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The Articles In Floral Hall

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We have been furnishud the following uc and brit) otici of articUs exhibited in Floral Hall at the Fair beid lt week : 1. Embioidered Skirt- Mím Valentino; ■ tctj nMy finished ond elaboit pieee oí wors. ... .... SI. tfVteh Caie-MiM Mattj WiUiam; ombroidered very liamlsun.ely with bads aud worsted. . ,, ... ,, 3 Embroid-red Slippers- Mw. C Gott, 4 Landscape embroidiTtd in woriled - Airs. 5. Linen Chimefsc - Miss M. Davidson; embroidued i" EbjjUbIi work, n very elnborute nd oommendablu pic of work. nuitlj nd deliciitely fiuislied i every particular. It is pleaaant to ete ihal sewing machines have not bunished woruau's haiuliwork with the needie. 6. Talm. Snowdown, Picalomini - Miss Welch; beautifnl ipecimens of what can be fabrioatd wilh knitüng necdlee 7. Oil 'ainting - Miss I) tv: thil copy of a ferrmle head fro the pensil oía foiein artist ehow much talent 8 Two Jloiiücrnn alie Pictiins - Mis chuff the best of' the stylt we have ever een. 9 Ornamental Needie orfc- Mr. Wm. S. Maynurd; v ■ y eíyboiate and nicelv wrought in English embroidtry. 10 A bouet of worst cd flowers - Mrs. Eni ma Wood; a work of mueh la or and skill. 11. A Ivuet ie N reiitii- iiss Francés Sprague; i his i n ïtni alio" of flow. rs male trom tht swds of frnitl, arranged great neatneM and skill Jil Anotbui Wreath by Miss Neüy Gate, fcniK-d trom 6inn' material of la ier size and combining jjer Jj n f s a larger va iety, also attracted much attention. These wreaths are a novnlty at our fairs and wre supposed by many to be made i f -wax - pea nut peach pits, popcorn, beans, buckej'es, clovcs. nutmsga itc being quite uurtcoguized in their novel arrangenients. 13. French Work Collar - Mis Adaline B. Mead; very beantifull) wrought. 14 Wor8ted Euibroider3' - Mrs F Brunnow; H kitten eolife like in its ininiature vage that it seeraed about to spring frem the e:invus, aLforuing n)uoh delight ;o ;he cliildren lö, 16 Embroidered Collars. 17 Chemese; 18 Bead Basket - JIis i'ack. These articles, entered by Mrs Pack.weie all beauliful and exquisite of tjieir kind; one col ar in partiou lr attrac'ed much attention fr;m its beautiful variety of lace --titehos as well as the deliuAcy and skill with which it was wrought; - We are told it is the work of Miss b. Van Uieaon. 19 A Pictorinl Bible- Mrs. Dornwall. 20 Oil Painting - Mrs. Warner; t iiis 6mall landscape was oue of the mst exquiite works of ar:, in the collection; from th easel oí Hnrt 21. Skirt- Mis? Saunders. 22, 23.24 Oil Paintings-Miss Norris; the larger of these pietures was a cop. - The Mountain Torrent-possesing all the exoellences of the original owned by Prof White. 25 Woritfd Embroidery - Miss Henriques; a very beaatifbl picea of work 26. Head Basket - there ere ihree of these baskets i the collection, anuther belonging to Mrs Henning and one already mentioned as belong n; to Mrs. Pack - tliey are formad if large gluss beads, woven over a gracoluíly sliaptdglass dish, and wlien suspended uy their long transparent ehains formed also of besos, make one of the most elegant and tasteful reeeptaeles tbr floirers we have ever seen. 27. Doll's Cluthes- llis-eë Hattie and Fannie Aiken; very neatly mude, were these tiny garments, a pleasant among weightier matters, v ry eatisfaetory evidence that there are still titile girl i a tlie land, that ihev are Dot too learued to k-arn to sew, nor too much occupied with beaux to pla}' with the hule girl' more orthodox amusement, dolls. 28. Black Silk Lace Shawl- Mrs. P ParOD6; rery neatly and eiegantly wrotight. 29 FUnnelSkir! - Mrs Winohell; a beautiful specimen of Unen embroidery on flannel 30. A Watch Case- Mrs. Winohell; thin was adorned witb the shells of the pine eones and very mucli resembled earviug in rose wood. 31, 32, 33 Pocket Handkerchiefs- Miss Lines; these were as exquisite au imitation' of I delicate French embroidery as we have ever I seen, nd the committee were often asked if ! they were not imported 34. Wrought Skirt - Mrs. Davits; an ingenions and elabórate pisoe of work. 35. Collar and Undersleeves - Mrg Ewing; Tery delicate and exquisit work. 3G Knit Hood. 37. Child's Dres= and Cloak - Mrs. Kisdon; very elegant stik embroidery on Merino 38. Indianlnk Painting. 39. Pencil Sketch tO. Orayon Head- Miss otty Duty ; shows ■ ihe young lady to posseas great taleat as a ;op est. 31 A fine collecion of Kerosene Lamps DeForest ; the clear bright ÍLiinu of these lamps warm and chueriiig, burueüon through ,he cold dave of our fair. ñO, 51, S2. 53. House lants, Ver'enai Dalihas, Pansies - lonis; a veiy comniendable colleetion fcr the season. Wc wondered huw so many smlliiig flowers had e6eaped the faiting touch of Jack Fiost. 54 Cactus - Newton; a curious and thrifty variety frora thi strange l&milj of plaiits. 55, 56. Monthly Roses- Bul d win: Bo rose by any other name could bu sweeter than these late bloomers, with their many half open buds. 67. Fusohia - Baldwin; a new variety, we think, of this gracefal aud ver-blooming flower. 60. Death of Webster; 61 Hiawatha's Wooing; 62 Past and Preeent; 63 bvaageline; 64, 65. Engiavings; üG, 67, 6B. Pbotographl - Schoff t Millt-r; an elegant colieotiou that added much to ilie interest of ihe hall 70, Fur - a rieh and teinpting arti lf for h cold day. reniiudmg us uf icmiug now and sleigh ride "U Painliogaot Dead Oamc - Wm S. Maynard; rar ly excellent as works of art. Froin tlie pinnaele of the green mound around whieh flowers and works of art clus tcred, Flor looked cslaily down upon the ever moving, rost ley erowd, who some ot' them wundered how the peacock - Juno's favorite bbd - caiHo to ba perobed at Fl.ira's ('eet with his gorg-on tail 6weepin_' lo ih toot of her throne Vuinly ttiechildren wislied ihe dead bird would uutur bia ihi! '1 he ladies of the coimnittee who attended at the Floral Hall would ender through your columni their thanks to SIr. J. D. lrish', for the vory excellent dinners lurnished them du ring the fair, at the Ealing Hall of Gregory (Jo.


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