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Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAÜLT HAV1NG BEEN UASB IN' thé eomHllM of a Mortgasfe executcd by John Weiniuail lo W3 ara R. ttuyhard, the 24th lay of Juiy, A. JJ 1S58, kim i I te ■' O:i; ■■ ín the Coa ut ƒ of Wash i : inaw la Lfber No. 24 of Mortgages, nt p ge 661, on tin ; Ï5(h day of July, A. D. 18Ö8.M fiftoen minutes paal Irao'clock, i'.'M , by wfcich drfauli Lha power ■! f-alt ïootaiaed ín "üd morignge becaiua opera : v. and nu int or proceoding baring ben InatltutM al uw te rocovw .lie debt BOOured bj nal l morl ■ .■■■. ur auy pari tbcnol tod the suin oí two hundred ana forty dolli ra a ik icFonty.Qne canta, bolug non elaimad io ba doe tb is ihereforo hemt given. that the Aid morttgajgi I ivijl be for(rcl((pd by s;i of the raorigïij i . EO wit: "l.nts nuin")i i c:-i i:, tv! e, thirleén nml fuur teen, in Blooksix south.ningo two e Bt, ftccordíng lo ? latol Williara s Mayuard' Kecoud adUilion In Am Ubor," in mui! coim'.v. i.r neme part Ihéreof, at pu ie voikIhc, at thoCourt Hnone in tb e ty of Aan Arbor jij thcthii-il ilav of Koyember oext. at dood. Tm.& MAYNARD. ilortfjiirM. E. W. MOFOAN, Alfv. Dated, Aufaat 8,A. ü." IBflO. T-tóul ONT-V STOKE I lyEW COODS! riie citizeaA of Ann Arbor, Mlch.i Ud Hoildtji are informcd tliAt A. & C LOEI! E AVE OPENED A NEW STORE ind jtockfl II entirely wlth NEW Q00D8, aapecfally adapted to tíio coming season and Betectw witb thegr4twt caro. Atiho Cleveland Clolh'mg House Will lo found overylhingdeiiiröltle anti nccenaary for GENTLEMEN'S "WEA-K, , - t the- 3 LOWEST MAROT PEICE. As we are determlnedSto müke our store popular, and to convinco tbe pubiio tbat our i the CHEaPEST STORE I X?"T 'ÓE3C EST ATB ! OUR STOCK OF EEADY-MADE CLOTIIING ! Is made up in the UANDSOMEST MANNEE -OFLATEST STYLE GOODS! Every attention paid to Cut and Fit ! We have likawuo ])rocvired from Crst cUs hoofici fine aasorlment of II ATS, CAPS, Trunks and Carpet Bags, GOODS dken dbc, All o' whioh we odor at AST(;]NTISI1ING LOW PKICES ! LOur facilitics for proouriny Öoods ob The Most Favorable Terms ADd from th Best Blouses in the Eat A.K.E UNSUBPA8SED, an 1 all we ask of those wbo want goofï is to „■_.. ... CALL AND EXAMINE OIJR STOCK ! and fm'.i-ij tbemKÏves tht we Bill tho j Chtaoest and best Goor's. A. & C. LOEB, Boutft of the Park, a few doora west of Cook's Hotel. Huron Street, Ann Arbr MicOi. 765tf City Oheap Lumber SasJt, Doors Blinde, Piaster Paris, Grand River laster, Water Lime, Nails 'f all sizes, Glast. Paivt and Putty, c&c, cÊc. , B. DePorest, nAVINtï [norotaed hif? facilities lor doiic bueint'.'-s and enlrged liia Yard nud títockjis propaicd the present aeaaoa, with tri bos,. Inrgct and est soiisonofi étock over in tbie rnirítí to latiafy the rentonablr exnoutatlom t!' II. üui motto is nott( bc underiold ior cneh on delivery I wiil not iindort;ikrtofrii;hlrnthc pubÜc by aying tht theywilï getshaTod if thej üu elacwhnre. for wp présame that uthertivillscllatlow asthey can afford to. AU kinds of Timber, Joists, nd ácantling, Fine, Whitewood, Basawood, Hem lock, Planed and Matched Pinc, "Whitewood ish I'Ioorlng. PlanodinU