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About Corned Beef

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Comed beet, properly sa.ted, and cooiíed m it should be. i a dish ut for tha sovereign people, but to eat salt juuk, suoh a too often eruiaai the amueles oí the jaws, is a psunanoo eveu fT a malfactor. Most of the beef put up for Winter use, is spitiied by the ue or too much salt, which destreja the Jiavor.aud uiake the meat st.nngy and tough. Wheu beef ib fregh, it coutaius caiuidorable bloud, whicb is drawn out by the brine If the meat ia left in this bloody mixture, it will requiro a much larger c[u -.uitity of salt to presirve it particahirly throogh warm weather. M.y plan i to inake a brine by usiug for overy huadrad pjaads of bef', 5 los. salt, 1-4 oí. wltpeter, and i Ib browu sugar. This ii dias.jíved in jast enongh water to eover tha raeat. and pouredupon it. When it has been iu tbil briae two waks, I take oat tiu mat let it draiu, poar a fresh brine over it, and than it will ba gojd, til mwoa through. The cook who uges oorned bef, should not be so ignorant or no iudolant as to delay putting it orer tL fire uutil an hour before diinier. A good sized piaoe reiiiires throe or four hours iteadj butk ing to do it ju3tice. Inauifisient boiling must be made up for by extra ehewiog. - Always havo the water boiling wlian the meat 'is dropped in; otberwiaa the svradtnes willall be drawn out iota the water. A boiling heat bardeiU tiie outer -urface at once, and thu tteepi iu the juicos whidi giv rjchness, and whioh oontain most of the nourish.uent. An excullfiit way of oj.kui2 cornel beef is, to have a iirga boiler, Vita a wire or wonden rack on the botten, for the rarfat to reit on, ovor tha water. Whea tiio water boilg, plice the meat upon the rack, a. id put on the orer of the boiler, witb a cl )th ovar it to keep ia the staam. Tim heat of tha stan will rioabivd tka bailmg point, aid peuotrata the maat, aad u-j k t mará qutajk ) aud better than coulJ be d'iufl by


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