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Northern Productions

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" A Southern Planter" in the New York Journal of (jommerue haa tho füllowing : 1 havo been a planter fo a gonrl iiKiny years, and I was oOosidernbly Btarued at thfi reeultof an nvestigation oí the subject, bo fur as connected with mvself' and my own family. On exumioatioo of my, expenditures, one yoar with another, I find that neariy threefourt.sofmy incume has direcüy or indirectly lound ita way mto the hands oí' Northern raen; and I believe thisto be true of a majörity of tho producing classes here. I urn aroused in iho morning by the bell of ft doek hailing f rom Conneetieut. Leaving a bed, vvhioh, with all its paraphenialiu, is of Northern nrigin, I thrust my feotinto a pair of Massachusetts shoes ; andasljoin my fam)y at the table, ovorything that moets my eye, escept the faces so dear to rne, is, all Northern. My ooffea vvbich has paid toll to a Nortbern importor, been parohed over au Albany stove, ground in a mil! trom Merideo, Oono.,poured frona a Yankee urn in to u Yankee cup. sweetuned with BUgar refined in Now York, stirred with spoon of a like origin - used to bo drank without oDe emotioa other thun plouBing. To church or to school a Nortbern bell invites tjk. Tn onr devotions or o ;r diiicw b Sibrthefo organ or a Northern fiddlo lor.ds its inspirirg Btrains Whether vre ride er walk sit or sleep, we do all, my Northern fiiundf, through your bind asistanje. I tüke a ook at tny soiii" visnp;u i;i a Northern inirror. st;i;np my font on Northern oorpet, and rush out bf ji houso wliich wils constructen! jith Northerrt tools, fittud whh Nortbej'n doora, sash, bünds, glas--, otu., paioted wiili Northern hands. I tnourit a Northern suddlo undrride ovr a farm I which is cuhivatcid witli Northern : plemeott,by negroos ciad in cloth mnde : in MiissiicliiisiiUsJVoui muteriuls furnifhod anywhefö frairi Vermant to Ohio. My cottpn, pnepared fór ma-kut by . Northern j;iii and pres?, enveloped n bagsriilpf which lias pnid tribute to a Büsttn Indiainan, i.' Inuiled by i Nor',Jj. ern vo.-sel to is ulUtnute dtMtintition, paviiiir, ih i?." ten nap rt, coir.mission, broktM-ng. insniMiice, esuhunge and u host ol other charges.


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Michigan Argus