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A Novelty in tho Art World ï Photography o a Poroelain ! '■ . '■ ■■ - p i ' .■ i' ;i Í" vU .... : Ö N VO KC E LA I : OOM PA N V N 78; Broa I, aí y...-k, .■■;]■! 'r II 1. " - - : r Minintupti jjikcnMt of Pro ■ on C!iin, ' !lC .':-r. -, ;.■■■:. n 1 : : Mt'L0U1 1 r ph . Lh b.-'Ü-inc..1 - -■■:.:' t.:'i - '. ■ .-■- Ui II t i ■ l ,■ . . . : ,",'■;; ii+f n. ■■ tr. ii ■■■■ r"'l 1 .-'..i "l" p-.'f ' ■ ■ . : b ■ (' ni.ii1! !i v nl .'. llpnn km 'i: a ' .:r rï :; ! .ir .)rftQV 'Ïp.( ftf llTftyn'■.': r. 'j, T.i l 1 ' ■ i ■_" if' lei i?.ii oí, up-m Porw'aln traro. 1 i í .-1 as nrtiol m of las ■ . : ■ ich ■■ trrnVrtüM,Br6fllifMt Gapt.Toil t AtioJe,ifQ p .n '.- -v:- ■ : ff ft UUtoruDwaUUtii] ut i c ■ i. ' tcHlitaft for ihc grhiiñcaiíon of th ■ 1 ■ ..: ' i ■■! hfi KtA. of tiloso pitn" 11' ■ :'.'■: i -i iiO PercfiAin, l'.f imp.iricii from ijir-ippft col ■ ■ . ■ . . ■"'.. iM kDU&kotuïtd ti. ■ , rliio ' ' tifjj ■ A% th H BS LI ■■■ irr; owd r.ï - f Lh pntn' r ■ k;ii h . n OüiiSi ti ri Btl y tho 'iily pe nous i horiöd ■ . )tei niaot), la or ïer To ftfford Pople in ev ry seotion of iw Cnion ■ I ■ VS8MI P plrftitu on Ohitta, f-0 mki lUö P ■ - i to ResUlmffl in tKo V.nntrv. win aro nnible to VÍtit. ''Ti:):iil!y tl O AlÜaP ntld QftUeriea in New York 0saoi nendïnff & boicriph, m%rft jp. ot ■ ■ . . ibj ia Xêff Torkj i o CiiiipaDiéd by ■I r -■'■■■in rel irn by px ire. frc nf ftthM ehirga, A ieh y ornftmRtd Broakfnst Cup hd Síiue .r wifeh tin port n i t fcMnnfeiTftd ti ercou. ■y Ir&OSDlltttQg -T d&g t." wtypi and Ten Dolkrs, ihr -r!!1 rÏTO In likc nuonor, A hftndftOUw Fr.Mich Vatoor Toilet, Artille, trith ( tproiaetd 'v lbo [Miaat prootw B_y it H'jg pfcirof Hj iTftotjpi .10 1 Fifern Djlian, tbey wffl freeïr in turn A pVsr of rifcfc SoTp-.'a Vnsos, ■ ■'. n Uk tanaor, prtra:i% ean ba reprodtctd ö p ire ■ hio wï Vasw f avfiy qnaMty of iluish, r inc'n : ir: ; rice "■■■'■11 Tfcnfv to Ono Hnndrpd Dollftrs th puir. N". il. - B? pjtrt.cular n wnting tho ftddrMAj lom, Ootmfr anl Stníc tiistínoUr. Al' irtUm to br nllre(1 to 'Jlfd wjrtr 'imari.-ai Pkotograpkfa Por4ñnfn Co.,% NiW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accumúlated Jan, 1S30, 31,707,133,24 M ORRIS F R A K L I N, President, J. C. KENDAL'L, Vioe Pretident, P 1. 1 X V F R E E M A N, Jc ry $100,000 DEPOSÍTED ■ifli tbe (VmptroHeru#l:tie State of Neer Ycrrïi. Dirl■ '■ ■: !s .i rtrage 40 jcr ceut. anun'illy. Jb. S3 f3 33 2? S . "-:i In T S ."1,?S3.4& . o-eate.l uu'ler tb? lawsof tlieSiale r.f Y-. ■ ■ I". F., 25S,S70,79 !on;E.U1 and Füttures, Nos. :.ií a.:! 