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Ayer' s Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, dcsigned to ba the most effectual Alterativa that can be made. It is a conccntrntcd extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined ivith otlier substanees of PtiH ■ greater alterativo power as to afford au I tive anüdotu for the discases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy in wonted by those who suffer tom Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish theil cure rraist prove of immense orvice to this large class of our affiictcd i eitizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be ibuiid of the following complaints : - SCHOFULA. iSI) SOBOrüLOUS CoMPLAIXTS, EltUl'TIONS AN'D EUUPTIVB DlHEASKI, UlCEBS, Pimples, Blotchhs, Tuxoks, Salt Rhkcx, SUAI.I) U.BAD, SïI'UILIS AND SYriIILITIO AFTECTIONS, MbKCI'BIAIi DlSEASK, DhOPBY, NïUraloia or Tic Doulourkux, Düim-mr, DyiPBrsi.v amd Indigestión, Erysifklas, Rosa on St. Antuony's Fire, and indeed the whola class of coinplaint arising fiom Imfükity o TUE 1ÏI.OOIÏ. This compound will ho found a great i moter of health, when taktn in the spring, to expel the foul humors whieh feater in th blood at that eea-on of the year. Hy tlie timoly expulsión of them many vankling disorder are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by tho aid of this xomedy, spare themstlve frora the enduranoe of foiü eruptions and ulcerout lores, through which the system will stnve to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through tlic natural channcla of the body by an alterative medicino. Cleanso out th Yitiated blood whenever you fmd ita impuritie bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptionti or sore:f ; cloanse it when you find it is ob ftructed and sluggiah in the veins ; cleanse il wheneter it ia foul, and your feelings will teil you when. Even whereno particular disorder is feit, people enjoy better health, and lire longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, thero can be no lasting health. Sooner or later somethinf must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla ha?, and deservos mucli, the ïeputation of aceomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is elaimed for it, but more because many preparations, pratending to be eoncentrated extracts of it, oontain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late ycars the public have been mUled by large boules, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curativo proporties whatcrer. Henee, bitter and painful disappointment ha3 followed the use of the varioua extracta of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, unlil the name itself is justly despised, and has becoms BynonjTnous with imposition and cheat. Still ■we cali tliis compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to eupply such. a remedy aa shall rescuo th name frorn the load of obloquy which resta upon it. And we tln'nk we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordiuary run of the diaease3 it ia intendea to cure. In order to secure their complete radication from the system, the remedy should bo judiciously taken accoidüig to diiuctioii oa the bottle. PREPARED BT DB. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Frloe, $1 per Bottle i Slx Bottles for 03. