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The Whitmore Lake Meeting

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WlIlTMORE 1.AKE, Uct. VJ, 1 SOU. Mr Editor: - We had a grand mass meeting of the Pemocracy at this placo, on the 17tb inst. Tho pcoplo of this vicinity tunied out to the numbcr of 2,000, completely eoüpsing the grand llepubliean deinonstration of 50 men, 32 boys, and 27 women, made at this place a few weekd ago. Ablc and eloquent speeehes were made by Hon. O. V. N. Lotiihop, Hou. Jamks KiNOSLIY, and Ilon. O. IIawkins. Tlie Douglas Hangers, of Northfield, to the number of 80 on horseback, met aud cscortcd Mr. Lotiirop to this place, and about 12 o'clock a splendid Hiekory, 136 feet bigh, was erected, from which floated tho names of Doem. as and Johnson, Baret, Lotiirop, and Hawiuns. The meeting was called lo order at 2 o'eloek, and Hon. J. Shkarkr, of Wayne county, was appointed President, and J. Piiay, M. O'B&fBN, P. C. Mukiiky, and M. Clancy, Vice Presidonts. ïlio speech of Mr. Lotiirop was the bost wc havo. ever heard him make, and was lister.ed to with great intorest by all, interrapted "nlyby choers from the Douiocrots and dccasionally by a question from the literary gentleman of Jersey, more commonly known as tho "Whitmore Lake Pqp-gun," Northfiflld is up and readj for the conflict; andyou may saibly count on ber for l'2O majority íbr (he whole ticket. Youra, &c, NO11T1IFIELD. Wo shall print ballotsfor and against the proposcd constitutioualamendmeuts, and they will be raady to bo lont out with tlic regular tickets.


Old News
Michigan Argus