rouyh Pinand Whitewood aidlna, Fenc Poet. Owk nnd Cedai Poste and IMckct of all kinds. Pint f oil), avib llUjitctooob IC .0 Ptn-, Ashnni WhlIcwooH ShinglPf, Barn BoaiüB and Bain Floot Plank, Blnrk Ví. jut,níl fJhTr ai:d thin atufltt Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, üiixkihI Bodj !,umber,Maple Log Tinibcr, Hirkory, Oak, Ash, Eim, Beech, Of i:l' tiiokncseos, widthá andlonutbe, &c. &.C., Piaster Paris, and Piaster ol'nllklnde. Ucvilat "f " izfi, 0., c, tiASIL DOORS.& BUN DS, naadeby hand to orde i as low 8 factory jiricc, on the shortcstnotice by the betoí workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Billf olnl1 iesjription in the boTC building line furnlheit)nthi-h:)rtreinf notice.for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A ful' anda perlect asíortment of the above and other tinde o' lïuilding Materials Constantly onlnindalthi lowestpossiblcrates Cali and be Convinced. 4 few rods souti from R. R. Depot on Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. R O O F I N Cr, I am now opsratiug Extonsivoly In the Patent Cement Roofing. Ann Arbor Marble Worbs. Bisele & ITandercook. I T AVIC on hatvl a fino assortment of American and ?TALIAN MA li B L E wbloh thP7 are prrparod to manufacturo into M0NUMBST8. HEAD STONES, TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOP$ fee, Ac, Stc, o., n all tlieir varlctifn, anl n n WORKMANTI.TKH raanncr. Baring had cónÁlderable oporipnco In fhe buwnesi they Batter themselTM that the j will be abl to pli' 11 who maj &.r tUein ith tbeir ordori. Tlioir ]rjco .".re as LOW AS THE LOWEST, ikycr's Cherry Pectoral, KLECÏION COTICE. 8nrin'i Ornea, Ann Arbw ) .-♦pi 20, ise. 'f To the Rectors of the County of fljubtenaw: Ton are hereïiy ïiotiCcA that a'. tbe tieuersl Klection tu bo hel 1 on U.ö Tuesdny next succeeding the first lioi:!. f uext, ín ihe StaUof liichigan, the followii,. otfictra aio to lic elected, rit: ciï Klectorsol l'reaideut and Tice l'reiidont of th Cn[. led SiatM, a GoTcrnor, Lloutenant Gorernor, Auditor deneral, i-eeilnrT of ístate.Slate Treasurer, CommiíHÍoner oí the State l.arid Oflice, Attorney (enersl, Superintendent of Public lusiruction, a Member of ïhe State Itoard 01 Edncatiun in .lace of John I!. Kellogg;, whose torm ol ■ U f !.■! : tber 81st, 860, anda Repreaenta tire in Congron for the Ut Congreaatona] District, to irhlcli youi e luntj i. attai bed; Ais", a rjonator tor the7tb Senatorial J;strict, cocsistAim Aiiiiii-, t!i" townahipa of Superior ■., r „. A-u Arbor, s.-i. Kortbneld, Webster, Lima, I)ex ter, Syhan.and I.yndon i.i n. f Countyof Waahteñaw. Alio, a Senator for the'Sth Senatorial District, consiat. ing of the ( ity nf Yji.ilaiiti, the TovnatrijM of Ypsllantl Augaata, I'ittsfieM, Vork, l.i.,li. Saline, lreedom, liridgewater, Shtron, and Afahcheater In tbe CouuIt of Washtei ;it. AUo, a Re_preeentatíre for eacb ofthefour Representa Ure Difiti iets tn the County of WaghWnaw, aa follows: Irití s.ilem, Superior, Ypsilanti City, FUtaneM I and Ypeiiatiii Town, M District- Ann Arbor Cit, Ann Arbor Town. Northfleld and Webstero 1 Diric- Auguila, York, Saline, J-edi, Bridgewater sml Manchesier. 