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RMÏBARCtAIJNS' Maynan!, Stcbbin3 & Wiíáon'f i TTTS riAT -iííaix REPIJDH8IISD onnORIWITI ! ! ir lit nl tpltndUl ittoia ! r"& ""'fck atf"" "vüi. ■f""" KjSt VM "L3}V ií-fjí? OCu-iudS E ' tb &tftU, :-. ■■ .'h.JU w - ixl til nr.k Greal Sacrifiees en Aajiüiii; wfjhave to oVsia It, M fteeytfag OLD K.OTE8 AND ACOOUxMf ALL' CASH CUSTOllEIÏS to ti1 nl BUdH sur Coo;! anfl FïtcM. Wc al mrltfl oer Prompt Fayir.g Customers to w-m and !)ut tappin fot Ib Winter. Tothi ;jhr. .1 ov.míu-ií uoáftaid lo!, x ij to thtm, ín oourofte SBJIjIj -2-otii 7S7Xï3ï3-r.THht lnjer wnitii g frtr highw prtce, ronie in, 3PiiLsr üp o'd Korea, and ftie at toeft pr!i a i1! oi -Vp np ftll fcsBf. It i barri MOOÉMtry to dö,;maioar Uoü3, f&e "We have Ees-ything; CARPEÏNG, CBOCEEBÏ DKTÖÖ0U8, M E1.j1.NKP, GliO LEIES, i:ajnts, OILSi ítat Ai'?, BOOTS, bil OES YANKEE NOTIONS &C, &C,, &0. M. W. HAWLEY'3 ' Celebrated Embrocation. Qjïfi'ifrTHi" w'iTify'rirlEiy'"Trr:'ririi '■ t ' For Human FIcsh and Animáis. rl eaillne tho attenttoi. OÍ the PiiWlc to this iïedictnc, ■we wou id say tliat it lins been ftilly triol, an-1 luindreds wlio liavo uboiI it spenk in tlic nmst complimcntary lenns of it wondcrfiil cffects upm Human Flvsli Aüt ihe brute creation. It la fast galninji pojuilarity. Wherover nsod it ís received wlth cclíiiníitions of joy, ftntl proounced zo be the (rentest Eemcdj for Aclies and Palnt ererofTered to the Publio. It mtrly effecta over discase, wJien appMcd, jfiwét it a oelebruv uiiturpassd by any oxteraat preparntion now In uso. Thereforo we can say, Wlth the utmost confidwiOB, thatth Buabrocatixy will Cur Bhenm&Hm, lïurn and Scalds. Trcafcness of Joint, Swellincs nnd Tumor, u Ilemorrlioids or Tiles, " Ciiilblains, TooLltacbo and Chapped Hasdi SmbrocatiOB win Oaro Old Sores ftnd Ciatnps, Boils and Cornt Contracted Mnsole, Galltofall kind, King lïone and Poll ZtIU Callous and Snavin, AnbrooftUOB vtU Ohl Bweeny and Sitftwt, H ■ Springhault and KUtnla,. Scratcliot or tiriaa& External Foisons, Band Crnckfl, " N Lamencsa and Stnfa% Bnbrocatton vill Oor Foundered i'eet Mango Cractetl Teat, " Gargetin Cowt, Foot Ilot in Sbeep. Aubuku, J. i., Marcli 9, 1860. W, the nndcrsidied, do crtify, tbnt v:o have us?d M. í. Hawlbth Cei-kbbatïd Kii:ocat[on, for Iïitlammotory and Chmnic Klicuniatlflti), and cheerfully m-oinamnd M m tho bct rttineily we Iiavo erer i:r;l. J. M. Moni, SÍ. D.t .James I,. Uewaon L. W. elementa, Orrin Ilurd, Peter Fiero, 8. F. OoiiM. 3 B, Ilobinson, of Prophetstown, III., aya: I cRtem It the beat Liniiucnt I liaveever knnwn. It glvtt uniTeml ■atlifaction, and X can tMtlfy to ito otficacy from zny wt ■mrinetk Mantifiictnred by M. W. HAWLEY. Atibnrn. N. T. C. N. TüTTLK, Auburn, N. T., General Agent, I vbom all orders shoald bo addresscd. i M by IÜ1 Draw and MTcbnii!e throagboat te anwlfj, Md M MAÍNAitU, SIEBBINï b ON, Aun Arb ir, Slich . PROK L. MILLEE'S IIAIli INVIGOBATOlt. i AK HFFEOTITK, SAT;AND TCOXOMICAL CpHPOÜfD, FOK RESTORINH GRAT HA1FÍ to it original color without 'lyeing, an 1 prennta the Efoir ftom tarning jray. FOK PREVEKTIKfl BALDKEtfSftiid cutirg It.wbcn ttaere in tha loaftV partloU of viUÜij or lecuptratiTö eoergy rcmsiniiic F0RRKM0V1NG SCÜRF AND DANDRÜFF, ard 11 cutfl neons affeotiona of iLe .ca!p. FOR BEAÜTIFYING THE IU1R, Imparttng to it au onoquallfd glo.s utid brilliancy, inakinff it aoft and ■Ilky in its pxtuie Nod oausiag t to curl ro;u',3!y. The greal oelebrtty and the iacreoatog denaad for tklï ), unofiuniie propamtton, oonvinea the proprietor tliat one trial i4 only necewarj lo f iy a dfccerutDg public of tu Bupehor qnaliMw over any other pmpAratioti at preneot I" inuse. It eleanaei i!