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It is asserted upon tho stump and in the Itepublican jouruals of this State,, duriag the last session of the Legislaiure, Hon. XV. L. Bancrokt, of St Clair coun'y, proposed to eo amond the constitution that no forcign-born inhabitant of the State shuuld be nllowpd to rote únicas he was the owner of unincu'iibered real estáte worth $'250, and that all tho Democratie mombers voted for such proposition We charge Ihat any writer or speaker inakiiig such a statement, knowingly and wilfully stntes a falsohood. What are the facts ? Pending a joint resolution offerod by Mr. AI'.:Maiio.v, to insert in section 1, article 7 of tho eonstitution, a f tor the word ' tribe," " and every malo iuhabiíant of African descent, who is the ownsr in feo of umncuinbered real estato witbin this Stato of the valua of two hundred and fifty dollars," which clause would make such negroea voters. " Mr. Banceoft :' (wo quote from the House Journal) " moved to re-commit the bill to the committee on State Affairs, with instructioi:s to amend so as to confer the right of suffrage upou all aliens possessed of n. freehold to the ralue of $250," and for this proposition every Demoerat voted, while evory Republican voted against it And what wjuld have been the effect of Mr. Ba.ncroft'8 amenduieut ? The constitution now confers the right of suffrage upon all aliens who hare residcd in the State two yearsand six months, and who have declarad tbeir inteution to beoouie oitizens of the Uuited States six months preceding an election, and that elause he did uot proposo to strike out, but siraply to provide anothcr clsss of foroigu-born voters, which would include thoso Gerraaus, Euglish, and Irish who might own a freehold worth $250, but who had not lived in the Stato two years and six raonths. The Republicans, almost unanimously, voted to coufer this freehold qualification upon negrocs, but unanimmously againit conferrinj it upon foreign-born inliabitants; the Democrats voted in favor of giving the foreign-born inhabitant the same privilege the Rcpublicans sought to bestow upon negroea, and against tho amendment making negro frecholders voters. For tho truth of this statement we can give any who wish page and d;ite of the House journal