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Arrival Of Asia, City Of Washington And Illinois

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New Vork. 8tt-i7CT- - '" T:io ste.-nishir A -ia nrrivod tiiis j no)!i'iVo:n L-vitpool lCtb, via . etona, I4th. riiö Oity oí" Washington arnrcd last uirlit. Kngüsh poittic" unimporUnk. Sir Harfv Stuith is dend. It i-; rep.jrted that the French nrray at llDia? wilí be au'gmentod to G0,000 PiusCB - FVuncf was snpplying Sardinia ifith 1-u'ce (juaiititius of anua arnl Rinoi-inition. T'iio Bank of ballion doereased 91,000,000 francs during llic mor.tb. Senií-oíBcial CoiutitntiMntl lias an artielo couiplaiiiing oí Surdini, .aucl riñting to a Oougress as the moans of ssttlng matters right. The Bburua wns animated, and rentes liad advanced to G9f loo. T!n c;ninonndi'.ig of C.ipua cnminono'l . on tlu 9th, and the Garibaldians gamed i fftsh posities. Operations wore 1 ded tor '24 ho.irs to bury (ho dead ; reoominonced ou the lOtb, and continued j tiiltlie llth. It was ri'pirted that Guribsldi was w.uudod ai ToHurno. A deero was issued for a voto on the by uaiversal sufFrage, asto the union of Italj Victor Emanuel The Sardiiiinn Chaniber of Deputies adopted the order of the day rgndoring liotunge to Gavibaldi, and approving of tho project of a law for anuosatiou, by 200 to 6. Cavour proceedcd to vota by defiiiing bis polipy. He nrged unión, and eiid he desired íío:ne fur the capital of Ualy, and uttered a menaco againgt Voneti. It is deaied that Rusaia and Plussia cut a protest to Turin, ideutical witli that of Austria Victor Emanuel arrived at Groltaraore. Lights on tho Austvian coast of the Adriatic are rn-estiiblishod. Tho City of Norfolk got away with 1,300 ebires. Tlie missing Afriean mail stcamer Cleopatra bas returned under cauvass with her machinerjr broküii. Liverpool Oot. 13, A M.- The Manchester priees are again highor, partieularly fr yarns, and produce re so fully engaged that a large ex tuut of business for'eáily delivery i uow impos-iblo. London, Saturday erening- Fund statiomiry at jesterday's closing ratos, with little businos Tho Qucen arrived at Cologne to-day, and was expected to arrive in England on Tuesday. Paris, Saturday- Reates 6Sf 95c. The Pres says the great powers. except, England, hare notified the cabinet of Turiu that they mut recognizd thö bloekade of Gaeta. Tho Patrie statos that Victor Einanuel nill enter Naples ou the 17th. Harre, Saturdaj- Breadstuffs stiff, the market boing scanlily supplied. Wueat hns risen 2f 47c per sack Red 54.fa65f 80c, with ales of 8,000 sacks Ilulifax. '27 th- Tlie steamship Illinois, from Havre via Soutbainplou the lUth, hag put in hare for coal. Her adviees are rnninly antieipated, but contain lome points of interest. IV Garilaldians had taken the South bastion of Capua, and the royaüst thore retiring towards Gaota. Viortor Emanuc-1 had f out fnr Naples, snd had issued a icanifeisto to Southern Italy. The Sardiniacs, under Victor Emanuel in porson, would enter the Ne:ipolitan territory at three difisrent points ou ths 9th. The Ausirians wêre reinforcing their troops in Istria and Dalmati The French occupy Niterbo, Velltri Civiti, Becchia, Castalluio, Tivoli Palaatrino, Frazoalti, Albaoo, anc Valmoropoe The programme of the future Congres on Itslian affairs will be examined a Wargaw, and then submitted for the ap proval of the Englisk and Freuch Go rem men ts. Advice3 from China reeeived vía Pt Petersburgh, state that 600 (?) Pekii wiliti had been sent againit the En glish, but tbe Peeinese wera generally favorable to iho Engüsh. The Chinse insurreotion continue to extend. The Pope's official journal hadpub'iih cd an article olairaing Peter's pene: from all the faithful, but d'eolaring tha the Pope will acoept no subsidy froin any eoülar power.


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