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GREA.T. GEEATER ÖREATEST B A IíG &1N6 ÉVÉE ( 1 1 1 1 ] 1 1859. JÍLqI85í)' In tliia Oity, are now being offure.d at tli?. CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & OT O x7 t 1 x y Store'? 1HK Stibflcrlbor woulilsiiy tii tbeqlttzansol Arm Ati particular, and ib.r rrrt bf Wnlnenaw fnuut' in i'iMT.I, lhm hhnJut ÏMI'ORI'KD 1)1KECTLY from KUttOPE.a Trcmendous Stock of Watchcs! Al, oj willig Uu blndhimalftoell CHEAPEH Hinn ■ boughi west rit' New York f 'ty. i Face Cylinder Watchoi iroai ÍB " tl" dn rlo Lercr do tio to '41 Uuntlng Cxsr Ho do do 14 to 3.') il . do Cylloder do do t to 28 ;. ..I Watebei (tam 20 to li'J l 1 re nlu tr,l BLE BR ATE D AMERfCAN WAT CHES, ! wblcb I wlïl en ter #3"). Krcry Vvnu-h warrautüd to porto rut wcll, or lbo muney rcinndcd. jrrwelrr, rinted War, Ff.ny Goode. " Gold lVn, ' Musical lat trutnentd ao'l diring, Cillflry, c., 1 and n fact avariety of pTryrhire tfíUftliy krp by Jew ei n enn b bought for th oext nllMty ífljf nt T'rUf 0 W N PRICE9! ! Porcooi buyjns anfthfog at tliis wrll known ettsbli#tuvi ut cru rely upop gcttlng goods csact'y ft rf-prt rM'ni'd, orthnaoiwy refundí d. Pallearly umi e cure th bst bargftina ever u Ho red in thi City. One word in regard to Repairing : Wo nn; preparad t ranke nny repairs emfine or comrnon Watcbea, rvrji to m-ikifi:: t, i'r im' eutlre waicb, sary. Repuirtng -f lock and Jewelry n usuaI. Alsotbe maniifacf uring ól RINGS BROOCÖ8, r aaything doairnd, from California Gold ou short nonce. EngravlrS! In Rllit9raDclie8ezoented with nèal eau nnd dispüfh. J C. WATTS; -An Arbor, Jn. 88tbtS59. 7J4tr Something Woi?th Reading! Schoif & Miller, i 1ÍK.VGAIN ON F.AND.atrhetmM rn' (Thrpr -V UóoraNortbof'Prankfln Huusr,) itbtheinoal pund Extensivo Asa ort ment -OFooks and StatJonery, Wal] and lY-mdovt Papers, Jil Paiuted, ajiil Gold Boideied Sbades, Gurtain Bellers, Taesels, Cords, AND Á TROÜSAND ANDONETHINGS ■■ théT line, EMTIRR! Y roo NÜMI ROU8 TO ! i'NTION. which th?y iulvitc tlieir cl tlir iabH gi'nprnllv, tü Bpfore PurchBÍug Elsrwl;ere, ■) thi-y iattor theoif elPi tbt thefr ?tjlr and 'e '■, oannot M to proTi ntisfectorv. nn Arlior Vrj 1, I FM. ÍTOÍIACE W ATERS, AGEN T 3 3 3 üroadway, W ■ w Y or k Piibllshcr of Til-Ir ancl Mnslc Books A.n nKAi.KR l.x Pianos, jMelodeons, Alexandro Orpiuis üi'gan Accordeons, Martin's crylubratorl mdother Guitars, Violins, Tunor Viols, yiolincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutes, Fifes, TrianglesClari inettf, Forks.Fipes mdHammorf., Yiolin Bows, best Italian Stringa, Basis Instrumenta for Bands, Piano Stool, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. JS ix O o 3VE xx S i Ci the publfthen infbeU. SBertinFuHontinfa, ■: Modern School, andal! kinds of Inatmction Hnoks or 1 4 1 e.' abov nutruments; Church Uuic Books; Husic ■legatitly bound; Uustc paper, and all kinds of .fusic [tirchftndiss, V t t heLowest Priccs. New IManoi, il $176, $'200, $225, $250. and up to !5on. Secottd . ! :w Pianos rrom S9 up lo160; New Melodoons, i-t.