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Tfew jA.dvertiseraen.ts. 1000 Pairs of PANTS For sale cheap at GUIMERMAN 4 Co'e. NOTIÜE. THE SUBSCR1BER OFFERS for sale a flTeyearold Ala ro for Cash. Warrantid perfeoth ftound. Enq"ire of JULIA S1LK. Ann Arbor, Sept 27, 1990, Atso atix year oíd Maro to be (ïiftposed of bj Lo'.tary tickets Tickets lo bo had at Arricultural Hll. Lottery to be drawn Oclober 20th, Í8C0, at aaid Hal], In the Ten'njt. Only 60 ticket. $ï, per ticket. For furthsr particularsenuire of 767 M. RO1ERS, IDIssoLTTTIO KJ. 1MIE COPARTNEKSHIP heretoforn ei t ng l -,v , tho unnarsigned under the namo of W. Y. SplUiug & Co., is tbis dardisolrcd y mutual conw nt . W. F. S1MLDIMG, JOHN KISKI.K. Ana Arbor, Sept. 24,18110. 767w3 Ann Arbor Marble Worbs Bisele & Vandercoolï. T i AVE on haníl a fine assorttoent of Araeiican and 1 TA L IA JV MA II B L E which tboy aro prepared to njanufacturo into MONUMENTSI UEAD STONES. TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOPfi Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac, lo-all their varictie, auil n a WOBKMAN'LIKE marnier Having had considerable experience in the biiRinesF they öatter therasclves that they will be able to pleasc all who may faor Uicm with tbeir orderf . Their prio ara au LOWAS THE L OW EST, rbOi wísbíng any tlifnp: ín tlirtlr ïn nre rpfrtfnl)T w tf! 'i' ralC 1ISFM 4 VANPEH' OOK. nn A..,-.r. Fpt. Ü, !$60. '': 8,776,091,650 VOLILXTEIRS WAJSTTED TO A8SIST IN" THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! Ahite folks, or of whntever color, caste 01 nativity rhetluT innrrieil, (ingle or of dnubttul coiinexio:i, will be cnlisted in lh noUlo cuuse of EMANClPATIKG THE COSÍMUN1T1 - FROSI THE- THRALDOM OF HIGH PRICES ! and will receivo tbeir outfit at tho Extensive Furni8hing Establishment -OF THK- 0 U I TER MAN' S HEAD QUARTEES! havirg been established for tbe LAST TEN YKARS, our known rule of variare is an Undisguised Destr uctior OF HIGH PRICES ! 1PO1&. CIjOTHING 1 For all Ages ! Sex a'.id Condüions : In eonsequence of the very flat t' ring enoour gcuicnt whicli we have reoeived gince our loca ion in this city, we have iuciensed our Stoek of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHINC! To meet the demanJs of our customers, anc iifiviug become moro fully convineed tbaa ever, tliat our mode uf denlint;, na nély: at ihe lowest tiossiblc rates for is the only true plan; we wül continue t erve the public as durinj the coming fall and winter. Our Mock consista in evevy vnrioty of READY MADE CLOTHING ! Pis in nnd Fancy CLOTHS, C&SSIMKRS. S1LK. AND SILK VELVET3. A large lot of GENTLEMEN 'S FURNISHINQ GOODS, which ure all varranted IDO N 'T FAIL TO For past fa vors we are grateful to all. The Batóe tor large ones in pruportion. And those wi.o sec ñt to cali ShaU receive our best smiles and dévotion. M. Guiterman & Oo. N. B. Studcnts and all others who wam to see new modo of cutting will do well lo cali and leave their measure For a Nice Fitting Suit ! ca-xriTEnaflCja.3Kr cj oo. Ann Arb or, ïpt.;--$, 1800. 'c7tf N O T I G E . ALL PERSON3 HAVING c1ids to bí udüeS bj Superintendent of Uie Poor of VVashteow Counij wül pleate present thom on or before the Cth da} fil Oct.DCittothouudernigncd. WAITE H. coiiriox,' A. BELL. Ann Arbor, Sept. 21, IS50. 1"7w2 1000 Vests, Shirts and Drawers, For Sale cheap at GUITERMAN & Co'a Scio! Scio! Scio. WHEAT WANTED! TITE undersigned having líaicí tb Gardiner Mili ( Scio, are prepared to buj heat and psy the higbesi "scio'íS'p'ris.lSOO. (70M0 B. GKEEK t Br.