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THE HYDROPULT, JÍWÍ ■ ; Au nvcntlon for l!.' -un water In band-puwer, patcn tra iiy v. T o:-: IWaoi f tbc mout vnliublo In treni ñus oL the 'h.y. TUE HYDROPULT w!U, bjr flip poffer of ohe nin Ihron water ai the rnie f 8 gallons peruiinutc li:iv feet Ií'ííIi, xv i -j i iyíli furco. h is cho besl ;ti ticle ov r inveatcd for EXT1NOCKHING A FIKE, PRUTECTINü A !■.';■ FROMTAKINCF1EE WASHING WIM'OWS, - ■ 1 : 1 N K 1 . 1 X i ; EïANTO, WATERIN'G i;a;:hkns. CLEAXSI.NO TREESS )'i:o.[ IXSECIS, WETTING si k v, AI.KS, SPRIJfKLIXG STKI WAsTHNG CAUKiAGES CLEANIXG CISTEHNS, EMPTYtNG WATlCi: KliOM SAIL BOATS, VJ-.rili; SAIl.s ASl'ÜAY T.AIK, i;C. Tlnr: artide sIioljM be ovoed ly ovry botueholder.- t iliics awajr n-itli the n Ity of a bdrant. Ii - i Uglit, portable FURCK PUMP, alvaya readr, eisily used and will comu in ftequent uso everjr nuroter, merclianl and mechante in cotamuoitj. Pícate cali and examine tliis ofiico. AMERICAN HYDROPÏLT COMPANY, 41 PAUK ROW, N Y WAIXACE WELCH, Agent fcr Washtonav Coim 771b3 VPSILANTÏ, Mloh SheriflPs Sale. BY VÍUTÜE OFAN EXECUÏÏÖN Istned out of and an der the seal of the Circuit Court for the County oi Washtenaw, and State ofMichigan,bearfagdttli Í4tk day .f Juíj LS6O, and to imt dïreeted and deliverud. againBt the gbodfl and ehattHfl, and for want thereoi lands and tencmenta of Gustaros T. Mann ilefandan tlii'mu imm-l, I di'l on the l9th day Julv. lSfïO, levy upon and aai all the rjgbt, titlo and interest of the said Gustavos T. Mann in and to the folluwiiig described liJ and premisos, to n it : Belng a partof section number 29, townshipnumDw il south of range, number fi east; coinmencing at tbO cvnter oí the road teading from Ann Arboc to Jackion, at point 6 chains and ñ links easterly frota thciutei-seetioa ofsafdroad and the west line of sail soction, t&enee uorth parallel to said section lmo 3 chains and -tó link tothe ditch for the creek, thence enst along said ditch.! chaina and 48 links fcd Sólomön Manu's eact line, theace eouth to Baid road, thence west to the plaoe of heginning Alsolotfl number 14, 13and 12, and au of that part o lot number 11, that 1k-. sonthofa line drawn Drom aad 4Í1 links.soutli of the corner ui lot number 14 acuonling to a plat of por! Of the north east quartor of section number 2.'. lóSinsbïp number 2 southof rane 6 -a, recorded in Uber i'. page 23?. Also lot number one In3. Mann'a adaïlion. Also the following, being the westerly part of the weel half of the nnrth eust quarter pf section number30, tovnshfp aumber 2,soutli of ranga number Bixeast; more particularly deeeribed as followi to wit: Begfnnlng in the territorial road letidlng f rom Aun .ibor t Jacksonat a polnt wliers tlie east aii'l weet halfes of s:iiil quarter section stribea th center of said road, running thencesouth on.the liu between tho east aiKÏ west litilves of tho north-east o,uarter of xection aforesaid '2 rul-; mul II links, tbencewest 11 hmId and 7 Linke, thenee north tothe centre of said road, thenoe easterlyli rods and 8 links tothe place of beginaing; COtttatung " aerea of land in the township of Ann Arbor nl in the t-ouiity of Washtcn.iw and State of Michigan, alt f whfch premlaes l shall exposé for nale at publ.c auctinii, :is t ) 1 law dlreefs, at the front door of the Court House, in the CStv of Ann Arbor, that being tlio place for holding the Circuit Court for tho County of Washte naw, ou Moulay the 22d day of Octuber ut-xt, at eleven o'ciock in the ferenoon of -;üit day. TH03. i'.LRONARD, Sheriff. Bated, Aug. 29, 1860. The above sale íb iifrby p'StDonod unt'l thnnda Nov. 8tli, 1860, at the same place and time of day THOS. F. LCONAKD, ShVrlff Datod, OctotM?r22,1860. 77Jtd " Irving's "Works - National Editiou. rHIS Fine Edltion of the Works of Wx?