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-At ihe last sessioa of the Legislatura, tho uditor of the Detroit Tribune, as chuirman of the ate coinmitteo on átate aifairs, reported a bilí in fuvor of mtffciiig the advertísing of lotteriea to be druwn out )f the Sta:e & penal offence, and voted tor SU oh bili on ils passage This saine Tribune, a lew days ninoe, atill under tho saino editori il control, riij cu:ed a eorrespondent for having invosfel $10 in a lottery with the exi-ecstation of drasving a p omtstd pnze, and look occasion to moráliee lipón thüsiihjct, denounein both the vender and buyer of the tickets, the -ne as bein.( diöhonest in pretencea and prVxinisea and the other as hnvitirr clishiHiost intontions in trying to got frotn $10,000 to $50,000 for $10 This is öne'aldè. For the other sidedenpite the luw yrhioh its ehif proprietor and editor vvas instrumental in gttting enactod, the T'buae has ativertised lottoriea continuouly for the last tvvo yoars, and in the late issue in which is found its moral locture o& the subjojt, m;iy bt foun 1 a lottery advurtise ment. This is prusiching and practice. ty O'ir "statistioul" coteinporary of the Jn ma!, on Sattirday evoning last, HclJi'ossmi thü Renublican Club of this City, üt the Court Houe It is ri;ii(.l thut lus nudience nunibered sixty at the comrnenuuinent, ini about foriy at the conclusión of his leoturo, áll of whom were oonvïnoed tbat "the fnoon is made i groen oheose," ttiat "the HihIsoü runs up s'roatTi," and that a ]irorective turiiï wonld both enricj) tho .t.b i ifacturor and maka yoo !s cheancr to tho consumen That is,


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