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lnsiiies0 lurertüTK. " i. . üTf. WASHTEXAWLOPGF. NoO, of the Independent order of Odd Fellows meets at their Lodge Room, rerv fri-iiiv evening, at 6 % o'clock. U.'B. WILSON, N. G. F. Bono, Sec'y. DR. B. HESSE, Pwmaái k 9üobo."I Respeotlfullj tender his profaaiional services to the citizens of Ann Arbor and iicioity. Offlee in Hack's New Building, Mam ytreet, Ann Arbor Mich. N.B. Kight rails promply attendedto. "tWITCHELL & CLARK. ATTOBNSVS and Counsellors at Law, General Life and Fire Insurance agents. Office in City Hall Block, on HuronSt., Ann Arbor. Collections promitly made tnd remitterl, and special attention paid to conveyancing. D. . TWITCHELL, f'4Jtf1 ü. P. CLARK. JAMES B. GOTT, T AW OFFICE, No. 2, over Slawson & Gecr's Store. ii SOOTT & 1'OBEY. Ambhotypb & Photogkph Artjsts, in the rooms Éormerly occupied by Cordley, over the store of Sperry t Mourc Perfec t satisfaction guaranteed. " L. D. GODFREY, ATtorney andCounpf.llor at Lsw, Ann Arbor city. J Oilice North -Kast Corner of the Court Hüune ""SUTHERLAND & BELL, WnoLKSALK 4 retail GHOCEBS, East side of Main street Ann Arbur. I'roviBions bought and süld -ffi W. N. STRONG, T"aibh ia Dry Goods, Boots andShoes, Groceries, BonAJ neta,Fancy Goods, kc. Exchange Block, Ann Arbor. W1NËS & KNIGHT. DKAi-KHsin títaple, Fancy Lry Uoods, Boots and Shoes, Jtc. &c.( Main Street Ánn Arbor. MAKÏIM & THüMPSUN. ÍJ10SNIXU4I Wakk-Kooms, Dealer in all kiniisuf l-'urniture, ie. New Blook, Alaiu treet. RISDON & HENDËKSÜN, UEALEltó in Hardware, Stoven, boust furuisliinggoods, Tm Ware &c. He, -New üloeü, Jiam btreet. A. P. MILLS, Dbalbr ín Stapte Dry Goods, Uroceries, Boots and biiüeh and Keady Made L'iutmng, üurunStreet Aun Arbor. JOHN W.MAYNAKD, Dealer iu títaple Fancy Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, te. &c, Mam ütreet, Anu Arbor. ËEAKEc: & AÜEL, A ttornkys &L Counssllors at Law, aud Öolicitora in C4. Obaasary. UÜicein tke old Tost Oilicebuiiomg, Ann Vrbor JiLNGSLEY te JlOKGAN, TTORNEYS, Counsellors, Solicitors, and botarles PubÍ TL lic, have Bouks and l'lats showing titles of all lauds lu the jounty , andatend to conveyancingand collecting .emands, anü to paymg taxes and .schooi mierest in auy part ol tüö ütale. uthceeaatsie uf tlie tíqnare, Aun Aiboi JAMES Li. COOK, JcsnCB of thí Y&acs. Office nearthe Depot, Ypsilanti, Michigan. J. LOVEJOY, M. D., Phtsicun" & tíuRGEO.v, has permanently located in the City of Aun Arbor, aud holdo himseli in readiuess to ttend to ill calis in the line ot ui& profession. Keaidence inNorthSt., ?d house east of Catholic Church' Wm. LEWIÏT, JVL D., PHTSICUN &. tíuKüEON. Office at his residence, North side of Huron ütieet, and üd liouüe Wust oí División itreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, Maítufactureb and dealer in Boots acd Öhoes. Exchange Block, 2 doort riouth oí Maynard, títcbbins t Wilson:t Store, Aun Arbur, llich. MOUJLiE & LUOMLS. M4'U facture Pa and dealer in Boots and oboes,SIan st, oue door uorth of J. W. ilaynardV Wii. S. SAUNDERü, Draleb u Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers, Arm Arbor Cash Boot & hoe Store, south side of J'ublic Square. M. (iU HEK MAM te CO, "1X7 noLESLEand Retail dealers and manufacturera of VV Heady Made Uiothmg, Importers of Cloths, Casfiineres, Uuuikms, i:c. Ño. ó, New Slock, Ana Arbor. 0. B. PültTEIi, iVST '1fr Svrckox Dextkt. Office corner of Main 4BMÉj&t and iiuruD streets, over P. üackrs slurc, slWWk Anu Arbor, Michigan. ■-LI--r April, 186a, Wm. WAGNER, OKALK ia Readjr linde Clothing Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Hals, Caps, Trunks, CarpetBags, &c. Main it. , Ana Arbor. M. CAMiON, mausT Taïior and dealer in Ready Hado Clothing, UHo 41, Phoenix Block, Ann Arbor. EACIl S PIERBON . DtiliRe in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots k Shos, kc. , Main street, Ann Arbor. HAYNARD, STEBBINS cÊ CO., DEiUtlis in Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs k Medicines, Boot6 & Shoes, kc. , corner of Main and Ann streetK uut bl w the Exchange, Ann Arbor. EBER13ACH& CO„ Dkalkrs in Drujs and Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet article, a fow doors south of the Fraaklin House, Ann arbor. SLAWSON & GEER, Cl locina, Provisión & Cominission Merchants,and deaT lorsin Water Lisie, Land I'laste, and Plastee or Parir, one door East of Cook's Hotel. C BLLSS, rlAummCIock, Watches Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, IJ tt the sigo of the Big Watoh, No. 27 , Phoenix Block J. O. WATTS. DïAlKKm Qocks, Wütches, Jewelry and Silvcr Ware No 22, Nw Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. FREEMAN. BiKüïli nd Faihionable Hair Dresser, Hain Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Hair Fronta and Curls kept 3Onstantly on aand. SCHOFP & MILLER. rKAiEES inMiscellaneouB, School, and Blank Books Sta J-f tionerj, Paper Hangings, i:c., Main Street Ann D. DuFOREST. WHOLESALE and Rttail Deaterin Lumber, Lath Shingle, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Water Lime, Grand River flaster, l'laster Paris, and Nails of all sizes. A ñül and perfect assortment of tbe above, and all other ind of building materials constantly on hand at the Vn V"!Bible ei on Detroit Street, a few rods from vit ï í'md Also operating eitensiTely in the rtnt Oinent Roofing. WAMII'JüUWCOUim B1BLE SOCIETY. D"r""wOfCBV„eoSrKe"tTeStament8at th W J. BENGEL "D EPECTFUIXY informs bis former patrons, and the J.V inbabitants of Ana Arbor in general, thathe will iutruet scholars agaln on the Piano, Violin, Guitar in ThoroughBass,8inging; and also in the Germán Langnagc, at the same terms as he used to charge. He will giT the lessons in his ora heuse, or in thekouses of his Boholarw. Besidence in dwelling in the rear of the Store lately ocenpied by me and adjoining residence ofj. F. Koycfi I 'rí Sle m'iJ b 8e8n from 7 to 8 A. M., from 12 to 1 and t0 7 ■ 757m3 chapín, wood & co. 1ÜCCE8BOHB TO MANUFACTUKERS OF Irixxt5 Boob.. - AND - COLORED MEDIUMS, VK'T-apjjaijtxg Paper,o. AXH ARBOH Hlflt.


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Michigan Argus