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j Jo el ;y in the Art World ! Photogr.";p.iy on Porcolain ! i V e L'ultwl S!, .)■! lrai-.c1, .1 . ■ ■ í) T3JE AM!-:HIC.X PORCBIiAt COMPAXV : ' ' ■ i '. vr, I Vork, ■-■.-■ ■ i . i .-■:; '.n-êMt:iHl br ..i uti', .iri fdllj prep&rtd to xrsnte Miaiaturc Likenttiei of Perno -. on Chin, p;cTit:nf t !1 f'ic ;' rüCtir mi vi ho'.ak. u faln; ♦ 1 .. ■ : . ■ . ■, th' brill ■00 ml livUh of w vMer-color arawlng nl a lhthrto uaaitaliwd .:■ ' y of laratal hi b.iJs ieu ..! mTha a Ui i ntur 1 ■■",■. ■ " ■ ■' apa iïteb '!.ej are In n - - An tlie .Alenté! [ttvM of :hr Companj tnablM tbo reprod ;ci": n of iMint K'phi, no ouly on.pli;. m-'ao-s, bat Bp 'tj na ii ai ure maal '■ if .".■ iljc'M of p .r'riii. ou !io rproAureO irith fsuitlSM ra -r, -i'i li;---i -T i' i -1 i ■ ' n , npja i'orcfl a"n tram o knjf iüMriptfnn a i i kimasion 1 d ttrtiole I i.ix.-ƒ or ■■ t ueh 1 1 ntilily, noh Lrrn-,Visef Breakfait öup,Toil t A'tiek',: curlnx fallí fu! - rtra!tt M fuririMzig r ooir i.- furih tifililie for the mtificatlofl f 1] i pAputftr t)íe, a ii'1 1 3 mee: h wauft of tho p Ut rui" , rf Ibe Rn Art itatlroua of bvtng rörcrlh oo l'or ffjrt'n, tyxQ l-rtpnpnj hii" import'! i":ti CnropeN coll'c:'n o? Miponor p'-ro-ifcin (íM, mnuñicture4 tr v' ir rn onlor, -hiis i the .11! t co-t prteot. A Ibi A :■■-■-;,"'.;! 'VrnjuuT are otra ri of Lhpfttfn1 rijjlit, ni oi'ií1 qnntly the ntj pt-tau horlzfd to tAtam'.aei, ia orJer To níTopil P opio in cv ry seotion of tbo FJnion tn oppcrtuaïiy tn pnsad P.T'rftits on China, t" onko tbo foiIoMoj propotitïoa to Etidenti in the Countrj, who aro nnabl to visit ])tTionily the A'elirind Ga11)Eí in New York rwtyp to fiöoiflceof iïiöCtra;an In N Torft, ath c mptatofl tij Five Oolhrs, 1 RHifiijfl n retara by exprax, ffew of l er oh-irge, A richiy ornaranted Trcakfnisf Cup And Saoaor,w;ih the portmit ttAnBfiüfr#d orcoa. DytTAuíiritíÍQS a dinorreotyp an l Ten PolliH'5, Uïey w'V vrcrivo In üke nis'inT, A hendióme French Vae or Toilet Articlo, wlih iha portrnii ropilaopd by lh p!ent procéi StjTMibltaga piröf dAjaflrraotfjMi dí Fit'foen Dolían, theywiU Mfflvt ín 1rn A pair of rich Sfrrea Yosép, iflgi ; tnd ia like nitiaor, portrflttl ein b rproduc4 oa porcpistn wares oVases of ortry q'lay of finish, ranflDf in price from Twenlj to ÓneHuiidred Dollar tho pir. 6T. B-Be pftrtiflul? in vrnüng tho artilrois, town, ooontj kuil ?-te difltlootly All letin to O ñát eaMd to 'jVaí"V'v' -" PlfifrapM.. porrfain Co.,' T 3:3 761 DrAA-iway , w Yobk. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Aconmuloted Jan, I8C0, $L,767(183,S4 MORRIS FRANKLIN, Preiidmt, 3. O. KBNDALL, Fwe President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED ylth ttiPCúTr.ptrnllerof tho itto rf rew Tori. Dhrb deud arerago 40 per lanuftUi ASSSTS. OnhinBlntr, f S1,SÍ5.19 thp itate of N"f rk isd nf the ü. S., 2SS,ST0,T RolEita! aoi Fisturcs, Kos. 112 ini 114 Brokdw 1C2,-I5O 04 R"n4 (ld Mortgngesdran-!ns;7 norct. lnorol 583, f 9S. Kottti roooitod ror 10 per cent.oi krmiuaas ou lite póhcleí, bíarinír iutret, 675,313.55 Quartstly ai:l iüii-annua' premiums, 3uE subsoqnsntto Janv.iry 1. lLiU iO,55n.fiP Tn-.rt-iï aoera4 n 'r JAft. 1. 