ökgton Tr vixg (incIuJing the Ufe oi WaahingUn). wiiibe pub [shed for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY Ie MoQtbly Volumes, Trice $1.50 Each, Payablo on Delivery. Beautifully Prihtfid tm heavy SÓperflne paper, of tl very best quality, and substantially bonnd in heav bei elled boa rds. OEncli Volume illustrated witli VignetteB ou Steol and Woed „rfl Kntckerbocker's New SToïk, Sketch Dook, CloÜi. Columbos, ;; lïi-acebridge IIull, Astorfa, Taleeof a Traveler, Crayim UisoeUany, rlt. Bonin ül ■, Oliver Goltlsmitli, Uahomet. 2 vote. C r ■ i s ■ Alhambrt, Wolfert's Koost, Life of Washington j 5 vola. SaUnagúndX. This U'litioii wiU be SOld EXCLCSBVSLT to Siibscrihers and will lio greatiy superior to ever bcfore issued,- A veiy luAdsom ■ set of tbese univeriïaUy popular work h thua placed withintbe mans of alt. G. P. PÜTNAM, Agt.,Pnbhbcr, 1 15 tfasaau Btreet, New Vork. TO THE ELËCTORS ! " Register ! Register] mHEfiOARD ÜP EEGÏSTftATION of the City of Ann JL Arbor wülhold sessloos in the nererai Wants as foltowa, on THURSDAV , KRIDAV and tíATURDAY, NOVEMRKIÏ lst, '2ilïind iïd, A, I 18(30, coinnipncing at 9 o'cloek, A M., and closlng at 6 o'cloek, P. M., of M4h day, for the purpose ofeorrecting and completing the Registration of the quahtiei electors of said #iy : is! 'nr - atSfawgon fcGeer'a Store. 2d Ward- at theofBceof U.Shattuck, Ksq, Sd Ward- il th Court House. 4th Ward - at Firemen's Hall. All persons who wil] at the ónsoing general election be entitled to vote únder the following provisión oí' the constil ution, should register their names: Aut. 7, Skc. 1 In all etoctions ev-ry white male cttizen, every white male üthabitant raafdtna; in tho State on the twenty-fourth day of June, one üiQusand eight huudred and thirty five; every white male inhabitant residing In thte State on the flrst dai of .lanuary, oue tlnms:un.' eïghthundred and tïïty, wno luis declarad bis iiHcntiun to become a clttaon of the trnitcd States, pursuaut lawa theroof, six montíis n-fceding an election, or who has residfed in thi-; St;ite two yearg and s x months, and declarad bis íntbntionaa aforesaid; and t-Ycry eirlbsed male inhabitaot oí tedian descent, a native of the United State, an i aoi a member of any tiibe, shall btí aü elector, or entitled to vote; but no citizen or inhabitant shall be an elector and tntitled i roveal any e'eclion. imlops he shall be above the age of twenty. onc i-:i:-tn-l has reaided in this-State three months, anl in the townaliip or ward in whfch he offers to vote leu daffl precedías such election. líy order of tho Roard, E, Ii, POND, Cha i riñan. R. S. Shitii. Sefly. Dated, AnnAiboV, Oct. 10, 1S60. gEYE and E&T. DRF. A-OADWELL SBgSg'' 0PERATOB ON THE KVK AXD KAR. Kor Dt-afiKss, Rllmlncss, mui all defect-s of Slght ami 1 1 t-n i Ing. DR. C. BKIN3 AUEGL'LAK l'liyiciin, with TWKN'TY VI-'AH-í' exclusivo praettee in (he treatrai-ot of dSoasefl ofthe KÏKANU BARieiU befound qnaüfled to give relief or efToct a curo in any case xvithiu tho reach oi" human skiU. No charge for an examlmitlon or an optnhn. or for íui sucres ful Services. bit. C.'s Tuuisk on THl Kyb aniEar, of 300 pp., containing references, Testtmonialsj Descriptlon of Dieasoa, Cams, and óther importaní naatter, iñ ■ with (Jut. , ■■ ■ .. gratis, lr üending Ten Genta : pay postage. Ájddress Dr. Cadwell, yj Bandolph Stwet corner Deftbi tn Gnicago, TD. ly768 THE PEORÍA MAKTNE & FIRE INSUKANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - $500,000 eme of ie HEATIBST, RAJ''K8T nu'l BEST Ineumu CV, in tlio ö. S. Innnrm on rwwixHbl tet m, aiilulwajs pay pioiupfiy Thêre is no bCttor í'ire hisuranoe Scio! Scio! Scio. WHEAT WANTED! THE undereigncd h&ving loared tlie CanliniT MM! at