4th Vinria- Kveed-m, Shnron, Sylvan, Ijma, Scio, Dex'ei, aiiii l.vndon. Also ttaat tho folowiug County .licers for the Count f Washtcnaw are to bc electedat the sume lime, to wit: One Judge of Probate, ona Sheriff, ooe Couoty Clerk, on l'ounty I'nMMuror, one Rigisterof Iiocd, one l'rosecuting A:trney, „neCJrcuit Court Conimleaioiierj two Coronors, 'v Rurveyor. Vmi : .!.-., heiebr lotifled t ïir't at said General fi an amendment to the Constitiition concerning BanklngCorporarJoas, provMcl fur by Joint Ktwoiutron Na. 11, approved Fel, liih i'i I , Ai-o, an amendnent to Soctio Two. Articl Kighteen; oT the (Vnstiturion, re'ative to the ae-tion of CommlMionan ol Highwaja, ikrovided for by Joint Keaolution N'o. li, ■f i oved Febi uarj i-1, 1869; Also. an amendineDt to 'he Contitution in reapeet to thePeasions of thé Legfjlnturo, providod for bj bj Joint Renolut .,n Ni'. IK, apprOICd KebrnaryM, 1859; WiU bc tubniittM t the electora of thi State for loption or rejection , ik purauance of the reiuiro mtatAof the Constituticnaad ofaiti'l ifiHolutions respectively: T F. I.t.D.VAl), Sheriff. Mortgage Foreclosure. W HERRAS flcfaulthas been made in the payment of a ctr'.aiii siim of money, -curad to be paid' by a eer; tain Indenlure of Mortgage, bearingdafe the twenty-Sfth daj -f April, a D. 1S55, exeouted i,r jionry J. Millerand wife to I.cvi II Haynas, aad recorded in the ofllceofthc Register of Peeda in tlie Count; er Wa,htenaw and State of Michigan on the twenty-fourth day of May of said year, in Líber 21 of Mortgaffes on folio 52.% and w lier. m said Hortgage waadul; aBBigned to me on the sixtb day Of September, A . D 1855, by theaaULni H Haynea, which s.iil UMÍgnment was iluly recorded in tho ÍBce of tho lieist.r ot I ;ee-ls in tlie foanty of Wanhtenaw afore Ki .i. t!i IStli il;iv nf September, A. I) , 18ü, in I.iber 21 of Mortgagea on folio &üp; and wti-r:in, there ia dow dut and onpafd upon said Slortgage tlie nm nf thres bunirr í and nin'-ty throe dollars and rbrtj-threa cents ($303,4:1) ; and ao tuit or proceedlng at law or in ctjuity having been liwtituted t roover th same, or any part"threof; Now thereffire, noiicc is herebj given. by rirtue of a poweroraafe In aa:d llortgage contained, o Saturday the l.')t!i dajr of December next, at twfheo'clock, M , at the front (outor) lior f the Gountj i'ourt Houe, ia the City of Ann Arbor, Countj and State aforesaid, (the id Court House beingtlip place f holding the Circuit Court in and Tor aid f'ounty of Wnshtenaw), I nhall sellatpubligauction, lo the bighesl I.Mdcr, tlie said Mortgaged premiaes! or muon tfaereof an -liiali be necessary to ;ia.T sid aninunt duo. togclher with interest f rom t)m date, nn 1 the cost and expeam of snle, allowed by law, iid premlaea Ivinfc deacrlbed as follows. to-wit: All ihatceriain tract or parcelof land situatod in the TiUaga of aliñe, Counly and state aforeaald, lyiug and bein in teetlon number ihreo (3) a laid down iii the Village plat of siid Village, beincr in Township number four (4) flouth of range number Bre (5) eaat andboundel as follotra: liqgon tha eiterly line of the Ann Arbor or Adrián s'.rcet one bundred and tlfty-fire feet