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral hs won for itself such a renown for tho cur of very variety of Throut and Lung CompUint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount tha etidence of its virtuos, wherover it has been employed. As it has long been in constant us throughout this section, we neeá not dr) mora than tssure the people its quality is kept up to the bct it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been fuund to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, POS THE CTTBS Oï Costivenefü, Jaundice, Dispepsia, Indigestión, Dysentery, Foul Stomack, Erysipelas, Hcadach, Piles, Rhtumatism, Eruptions and Skin Dissastt, Lieer Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, Tumors and Salt Elieitm, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, ai a Dinncr Pili, and for Purifijing the Blood. They are sngar-coated, 60 that the most sensitiva can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in th world fur all the purposes of a family physic. Prioe 26 oeats per Box ; Five boxsB for $1.00. Great numbers of Clergymen, Phvsicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, have leut their name to certify the unparalleled usefulness of thess remedies, but our space here will not perrait the insertion of them. The Agents below named furnish gratis our A?.ierican Almaxao in which thoj are given; with aUo full descriptions of tho abor oomplaints, and the treatment that should be followed for their cure. Ho not be put off by unprineipled dealer with other preparations tficy make more profit on. Demand Aveu's, and take no others. The üick want the best aid tliere is for Uien, and thy should kave it. All our remedies ar for la by b a ÏVISON. and by :ill V'. i i Dei ■ - herö. J.JIM.U.L 'f rawiling Agent. aperi i i rletö tn n. c - p b b n Ëu ■ I ■ ■ ■ ■. ise bk kly coin ■ proVed abnolutelj cuianic in cnch ui t!te !■ ■ 1 1 ■ ; ! ' ' . . v iz : lu DclrilKy Siervous fl"r;ii, KiïinintïoM trjrmepsiaf i oustlpaXloit, l-Iarrlurn. Dyftcnie-, y. iiMipïtut Consampttoti, Scrofal u bfrculcwl', Salí Rfpum Miwuwtirn ■■ 'hloroa ■ . musculs i ■ ■ trtal of tliis restorati b haa proi ed . u ■ ■ ou l'l riiVr crtdibïe. InvalW i ao lo i -.o halve becoiña foi [oí tn in tl .Icnly rQ-appearod [n thebusy wo ■ roturned from protractod i ravel In ad . ■ - In V... . la, and for asons familiar tü i tlon of irpn m i , for, unlike tlic oM fixi'ii-.-. l! i ' and ovgi moRt öfc ■■ i ' '■ i ■ gart i to [ -il i ative, or ín It is this a 1 1 i v i ■ , i , : . and pefmao rit o r medj upon s Uicfi ii aUo . aud spe■ i lij; the local tendeucy whicb forms tln.-ru. l;i IJ. ■ the most habí; ■ I tcludiogihe atl tutê In unchecked Diarruba, e ■ Zhjsen ibe effocta ha i ■ bectic, tebi ■■ ■ , ■ [,, Sctof Uffttt ".v.'i.TcrtiM ■ hls modieated Iron bas ■ 'v balflnced propai - any of aootr wel! Itnown Habilitiea. 'i .. - .. ■ . " annoi botooconfid ntly invi..'-.-. rtmcdynnd resiorative in tlie cases pecuHarly ■ thi ;:i Tn RAöttmCMff, both ehroni imatory- ni tne liitter, l'l.■■l.', more dooide M - ij ba b irted, both aa allcvfatiug í wol Hu? In r ely umi energetic roatoratii ■ ati eUlemontA vf tb Wost, will proba -'. HOWT3 nnrl nsofi o remedy ha ovoy been dtacoverod m tbe wb ' ry of meiiaine, wbich exerta juoh opy, and iiiHy re ttfl í wd ft :■ Ion of streogth, q Itb an ■ active aad oheerfnl i follow lt uw. lt uj iu oeat flat metal -"! pms, prfee -00 centa per box; for aio bj A'ill be "nt free to any v'1 I be pnce. tU letters, orders, otc., shoald bei B. B. ÊOCKK.