-.f head nnd scalp fnir.i dandvff and 'f oíer nitnnto'fi dificasf. CauMN the hair togrowïm-. unnntly.amt giveslt n vU-h : BOft, íh)sy and flexible Rppearance, airi also where M bair is toosening jmrl thinDing, it will glve strengtfa wiJ rfgor to tbc roote, and restore tlie growth to tbose parta irhlcb bare become hiM, oauslng it to yield tkfreth r.oce'ix,# of hair. Tdereare huni!rwi of uuliei and gentfomen In NVw ï Tork who have i.i l titelt haJr reitored by the me 'f tbla [üTigorator, wheo all other preparattona ba I faib d. L, M. has in his poaaeeuon letteu iunumoiable testifying t Uw abore facbi, from ieríonn of the bigbeet respoetar bilitT. It will efictunlly prevent the hmirfrom tUrttivg ' (?ray until tho latent period of Hfe; and i" os ■■■ "■! :# ', the hair ha cbanged col r, ihe me of the Invigoratoï wíl! wiÜiVerUinty r&torê ü to ü original hif, giviug it id da rk, glossy appcaranee. Asa perfume for the toilet aud u Hair Reiterativo it -i partiealarly reoommen led, ert haring an agreeable fragTancej nn the jrret fadUtica it aflbrda In ér&ting tkchair, whieh, who moist with the :h Inngorator ord be drdièëd fn any required fonn o a k, to pretBrre 1h place, vhethet plain or iu ourls- henen ld the rreat demftod for it by the laüiea as a simidard laüc'. e. arlicle. whieh none onght to b witbomtj a tue price n places it withiu the reach of all, being ? ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS _ porbottlr, tab bal at tU re.pUiblo flriiggista' and prrfuin -i . L MÜ.I.KR irould eU lb tlntion of I'. ent and (u:iJiimstothouBeofhisinvigorator, to mflefl Wbert the ohlldrant' Ilnir nctino to be woak. Tli u-e of i [, In vs Xhe foundation lor a H)d licail (.f hnir :h i', romovvfl voy impurltiei Ibat nu ƒ osve tipcome coanmted wltb acalp. theremoval of irbich ín nowasary ltji for Uit ' uttilth of the cbiW umi tha futur kppwnnc of ltt P Hrvlr. iil Cauthiv.- N'one fitn-.iinc withnut thciac fcimile LOUIS MM.I.KHbeing on tlic outcr virnpiicr; :i!c, I.. Ml] I :id II A 1 11 1NVIG0RATOR, N. V. blown in the glnss. Wholcaala Dtpot,6BDej i-i. tui roW bj uil i]prIsipie .Moi:Ii;uitH and Drngfista tbroughout t!iR world. Liberal disoouut '... purobjuort by Uie qnantity, of I hIso uesiro to prent to tlio Aucrlc&n l'ubllc mj n; Now & Improved Insiantaneous Et Liquid Kair Bye } whicb after ymtS of cientific experimonhng I hvo brought t' perÏBööO. It dyes black or brown instnntly t without rajury i" ti ■■ Baii i r&kio warraotéd the twet nrticle of tlio kind ín exiitenee. -e. PHICE OfliT FIFTT CUNT3. L DEPOT, M DPT 5T.. Vw IVy. Áyer's Sarsaparilla A eompound remody, dcsigned to bc the most ffectuêl Alterativo tliat can be made. It i conccntrsitcd extract of Para Sarsnparilln, o combinad with other substnnces of stil} greater alterativo power as to aflbrd an effective antidoto for tbc diseases Sarsaparilla ia reputed to cure. It in believcd thru mich a remedy ia wanted by those who suffer í'rom 6trumous complaints, and that one which wil! ccomplisli their euro must prove of immense service to tliis largo elass of our afflieted fellowcitizens. How completely this compound wil] do it has been proven by experiment on many of thu ivorst cases to be found of the followirtg compluints : - SciiOFUT.A AXD ScilOFCT.OUS CoMPLAICTS, EUUI-TIOXS AND EkUPTIVE DlSEASr.S, Ul.CEKS, PihplbS) Dlotcuss, Tumors, Salt Rhkvm, Scai.d Hbad, and Syphilitio AfÍECTIONS, MuitCUUIAL DlSUASE, DltOVSY, NbCraloia on Tic Doulol'usi'x, Dkmmty, Dï9tepsia and Indigestión, Khysipelas, Jlosx ou St. Antiio;ï's 1'ihe, and indeed ths whole class of complaints arising froin Impubity o iiie Blood. This compound will be found a grent promotor of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul (rumora which fester in tho blood at that senson of the ytar. By the timely expulsión of them many Rffikling diíordari j aro nipped m ths bud. Multitudes can, by : the aid of this remedy, spare themselves fiom the