1$0, S6.He?.T7 Rínieeríii?'í 'r.v.. 1. 1?(D, l.TO'.i ! rreiuiúmsou poiic!.io báuís of ;1S 3,44".0 Sl,767,15i.:-i Hr TTElts aart I.EITT, Mp!1(Vï1 Fxnm'.npr. 7 (ír'í J. G1LBSST SMITB, Agt-ni IJ FE 5rí!sL'KACÍ Iho Corncotlcnt Mutual Lifo InBuranca Company Aconmulaled Oipital, $3,500,000. ITJTII.L [NSTOE UYV.4 tot rant cot bxc w In V V SU', 0 ,n fot tho irt trd of i.ifo r for a teim of jïrLTP, nu tlirraoit fvo!"ftl)ie lernif. N". [t Che Companjr ia purlf oanttMkl nd t' holden k'-t hI! ihv aarpltts ovw tb6 exaot oost rif tnsiirftner II accnmi -n tlie Mttl?meQl of their pirmiinj. ON UFC POUC1F?, ir dMrod, by inklng r noi for one half the amount, hearing iitrest at sis percont, pci' nc:im. Dividend art Declared Annvullyl ftürl lince ïhey now nmo;irife to yVTV pfr font 0:1 llie prornúim, on.h nnd note, in'ï are increasirg thcr mtiy ht L.r!i-'-; lo ciiiwl ihoüctri. JSfö" 1 be ratpl of premiums are ft low si nnr e. her reIa CoiBfAny anl tbelarge a-ccumalatf-d fesd of èï'.öi (l.i)OO is secuicly inveated, as inav Ik scen hv refciet.00 to the stattmnt male nccriiing; to law, ou file In tbecüiseiiftlie ClOjniT Ar.n Arhor.-ifei JAMI'S CO;)WlN-,rrest. CvTR.rmüTT.reij-. For irtien!ariapplj to JAMES C. TTAT.-ÜN', 7fiSjl gent nt Ann Arbor, HM). Coiiwny Flre InsiirniM'e Co., Of Corway. Mass. Capir:il pa:d up, - $150.000 00 As-os (Casi)), - 2öf963 12 Liübiüties. - - 16,4-10 03 D. C. Hoger. Jas. S Whitney, Secretar y . Tra ident. DiRECTORS, 1 S.WtlTTNF.Y. L. ÜOT1MAN, W FXI.inTT, A8AHOWHND, D r. McOi I.VUAr, F. T MOtGN WAIT BBMEKT. JOSIAIf AI.I.I? A HfBUl.F.N w.n. dickinson, w t. clapp, d. c.rogkrs. Ai! ii Ailioi Rrfprenrre: Dr. r. wüi.i.P, L. jamf i, nnror, KNOCHJAKKS. CAPT. C.8. OOODRlCil J, W. KXIGHT. Agent. Ann Arbor, Mioliigan. Mo ney Wanted, W h o vf 1 1 lïTeTi á Moneyl T AM REQCiSÏED BY SEVF.UAL FF.RSONS to obti I mtmey for thein at Ten Per Cont I itera st, (Or More.) For nny om w!11!::k to'lnd,I rn at onc invent on ro1 u'm'ncnmt-jrreö: ah'inilAnt KEAt. ESTATF security anyuni of mnney and se that th tille ací curi!y are ti. FinitT. - Tlie borrowr pTliil; all ip"". inpliKlinf recorV.r.K. I. W. MORGAN, j Ann Arbor, Gct, 7.1SW. 715tf ÍS VV. At O R G A N , Agent tor Mutual T.ife Insurance Conipany, Se York. Accuimilate.l Assets, .... $5,850,000 the It-a ling l.ifi [iwttrance Company :n the V. s. Kniekerlxickfr Ufe Inmirance Oompanr, New York, -a first c'ass Hnft li.- teimn reasonablt. Hurobold) Fire li h trance Companj, Nw York. Capital, wilh alarjw surplus, - - $'00,000. l'eoria ilarine 1: Fire liiiurano Ca., Poria 111. - t No. 1 Flre lnsurance U'8. tOTtf C.rtti, - - - W8,oe City Me at Market. rpgrUNDERi'IÖNED, AT HIS Markcl nrar thn Pod X Offtci, kiep consUintly on hand a fiill uñaortrarnt o whicb thf v will iilwaTa bc föand in rfltdiutfito cut up'n BUTT CÜSTOMHtS. N'o taiit will b sparcd to krrp their iark&t Clean, and Moats Sweet and putrons muy rely upnn gtliiug tho best koartí) biiakí, curr, etc. , that caa l fousd in lh Cttj. ('AL ANDTKY IS. . rROCTOK T. WALKKB. Auq Arbor. Maj 4, ltO. 746mO TO HOU8EKEEPEB8. SOMETHING NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S iir.sT Medical Salekatub. Is mftnufactuied fron. coromon salt, and iíiL prftpare cntirtly dilfcrentTrom All the dele torio u. matter cxtrncteil in nuch a h f a Mi.iimer a to produee Breutl, Bincuit, and all ÍO4i LdïU of Cako, without ooptftiniog a partiele oí -alTatiin wlitn the l!rt-al or Cak ia bakcd. j tbercbj produofng whilff'iiie reault. Every " 0 pariicle i Sateratuflli turncd logas, av pu -CA tbrOQgb the Bread and Btacaft wliile d f f .:onnc(uently. DOtfaing rt-maine bulcommon Sftli UU (Vator, andïlnur. You willreadiiy perceive, by H thetMteof t hls Salera tua, that it h entireh 0 ■liffereiit frota other Saleratiu. y It ís pac';ed in one poaad paper, ench wröp D perbrnn.ïod. "Ü. T. Habbitt'B Bwt Utdteina u 1 ?ü 'aleratufi;" uiso, pictnro, tvited leaf of bread, J J UÖ .víth a glas of eífírTMcing v.nter no the top.- Q F nThenyouporobaseoDopApor ypu sliould pre k. ■" -erve the wrnpper, and particular to get tin jr ti -iidlv like tn Brit brand as abnve. u ryA J I Iv -riitus and 8our Milk or CrMiio Tartjir, willac ;ompany each pacltaco; aliO, directtnns fot V) iit;ikinjTÍitl kinds of FftHtry; ftlso, for niftking ? tr Soda Va1'l■ and Seiditts Towders. TO iUKEVOÜaOWN SOAP wiíh y B. T. BABBÜT'3 PURE COXCENTRATKI L P0TASH. J Warraoiid doabl the troogUi of ordinnry 'otasb: put up in cans- 1 1b, 2 HtB, 3 Ibn, C J lb, nd 12 Iba - with full diroctionsfor ntakhig AND Ilitnl nnd 8ofl Soap. Consiimer will fiml thi: ff Manuíacturcd and for a)r by !■ lï. X. TïABIÏITT, "4,66,51, 7ü, ft ?■! Wajhtnffton t.,New York. f L (- and Ko SS hulia .1, Boston. 10O0 Vcsts, Shirts and Drawers nPer Etffa flieap f,t GüITElïUAl A Co' ÍUSDOiN & HJíííDEltóüJN ( 33 Ij O E3 jHL - NE WIIARPWARE STOEE ! ! '. Wpr WOCVD OALI. THF ATTBHIKW W T! ' t o;ir Sxfc o( 3THC L - B-S-W ,L ïTS TSFD rJS3C ELO "W .MS 3SB IKON, STEEL, NÁ1L8, TIN. OOI'l'EK, & BR EET IRON WARE, CIIAiX AXD cisTERN ruirrs, PALVfS, OILS, GLASS, BRITANEiA WARE, tLc &c, Sc, ü&c. ' Ac.1 every kind of Hardware and House Fumishing All oik irillbeolil(.'UEAPa.tnjr otlifr Establishment In Michigan, f# íay we have gotthe Best Assoïtmcnt of Coo!dng PA Til OU AND VLA TE 8TOVE8 X2XT TSSXgS STAT32, And will Êollthom Chcapor than TUE CilEAPLST, riwis caü and sce ns. AM tíni ff tinwnro kct on hand. Particular Aïtutioit JId 10 U SñíuiU of UTEATJiESS AND D1SP TCFI. P'.MM :illad rmr STOVK R0T;M in 2.1 rtorj of yw Div,ci. RISTON & HEKDEBSOKi Ann .VrVrr. Oc!. 7. !W9. kGOMïS & TRÏFF, Chapín 4 Loomis.findChap!!), Tripp A Lcomis TfHEiboTe Brm of Lonmia .'; Tripp ''.arlrg pun baacd I !!.■ eniiro itttrct of íhí mpMi!i vill cor.tinui the baii ■■ 1 tl íol i ■: nJ, whr tl ■ .■ Ullallorflei line ot Castings and Machinery, in the most worknranliki) manaer, ftad rn bb liberal term ny tlieiihop inthe State. Amoop: the vari ou articïenuamifaoiuroU by us, wc wou ld enumérate STEAM BNGINGS of Ukínd; "' ■ and Fïiturw, wrotigïï i ca ft; all 11 tf vnrious ettttngw for mftkfDg sn3 r] i h Ilorée Püwera & TbresLing Machino 3ucb ns are nï presst, or havo fonnerlj ïiern in use thtí part of l:i ■ I the TftriODD ï-in-U castingf :iQï machina n rt öil Iforby fan mechiinic