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How A Lady Preserved Webster's Reply To Haynes

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The Tíiunton (Mas.) Gatetts boorporati'a ttiefollowinginteresti igreinniis iu íi iKjticp of the article on "Tb Mattonat InitUigencer and Lts editora " iu the lust At'p.rdic MontLly. "Ir will bu seon fruía thÍ9 uarmtion that tliere was a tune whou Josapli stuud aluna amuug thu C-ws:,-.j.j,i.u reportar) ftuii, itill furtber to iU (un puniou i.i tiiat Iíüu, vvl' cali u iiUüU wnal we üüuv! uu.U'ii au lutimatu íneuU ui Üix, 'rV s.iy wu cwed to üiui and Oii wne wiui tagard to til 8 j tiiu iVlató.ü.asi.ttd cieaator, as 10 was ifüiuíj tu tau j.ii.t.i OH tiliit m ii'am, Ür. Uiilca injüiieu ui iííih h'jw kig be üjii-uuuu Lo ié)a15. "AJitMit ai.i .ui .juni' was tb reply - Tilü uditoi' 3 dulicd üt tUdt tluii; Iföie prtajiug, uut lic wsntuïéd to tukeao uiiuh ume troiii tüum At. tfsostsrsaiiiíkitthe ;hóaglit tiit tüiiu Uaü owuis to give tüc eoantr bu ?iwí u Uw coníiut.itiou.- i u tuia prupusitiun liü buuiud. Mr, Gbiég took up üisptiii uuaware oi thelapstí of time uuder tüe eiiuíiantiueiit & the ra tor, aud consíueail bo wi'otü ou uutii the olo4e ot' tha spacch. "Somu davs piuiaed away, and the. 'proof' of the spaeuu not apjjeariug, Mr Webster callt-d oa tila reporter aud u;nt the mjttiy. 'I ÍW lhe notes,' said Mr. Gales, 'aud t]f are at jour aerviee, as I ihall nevor íiud Urne to wnte ihem out ' Tais L'd to symu ieuioiiálraace aud persuasión, but the over-tasKed editor bóöd üriu 'rücu Mr, tiaiüs eain to, bis rwci by saymg tüat ahe iliougbt sLu could deciplier er uubOand'a süort-baud, aa she bad foraierly uceas. oaally djiiu ia Mr. (xales doubted, siiüiug tuut it was fifteïu yeurs smee sne liad iriud it. ''liüt she had heard tae spütiüh, and ás the resistless sweep of lts argument, and the gorgeous aud uiassivs iiiíi,jilioeiiue ot' its. imagery, were yet vivid iu her muid, she porsisted in uauertakiug the diffieult work lu due tiuie tliereafter, tae faii manuscript carne t Mr. Vei)áter'i bant for üual oorreotion. tíoarcely a word needed to be changad, and soon u gfb oí diamoüds, coatiug a thouaaud dollars, ae companied tüe noli thanka of thealuiLuuat stateisman Thua was saved to hteratuie the most memorable oratiou of tua ..uier ican rteuatö "


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