&Co Tit, 477yl ■ y, N. V. DEFOREST, ARMSTRCG & CO. DRY GOODS MBUCMANTS, 8O Á 82 OuunVis S. A Y. Wftri.n NOTIFY THE TRADEti oyepln Weokljj lantw a&dbeautiful patterni, the AUBO 'tv.r. New Print which i fo porf ■ ':"' (al aie.-Ov ■' "KI m mrmt,anü .„„ , I r.i'.iy attndJ t great. greateu g&ea.test barga. us ] 3 1 ciiï11i : 18-j9. 1859. In i'.isCiiy, are uow being offered at the CKEAP, CLOCK, WATCII, & ar O ■%7ir e X x y StoreJiíMs; y 'o theoRisenaol Aon Arharticular, and I ' Wjnblenaw VuDf hnajuat IMPORTED 1)1:; :■,;.■■ r n BI ;i ■ Tr. Stock of Watchea! Al. of whloh hii bind blaudftd teil CHE Hi.It thnn T wii! of Nt:w Yoik Ctty. i $ to 6io du d-.i Lever do r.o 8 to 2 Hanting C:iri do rio 14 to :: dn do Oylindor do do 9 to 26 ;.jW v ■ SO i 1 . nvo iiïsu me BRATËD ■; V AT CHES, vblch I wlll .. ! r ' :":. . . , Vvutch warraaWd to money r iun Cioc ■ :ry. War, Gold i'en, a ntl ucl dtiingg, ÈutTcnp, L'., et r varietj ol I ;-uflly bpp by Jew i:inty d -y ;.r V' i . OWN PE10ÏSI ■vreons baying aasibing ot th? wil Itnawn ettb ui eau r-'iy u; ngHing gooda i xact'j u rep ■ . sent' d, i"ir thp mony rHunded. (■" early nnd e are tii1 ht-st bargatDi everpfterud In '""ity. Oiu word in regard to Ri-pairing : We aro prppart i. W mahe any rer a 01 flöe or commun Wajcbea, von t ra kin?oer tbe (int tra iary, Rcpairii f of ( ■■■k.-t ■ ■ Jewi Iry rs UlO i1! man Ril :' orii-, r Buytbing deaired, frgnií I onabortuo Iliti braocboaexoeoted wiiii nent i-sa and dwpatcb. j c w-tts. ; Anu Arbor, Jiuh 98ttílS9, ;hw Something Worth üeading! clïofl & Müler, t RtAOAIN ON F. ANB, atiherld nl, (Tbrer - In House,) wttb tl i roand E x tensivo Asser t ment -orBooks and Statiortery, Wall and Wmdow Papers, 011 Painted, and Gold BoicJeied Shades Curtain Rollers, Tassels, Coids, AND A riIOÜSAKI) AND ONE THTKGS In thelr Itne, KNTIREI Y t99 MJ R0ÜST0 ■ 'N ivhlcb lli'y intTitc d Clip ■ iv, to Before Purchasijig Elsewhere, -,r tlu'v flaítí'r thomaelvpsthRi tbcir Ptjlre and o '-mot fnil to provo atisfctory. „„ r.,,r v,y 1, fS9, HOR A (JE W ATERS, AGENT 333 R r o a ii waj , N c v York IMibUaher ■ "i-i ï:' wíl 31aIc Booka ATTi DEALKR IX , Melodtíons, Al ex and re Organ ürg eon, Martin "e colcbrated and ot her Guitars, Violios, Tenor VíqIs, Violihoellos, Acem deonB, Plutinas, Flütè, Fifes, Triari )nett8,Tunin Poilc8.Pipe R nntnen, VioKn Bowöj bost EtalString, Baes Instrumenta for Bands, Pi fin o Stools, coveta, and nll kinils of Musical Instrnmcntf. 1% o o 3VE xx S i o, . q Bookii ',.- al ■ ' Uusic ijper, n i ;tll iiinls of Utuic í t h e Lowest Prices X e W (Manos, $175, $200, . and up to W00. Secood ■■ . to (200; Hteoond Band Uelodeons i mdre thrgans, witb live Ui '. .-, tlS5and ti2-5;thirteen stops, $'i50, $ k): h ■ . A liberal discount ■s, I uT' ]:■■■■. Sabbath School, niiijaries i. Trade suppUed :ii tbe usual trade t mmcmlalti of tbe flornctï Watera Planos ncï Meliicletidc. ! hr Rewett, of Cartb&gp, N. w Ydrk, who l:ns had . foü( r: - ie to purebase a piano or . ■ ■ . . .,.: i tne in I i ■■ ml ie, aü'l I think I ro luce oue ot two more; they witl be mure popu■ : ike." 