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Intermittcnt Fever, or Pever and Ague, Rrmittcnt Kever, hill Fcver, Dumb Aguo, Pcriodicnl Hcndnclic, or Billous Hendadlo, and liïlious Pevera, indeed for tlie uhoïi1 class of disenses originatlng in lUiary dornngement, cansed by the Malaria of Miasma tic Couutrlcs. We are enabled here fo offer the commnnity a remedy wbirh, while it cures tho above complainta with certttinty, ia still perfretly harmlcss in any quant i t}', Such a rcmedy is invaluable iu dist riet s ivhero these alflicting disordvra prevalí. Th is "OuBl" expela tho mJasmatic pciaon of Feveii asd Ague froni the syfttcm, and preven ts tho dovelopmeut of tb o dlsease, if taken on the first npproarh of its premonltory eyraptoras. It is not otily tho best ruinedy ever .vet disco vered for this class of complaiuts, but also the cneapat The largo quantity wo enpply for a dollar bïioga it within tho roach of evory body; and ia bilious district, wliere Fj:vek and Aguk prevails, every boily should have it and uso it fieely both for cure and pro t eet ion. It it; ltoped this prke will place it wilfilii the rcach of all - tho )oor as weil ft the richt A great snperiority of this rcmedy over any other ever discovercd for tho speedy nnil eer tuin cure of I n terra ittentfl is, tbnt it contalna 110 Quinino or mineral, consequently it produces no quinïsm or other injnrious cffecta whatever upon tho consiitulion. Those cnred by it are left as healthy as If tlu-y had never had the diñase. Fevcr nnd Aguo is nat ulone tlie cousequence of the mlapiuatic polson. A great varlefy of disorders arise from its irritation, aniong wlltch aro XciiroJyia. Jiftaimatism, Gout, HeadachCf Llindntss, Toothachc, Betracht, Gxlarrhy Asthma, PalpÜattDn, Painful Affwtian of the ilecny ITtsterics, Itin in the BotCtU, (mío, Parulysis, and Dtrangpnent of tht Siomach all of whicli, wben originatlug in this causo, put on the inkrmïUtnt type, or becoine perlodicali Thís "Cure" expela the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all allke. It is an lnvahiablo protection to Immlgrauts and perBons travelling or temporavily rciding in tho malarious dUtricts. If tnken occnsionally or daily whiio ezpOMd to iho infection, that vfill be excreted from the system, and cannot ari-umulate Ín suffiiMcnt qitantity to ripfii into di?ease. Ileuce it is even mora valuable for protection than cure, and fevf will over suffer from Intermittents if they avail thcmselvcs of tho protection tbis remedjr uffords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWELL, MASS. MAYNAl.]) ...■..■., v. .sOX.nn.l ly aü Druggists in! Deftlers everywltoré. 3. EUERILL Traveling Agent. Am aperient Strmncl.fc preparatfon of H1OT poftetd iti x gen ttnd Cnrbon by combustión m üvdrogen. ctiotoíl !.y the hfglient Heuicnl Authorittep, both in Ea '- ; i wnj thi VniU ■'. :;ie'. ftQ i prescribed in thoit ptac! tico The px'tiftrinceof thoupands dally provo tliat ao proparmtfonof Iron can be cumpared with i'. Impurities of tlif blood . dcpressiüDi oí vital energy, palé and othcr■rfae sickty oomplcxioiu hadlcatea its neoessity i almost ever; conceirable case. Innoxia] in all mfrlodiea in vhEch tt hos boen tried, vea abüoluíely cuntiré Ín caca ui' the following r. ■.