114 var 1SÍ.4SO0 ! ami MfrlifSROirfurinrTpfrct. interot 583,998.39 N'-iros rpociTed foi I ■ ■ , of prtxaliunft on llfo pMtcIêA, bearing (uier?!, MT5.-115.P5 OiHttf-i ';. - lUftl pirmiuniA, duo nub?pto Jahtmry 1 I 30,550.3E "i. '!■; .-,■■■■! ,, .- ii up if-Jan. 1, ."0, 86.488.77 Rentn ccraednptnJan. 1. lfiO, 1,70". 34 Promiumi &n 'Olio!c iu ;.a;.ús oí .'.goats, 2C,'i4í.lS $1,:úT.133.Í-1 Un Weilp .■..i LswrrT, Hedloni Examinen, 74ötf .1. (■U.DF.KÏ .-:.'.[:l, Agont UFE iNSUllANCE. Tho Co: .necticut Mutual Life íns'i-a"í0) Company Aceumnlsted Capital, 83,000,000. ÏIH-l. 'N -( i'.K 1-1V]: fri: any amouirí doí excefiiii VV e-'i'.il i Ibp tire nbole icrñi nf I.ife erfor a Urm of yo.ii. oo thc mu t ravombta termit. N. 11 Ylio Company i' ]i irflly mutual and tíiR policj boldcrs gt atl the aurplui otot the exoot cosí ol t&aur ai.í-e H A-coinrla'e-í tb nsnv.l iti Uip setll.'ment ot thcír promioui ON UFE IMLICIK-, If lo-ircl, bj teting ji iimIc for onfl half thö acüaut, bearing iaterest at ni lpr een', peí . Dividend are Declarad Annuallyi ft.i'i ince tl;ey noir Mtnnunt to rirrv per cflnt ou tho, eaxh and noto, and iré incroasíngtbey iny be LO cancel theacteft'. jT Thñ i-ates of pneralums nrealnw n any othíir re BDoniiibta Onopiinj aml the : aoeamuiaiod fund oí ecurriy investeil as nmy ijf Been by rofer euo to the Btfttament mado ftcoordiüg to !au', en ule n theoffiwdfthe CojnK CIrs,t Aun Arbor.HBC JAMtiá ül OÜW1N, Prtt. (iivíi. l'nit!Pf.?ec.r. ForpartUnlanappl] to JAMES C. watsov, S83;l gent &t Aun Arbor Micli. Coiiway Fire insuriiiice Co Ot' Conway. Mass. Oapifiil paid up, - $150.000 00 Afisets (Cash), - - 20ÍI963 12 t.iwbilities. - - 16 440 03 D. O. Rokers. Jai. S Whitney, Secretary. Pretident. DIRECTORS. j K.WHITNKT, L. B(IMN. W. EI.I.IOTT. H HOWL4NT) D '' McGM.VHA Y, E D. MOHGAN VVA1T BEMENT JOSIAL AM.IS A.HBH'I.EN W B. OICKJNSON, w T. CLAPT, 1). C. ROGER. nn Viboi it ferences! nr. r. weu. 3. L.' JAMK4 i,. nonoF, V.NOCil JA.MKS CAPT. C.8.GOQDEICF, J W. KNVGHT, Agpnt Ana Arbor, Micliig Money Vanted, Who wJll l,VndMoiiey1 IAitBlftJCEBTED BY BEYEBAI. TKRSON'S to obiaiu m d) for th tn at Ten Per Cent I itera st, (Or More.) foranrone wllUnj toknd.I mv at once ip.vcnt on jood onêneumberod aboodant KFAI. ESTATS wcuriiy I , uro'i '■'. mnney'añd testhat Uistiti. auil aocurity ffr The burrowar piytr.rall HWl, inrlnilinR rpsornYmr. ' E. W. MÜKGAN, Ar.n Arbcr, Gc. 7, 1SÍ9. TIMf