ü, 5, $100, and up to Ï20 I; ccond Ebind T i andre Ürgans, with ! ■ I i.: ■..■!■! stops, % 50, -■ 76 npd . i S.:7ö; A liberal (lUcouiit o Clergynaen, Cherches, Snlibaíh Schpols, ?pn ::■!!■■ u] plii l z. uiéusual trade iiscounfn ■'cAtlmonials Of the lïorncc Waters Planos niiI Vfl-.jiïetifiB. John Howett, of Cartbag, New York, who han liad the HoractWfl vritcsaa follows: - "A friend of mti ■ me to purchase a piano or her, ibe lilu o Ou soíd me íq i wember, 1850. o ia bccyming popular in this pi iep, anfl I think I can introduce Oïie or íwo more; they will be moro popular any otber raake. ' (iïe have two of Watra' Pianos in use ín oorSemU nary, op.e of whicb bas been severeJljr testwl for three vi'.irs. and W6 (ín testifv to tholr pfoofl qufility and durability.'- Wood JíGregory, Mouní Carroll, ifl. 'fl, Watera, Esq, - Dear .-'mi: Baring umd oneof your Piano Fortes lor tWoyears past. I havo fonad it a vr-rv f Instrument. AUMrao Gut, Principal Rrookhjn Hfights Srmmary. "The Piano T receivcd fn Di jrou continu - to prive -■!- isfaction. 1 regard it t ono of the best instrumenta In the place." ïami:: U í-'i.akki', ChnrUMon Va. "Tl:c Helodeon haa safely arrlvea. I fe.l ooügvd to you fory our liberal dtecouat." Kcv. J. 11. M. ; YarqnesvilleS, C. Thc pi do waa dolj reciyed. Itcam ín excoiifnt oondition, and is very much sdmired Bymjr numeroua i';::u:ly. Accopt inv thnnkn for yoar promptuess.'VRoUkbx OoopBHi Wárrenham, Bradjoed Co. pa. "Vonr plano plftasea us wo!l. Ií ís the best onè in our -.",- TiiOMns A. I,atham, Cani;ihf.J[tf)n, Ga, "We are ve.ry much obUfC I I i rou forhaTinc sent i Hn lnfltrumentfor$250."- BiuxK[Um.D Co.. Buffedp Dtmocrat. "The Norace Waters Plande tfre knótrn ásamong the 1 We are enabied t-. speak of these instniments with conidence, froro pentonal knowlediteof théir irable qualiiy.1 - F. Y. Evanfeliát. "We oaa speak of themerfta of the Horsce (fer pi nnns from personnl knowlodcti, asbdlng the vory unesi ."' Cftrlstian ïntttHgencer. "The Watera ptanoaare ouilt of Jhe best and m; thorougbly Beasonëd maierial. wehaeno i:,:,; boyera can do aawcll.porhapa better, w. tbi ilian at ftnj ptliorboi8e in tbeluiio." - AacocaUand Journal. i méloáeonfl challenge compáritton wiih the liiicst ma lé anywhwre in the country." - fljme Journal ■ Watera' P'nnn Forten are of fU, rich and even tone, and powerful - V. Musical Rcr. frtendavUl flndatMr. Waters' inore t'.ie vcry best afiaortment of Miio and of Piano : In found & e Ptates.and vn utge out wnithern and wenterp ..