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A Republican-abolition Douglas Man

A Republican-abolition Douglas Man image
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3íh. Editor:- "We havp in our inidst a very nr.tablo personage in the charaoter uj tho IIgq. T. P. Lañe, Eepubliean Candidate far Senator in the suventh district. Among the noticeable peculutritios of said candi, date, is his present estrorne love for toe Douqlas men. He soems to think that, notwithstandiug ihe graat huo and ory set up by politicians on both sido bo and llioy are not so far apart aftor all, lio oven goes so far as tq endorse DooaiAs' ''Groat Trincipb" fally and without reserve, but thon modastly intunales that hü shall not object to their writing his name on th insido oí their tickets just befare dopositing tboin i the ballot bos. Yü board a frwod tho otbor da y tak h'nn why, if be endorsed Dol-glas' "Politioal Principie," ho would not vote for him. ilis reply befogged Uí so.nowhut. Ha aid, the "Lililí Qhaf' preoted B crooked record, iatei-eprud with "dsrk spots" - be couldu't triut liim. - We think, howcver, that his endorsament of "Popular Sovereignty" tis a truc principie forcos iiim into something oi a dileinnia. lf tho principio is just, and politio, vvu aay exloud it - remove all barriera to thu frue and universal exeroiio of it. But whon tho Missouri Comproiuiio was romovsd, fe r# tnembor that ]íi.,thnking thu country had boen outraged, iminödiatuly j 'inad' the Kepub.:ioan Party, a party whiah was basod upnn that snue alone and siuco thötl !e has boon one of tho uiost ultrft of the ultras,for proof of.which wo appacl to his nogi-o eqjiíility 1-giiativo recoijdi But poihapa IiÍb P..JUgl.-M duncicu aro expliiiotble on a different hypothesis. It is no doubt his mode oí rcdeeniinpf the promisoa made bv Iiü packed delegalioa out at the Cotivention. We will, however, amare botli Deop. ocrats mid Republicana tbat thut 'huif of the duroocratio vote of Salem" tbere promisad, can aftor election bu inatliematicaÜT npveusd by a] tigsiro ü w'ub tbe tnil off. His alwlition fiieads aro determinod to resort to u more curtaiii o:;pedc::t, Thoy opunly proposo ii nouessary to sc:!l outÖMRQfii tosava Lane, Dcinocruts beware oí ihi. intrigue. Don't allo.v yourselvcs t betmyed with a Liss, OBSERVEB.


Old News
Michigan Argus