'We have two t Watere' Pianos in ase in oarSemI pe ï wbicb has boen severely tested f ility an 1 dura■ - WiiM.l Gregory, Monnt Cnrroil, TU. "U. '. - : 'kak Sib; Haring used oneoï jour ; r two yeiirs pa t. I Sare ronnn ii a very f LiSiTumrnt. AlOMO Gkat, Principal Pr:nklyn Hrifht Stuntttarf. . m tou contin . ■■ ii ■ kBKB, Charleston, Va. b rrive4. l i. ■ . i .1 dKiQunt." Rev. J. M. ii' (7. ■ reu duly reeeïred; Itcam In excellent ., ;-■ d is reri tumeroua :■ 3 our j BC, WÓrreihnviy Bradjoed Co. Pa. feil. It ÍK i:'1-! ( Q6 In onr ■ ■'. (Tmíftífcm( ?. ■ . to you for haTii D L Ca., I 'ft'. :..■." Waters Píanos are knoirn asamong iho üt We nrr enAblcd to ■.'. ith confldence. from personal knovlede nf theïr , tone and : i ■ ■'" - -Y r. Ermieeltrí I ■ ga, na baing the ven1 ;n-.-;í ' - Ckrist'an lutetti . ios are ouüt of tbe ït nv! do doubt i ï:;it b-.i v ■■■■..! i do ; wcljjperhapa botter, at thi than at nnv othorhouse in the tfnion." - Advócale s,wt Journal, pi moa nM i" leona - nparisou wth ib .' anvwhere intbe conntuf." - jnte Journal "Hraoe Watera Piano Forten are of fuU. rich and '■i- .Y. Y. Musioai trr'etp. - (rienda will . ' ■ ters' ture tbe r&y : i be found io ; .v urge our soutbern and western to gïye bím a calí whenever tUey gu to Xew York. ' '-Graham's Magazine Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa bbathSchool Bell. 1 00.OOO Haced In ten Munths. The unprécEdeated tale of thls bmk Iirs inducffl the [fa mn - t'i it-s ]tre-withoui prtra cbarge, except n thtteb taqng tbe mal to love inv moi hor;' '0 ril 1,,. ':l (jood cffild, Indeed I will." T otbera Anoiver. .,'■ Acadvmj of Mu0, witb : .■ Tbe Bell coiitato neariy 200 tu h ;!■;. I is of Utf - I '- CVOt Isauetl I, . ogtage c 1 ■ ■■ 0 per 100 It naa been IntroduoAd ; be Public ScUooIb. ■i;,,. ,, [s publinbedin araall numbero entit!o.1„nniool Mol te Hilóos, Nos. 1 . the million; price S-' í; $3 per ; No. & will sooabe (ssueíl - c mnc boolí II O, Krvivil] MlKÍ' l!ni'.;. NO, I & Jí, price SI pe I lo. More than of tbe above boolu have been iaaaed I i . ath8, uui the demand iampldlj EncreMing. .-1 by HOI'.ACE Y.m SS, Af.-nt . 383 Broádway,N. Y. PubUsed by Horace Waters TVo. 333 nvoadwny, Tfew Yorh. Vocal i'Kind Words jan riovrdíe" "The Angels_told .' "Wüds of tbe Wmt;" "Thon(th1il ol God;' my Hnn; ■:" "Day íireamfi' ■luí witu thee s'.i'il ;■!'■ n ■ i- darinog UK mineV' "Safh JaaeTi er of thee;" "l'm leavingthee in Sorrow;?' "Birdof Ho.-uitv: " i ■; "Gra-ve of Rosabel,1.' aad . ■ . ' prico 25c c:ich. Bl'MBNTi!,-' "Palace Garden, oi totti iclie;" "Mirabel Soho. chottische;" "Piccolomini i eacb. THe havebrauliful ' ■ riya ,viai ■ i ! n M :■'.. :■!■.■; :.- ■Crinoline w.ilti." and "Lancërs1 Qua !6c eacb. "The Empire of Tille;" a ■ Irnse.jKjr Hallad fice. A lot f Fpreign iluíic a: half irico. llao, Mciodrons and Organs. The Horacfl Wte Kano nd MelodaoiM, fbr lf-iith, piirity rif iimf r.ud durabiHty, are unsurpassed. Pricoa nervio'-. 1 Píanos and Melodeona from $"26 to ■ ...i Musical [nutructionê of al) rice. H0RACET mt. Ño. 3::: Broadiray.N. V. Tk-timoxiaU";- "The Hornee Water' Planos ure kiiown .,, nm,, .■' _ ■■rnncelitt. "Wecan iipeak or iheir merite from personal knowl. i-Chriuim Inulagoiutr. ■ N'..tlihiK at tlc Fair displayed greater eicelloace -"- Charchiiuin. Waters' Pir.nos nn-1 HelO&eona chfrlliii;"eromlRrisnn with thi ünest raaüo anyTherm tli couatry." - Iimc Jmmti. '19W A.yer's Cathartic Pilis.


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