- li in a "cali whenever they go io Nw Vork." - Qrah&aCê Ma#nzint Warehouae 333 Broadway, N Y. SabbathSchool Bel). I-O0,OOO tssued In tcu Mnnths. The" unprecedented falo of thisbook liat indacedthe pabUshar to add ome 80 new tuncsandhymnatolta preaent RÍ7.C-, without extra charge, dxcept on thecbeapedttlon' Aiuong tlit'tnany boiiu'tt'til tunefl and hymna added nuiy be found: - "1 ought toloTftmj pïotlwr;' "OI'U hf a Rood child, indeed 1 wil).'1 These aVi 1 eight ofhirn from the BelK vota nunpat tbeSunday Pcbool Anmres sary of tho M. K. Church at ''■■■■ ca lemj of Mukíc, with nenrly 200 tunos and bymns,and is one of the bed collectiona everlsHued ■ ■ H0perhuntlred,iiotare4cEliganily Ik)uikI. ■ l'gllt, 26c, L-" ]"■-■■ 100 it has been Introüuced : h tote. o i ; published in smoll muoabera entitled Annland Sunday School Husic Booktt Nob. ',-. 3,4 4) u oi lei to acconamodate the milllon; price & $3 per hundred No. 5 will Boonbe iwued - commeneement of I ■...! Jlusic Bookii, ?&; 1 k -. price $1 :■ í' ppr 1J0. pOBtage lc. Mi-re than 300.000 of the above boofc; have been iwued the pan i months, and thf dtemand srapidly inoreaeine l'ubüahed bv HOÜACK WATERS, Apnt. 338 BruádwiyrHi T. Fublisod by Eorace Waters No. ï,13 BFoadWttj, Neiv York. Vboal ,(tKlnd Wordacan neverdiej" 'The Angete told rao bo;" "Wilds of the Wat'.í' "ÍTbotighta of God;' (Givatneback nay Mountain líeme;'1 "ÍSay Pream;'? 'Dan ij Cck Room;" 'Tm wtth thee atill; 'Petjoames;11 'n no darilng like mtne;?1 "?aiftb .l:mo .-c-." ■■!:.-. er of thee:" i'iIm leavingthee in Sorrow;" uHrdof Beauty;' "Jlome of our birth;" "firave ,f Jïosabel,'' aad 'Wake, lady, wake..1 price 2ftc eacb. ÏNSTürMKNTAi. - ' 'I':i!nce (ïrtrdcn, or Pincïni? Tïlnl ■■ S shottiflcbe;" "11 'Thomas ïüker's Scbotti '■!.':' (lPecoloniint ni . each. The abbepiece8haTetieaumul Vignettee "Welmer Polka;11 t(Arabian Wai cry Uarch," oviannn DonieJJf(Mourka; "Reali ioR Polka;" "Crinoline Waltx,1 ntiil "Lancen1 Quá drille,"25o each. "Tho Empire of Relch'a Quadrille;11 a lernian Quadiüle," SGccach. Lheflfl plocöfl are played by Baker's celebirated i-.i ritli grCAl ipiílriise.aíT Müed fifO. A large lot of Forelgn Uualo ui half prioe. piano, MTdodcons ana Orjaus. Tlie Horace Waters Pinnoi and SWorlcons, for flrpth, purity and diuablUty, ar unaarpaised, Pncea very low econd Hand Píanos and Melodeona from 2fi to 1150. IfuIc and Musical rnñtractiona of all kinds, at the Iowt yricoB. HORACE WATfiliS, Agent, N'.i. ::■::'. Briwdway.N. Y. TKamcoTfUta; - "The Horace Watera Pïanoa re known atfamong thevcry best.' -Kvanifit. "Vic:n speak of their merlts from personal knowledge. " - Chriitian Inttitigcncer. "Nothingat theFaJrdlBplmyedgreaMreiceilenoe -"- Chnrckman. Waters' Pmno and Uflodoonq ohaUeng eompaxtfloq with 1 lio flnnt mane anywJitírein the oountry." - Hum .lit'trnal. "{ Ayer5 Cathartie Pflls.


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