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Amendments To The Constitution

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I he poople oí tais otate ara to vote this fall not only for Presidantial ulectors, Stato and county officers, n.embars oí Congreps aud of the Logislatuve, biit alao upon three ditfeient arnundineats to tho oonstitutioo thatwere passed at the last ssion of the .legis itirure. and are now to be submitted to a vote of the people according to the requirement of tho organic luw itself: The íiret oí' these amendmanta refers to ;hal eection of the oonstitution which tnakoa esch of the ('íBcar and stocklolders of x banking corporatioo individually liablo for all the debts of tho Corporation The arnendmat proposes to mke èach officer or st ikholdcr Hable ftnly equalJy and ru tably for tho amount of his repuctive ihures in tha conoeru ; his üabilities -hall ba only accnrdinjf to th amounl )i' his stook. Tho meiidinnt to be voted upon reads t foilovvs : - "Tha officwi iüd stookholdopa of overy corporation or association for jankiog purposea, iasuing bauk notas or papar crttdits, to circuíste aa money, ahall b individinill}' liable for all dwbts contracted during the term oí their boug olüctjrtur stockholdr of suoh corKratioQ or assooiation. eqully and raably to the exteut oí their respectiva shares of vUick in any guch corporation or association." Those persons votingfor thia arnendmaat shall h ve written or priutad npon heir bullots, "Amendment ai to bai-.kng oorporations : Yen ;" and those voting againat it shall hava upon their jullots, ''Ara:-ndrn9Qt i to banking corporations : Mo." The iecond ainyndiiient refers to the section presen bing the action of Cornaiuioosrs of liighways in laying out oadí, and ia dösignod to dispense vith jurios in sueh cases as oowrequir The eonstttution now grants the wwor exelusivoiy to juries, and it ia claimed by thosa eonvuTMtut with the natter that this leada to graat and unnecesary delay and embarraasrnent in ipeuing highways. The amendrueut )roposes simply to givo to Highway Jommiásioners the duties now performed oul}' byjurias. The atnendraeut is .o be added to seotion two, artiolo eïgh.een, - which specifios the raanner of pning roajK, asid reads as fullows: - "Preoided, The foregoing provisión hall in no caee be construed to a.ply ,o the actioo of Oornraissioneri of High vvays in ths oiüo,iiil disciiurgo oí tbeir duty as Highway Coinrnissioneis." Those VOting fur the aiuendinont 'all liive vvritten upon thwir ballots, 'Amendmeiit to section two, artielo eightaen ;" and those voiing against it shall have upon their bailóte, ''No anieiidnient to stcüon two, nrticle eighteen." The tliird and last amendmont is relative to the sessions oí the logislature, wbich is now li.nited in effect to forty days bienally. Tho amendment propos99 to remove thi limitation and leave Üie length of the sessions ('iscre tionery with the legislatura itselí, though it is provided that no new bill ahall be introduoed after the firat fifty days have expirad. Tbo ftmendmsnt reads as iollows : - "Tlia legislatura shall meet at the seat of govornment on tha firet Wodnesday in Jauuary, :n tha yearone thousand eight hundrod and sisty-one, and on the first Wednesdiy of Janua ry ia every seoond year thereafter, and at no other place or time, unless as provided in the oo:isti'ution of the State, and hall adjourn without d:iy atsuoh timu as the legislnture hall fix by ooaourrrent resolution. No new bill shall be introduced into either houe of tho legislatura after the first fifty day of the session fiha.ll have expirod. The compensatioD oí the members of the legislatura hall be three dollars por day for actual atteDdaooe, nnd whon ab sent on account oí siokness, but the legislatura may allow extra corapensation to the membors from tho territory of the Upper Peninsula, not execeding two dollars per day during the sas eion." Those voüng for the amendment shall havo printed or written upon their ballots, "Ainendtnent as to legiskitive sesgions : Yo;" and those voting against it, "Amendment as to the legialiüive sessions : Ni."


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Michigan Argus