Boutherly froaj where it ii interaeoted with the Chicago road, running thence sontliorl.r along the iresterly line of Aun Arbor or Adiian sireei lire nul and ten bet, thence westerly parallel with Qhk-ago road tweivo roda, thfncenortherly parII! with Adrián treet öre rods and ten fwt, thence easter'y i arallel with the Chicago rod twelve rodi to the place of boginniag. C. VaS nU?A, Assignee. W. A. Mooan, Atfy for Assignee. Ited,Spt H, 1800. Mortgage Foreclosure. TiEFAULT ilAVINi; BEEN KADE in the condition efe .1 mortgage exijtcd hysamnt-l W. Koster to Joep V. Sejrmour, dnted February eihteenth, A. 1) 183 and recorded m the'Register'a oftíoe in the iïounty ol IVnshtenaw, in UberN'o. 7 if Jlortgages, . t page44S,ee the tthdaj nf Maren A. D. 1839, at flfty minute pat 4 o'clock 1. M.,andl-y said Seymour asigned to N'el son II. Wing, 'pril thirtecntli, A, 1), 1830, by deed re comed June riglitecnth A. I). 1860,at one o'clock P U., UmaidUberT, atpage449, by whlch default the power of sale contained in said Mortuage ben tme opera tivc. and no snit nr proceeding having heen intituted at law to recover the ■ obt secured by aaid mortgage or anj part itaereof, and tlie m of thlrty-four hundred ani íifíy six dollarB hrinp now claimed to be due thereon Not-ca ii tberofore heroby fris-en aid mortgagi;l le foreclomd by a Kale of the mortgaged promisei to wit: All ihat certain tnict or parcel of land knowa and desoribodáa so much of the Norfh liist fractinn ol BSine, in tbe Towmbip of sein, jn ïaid County, .is Ijes nest of toe village nl cio, and went from land : the date of s.u.l Mortgage bv Kufua Cro.roac and ürsnn Qnackenbiuh, (excepting on half acre oi lamí deedcd lo Moses Wallaco, Januarjr Ibnrtees&b, A. A, 1839. and one nall acre ot lnnl irfaere there are ercial .;rav. -in. 1 nl-o the ri.'hts of flotrin; land whieb had ihen been deeded lo Orm Quackenbuah and Rufut "!■■■ -it::hi. by .Invrpli ■.:tm.iiiraii!.-aim:(l W Koster. aud aleo tli1 rast part of tbeKouth West quarterof the Soutb-West quarter of aeetion three, in the Township iid, cnotnining about evenicen aerrs, iying hast from and ad d thenonned b) ïiionaaJüwkyas. Afco .■ s bne !'.!■■!: ,-.;. ii Ihat part of the Villujre i, f -.-.., urveycd h s w. poster, n April A. D1L: o. :iti! ree -i. i in the !ï-aivti-r'w ollice i aid county, orgomc thereof at nublfe rendoe at the CVurt HOUM in theCifj i.i Ann Irb'ir, on the third daj of No. vember nexl, al uoon. NELrwui Ü. rara, A.ign.. E. W. Uoimas, Atfy. Dated, ugut 7. a.'d. 1860. Mnruhal's 8ale BWIIUTKOF AVRIT,f fifri fadu (med out ef and ander th seal of the Circuit Court otthe ünit4 .-tutes tor tbe l'i-trict of .Michigan, dated on the thirtomth daj ofFebroary, A 11., lsc.u, to me directed ani deliTered .lL;;int thegoodaand cbattelx, laudí and tenementa of Jobn D Kief, 1 di.l on the twenty-third dar nf February, A. D., 186 . (.