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The Elections

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State el ect'ons occurred n Perinsvlvani, Ohio and Indiana on Tnosday, and returns indícate that the Breckin rklgiRop;jbl;c;uish:ivo carried ;i!l those States, ín Penn-yivania, Cürtin, Répiíbliean is prabably olec'.ed Governor by 25,000 majority. The Demoerats elect fivü meiribers of Oongress - a gaiu of tvvo Ohio has tjiven from 20,000 to 30,000 innjunty :igaint the Democratie Stato ticket ; and the Congressmen aro repoited ;t 13 U(t[)ub!;c;iiTs 8 Dempcrats, a Democratie gtiin ií tliree. [ndiana has élfeeted Lañe, Republican, (íovernor, by prpbably 10,000 majority, and tlio Demoorate are reported to have ost i CoDgressmao or two. This is "cold comfort" íorour friends, but the"good book" suys''a no isb divided against itsulf cunnot stand' - It. is a Buohanan-BieckiDiidge viotory, and tipo:) them resta tho responsibility. VVe can stand it if the administratíoo and its Southern raastora can. JT5L" A young man oaraod CJxdbKwood, went up the Democratie Hickory on AY'ednesday, ran the rope through the block, and the colors now float in the breezc. J52C" Bewley, the Methodist clergyman vvhose reportod haaging in Texas funiished a toxt for a Singalar letter - to i say the least - froin Rev. T. M. Eddv, of thu Jforthiiostern ChrMian AdwoaU, to Mr. Bü-oiiA.VA.v, has not boen huug affcor all. ' And the same muy bo gatd of the N. Y. Tribune agent, whoso safety is now announccd. 'Jhese hangiog roorbacks will be plenty uatil after oloction. jL3E" The Ypsilanti Scntind appoals ' pathetieally to its Republioan frieudá not to cut thoir tioketa The burden of its song is, "dont rade," "d-o n-t t-r-a-d-e." We have nothing to say about the SentineVs surtuising,or grievings, aud ea i't say that we admira trading votes mucli, bat then if a few or many of the Ropublieans geo fit to vote for any of the Democratie candidates, what is tho Sentinel mg to , do about it ? That's the question. Idr" The Repubücan papers are dflriring muoh consolatiou from the fact that the Democratie raajority in the Upper Península is not largar than it is. : Thoy thiuk beoauso the gaiofl over Felch's vote is not eountod by thousaoda that tliere has not been much of a shower in thnt [aeotion nfter all Vcry well, lot thom wait hopofully f'or the next spriukle. -Lr Ttiö Fvuropuan correspondent of the Bosto:i Travoler, saya that (tariualdi oonquered the kingdom of Naples with a losa of oaly eightoon niaa. gy Bad examples are more likoly ; - so moralista of tho natural depravity soliool say - to be patterned after than good ones: and in proof of this maxim, we nüed only say that some one cut the rope out of the ltepubliean tamaraok on Monday night. He ought to have been in better buunets than thus r.dopting the petty meanness of ot'aers. It is snggestod, however, that this following of a bad exainple was preoipitated and made 6uro by the laughs aud sneers of Republicans at a failure on Monday to restore tho rpes t o the D:mo3iatia polo. We certa inly regret the oicurrsaca. t1' Gov. Willaiid, of Indiana, die at St. Paul, Min., on tho M hst., of coa■nmptioa. gjrST Hkneï BaRNB, concluding that íisorotion is the bettcr part of valor, has declined the nomination for Senator in the Sccond district. We dou't know whether he coiicluded that he couldn't hold tho seat or couldn't gel it. ;3 Demócrata, Douolas vvill pe:ik in Dfiroit on Monday, ftnj in K.lnmazoo on Tuesdny ; go nncl hear your cnndidate for President expottnd the living principies of Dtniücrncy. fr" re Board of Supervisors oodviiicd in annnal session on Mondny. Wo have not been ftble to bc in attendnnce, but onder stnnd lli t the labora of the ComnntUe aro progres ing with iliu usual speed. L:f' Go to Detroit on Mominy to hear DouotAS. Train-: leave at 5 55 ;ind 9 10 A M.. .ind returning, Irnve Detroit at 10.39 P. SI. Thoy cnrry at halfart. From the Pacific. Sr Josbpii, Mo., Oct. 8. The Pon}' Express, with California dates to the 24th uit., arrived here last night. Sax Fhancisco, Sopt. 21 - A firo OOCuiTed at Pacheco, Oontra Costa connty. nu the 24th, destroying nearly twenty thousand dollars' worth ol' property. Tbere is no new fonture in the political canvass. Tho State Fair at Sacramento has provod a sjreat suooe s. Over 1.000 rread of blooded stook ware placed in competition for premiums. The Diiniog aooouta from Carson Vallcy, as woll s frotn the new Cozo silver mine, noar Oweü's Lake, are enoouraging. The Ifttaat accounts from Oregon state that the Logisluture continued adjour .ing from day to tiay, without a quorum. A roport w.-w circulatud of n coiitemplaled eomprpmise between the Douglas and Breckinridjje democrats, sriving eaoh party ons Senator on condition that tho seoeding Breckinridge Senators would return and give the Seintte 3 leoal orgnnization The lower house ,as.-od a resol ution, on the 20th uit., inviting the Senate. ia its disorgariized conetitioo, to meet in joint con irention the next day, and proceod to the eleotian of Senators. The Donglás and Breckinridge parlies in Oregon had each held eaucuses ánJ i'ioininatod electoral tickets. Tliu Breckinridge ticket is as loilovvs: Deluzon Smith, Jnmes O'Meara, and Ei. W. Doiiühitt. The D.iuglas tickat ir: Vm. H Parrar, Benj Q'arding, and Win. tiotfrnan. The minina news frorn Oregm and Briiish G)lutnbiii is enyouraging Thü census returfw give Washington Torrito'-y 9,0 JO populaiion. Adv i ces froiQ Onina state fchat the Chinóse would make great resiutanoe to the Frenoh and Eulish, a:id desperate 6ghtU)gwi8 espuo'.ed. Bussian rar teamera bad beer. very active iiioviiifí about with lai'ge bodies of troops on board.


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