■'r.TitP, viz: In DeblTíly, Vervons AÍInUmi, Einncln(ïon wsp jsln, ■-)i.;iï)Rllnii, Klanlioi, DMIlCe. ry, Iiiclplent Covuumpllon, BcroAtlom TnbercUlOSM, Stift Rheam Miemenslruation, WhUtf, Ckloroih, IAcer-Canq)lahttê, Chrfmic ffaadacJic, Rhcif malf$m, lutermittent on the. Fticê, &c '.■!.■■' '■- F.GimbbalCbbii ..,■..':■:.!. r the reaultof acute raÜon of aervoua and ar eni-Tgj Tn m cbronic c iniplaints, one trial "f lorative hu proved uccess'ul to nn extent wliioh no desertptlon nor wri ■ [on wojuld render ereiliblo. invalida bo long bed ridden as to have beoome forgotten in theirowu aeigbborboods, bavesuddeuljr re-appiared In the busy worid asif just returned ttom protracted travel nn dlstant lan.J. Bome very sig. nnl Lostancea of tbjs kind an atteated of female bu (Teren, eniaclatcd victimsof apparent niarasmua, sapguineoan ex ha ustión. cr;(cnl enangeij and tbat cornplicatioji of Dervons and dyapeptfo avereion to air and ezeroiae tur which tbepbyslclan lias no n.nie. In KBRVOVa AmcuOM of wil klads, and for rpasons famlliar Co medical men, the operadon of Inia preparaUoo of ron must necosfQirilv be wlutary. for, aolike the oM oxideR, (t in vigorous.'y tdöio vitboitl béSt% ■ and ovci-heating; andgcntly, regula rly aperièni , evej ''.-. most obstinate cü.scf of COStlreneSfl without even a gnf-t r ie purgat i ve, or nttieting a iií-;íijírfe!t!ilt' se us ti ion. Itisthistatter propertyaxoong oiJmts, which makea it so i markablv ciTectúal and permanent a remedy for VU&, Opon whicli it also apperirs to exert adistinct and specific actíou by disperaiüg the local tendeney which forms tbem. ín Dtspbpsja, Innumerable as are t causes, a sínirle box of these Chafvbeate ï i 1 1 - have oftf-n ufliced for the most habitual caaea, inchidiug the attcudeiit Costtve ín unchecked Di.utRnníA, even w]iod ndvanred to Dysctt Ury contlriued, emaoiating anl aimarently malignant, the effecís banne been emnttly declsive and astonisblog In the locat palus,lou rif ich andstrengh,dobiUtar!Dg ooaffb, ami remittent bectie, wliich generalli Tncfputkt Consumpttort, id soveral very gratifying and interestinfí inntances. Id Serofiüou TubcraioUis. Ihia medlcated Ir m ha? had fat more than tbe good eítectí nf the hitfst caÜttoUA!y balanced preparatloni oi lodmo, without any of aicir well known Hal Tlie nttention of lemaf , betttdconfldently Invtted to this remetirjnú rcsloraiite in the cases peculíarly affectinR ti. i ín . ín Rhtumaimm, bnth clironic nnl infla inmatory - in tlie latter, howover. moro dccide-Uy - it haa been invarlably vrell reported,, bvU as alleviaíing pain anl reclucing tile ftweUlDgsADd stiCTnessof tlic joiataabd mu é '. . Ín In-Unniucut Fever it musí aeceasaríly bea greal rem o ly ;:n-' energetíc Wártoratíve, and it progresa En tne now BOi Uementa Of the V7estt will probably bo one of bJgb renown and USOfAitQOffl. No tomedy haa ever been discovered in to irholc hlstory of meiicine, which exerta locb prompt, happy, and iuily restíiatve eíTect si Good ajtpetilí-, completO digeatioi., rvpid acquisttion of strengtn, with nu uottsual disposition for active and cheerful exeroise, hnmotVatelv follow its vite. Put up n ueat n,TÍ metal boxes conlaiping r50 pilla, price 50 cents ier box; foj alo by druggtalfl and dentera. Will bc sent freo to any addreM on receijjt of the price. Ali lettws, ordtTK, oic, should beaddreaaed to B. B. LOCKECo , General Agent. 