ï my then depnt] Albert wil. liami,) ilulv lew upon all therighl, title ndinUnest of the said John D. Rfcf, in aud to the milowing described land. an-1 tenementis to wit: The soulh ofnorth-east K of aection No. S;Ueall the land lylng sorth of the Village of Manche -lor on the sout! í'of jection 2, (re■erring a lot sold lo líarnabai Ci(); also north-weat H ofsoutli-west )i, wetion 2; alio north-eaát U of nouthcast '4 aud soulh oast H of nnrth-ea-t ; abo 2 acres off the e&at Mile offbe ntirth-wpst X of üouth-east X; also 10 acres off theeast aide of south-wet Xofaortheot 3í ofsection 3, town 4 south range S east. Alao all that piece or arrr ol land in the '.ownship or Manche ter bvir.ji the east 40 ncre of the north part of the noith cast fractiona] ! ofi-oclijn 3. oommencinjr on the ii rth line of aaid % poinf 31 chain- 37 links from the north-fi.1 Bórner of s.iirl lectton, runaing thAnce we-t on sai! aeetion ïine -23 chains and 1(7 links to the BOltb west ooioer o: the north eaut X ofthenorthwOst of said Rection, tbonea foutherly on the qua ter line to the soutb-west corner of thenorta-eaat L efthe nprUi-west ' oFaaid aeetion, tbanoe eaaterly 28 chaina and STIinks narallel with the said eeetion line to th aouth-westcornexof land as.ijrní'd to and Wlonging to Lorenzo Htggins, thenoe northerly on the west line ot naid Higgins1 land 'n the place ol bezinning, includingalno the riïliT of wpy in an eaateriy anil nreateily direction aLrO38 aaid Higgfna' land, rese-rnng the right f way ia an easterly ;[il westerly direction acroma the said 40 aerea in township4, south of range Seaet. Alo blorts No. 1,0.7, S, 0, 15,18. 19. 23, --4, .5, '20. 27, U8. 20, n SI, Si, and 84} alao lot No 1 in block No. 8, lot No. arul west ij of Int 9 in bluck 5: also lot N'o. 2, S, 8, Í, II, 12,13, 14, 15 in M'.ck 11 (eiceptfrom the above deaerlption all lands deeded to the Uichlgfn Southera aad Northern Indiana R:ti! RoadCo. for Dtpot grounda and also lot No. 5 in bl"ck -4, and lot 12 in block 1'2 owned by S. K. spencer); also Int 3. li, !), 12. and west l-i of lot 5 in block 12; lot 4, 6, and in block No. 22 (ONcept that deeded to Willla Baxter); alao block No. 16 (exceptlota "o. 1, 2 and 4,) allin the villajjpof Manchstei;also a part of east X of noi-th-east ,'4' of soction No. U,in Town 4 south range cisf beglnniñgat north-weat corner of said lot, thence north 81) degree east .'! ch;iins and 97 links to a stake in north-w? t boundary ofland ovnod by Heasra Carr and Kreriiian, thence along the same simth 51 clegrees and 30 minutes rest Sobains anl 89 links toastalie in the raiddle of the Territorial Road, thence along the same, north 02 degreeeubd L0 minutes west 2 chaina and 7 links to the place of bcginning contninlng 88 100 aciesoflandalso lots No. 10. 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 in block N'o. 18 of tin Village of Mauclieeter; alao hicx-k No. 10 and lot Sa. 5 in bloei 18 i.i Uancbeeter: also beginning at a certaia stake on the w,.t bank of the rivor Kaisin and on theeant ttae Of block NO 20 in the village of Manchester, thence south 51 degree ü() minutea est to a stake in a line betwe 1 n bl.icks lti and 20 in sai.l itiage, Umnce alonjt aid line nor:h :u degreei : o minutea to the Rrrei aforwaid, thence along aaid Kivertnthe of beginning, eonUtiLing H fan acre. Which sai.l described land's aad tfiumcntshy virtuc of the said ifw imd ia obedlenee t thecomm&ndsof said writof Fieri Kacia 1 1 shall