-lctcnilnntm this ca .Ices fot resirte in Un niotion nf 1 . M. Ci..,:,-v, SUcitor tor complainaut il to bc c-ntered in this causo, and notioo thoreof to be eejrved on cu,nplainanTs.solicit0r within thrco month )rom tho.dato of thla ordor,,.nd that in HUM oftL apXr anee he cause hnaaswer to cumpla „.„n, WilV) b Vued hed at Ai.„ Arhor, i„ Baidcounty, and thaímrt hpearauco. ,-, ',r vNt'i ITF 759 kS CirCuit for Washtonaw có.'llkh. Guardian's Sale. -VT OllCE Li EÜSREBY that, by virluo of an or wtot ofHelon M. Hoag, m,Uor, by tho Jud of l'robataofJackhonCouuty.dntvrt d.-t. oth D ■ 11M I HÏfirï?ihP."S 1U'rCti'Jn a' th front 1'"'ruf lile Court o! ■ '-vofA"" Aroor, od Prldv, October O, at onc o'clock. P. M.,the f,llo-in decrlbed ato to-wit: All (bc interest of id minor f" th WJhtf fth South-t qo„t„ and S half of Kor west fractionalciuaricr of soction 1h-o Tomshl Uvo&ouil. bwmn theTownahip ofSuM, or, Couaty of amr State of UMflMD Ann Arhor, Sopt. B 0" OOI Chancery JSTotica OTATE OF MICHIfiAN. Fourth .I,„l, Circuit, inChan. ry, Uarnrat Dumain vs. ( ),a,l ■ DBinWtr! rétt podIng in theCircult Courl. for tho Couulv or Waahtmu y, rit Ann Arbnr, Yepti-mbci-"4, 1860 Ltapi peanng by uilidavit to satisfaclion or tlic Courl that tbc oefendani in thia cas doos not reside ia Mich' igan, but when last board of was a resident of the Stat of Indiana. On motion cf N'. K. Welch. Solicttor ,, complainant, t is orderad that the sni.i dofondant causa bis appearanco to be entcreci in th! cause, and notico thwof to bo rvcil on cnnlplainant's sslicitor w thin ciglit weeks from tlio date of this order, and tliat ir case of bis appearanc be cause hls answer to compülo. ant bill to be flled, and a copy thoreof to be serred on ut solicitar vrithin twenty days of the servico of a copy of said bül, and in default thereof said bill m;iy be taken as confessed by him. An.l it i furlher ordered tiat uilhin twenty dajs c.;mplain.lnt causen cupy or this order tobe published in the Michigan Ir gus, i p ibUe qempamr publlabed at Ann AlboriTn n'ai.l county, and that such publlcutton be continuad in said paper At least o:;re a week for sis suivcMiivc uutbat tlioy causo tbis order to be personally niie&on said acfeii.bni , at leasi iv.-emy day beforo tho time abovs pii'scribcd Ibv bi.i nppcarance. l: ■ ■:. Sci t. 4lb, 1800. c. II. VANTI.rvr ! Commissioner V,'i!;H-i,uw County. qHB80BatI1KRm)w1repi.rodtotlb all kiuas M X Slletrf, r ,:■„„ nitr on BrfMj.pi Germau . ■;OTFi:kmvi.'í, Oa the the süoxtüst uotw, l'iioe wiii-M Ordra nwy be 1. ii. either at tho residence of the iDiin ,l,..,r north of t!:, ■ :. ,,, 0, -t vood.' ru6f & Speczy'j Barumeter tarteni , , ' W.M. II. IUVIS. Ann Arnar, Jnno-JWi UCO. 75É2mS Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Dry Goods
Patent Medicines
M. Guiterman & Co.
Strong's Cheap Cash Store
Loomis & Tripp
Agricultural Products & Services
Life Insurance
Maynard Stebbins & Wilson
Wilmot & Sutherland
Schoff & Miller
DeForest Armstrong & Co.
Martin & Thompson
Furniture - Retail
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Risdon & Henderson
Hardware - Retail
Bach & Pierson
Lumber - Retail
City Meat Market
Public Notices
Mortgage Foreclosure
Public Auctions
Old News
Michigan Argus
Elijah W. Morgan
William Wagner
Joseph C. Watts
Oliver M. Martin
Charles B. Thompson
David DeForest
S. Proctor
T. Walker
Gustavus T. Mann
Ira Beckley
Thomas F. Leonard
William P. White
Francis Way
Samuel W. Foster
Joseph W. Seymour
Nelson H. Wing
Henry E. Dibble
Richard W. Clark
Addison G. Bickford
George E. Parmelef
Churchill H. VanCleve
Helen M. Hoag
Augustus C. Root
Margaret Dumain
Charles Dumain
N. E. Welch
William M. Davis