enduranco of foul cruptions and ulcerou ■ eorea, through which tho system will etrive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanao out th i Titiated blood whenever you fuul its impuritie bursting through the skin in pimples. eruptionU or sores ; clcanso it when you find it is ob i tructed and sluggish in tho veins ; clenee i% irhenever it is foul, and your fcelings vrill toll you w hen. Even where no particular disorder is feit, people enjoy better health, and live longcr, for cleansing tho blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is vrell ; but with this pabulum of life disordored, there can bo no lasting health. Sooner or later somethintf must go wrong, and tho great machinery of life is disordercel or overthrown. Saraaparilla has, and deservos much, ths reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the wovld has been ogregiously deceived by preparntions of it, partly becauso the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more bccause many preparations, pretonding to be concentratcd extracts of it, oontain but little of the virtue of öaraparilla, or any thing clse. During lato years tho public have been misled by largo boules, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for oue dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curativa proporties whatev er. Ilcncc, bitter and painful disappointment has followcd the use of the various extracta oí Sarsdparill.i which llood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and clieat. StiU wc cali this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a. remedy as shall rescue the name i'rom the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtucs which aro irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intended to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, tho remedy should be judiciously taken according to direction on the bottle. rncrAKED by DR. J. C. AÏEB & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Prlce, $1 per Bottle ; Sis Hottlcs for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for tlio cure of cvery variely of Throat aud Lung Complaint, tliat it is cntirely unnecessary for us to recount tlie cvidenco of its virtues, wherever it has been eraployed. As it lias long been in constant use throughout this Bestión, we need not do more than assuro the people its quality is kopt up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, FOB THE CtTRE OF Coitircntss, Jaundicc, Dyspepsia, Indigestión, Vysentcry, Fou! fitomach, Enjsipelas, Hcadach, Piles, Rheumatism, BrupttOlU and Skin Viscaset, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worm), Gout, Neuralgia, w o Dinner PiU, and for Purifiiiiff the BUmd. They are sugar-coatcd, so that tlie most sensitivo can tnko them pleasnntlv, and they ave th best aperimt in the world for all the purposes of a family physie. Prioa 25 cent3 per Box ; Five boxos for $1.00 Great numbers of Clergymen, PhTsicians, Stutesmen, and eminent personages, have lent theii names to ceriify the unparlleled uscfulness of thess remedies, but our space herc witl not permit the insertion of them. ïhe Asents bclow namcd furnish pratisonr Amkuiran Almaxac in which they are givcn ; with also full deseriptions of tlio abovo eomplaints, and the treatment that should bo followed for their cure. D3 not be put off by unprinciplcd tlealfrs with other preparations they makc more prorit on. Uemand Aykr's, and take no olhcrs. The sick want the best aid thero is for them, and they shuuld kave it. AU cur remedies are for sale by .. ,. us;..,,jj i 1 . é. WISON.and by 11 Driiggists nnd Denieia everywhere. J. 1UUKILL Tiavèliög Agent. Av aperipiit Stomiiolilo preparation ofïRON pttrtè&d in ■ ' '. t f ' ' ■ Té. Ctinced by '■ ;■ -i Medical Autlioritle&j boiii in Kft ■ : i n !' . : ■ Un d States1and preaeribod 11 their pracice Tbe öxperienc of thousand d&]; prove Ihai noprepof (ron rnn be a m] o nerf n fui '- II ■ ■' i ]':■ b . ; nlo rn(! otlicr Ucatofl Lta Dece Itj I di t't y ci Dceivable ca ■■ Lpnoxlnusiil :';.! rciladios in whicíi t has been tried,I proved absotutclj curativo u cach of' the followiiig (.