ïj W. MORGAN, Agent for Hutu) ï.ifc ïnir.rancoC.jmpany, rte "r(-AccumulatedAuwtx, . . - - $S,3o(),00O . luían ' Companjr In Hm ü. 8. rbocker I.ifc Iüsurance Compftnjr, New York, - a !:r-t rlass xnfe Co. - tcnriA reasonnble. Humboldi Ri tosumnce UompuiJ, ■■f "orl;. Capital, withilargeiurplus, ■ S2'w-nIVona .V i-.rp Iiihi.iance Co., Tfforta 111. OityMeat Markev. """r:rNTIER?IGN"rr), AT Hï! Markot niir tlip Post I "oflio, keep eonafontlj on haod a f uil Msortment of 3T1-x--o-t--ai-li 1M-O-.-t-ai-, irhlcb tl-.-r ill lr3 ■ o tounfl n nadtnMsta cm upoo . :;. No tajns will be pared to keep theii' inarkit (leun, and M ents S w e e t and patrón rnay rflr pon fetttag the lt roísts í on, vVC. , Vhul eau W founJ in Oio Cit CA] ?:aíkS0K Ann Arbor.May 1, HM U:n TO I1OUSEKEEPÍ.RS. QOMBTHING NEW.- B. T. BABBIT' ! Best JIedical Salehatlb. lñ manufacturí'rt from cnramtin salt, anti ib mpaie sntlrely different ftom other Salerato. AlltbedelctBriou matter extractad in sucli a M .Himfr t te produce Bread, Bifcuit, nnl illïï O4r i.inilaof Cake, wil!ioutcont.iinini{ a partióle ol SJ -dltratus whnt the Bread oí ('ak' is bakcdij berebj pi ' ■ Ine wmilte. Ever) J partido -f Bateratuail lurnid togu, And pas■ea tbruugli tlip Bread nnrt lüsruit wliile bakinp, IJ L ? onMQuently; nothing remaina but cominon Slt DO iiter. andFlor. fon wiJJ,,readilï perceWe, by y !ie '.usté oí tui Saleratua, that it i g JilTeront froLci otíieraleratuí. ti lt packed in one pouud paper, each y perbrandert, "B. ï. liabbitf Bent Medicinal }Q -aleratus;1' aiao, picture, tvrisied lor c.f bread, a U Ö vith a jt'ass of ervíclng water au the top - j (ThenjToa pntchaee one paper jou bould k. v.'rve the wrapper, ao'l be particular to get the f uejt esiictlv likc llie brnnd s abnTP. M ftf , I U ,.ratu. and Sour ílilk or Crean' Tarter, wilUe .'ompanv ea-"h package; alwo, directionn for ' oaaTngaU kinds of l'sMry; lao, foi making, ■Soda Water and Seidlltl PowdOTI. !J O MKF. YOCR (UW SOAP witli !J B T BABBllT'S PDRB (.ONCKNTRATKI f POTASE. jjj Warranted doublé the atrenuth of ordinary H Potaab: put np In can- 1 lb,a ll, 3 lh. i Tl lü,and 1211 - wi'h full directkmifor n:;ikini. " AND Hai and Poft Soap. Consumera will find this .he cheapest article in market. fl ilanutacturcd and fur Bale by M D. T. BABBITT, J M,6,6S, "0, 4 71 WashinRion st.,Nw York, n fmj a an 1 Xo 38 India it, Boston. n 74 'yi 1000 Vests, Shirts and Drawers, Fur Salo clioap at GUITERMAN Oo'b


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