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The Democracy Moving

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The tollowmg lemoortio meetings, held in thu Northern and Western Town of tlie (Jounty during tho laat weck, have boen reportad ti us. A boaiitiful Iliekory polo was raised at Multhaup's Corners, in Nortbfield, on Friday nfteruonii last. About 400 live Demócrata wre preneul, and earueat, excellent speeches were made by Messrs. L. D. NoüRIS, 0. IÏAWKINS, and I'. WlNKGAn. Northfiold wül bardly go Republicau this year. Messrs. Nonius and AVineöar spoke at Lyndoa Center on Monday afternoon. They wero escort ed from Chelsea by 50 Mouuted Rangers, ai;d tho pooplü of Lyndon, and thcreabouts, to tho uumbor of about 300, gave thora a hearing. In t!ic language of a cotcmp irary, -'Lyndon will reader a good account of herself next Norcmber." Mark that. On Monday cvening. tho Democrats of Cholsca, and vioinlty, turnod out in largo numberS, and wara addresseJ by Massrs. Nonius and Wixeo.vr. Tho spoeches were good and the hcaror entlmaiastic. A torch-light procession was bad after the adjournment, and everythiag passed offaatiafaotonljr, Tho we-tern Towns are up and doiug, and will ba ia tho thiekest of tha fight. At Dexter villago t'icrc was an enthwsiastie rally on Tucsday evoniiig, the largo Union School Hall bcing filled to its utmost capaoity. Speeches were made by Mossrs. Norius and Winksar, and it in reported to us that Norris eclipsed himsclf, ond made ono of the best speeches of tho campaign. This is the homo of OiiANE,and Norius is bearding tho lion in his den. idíT On our íirst page we publiáh the letter of G. V. N. Lotiirop in explanation of the charge mado in the Republican prints and on the stump that ho had cauaed tlie ejeotion from tho ears of certaia laborers, said to bo Irishmen, becauso of th;ir dross; and also the letter of Conductor Carter. Thcso letters must cortainly satisfy orery rexsonable man that Air. Lothrop diil no more tlian other gentlemen would havo done, and that a great hue and ery lias boen raised about an act of gontlenianly courtesy. ''Curses liktí chickons come iiomo to roost," and our friönda are wolcomo to all tliey oan make out of tliis matter. II - l% üST" T'id Republieans aro oongratulating themsolves thatFoitNEY is sccretlj aiding the olection of Lincolm. Iiow is it ? On our table while we writo is Fohxey's Press, of the -Hh toet., and in ts leader we find the folloivingsentencce, whioh are too pl:ún to ba raisuod'erstood : 'Wearenot for Lincoln in this fight. We cannot say that we are neiiher for nor for Anthony, for we aeb fou Dotolas, for hl.ii$ly uil s:ncerey." is the nsitio:iof Jons V. Founev, avuwed in his own p'iper, and tb e J(epablicans are weieome to all tha ':aid and comfort" fchey c;ui derive froui it. IRjET" A day or two since about a buslicl basket full of the suppmssed 'Tribune Trad, No, 11" was found stowed awaj in a baro of tliis City, and a sample packaga of tho sima h:is been deposited 0:1 our t;iblo. ïhis is tba trast in which l!3 República: tracks were attcinptod tn Ij3 covered by orroneouw figures and footinga the errora alwaya being in favor ot' Republicati ftcoaomy It wa.s atte;npted to ba withdrawa frora circula tion new cdition i.ssjed. New York, for tha ycur 1330, as apporiooed to tha sjvo.mI O i itios, is S-3,;tt0,640.48 or 3,5 G mili o:i eaoh ilo'larof tho jvalnation. In New York,;i.s in th'iB State, the Ilopublican authorities hiva goae oa iaoreasing the State l-xx from year to year, aud instead of rebuking the extravagsnoe, tho party has noaiinate'd tho leadng '"corruptioaists" for rc-elootioa to the Legislatura, ■ST" The Detroit ZWi(w,t;he first paper to niftka public the report that LoTiuioi" bad oaused ihrec laborera to bs öjeoted from n. cur of the Michigan Central Kaüroad, because tbeir personal appearanco was d'utasteful t o hiin, expresses itself satisiiad tho explanation of Mr. Lotiirop and the statement of Mr. Carteh, the conductor. It th'mks Mr. Gi-eason evidcntly nrsunderstood Mr. Loïiirop. The Adverttser and Statu News have give Gleason'saffidat'it to the public, but have not yct exonorated Mr. LoniROr. Will they havo the manliness to do 60? mu wmm 'i' The Villaüe op Dsxibr - Its Popülatio.v. - A oorrespondunt of tho State New, singing himsolf "Daxter," attempts a little small wit,over au article copied into the Journal a,ni "credited to the Ar. gm." Had "Dextar" been a reader of the "Arffiw" he woald have found us speaking of the villages of Dexter and Chelsea beiug in the Towns of Seio and Sylran ; and ho would havo alsoseen that in the Argm of the 21st of September, we announced tho pnpulation of that part of thevillage of Dexter situatod in Webster iis 278, aud tho wholo populution us 833. ''Ucxter" should get lus ïiows from hoadquarters insteud of from a second j hand sluw. coach. &3Ï" The Steamship Connaught, of the G.ilway line, was burned ;ibout 140 miles off Boston ou Suuday. Her passcugers and crew, numbering in all about 600, werc taken off by the brig Minnio Schaffer, Capt. Wilson. Cargo iueluding L10,000 govern-nent treasure and the inoncy and vakiibles of passengers, a to tal loss. The steamer was valued at L120,000 and was fully insured. Capt. Wilso and crow performed a herculoan ' feat in resauiiiir the passengors and crew of the Counaught. ÏW The vonerablu artist, Re.mbeandt Peale, kimwn as tha painter of onoof tho best portraits of Washington, and also by lus oelebrated pieturn, 'Tho Court of ! Peath," d;od in Ph;lndu!phia, on tho 4th I inst., agl 82 yirs.


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Michigan Argus