exposé for aale at public auctlon to the higliest bi ldr on tbe thlrteenth day or November next, at IJ o'clntk at nooa of that day, at thriront :■■■: of the Court llouae in the citv of Ann Arto; in ili County of Washtenaw, aad District and State o. Michigan. JOHNS. BÁGG.U P. Marshal. By W11.T.1.1M 1'ECKiNi, Jr,, Drputy L'. h Marshal. lated, Sept. U. IMP. Mortgage Sale. TÜ'-FAUI.T haviDg been made 11 the condition of a I Mortgaire executed by Bolser Chnstner and Catharine Chnstner to I.uther Jame, dated July tvrputy-sixth, A. D 1858, and r irded in tlie Regietar'a Office in Washtenaw County, in Liber24 of Mmtgarps, at paire 88. July2tth.A. D. 1S58, at hair pnst seven o'clook, A. H., bywbioh dof&ult the power of aale contained in naid mortifRge became operatlre, and 110 snit or proceeding haTing been instituted at law to recover tho debt secured by f aid mortgage, or any part thereof, and thesum of Two Hundred and Kiirhl Dollars belng now claimed to be due thoro n. Notice is tlierefore bereby given that the sriid mortfrngo will be foreelosed Iva sale of the mortgaged premises, viz: Commencing ai the aouth-weat corner of lot No. tweulyfour n block Ño. lx in th villag of Chelsea, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, an'l running theuce north twenty degreea wt eighteen rodn. thenco nortbaerentr 'legrres east four rods, thence south twenty degroM east eighteen roi;s, thence s.'iith seventy degreea west four rods, et finmt? part thrreof at public vendue at the Court Heuse. iu thecity of Ann Arbor on the löth day of Deoember next at ooon. LUTHEIi JAMP, Mortgagee. K. W. Morgjix, Attv. Dated, Scplcmbf r'20th, A. D. 18f.t. 76M Mortgage Foreclosure. TF.FAUI.T having been mado in tlie condition of a 1 Mortgage executod by l'atrick Sullivan and Joanna S'ulüvan 10 Lnther Jamea dated April eighth, A. D. 185S, and recorded En the Reiriflter'a OJTice in Wasbtenaw County; in I.iber -24 ofMortgaxea, at page 422, April Bth, A. D.18o5,at half l':st threo o'clock, P. M., by Which derAult tho power of sale contained in said mortcaga beoamie opemure, andao suit or proceeding havine bi en itiiüii' 1 at law to recover ihedebt secured hy aaf3 mortg&gt or any part therenf. and the sum of ono hundred and twenty 0110 dollars belng now claimed to be due therAon and turthor Muns to hr'coine due; Notice ia fnerefoA herehy giren that aaid mortgage will be foreoloaed byaaaieof the naortgajjcd premlaea, to-wit: Tlm fiouth-west quarter of tho north-east quavter, and the Bouth-eABt cjtiiir'.er of t'ie nortfa-wftst quarter of pectlon río. sevon. and the BOuta-ewt ten i:cres of the sonth-ent quarter of the north-east quarter of aection No. nine, extondiag seventy rods east and weet, and north nnd south far enough to contain ten acres, all in townshin Xo. one sonth of fénge five east. beinï In Webster, in the Connlyof Washtenuw, and &tate ol Michigan, or s.tme part UiereoT,at pub1 c ren lúe, a: the Court Houie in the city of Ajio Ari.or on the 15;ii ''.jy or liecembcr next at uoon. I.UTHER JAMES, Mcrtgagee. E. w. Komis, Atty. Dated, Sept. ÏOth, A. D. 1560. 7td


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Michigan Argus