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Make Home Happy For The Boy's

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This is not the first timo our pen has been taken up in behalf of the boys - More that once we have, through the Farmer, urged upon rnothers and sister3 tlie necessity of making home happy for the boys if they would have theiu grow up good and virtuous men, honorable, honured and worthy members of' socioty. In our travels during the summer we have ■seon many things which urgo us to a repetition of tho charge. Girls seldora realize what an iufluence their homo conduct has on their brothers in forming their sharacters for aftor life. They are too pt to think, if they do not say it aloud: ;'It's no matter how Ilook or how I talk; there is nobody here but the boys." - Then they dress in a slovenly manner, their hair is at "looso ends," and their tonguos too, generally, for nearly always it will be found that habits and dress correspond. The boys are not idiots. They read deception in the arts their sisters uso to smooth over matters when a sranger comes in, and a sentiment of distrust against all woman kind grows up in their minds, which is seldom afterwards eradicated, but more often extends itself to other raattors than those of dress and personal appearance. "I pity the boys of that family," said ei gentleman, speaking of a household where we had been making ft cali. "I don't thiuk they ever had a happy oveniug at home in their lives- hardly a happy hour, I might aay." "Why, what is the matter?" we asked. "With such a fine house as that, and everything about them for comfort, what should prevent their being happy? and such good looking girls for sisters one would thiuk" - "Yes; it is easy to think what a pleasaut homo they might inake; but the girls have got notions in their heads that the boys, that is, their own brothers are uo better than so many niggers to be kickod and cuffed around, and soolded and snarled at whenever they come in sight. If any of the neighbors' boya go thore though, it's quite auother thing. They are met wth smiles, and can go into the parlor, and look at the books and pictures and enjoy themselves where the boys of the house wouldn't dare to show their heads. They have grown to be rough, rude fellows and spend all their leisure time about the corner grocery or taveru, learuing to smoke, pitcli quoits, talk rowdy, and I don't know what else." What else? ah, girls, sisters, what else that is bad is there not for boys to learn who are thus driven from their homes, from the place where, of all others, they should learn how good, how lovoly and loving woman can be? Trace the effect of your influence as far a3 you can, and you canuot find the end of the misehief you ore doing while you are acting up to the principie expressed in that oue short senteuce, "Nobody but the boys."1 First comes their dislike of home, then fast follow all the careless habits youug men are so prone to run into; lounging about the village tavern, listening to all the gossip and scandal of the neighborhood. making some of it too, perhaps; learning to smoke, to drink, to walk with the loafur's swagger, and use such language as no dietionary sanctions or defines, and finally marrying thoughtlessly, unhappily, and thus making melancholy wrecks of themselves for life, forever, and too often their families after them. IIow many of you have seen this downward progress among the sons of your neighbors. Some of you have had brothers go down the same path, some are in it noT, half way to the desolate end already, others just entering, with all the alluremeuts and devices of temptation and tempters to draw them on, and not one countercharm or outstretched arm of love to hold them back. Wherc aro your smiles your kind words, your winning ways? Are they all to be lavishcd upon strangers who will only raock you m return, and despisc the hcartless hypocricy, which, with all your arts, you cannot conceal? No. Givo your warm heme affections to your ovrn brothers. - Confide in, love, counsel and enoourage them. You eau be the making of theni or the ruin of them, as you chooso. - Make home the place of all others where they will most love to bo. ïeach them through your respect for yourself. to res peet your sex. Above all things let your speech be pure, and be neat in your dress and person. If boys grow up to be noble hearted, pure minded men, it is from homes made pleasant and happy by snel sisters and mothers that they must spring Rule out of your houschold books, then the pernicious principie that it is no mat ter now talk or act or dress, wlien "ouly the boys'' are at homo. That is the ven time that you should care. "Nobody but the boys!1' Tt sounds very much as if you said "Nobody bul the dogs." Do not let tho words soi your ups agam; but rather let your actions say, "All tliat is lovoly, virtuous and pure shall adorn my charaoter, my conversation and my presence for the boys are hore, and are taking Ies33ns of me which will be repeated to future geueratioDs." Once more girlsj if you would work great moral reform in the world, be care ful of your speech and personal appoar auce at home, and muke your home happ for the boys.