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That "property Qualification."

That "property Qualification." image
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The Detroit Advertiser makes 8 very lame attempt to refuto our exposition of the discussed constitutkmal amendment proposed by Mr. j3axcropt and voted for by every democratie member present in the ITouso at the timo. The Adcertiser doses i ts tffort wïth thé follówÏDg paragrapb : ''The case, then, stands thus: A few Republican members were in favor of submitting tho qiiestion to the people, whether colored men worth $200 bhoirid vote. Every Democratie member voted to irnpose a property qualification of $2{jO upon all aliena who n.ight come into the State after its adoption. They now have that right after two yean and a half, without any property qualiöoatioo !" We would inforra the Adcertiser that we know what tho understanding of the movor and his Democratie colleagues was at the time ; vo would also inforrn the Advertiser that we have examined the page of the House Journal to which it cites lis ; and we would 'iDÍorm, tho same Advertiser that vl19n it asserls that "every Democratie member voted to impose a property qualificp.tion of $250 upon all aliens who might como into the State after its adoption," it asserts what is false. and what it hnows to beftihe. It is unnecessary to prolong the discussion, for no intelligent foreigner eau be fooled by such twaddle as the Adcertiser and its cotemporaries and party speakers are rosorting to; but to put tho wholo matter in as condi'n.sed a view as possible we will state tho several classes of qindilied doctors, thoao now created by the constitution, and tl. ose wliich woald have boen created by the propos ed amendmenta. Eect. 1, article YIII of the constitution of tho State creates the lbllowing classes of electora : 1. Every white male citizen, every white male inbabitant residing in the State on the 2-ith day of June 1835. 2. Every white male inhabitant residing in the State on the first day ol Jauuary 1850, who has declnred his intention to beeome a citizen of the United States, pursuantto tho laws thereof, six months preceding an election, or who has resided in this State two years and six months, and declarcd his intentions as aforesaid. 8. Every civilized male iubabitant oi Tudian descent, a nativo of tbe United States and not a member of nny tribe Theso are tho three constitucional classes of eloctors, all of whom shall besides be twenty ono year3 oí age and 'have resided in the State three months, and in thetownship or ward in which he offers to vote, ten days preceding such election. Novr, the proposed amendrnents con tcmplated two additicnal classes of votere, and neither of them proposed to disturb or chango tho qualificationa of either of tho classes dufined above íq the exact anguage of the constitution, and n tbe oowtitjttioDal ordor. lír. McMahon proposed to créate a fburtkCÏMB by nserting after the word f'trlbe," " An 1 every male inhabilant oí Afrioan (escent, wbo is tho owner in ico of unincumberd ronl estáte witbÍD this State of the value of two huudred dollars.11 Mr. Bancboït proposgd to créate a fifih clnss, and for that piirposo ''Moved to recommit to tlie cnminittee od State aflairs, with instnictione I., ■tYr!_ q ■ r-nnfrl1 til" r'llt ol suffraflfo iipiii i!l iliong pnssos&éd of n ' freehold to thevalueof $250." This amendmont does not disturb the qtíulificíilioQS of chiss second, t Uoe8 not pröida that no '"alien" Bhyil becoino an elector unlesa worth airee of 230. bstt simp!7 that ''all liens" not in do doctors in c-ias; second, shül] be eleotora if possossod of a froehold ost;:e worth Ï"25Ö. And thora tiro Miany "alieiis" of ;liat kind, mud wlw havo not lived n our Stato the two ycard and sis inonlha döw requjsite, but wli uro worth 6-.?50. And for moking negro freébold elector?, the Republicana votuJ, but thcy otod tigaiust coiiferring the saine privücgo u;;i intjlligont alieo-s worth a 'iirger amoïint. AikI among ttio inombers vyho thns discrimioated in favor oi "the tiialo inh'abftant cf African dejóonl" aro Tuos D Line and J. Wkdsijjk Childs, of this Cunnty, neither cf vvhü:n, unlu-53 thsy aro moro dishonct than vvo take them to bo, will venturo :o take the po.sition of the Advertiscr It is, wc repeat, a maUc;.ouslyfuhc position.


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