flcio, are proparod tobn.v ffheat :iutl pay tlie liigbest Scio, SÖpt. 18, 1860. COIO B. CKEE.V k BRO. CASH FOR POULÏRY. PROn'OR Í: WAtKKBare paylng the hixhtest price for ïurkovs, Chickins, etc. ('all brfore sellingat Ilicir Marltot, Hurth of Court House. Aun Arbor, Oct. 18, 1S6U. C.Otf TAKEN UP. CAMI' i)'" t1 ■■' nnologuré of the subscriber about the Jstcf September last, a FUEXCH GRAY PQKY. Siii! Isftbout l'' ira" oU, having ono ey pnt oue. Pha ovnerof W horge ia wqoMted to -;ill and jtrovt „,,., ,ty, pay chargei, an.l takelt - V;;T.R UOL-SE Lotli, Oct. 12, 1860. w6T0 " "TAKEN UP. BROKE ïnto my aadoauiQ about the lt of June Inst, :i ihree jrew öld REO STEETJ, vitli wlnie mixeil, nigb blp all red. Tl1 ownor Ihi re requeitedto eau, provo property,pfbiges unl have him restored. TATIí WAT8ON, I.ynilou, Oct ., 15, lSl 0. 6'67O JVtC. H. n rnasüiiRCT traína now leave the seversl Station in this L'uunty,ns follows. C O i G W I-: ST. Mail Kï Kalaimzoo Ac. tflght B Vlsihnfi. B.Wa. Y. ll.iOJ'. M. 9.10 V.M Anu Arbor, .25 " " "05 " " 8.8 " ' Dexter. 9.Í " " 7.S6 " " -M " ' Chelo, 10 10" " :■" " " 10.10 i. (i O I X f! KAST. Fvoninfï !■. Kul imiuoo Ac. ifiil ' Chc-liTi, S.184, U. Í MA M. !?; Dflxtor 5.:io " ■' !.5i " " 4.5 " A,u, Artor. ■'■'■" '■ '' I0.ÍÍ '■ " 5 1" ■■ Ypfii.u. . U ' ' lO.ft'l ' " i.ö'l " ANOTIJEU Jfc fjfc AIUUVAL AT TIIeSoLD AND RELIA B L E jjl ijl CLOTHING EMPORIUIüü f&Js-JOL 3ST O. 3 MAIN STREET. lui us1 r&tarnori From the & Itrn Cttfes, irftb a laqpa nod deiiirable irtock of PALL AMD WINTER EL- O O X 2 wiilch he is dow oOering al ooosuAlljr Among hi Assortmi ut ma; be round BROADCLOTIIS, OASSLMERES, DOESKINS, & VESTIMOS, ! of all di'.scriplinns, upeclfllijr fr FALL AND WINTER WEAÈl vrlnVli ho I" cuitinp; nnl makïnj? to onler. in th1 la test ftnd K-st st lis. together mtfa a suptrfoi usortmeat of READY MADE CLO TUIN G! TBUNKS CABPEI BAOS, rMHP.EIXAS, aud Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, wlth nnmeröas otbec utMea uiimlly fouad n similur;ibliliiiiL'!it.:. AANEMPOKIÜM OFFASHION, thp suliscri)x;r (l.itlcr. falmself, ttint liislonp: experienco iin'l ffencra Bucces8,vil] enabl6 hita t givo tho rf.itest satismction toftll win may trust tiimln lhi way ol maauliLL'tuiin ganueuta tu urUtr. WM WAGXER. WO TICE. AU,l'K!t?ONS indebted to tho Estáte of Dr. Parouo Dentón, !.iic of tin.1 city of Anti Arbor, rtwfltHOfl willniiiki' juiyuH-nt withuut dolato the uii'ler.sEgned,ani tlii-ifeiiy save costs. TRACY W. KOOT, Execntor, Ann Arbor, Sept. 24, liJliü. 709w6 NEW GOODS SIIII'PED evory noek from Boston acd Nw York for the People's Store, in Ann Arbor. A. Dol'OREST, Propriotor. J OROGKERY, JK GLASS WARE, P China Goods, &o. jiètï7MiZS a' Pr'es guaranteoing SILVER PLATED GOODS! Tea Setts, Cake Baskets, Ci-siors, Knives, Forks, Spoom, Sfc qualUy guaranttod at REASONABLE PRICE3. FINE IVORY, ancommou Tablo Cutlery, Ainerion ma&ujffccttm a suporior article. KEROSENE and COAL OIL LAIKIPS ncw improve d burnor, warrantod to bo the bwt bun or in ugo, or the monoy rcfundod. Also uew pat teros fluid lamps, Kerosene Coal Oil and Flcto guarantied to bo tho bost artiolo in the State. Our Chinaman still Lives. of all kiurls. Fruits, estracte, spiccp, piokles, oili Perfumes, te, rocoivod ovory wook at the people' storo. Puro Liquors and Wines for medicinal pur poses only. rC All kind VB 5 WOODEN WARE,, Stone waro, rope, cordago, 4c, a full stoek. IProduce, G-ai'den andFielc Seeds. B5=r"The objoct of tliia column ij not to draw bun, nos8 from othors engaged in the amo profeeWeask Jon to oall onco and aftr that you wil oall without Oïking. AVo aro selling a few goodsan iliall continue to io'.l a low a thor crin posíiljly b affordad. A. DeFOEEST, Spt. 11, 19G0. 9 l'eople'd ?tor.


Old News
Michigan Argus