Ó. Kcuponsihlc mtd Honcst Agcufi "W" ANTKD rpHr.OrGFlOUT the IVtM 3ttf!, to Tthom we will 1 pay a alarv of frnm t20 to $;0per month nd expense. THIS IS N'O UUMBCG. Kor particular!, adrtss (inclosing Red Stamp, for roturn postago,) or ap 7 in pernon to cl 705in3 H LK & CLARK, Haverhill, Mast. KOW IS THE TIME TO COMMENCE F0RMIWG CLUBS FOK THE IW YORK WEERLY, -ANDCOMIC PICTORIAL PHÜNNY PUELLOWül A SPLEHDID PREMIUM TO EVEitY SUBSCR1BERÜ! THE KEW YORK WEF.KLY AND PIOT()RLL PliUNNÏ P1IELLOW ONE YEAR FUR TWO DOLLARS!!! OUR TERM3 T0 CLUBS. 1 eopr one vear....2, and the . Pictonal Phunnj Phellow one year. 3' ' ....$3, and a Premium. 4" " ....0, " 0" ■' ... Ï3, ' 8" " ...Í13, " " 10 " .. i5, " V" " ...Í18, J' " Send for a Pneclnjen Number, wbich is furnished ntEE, aud contams full particulars of PREMIUMS. STREET & SMITH, ÜIiitoss anp Fbopkjetors or rae NEW YOXK VVEEKLY. Cm:05. X'i lieHmnn Street N. V. O. DS, PORTUR, D K N Tl S T OFFICE corno of Mrain ie Uuronstreets, opposite the Kranklin Uouc, Ann Arbor, whcre heconiiniwtc offer his cuBtomors any siylo of work desirod u the art cf Surgí cal Mecbanical & Denistry, Teeth Qlled with crystal gold foil and spongegoUl, whioh for beauty and durabuity eanuot be surpassed. Particular attentioa paid to dieasesof tho uioutbaud guras, ren:?0ying iirci?ularity of the teeth, and operations for chiMren in cases of dtfficuU and imperfect dentition. Thcrc are many new And beautiful improvementa lately introduced intoMechaLicalDentistry. which for beauty, naturnl expreszon, n.nA strength of work, saunot fail to pleasc. Whcle or partial set on gold platc,RÍIver platfl, continuous gum. wnrk platina pinte. s lo a newand improved mctho oí inserting tecth on tbc vulcanizad rubber and guttd percha baao,cailcd ÍJomlite wlilr.h in many reppects super&odcs all mctalic 080 ""öËïiTluARÏERS . For all Campaign Documento. For the lives of all the eanáidate for identand Vice Proaident, containing an impartial historj of their liven. Kor all kiiiosanc uizcs of KJagn. For thOSP bKiiltiful MüUINE-jTYrePlCTCKSS of all the candidutcs íor I'retHent aod Vice r Pre.M'lent. For Jledals of all the Candid.ites. i For Ohartn! of all the Ca ml i date. For Baüjes of all tb CaiididMos. For Breast Pün of 11 the Candidato . ChII and get ono of tfaem representin your favoiLtCpdidate. Foi .aio cheap at holesile or mfl, A. DïKOBEST, Agent for rubliier and Manufacturer. Ï66tf iOOO Fine Overeo ais i Tor Peb "tieap t GUITERMANACCS. k p.cts tbr the People i , - or- WASI1TENAW - Nn_ ADJOJiNING COUiNTIES! And Iheir r.urrerous questions nnewcred. Wh?i is Eerrybndy trading at tht "BANNBR 1 STOUE7 -Bccauti A. P. MILLS, tlia Proprietorof that Establishment hns just returned frum tlie Eas'eru Citie wuh tlia LargsU Ilandsomest, Cheapest, and Mo&t Atti 'active Stock of S TAPLE AND FANCY DRY COODS! . ever brought to this part of the State. H 'y i Eccryhody pUaitd with hit Stock? Bocanas hisitvteé are more bosutifül, quality bfttr,and priceö luK'er iban at any otber itore iii tlw countj. i Why has he alicays Somtthing New and Chop to Shoto? Because ha basa friend coaneciel wit'a ooe of th gost Pry (Jooils Housr in N'cw Vork, who U continutUj' " BOBBIXG ROUXD" for cheap bargainiand tbo Uteit styleb, as they appoar frora time to time, and in tbil w lieeps liira uppliod vri'.li 0 yles, and consoquentlj