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JS5T" Tlie Business Coiumittne of rhc Wft.-htenaw Cuunty Agrioiiliural ooeiety. wil meet on Thnridny, Uct 18. m 10 n'ciock AII.. at tlio ëeorrtary 6 offiae in Kogen' Agri cu'tunl üall TU Bard f Miinngirj will tr.cet on Sot iirclny. Om, at iO A, M-. in" K-jt liib tio.i Kuom. J h TAPI'AN, for govv. THE HYOKÜPÜLT, An mentioi! for tbrowii g irbler by tuuvcL-puvrer, patcntt'd bj W. T VO"E. Ititionecf the mout valutble invcntloii.s oi tifiy. THE HYDROPULT wil!, by t'ue power of f-ao man, thrmr water at tho rstc of 8 g.illnn- perminuto füty foet high, with great fc.rae. It 'u llie bosl article OTtr inventöil for EXTIN'flLTSHWG A FIHK. I'IWKOPIN'i; A O!'1 FR01I TASIJTG FIRE, WAsiiiN.; wixiiows, SPRIN KLING PLANTS, WAfKRPífJ i;aKi)K.V-, CLEAKüINQ TREES KROM IN'tfECTS, wettin'i; si t walk?, s 'hivxi.In-i; STREEK, WASHINtS CARR.AOE8, CLEA.VIMG CLTERM3. EMPTYIHG WATKR FIIOM SAIL B0AT3, n . ïiini; sAiia AS.-KAV BATH, J.C. Tiu artloïo h ul I b ownel by ftrery houaoh"ldor - It dooi uway with ihe neccjfsity of a bjrlraut. It isa li?ht, prr able t'URCR I'OMP, .ilwuys rea ly. n:.y mei anl will unme in írejuuat use by cvery fnimer, mi(iliaat and moch.une iu ÜlO Cümmanily. I'!c4--o cali aad examine ibo.vrticteat Cook's Hutel, Ann Ai-bor, Fridatj and Saturthy, Oct. 19 y 20, 1KC0 GF Price S12 i AGENTS WANïED losoll tho Hdrupuil. Fur parte I ir.íCuquuo of the tin' deraiguolat Gopk'a U-itel, Aun Arïor. CHAKI.Ei P. BUCTiiN, Goncral cor.t. Aroericaa HydruputtCo., -11 l'ar R av Now York. living's Works- Editíon. Í'i![ : Fioe Ertiticn of tbc Woi'.-s of WjfaiKCaOK Je viii ( ncluiüüg tl liiu ui Wtttlilngfc d) , nii t pubihid for SUB3CRIBBR3 ONLY ín Montttfy Vohinit-s Pr;ce Si 50 Ef.i-h, íüjabio tn Di-livery. Beautifj'.'y Priu;i'l on heavy RaptrLio ppor, of the vory bi-t quality, and mlb ta:it.;ii] ƒ buuuti iu hevy bavallöd bands. CTEaeli Volume illustrator] with Vignettcs o:i Stt-el nnd Woed _TT) KuicUeroocker's Nw York. Sketcil Donk, Clolh, CoiUmoas, 3 voU. Brao-briklgü Hall, Astori.i, Talesüf ii lr.ivelcr, Crayoö Mi.-col!wny, Capt. Bonoéri 1 '( Oiivor Ooldmith lLah#iuot á volí. OraaAda, AibAmbiA, WolierL'iï Koost, Life of Washington, 5 vols. Sal;n:L,a;j li. TM edlnon will bj 3 .ld o;c:rirvrc.T to Pubscr.b!, anJ will bo -a. 1 super or to ary evir Lefoio is.u(l.- A voiy liaülijou ij. „i tbo-0 iniv r -ally popular workí i. thiis pUool wUlilu'tbo ra ans ufaU G. 1'. PUTNAM, Agt., PuWfaher. 116 Nassau Street, New York. TAKEN UP. CIMB in!o the enlTuroof ttia abicrlbor ibout tbo Ist of Sopterab r Ust, a Fl EVCII CRAY PONT. Siid ponr U nbmit l'ï ycar nh, hoving on ye put. nue. Tjc mracpof sald borsé i retuftwl to cali and provt pr.ipcriy piy obaigea, ani tulteitawav. 1'1-TLR r.'iUE. Lodt, O;t. 12, 1850. 6vr6IO TAKEN ÜPl BROEvE in"my pnclosure about tho Ist of une lost, a thro yt;ir old RF,D STEETÍ, vntb vrhitöha'r; mxol, n'h hip all rel. Tho owner th'-rcof is 'tquefiedtri cali, provo priprly.paychiigeR au l hae him rolored. TATE WAT --. Lyndou. f)c.. 15, 18f0 6w65O OASH FOR POULTRY. PROCTOR te 7.r.tvE1! are pa.TÍDj tli MxMe.t prire Turkfy, fhickon-, oio. lall bfov elüngax thoir Mar .'et, Murth of Cmrt House. Aap Arbor, ()■. . 1!fi' WA' WÁS;TKNTW ilüttjA L Pire Insurance Corapany. FARMRBS wishing n unito with Id Cnmpnny. rnn mctt thi -orjrary:it tho Towu H 11 In B idgewater, on TJlur!ay üct S5tli ; ftt Manchisier v 1 a;c, thrcugli the lay 0:1 Iriday taa 2oth ; a:i 1 at Cholsen, on Saturday.tho Ï7tb. Oot. 16, 1S60. JOU ANOTHE1Í & m AKRIVAL AT THEfffl0LD AND RELIA BLE 1B CLOTHIWU EMPOEIUMÜ Sto-PL 3sr o . 3 PHCBITIX BLOCK, MAIN STREET. has just roturned from tito Eastern Cities, wltb a lajge aad ilcsirublc .stock of F ALL AND WINTER O O 3O S. ! whEch ho is now offoring at unuauallj Ajaong hU Assortmcnt may bo found BROADCLOTHS, CASS1MERES, DOESKIXS, & VEST1XGS, ! of all descriptloof , especíaUy for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! w'uich ho is cutting andinaUing to order, in the latestand bet stylos, togothor with u superior adiurtmoat oí REA DY MADE CLO THJNG! TBCN'KS CAT.PEr BAUS, CUBTLi;LL.3, and Gentlemen's Furnishin Goods, i with numerous otbor ortxlcs usually found in similar I establishment. Aa ANËMP0B1ÜM OFFASHIOÍí, the sabicriber fl.iitcr! hinuf If, tbat hisiong esporience and geuera. 8uocoulwfU oa.iblü llim to gi'O tho ro-itost satisfaction tonh wlio m.iy trust liimiu tha way of icacuUeturiDsgarmonUtoo.U.r. ,TO waGXER. N O T ÍTTE . ALL PER30H3 in.kbt(Kl to tbo Estata of Dr. Pamucl lX'Oton, Uto or tbs city of Anp Arbor. dpi-fasod, wüi roake piymont without delay to Üiounüersiuod,aDd tbfritby tuve codtn. TEACY W. F.O0T, Escoutor, Aao A.-Uir, Soj. - 1S'W' 76ííwS I


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