477yl 339 líroa-Uvay, N. Y. DE FOFiEST, ARMSTKONG & CO. D11Y GOODS MERCIIANTS, 8O 4fe 82 í'Iiambers St;. 3f, Y. WOl'LD N'OTIFV TUE trape that Ipeypre opealn Weeklyi ín ntw &n4 boaotiful pattofost4bd JVLSO TUS Amosls.oas, A Ní't Prínt, whU'h oxéela every Erint in the Cpuntrv fo perfection of exceition and deiitgn in f ill Sla fet Col or.-. - OurPrintaare cheaper than mj iu market. and DIOel I 't!" "wUl Ct"HltV(' Kuif1. O flirt prompt h (:■■;!'■■: i- ! GREAT. GïtEATER GREATEST I BAIiGalKS IT1IC1]]III1 i i lli'is City, are now beingoffered ut the CHEAP.CLOCK.WATOH, & .Towelry Otoxo. 'I Hl' Siibscribnr wouldsay to tbe oltfzAM oi Ann Ar i bor i ■ particular, nnd thf ret of Whirnnw ; ■ ■);■]. in sriieml. tlial hehnsjuit IMl'OKl'ED DlIX Y bota KUliOPE. TrCtnendoua Stock of Wat ches! U. ot whfcH llü Wnrtsliiinsclftn solí CHKAPER tban ron bc hought weg', of Now Vork ('ity. :i)prnFac Cylloder Watebe Irma ÍS to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 Buutlng !';ii do do do 14 to 35 Aa do Cyllndcr do do 9 to 28 .I, I wv.irfcea froru SO to 150 1 1 are al-u ne f! K LE BU A TE I) AMER'CAN WAT CHES, wí.lch I will hui t:r SVï. F.vrry Vvntch warrautcd to poriüim woll, or üiu uioney retuuded. Clocks, Jewelry, rited vaw, Ftiney Gools. Gold IVn. MusicM lüstruirtrnis and Siringa, Outlery, ftc, nuA ir; fact a varicty of every binu u.-u01y kpt by Jcw ei f:i--' Can bc li'ufjlitt'or tho uext nio-ij dtya nt yi.ur OWN P RICES! PiTfioií buylng ftnything nt tliis woll fcnown c-nt&hIftittne ni cnt rrly upon geit ing guods pxnct'y as rrpn-M'ni. r', orihcmony rufiindrd. f-aDparly huí! secure tho bost bargaiuB t-vcr ofl'orrct in City. Ono word in regard to Rcpairing : Wc nrc prrparnd to mnke any ronirs ot:finn or comimiD Wjiirhes, even to nitUngc ttt the cutlro vratcb, ',t' nfRi'p sary. Hepttirliig of 'docks d Jsweln na ugiml. AIsü tbe mamitacturini; ot KÏNGP, BfiOOi'II-J, ■ ir Hüy'hinc deslrad. fromCalnbriiii Gold on short noiico. Engravipc in ftllitsbrancht-aexcfcted witli ncat ii'bh .(3 dibatch, J C. WATTS Anu Arbor, Jn. SPth'P.W. ?i4w Sornelhing Worth Reading! clioífáTMHIer, ARKAGAIH ON F. ANn, ntt.hi-ir ld 'nd. (Three LoorsNorthof Krinkün llousc,) witb thr nioit completo od Extensivo Assort ment -OFBooks and Stationery, Wall and Wimlow Papers, Oil Paiiited, and Gold Boideied Shades, Curtain Ecllors, Tassels, Cords, AND A THOUSAND AND ONE THINGS In ihdr linp, KNTIÜF'Y TOO KUMIROUSTO MH'NTION. whlch thoy inivii; thelr ('rienda, ard the pubtU f inorally, to Cjü-XjIj tSa E3SrV0VII3Xr3E! Before Purchasiug Elsewhere, h thfv flattrr tlieinaelvrsthal thftir i-'tjlca and ['r'i-rs c :':iiol 'ai! to provn aatisfuctorj". Ann trbor :í■ 1, 1 fï 9. ÍRTUACE VVA'i'tíRS, G E N T 3 3 :ï Itroadwiy, N c w Y o'r k Ftcbüshcr of lïïii-lc ni)':l Bfuslc Iïooli AND DEALER IX Pianos, Melodeons, Alexnndre Organs Oigan Accordeon, Martin's cclebrated ;md other Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violinoellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Fintea, Pifee, TrimglesClari