tothia scctimi of the coan ry af all tlu ■ p in aeiiind prfecs. will lü kfp'coDStnnlly on ham),got the most modero ah'! i.iprored itylw. HÜBBAHDS WROTJGHT IRON REAPERS & MOTEES. RTínt oomrawowd mwiufftcturing thii ■nperlorMacliiüc, sTnfift and eombined, the faiwn are invitni to Cfijl ai.l M s iKpimop nnfihin noi in our ware room. boi"re purciiAstagdlAöwhere, bPlïCTioü tbat this machimneed onlj tfi p BWO to convince Ihf fariuor of ITS SUPERLOEITY OTf r the Roiff r and Honra in thla mrkct. ïl'.ir.kfiil fr farmer patrfinro tn 'he olrt firra, r VOutd clicit a oorilinnanoc from oM frif mis. Aïid Airiïil bT 311 lïiihlnir fnranrthinjr in our lin?of huainffw. 1 LOOSnS Í; TRIPT. Ann Arbnr,.'T 18th, 1SD9. 8O7tf GKEAT GIFTS1LE -ofSCHOFF & MILLER rKJOBDERTO MA.KS BOOM FOR BPniNO OTO GIS., have r]fttrm:ne4 to ill thelr MISCELLANE0U8 BOOKZ -ATP U B L 1 S II E E'S P R I C ES, And ghe to Each Piirchasor a Present In Y1ue from SOCents lp to $100 W1TH EACH B00KS0LD. tS. fU erly Ktv finmine 'lieir üonk n-l rrfi-ntK Ann Arl.or, MmchS, 1860. "36tf I) U N T 1 S T OFKirE corm of Mrllin fc Huromtrects, opoioile thi FrAnkün House, Ann Arbor, whf re he continúes to offur bis customorii nnj stle of work desirotl in Ibe ari f Surgical Mechanical & Deniatrj, Teeth flllert with crjstil gold foil and pongo gold, rhich for 1.1-üuW and durnliility cannot be nrpal. Padiculnr üttcntioii pald U dlaWof th moudiand gumn, rcir.cdv-ing wregulnrily of the teth , aad oper v Dtinns for clii'ldron ia oases of difficult and Imperfect ' dentjUen. Ttaere r many new ind taautifuUmproT 3 ! menU Idtely introduced intoMeclmr.icalI)pntÍHÍiy, whioh ■i fot Isttutv, natural expwsaion, an.l Mrengtli of work, . ' sumot fail to pleasn. Wholo or partía) sat on gold P, plate.nilvcr f.late,cuninuous RVim, work plnlina pinto. ■( (Viso a now hikI imin-oved mctiiod of Insertlng tei-th on l tlie Tolcanized rubber and gntta percha base,called 19 ;i-aliu whicb in many renpect uperaedes all metalic Í MANH00D How Lo3t and How Kestored. Just Pubiished in a Sealed Envrlope, ft A LKCTÜKB ON THE NATCRE, TRFATJIENT ANB Z1 RADICAt CÜBK OF SPERMATORRHOEA, r ituiinal n Weakoi , Sexual Debllitr, Nnrousoasa and Invoiuutar, ry Enalsalons prodoeiag lmpoWncy, Consumptidn, and n Mental and Phydoal ivbilitj. 'm by rob. j. culverwell, m. d. y Tho important fiicttlint the awlul eonacquenees of J lelfalnise mny bo eftVctnally ranoTed without Interna! 7 remedies r the dangeroua applicatloo of cauetics, fnD ÉtromentA, nedlcafed bonirtes, and ollier empyriral de 'm vico, is heiT clKiiiv dtmoiutrated, and the en-.ireiy ne M anl hi!;iiij succeiüfiU (reatmftiitf a adopted by the ceïodprated aatbor folly cxplainoil, ly nienn of walen ererj 011e j íiijibled to eure himmll perfestly, and at the tv leastpo!illecoLt, ti.oniiy avoldlog all fue adreröied IS nootrunis of thodiiy. Tliis Jotur will pruve a boou te - thou.'-andB and th'UMmlB. q ?tnt under Real to any a-ldrens, pnt jnid, on the rp eeipt of two poítajío fttampji, br addrrnttinfc TH. CHA3. 1". .T.C. KL1N1Í, 489 l'lmt Ato.i. Ñ YorV. TvhiI HX, 4 '


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Michigan Argus