■(■nijjln-itis. 7 : In Dbllly,rXcrvoaa AffcrtloiiSi KrnacinUon : ; ( putn, ConBtfpnfton, Ülarrhoen, Dyaentery, tiiclplciit Conumptlon, Scrofiilonj Tufarenloslti, Sa 't íheatjt, Mi. i ■ Whitet, C'chfros's. Liver GmtplaintSi ' ■■ '■' aMache, Rhtümatism. Intern . Pimples on the I ■-■■!■. in r.-i sol i;sv!.' .■ i. RBiLiTV, wheilier the wultoj ucufo i a ■ ■ y Fr ehro ■ " . -, one trinl of t lii.-: rectora live las provecí Buccesa'u] to an exteni wbtch no dmcriptiÓD nor wrlttoji atti ■ i ■. oüM renübii?. fnvalfda po ■■!) to btwe -■ - ■ forgoti ■ ; iveRad.ii-niv i i ppoared In thtbitay fróri1 Bfl í'.iní riurned Ti fin proiri cted tratf 1 na dietaet Itm i. $ome ra j ..nrfs 4f tljis kin'l are attcstcdof fi taaie ■ emaciatcd vietimnof appareni marasmu, Rangnineoup ■- ■ i of oervoun a ml dyj f tic avcraii n iu air and oxerolae for n iii.-li thi o Dfune. In Ner1 ■ toss of all kinds, ar:l for reasons fatnUiar to mescal men, tho opöration of thè preparation of ron na ■ líe tialatary, f'ir, unltke the oíd oxiden, it ivigopoujy toare trltboui belng oritiig and overlieating; ind gi ntly, regularly ap r.'-n . even the niogt obtttinate case of co ti en without evou In-in ir ga8tricpurgtiv,ür índicttnp; n dí-wreeable ïtisthifilatter property, nmonff 01 hor?, whtcb niakes it io cniarkabiy ■ ... ■,,,. n.-s, apon w'u ir ii it also nppears to exorl ivdistinci mul npecific actfon -y dispon ln the local tendeooy hiéb foruu tli'-m. In DrsriErsiÁ, innumerable naareiJí canpíi, a sinplo box f thMe Cbly beato i'iils have often mtfflced fir ib? most halii l nal cíwm, índndiDg V.i! attendent Cos'-irtnenf Tu anehecked DlarrbíkAj even wrhi o advanced to Dystnttry confi ined, omnofating áwi npparcnHy malicrtiant, the effect ha vine Une. éqnallv decisivo and aptou ttaiog ín !he local paÍQA,losa of íi'-li an ■ bilitaliog ooujfh nii'l rdniii tent boctiè, trbfch genem lly Indícate Tncipiwt CojMuntpfiiii, ni BOveral Vi ■■■ gratifj'Iüg and intereí I ing Inntaace ■. i i Seroftilon$ Tubercuoíni. this medicatod Tron has had lar more than Ihc ly balflnced preparai line, without any of aoeir wcll known Habifitiw. The H-ttcntion of fotuaDes canñot be t;(i "■" tifl lently invi: hsrtmedyAQ.á rutora'Jve'm the cases peeuliarly JTectfng Uicm . ín lihcnmntunn, both chroaic anO [nflammatory- Ín t!ie lattftr, b nvariably woll reported, ií..:!t afl ftllevlating pain And redoetng tb ■ [and stiffnoaa o1 the jointa aud m Ín InirrmitUnt Fevcr it ni.i l ■ beagreatrom' e - 'i tíe new settíements of thu Wi-st, willprobably bí? one of liigli reti'iwn and HSi'fiuoc1.-;. N'.i remedy han evttr beendiséov&rod m ihc whole hlsto ry of meifoino, vhloJí &xrtfl saoh prompt, happy, ano tiilly restorative oüeots. Good appcNtc, comí í'--.;iui., mpid acqtiNítí'jti of sfrength, v.-iih an ■ si active au 1 cbeerful exórdso, imi ■ folio w itfl use. Pul ap in nefti flat metal bóxes contatnlng F5 ■ i oents pnr box; for, salo by rti ':.:r ííbíb and ieslërs. will be lint free to any ail ■ ■ ípt oL li pric. AU letten orders, etc., should be B, ü. LOCKE.tCo , Q íneral Agentu. 4V7vl ..■ ;,■;■.-.. y, N". V. DE FOREST, ARMSTRüNG A CO. DRY GOODS MERCIÏANTS, 8O A 82 Chambcrs í. JV Y. WLD XOTIFY THE TKADEthrií tney'ftPB openin Woelüy, in ntw and lcaiitiiul ]:ittcrus, the JlTÍO Tl'.r, A ífew Trini, Thich oxeéis every Print in the Country fo p irfeetion of exeo i i foll Uadder Üoí ofB. - Ou:1 Print WC tbou ny in cutik;t,nii nmanj .-■:; rT.T'ii. v" nftio.


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Michigan Argus