cuatoincrö can alvtuy úa i someUxiug FVeb.t ( JSEW CI1EAP and DESIRABLE 1 Why doei he ttll so much Cheaper than tht rntT Bccause hu hun a biiyor in th city U the time to tak alvantsgo of tbe cnntinual chango of the m.irkt, od n that wny buys his goods much cbeaper than othefe can, and thoc be mal ks them down to the LOWEST FIGURES. Why does hee!l Ladies' and Childrcnt' Shoetio much chcoptr han toa ever heard of by the oldttt Shoemakert? Bociusc ho bdys hi irtock In the Ian4 of sbomater, of the manufactarers, 25 per cont chper than the New York Jobbers sell thera, and much better work thn they gonorally keep. 'ih:i cuurse enjbles hira to hUi bettor Gaiter for 35 Cents. ■ than othersseU at 50 cents, and a botter KOIED CAfTER at 00 cents, than othera sell at 75 cents. Has he any Hatt and Capit Tes, Tehould thiuk ho bas stack of them, eaouih to iipply tiio tiute, t prices lowcr than ni ever heardof I rouud these part. l Why is Aij Tea so much brtier for tht prie yu pay than you get at other placet? BceaiiBC he takt graat caro in selecting it, and gWeehii cuatomeri the beueiit of a real good 75 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS, It is & vi. v he has got. I Where shotld you git to get your CLOTHS and ham: thrm Cut or Made? To th BAWER STORF, here the People'i Banner ia unfurleiifor tbr Poople'sgood. Nulh sido of I'ubiic Sq iare, a few doors west of Cook'i üotel. A. P. MILLS. Sept. 18, 1800. 766tf gYeatTTftsale -ofBOOKS & JE WELR Yï SCHOFF & MILLER t TNJORDERTO MAK E ROOM FOR have determined to 6U their MIS CEL LANEOUS BOOKS - AT- FÜBLISHEE'S PRICES, And give to - Each Purchaser a Present Tu vaina hm óflCcuts Up to $100 WITH E A CE B 0 0 E SOLD. $3t Cali earíy and pxamtue 'heir BoV and Prenta Aun Arbor, MHich3, lSöü. 736tf MAMiCOD How Lost and How Restored. Just Pubhxhed in a Seahd Encelope, A LKCTURE ON THE NATURE, TREATMEKT AND RAüICAL CURE OF STERjIAIORRHOEA, or Srmina.1 Weaknei, Sexual iJébility, Nrvounfis and Iiiroluniftry Kiüission producios lujpoteuoy, Consumption, and Mental anti I'bysical LVbility. BT KOB. J. CÜLVERWELL, M. D. The important fact that the awfnl eonaequmcef of self abuso my be effectually removod without InUrnal romedie or the dsngorous application of oaustlei, instrument?, medicated bongie, and othcr eropyrical de here clearly demonstratod, and the en:irelj nw and highly sucwssful treatmont, as adoptod by the cel. brated author fully explainer), by mesns of wbich every oneisembled to euro biuuelf perfe.-tly. and at the least pomitletiMt, thercD? avoMing all tb advortfned noatruras of tho day . This Lccture will prore & hon to th ïuan'l and thousands. Sont under 6al to any addrem, post paid, na the nceipt of two pof;taïe ítamps, by aíldre;ne Dr. CHAS J.C. KLINK, 480 First imut, New York, Port Bol! , iy;e FKUIT TJEtLiJ=io, - r o b - FALL PLANTING. ALL PERSONS iranting first class trtet wül do woU to bind thoir orders to Mr. Tjitouoio DuUoi, Arohibald Mcl.'onell or Andrew J. Truahe All such orden wi 1 bo filled with the bct ',uality of trees and be ready forcialiTtry in good seaton for fall planting. Noarly all ol the many thoutaud trees I old ast SpriDg bave dono welltofartsheard fium. In a bilí of s 3 appla trsei sold to ilr. G. K. B. Renwick, of Stitm. only two bve fi'i'ed to grow. The orders alreaöy girn r ln.rg aT.-.unticg te eeTera! thousuiifiollar. J. P. B.I.I)TT'. rplrmbfr il sn "K!f


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