inett., Tunino: Foiks, Pipes andHammer, Violin Bows, bestltalan Stringe, B:ss Instruments for Bande, Piano Stool?, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Inutruments. SS lx o o t OVE xx S i o, ' (Trom all the pubbshera in L. S-, IiertiniV Htmtin's, iiod Moüflru Scbool, and all kinds of Instrnctinn liooks rir the aboTo iiwtrntnenta; Oburch Hiislc Boblu: Uaalc itly tound; Alusic paper, and rü kintls of ilusic ■'.lisO, At t tieLowest Pricc s. New Planos, At $'T5, SCOO, S'225, ?5ÍL.%ijdup to $R0O. Séeond II mi-I Kanos fron? 25 up tu Sl'VJ; New Mo!oleon(, $45, , ,, $100, :vA up tJ 9200; Second Iluud Meltráeoos rem I 10 t- íSi: Ooxa adre Onfans, witti fi've topñ, SIGO, itn RtAiR, 9186 and L225; thirtcen stops. 9250, L275 and 1300; Bftcon 8topsf98S0ttd 9376: A liberal discount [roen. burches, Sabbatn Schools, SemioftriM ■ ■■' ;■.:■■;.,-... The 'iratie BUpjïlicU attUcüsuaJ trude lüñtfl í'cstliuoiilals of the TInrncc Waters Planos tiiti Heloaeont John Hewett, cf Carthagp, Ncw York, wbo Iihb had of the IIoraccVTaterK Fíanos, writcsm foUows: - "A frieud of mino wishoKino lo purch.tsi? a piano Tor her. Sii" Iikc3 the one yóü éoTd me in líeconbrr, 1856. popular In thls plaoe, and I thlnk I caa iiii.rn I ■■■■ one or bwo more; tbey will hc more potu thac any ot!;er makf." ■W't; have two 'f Waters' Pianos in use in ourfVminavy, "iii of whïch I i reíy teéted for ibrce y-i'.'iríi. nu-] ure can Uwtífyto tholr gnoii quattiy and durabüity." - Wood 8: Grojory. Mouni Carrolï, II!. 'il, WatcrRj Bsq.- Dkar ?jk: Baring tuted one of yoor vrars past. I have fontul it a very êuperwt Ingtnmtent, Aiokzo Gut, Principal Brnokbjn }fri#hts Stintnary. "The Pj&no I receivod froni you contisnes to j;ïm' s:i!ififacliun. 1 peg ird w inc of the bpí.t iiifítrumcuts in the place.11 JUSISG U CLaRKB, Charhs'on, Va. ïhe Melodeon li:i safely arrived. I fro! oblised to you fory our litït'rnl dtfcoant." Kcv. J. M. HcCokmicIc, YarquesvillcS C. 'The pi no vas duly recoived. ItcnmA in excellent conditioo, ,tii'1 is mry muoh admlred by my numeroad i.iiiily. Accept mv thanka ftr your ]r(.mptiiess.'i- Robkrt ('ooi'KR, Wárrenham, Brtjoed Co. Pa. "Vj;r plano pienses us woll, [t Is the bost nne in our county.",- Tiiom;is A. LaTIUH, Campbclltnn, Ga. "Wc are verv mucli obligod to you Ur haring ent xhcIi a ñue .nstrameut for 9250. M- BiukKjHeld k Co., iïufral-o Dctnr.crat. Horace Waters Raiiosateknown acümonjf the very bosi We are enable;! to ppvak of these instra menta witb confidence, from personal knowlede of their excellent toiie nud ilurnble qnality." - .V. Y. Ernnsrtliêt. "We can speak of Ihv merlta of the Horace Water pianos from personal knowledge, aa bftbig the very finc-st '-iunli;y.'-- Christia.t Intelligenter. liTho Horüoe Waters pimíos are Duiltof the best and mooi lliorougbly iseasoned material. We hnc no doubt tha1 buyeni oan ! aa wcU.nerhaps bet tor, at thitlian at ftny otherhouBe in tho DnfÓD. - Advocate and Journal. Watra' pianos nnfl melodeons challeiise comjííiríson wlth the ftucst niado nnywhere iu tho oountry." - Home Journal ee Wnt. ra1 Piano Fortes aro of fnil, rich and even tone, and powerful- JT. Musical Review. Fríóndftwiñ Rñ'dfttÜfr. Wnter' etoro the rery tortment of -2luifl and of Píanos to be found in Ited Statefi,aid we ure out sOntaerü and westero . to give hiin a cali wïienever thoy go to New York." - iirahcnCs Magazine. Warchouse 333 Broadway., N. Y. Sab ba th s"ch ooi Bell, ÏOO.OOO Issred In ten üfonths. Tlie unprocedented salo of thiü book han imliiced the publfaherto i'l't some 80 ncw tunes and hymns to its pros. ent size, without extoa ebarge excapt on thecheapedl tion Among the many beauliful tunos and DJUD mav bfj Found: - "1 ought to Uvo my mother;" liO I'll be a good child, indeed I will," These and eierht others from Bell.were Hungai theSunday Schoot Anniver the n. Church at the Academy of Musto, with ereal applaóse The Bell cottalns nearij 200 tunes and ii mu, and is ono of the best cullections ever iasuod. Pi ■■■■ '.:;c; $10 per hundreri, postage 4c Klegantly bound, I gilt, -óc, S'0 per 100 It has been iniroduced inii) many of the Public Schools. Tho is pubttshed in small numbiTs rntitlcd Anni. rersai y and Sonday School Music BooUh, Kos l 2( 3, & -1, iq ir'ierto accoXpmodaie tlie milliou; jiríce Í2 & $3 per hundre'l wo. 5 will aoxtabe issued - oómmenceméni of another book. AhK Revival Mu&ic Dooks, Xo. 1 & , price $1 k. $2 por 100, DOStoge lc More than 300,000 tojiics of tlie ftbove books have biicn issued the past elghteen months, aad the demand isrupully ncrea.siugrublished hy HORACE WATEBS, Agent, 333 Bruadway, X. Y. TV&'ttv Musió, Publised by Horace Waters No. 33 3 lïroadwny, New York. Vocal, ''Kin-l Words eau nevar dfoj "The Anirls told mo bo;" "WUda of the Vfftj1 "ThouRiits of God;" 'Oirtaeback my Mouotatn Home;" rtDay Jlreanu;" (Dandv Cock Bobju;" 'Tui wlth thee st.H;Pe1 ñames;" s no darilng like mine;" "fiüafa Jane Iec;""ler of thee:" "Tm leaVbigtoée in Sorrow;" "Hirdof lïeauty;" "Homo of our birth;" "Grave of Rosabel," and 'Wake, lady, wake,,' pricc 25c cach. 4 Instrumental, - ( 'Palnce Garileo, or Pinging Dird Polka," 40".; "Swinping Schuítische;" "Mirabel PchotTbomas Bnttor'R Sehottiflche;" "Piccolomini Polk, 36 cents each. The ttboVepiocesharéleauttfu] Vigactteo "Weimer Polka;11 "Arabias Wai oryMarch," the very lat; "VaHsovianna DonleUs Uazurka; "Real: infr Polka;" "Crinoline Walt,1 and "Lancera1 Qua. drille," 2Öc cacb. "The Bmpiréof Keich's Quadrille;" a new darce, and ilThe Hibernian Qimhillc," 3öceach. Many of these pfééefl are playea by Baker s cclebratcd orehost ra with great applruKC.j0Sf" Mailed freo. A largo lot of Koreign Uasio at half price. Piano?, Jlïeïodcons and Organs. The Hotsce Waicrs Pinnoa and Melodconn, for depth, purity of touo and durability, uro nnsui-pasíed. Prices very ïow ccooil HauJ Pianos and ilelol?ons from $i'5 to 31")0. Uualc and Musical Instructïon of all kin(i,atlho loweát prieta. HORACE WATERS, Agent. No. 333 Broadway', N. W Testjmo.uis;- The Horace Waters Piauos are knovn nu araong the very bost.' -FvanqelUt. u We oan spealc of their meritnnm personal kno wledge." - Chriitian Inteiiigcnccr. ''Nothingat the Fair difiplayed groater eolleuc -" - Ckurchman. Waters' Pianos and Meloúeon cbalUngecomparison uiih ilit Anost made anyVÊereln tne country." - Home Journal. .' 719tf Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


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