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Proclamation Of Victor Emmanuel

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At í. Mk'iiiti rt i en' tur tl:e nalion .] t'Mmy and f-i-Mj' doatmit rf ihe country I a.iii'sr-id my words lo you, i'Mj c uf S uthuru li.'i'y, wint, hnving, in iiiv iri'iic, oh&nged tii.? Slitlo, cent lilti dl'fHitntionS of u.cry cbiüisl of ctti Z'!i. in;i;i-:r;ilcs i.ll.t ruprci(;llt:Hiv..'S 'f i' r niuiiiüipii] bodtw, iixkinff t.i bu r%ttttMd o (üiinr, blesned wiih freu0"U', wtiil utiitcil my iringdom, l iii t-!l yni ,y wliat Üiotigh L am giiirfi'd, ni)d hut is my k ttgdom, I wil! rH 'iu bv wliat thought l aria giiidpi), üiv'i -vhwt is tny oon-cipusnB ■t' (lm 1-' ei wliicti H.m::ii p'iieed by PrvideMt -n ;;ti '.iü;;!) tbrcnc, ongbt tO flllfi!:. I t(uifltte:1 thu thmnc nfter a croflt r -iiifMüiJ n)uiity. My ftuhor guva n;e u lul, y c:í;:.Ii; i)V abdionliug tliu rfi.wn t'i í.ivtí bis wn dignity and the frte&lntn of liig people. Oburlöa Albert teil oíd :i hand, nnd died ia esile. }Tis dfuh uedociated moru and more Uic dwitiniei of my fumily wiih tfeose uf tiiu Itnliu:i pL'oplu. who ír so mnny (vnuüics iiavü rivuti to 11 foreign lunds the bones of their t-xiles & n piedgofor restoring tbe inberitance i very nution il;.cüd bv Giid uitliin the sümio honndano?, indjoiind togelher by tlio b i rj .] of oominoT lnngtiage. I educated mysolf by tbat exnmple, and tho icniiMV oí my tatiicr was my gunrduin rtur I could liever liesitute in my choice btitweea n crnvn and h word I r.tid giren'. I gt.ened frcodoni in i in t.ich n.ot very favorable fco fne dm,ttnd 1 wished ilmt, as it devel' peil itself, it -lioiild tako root in ihu irüinnors of ido [copie, for I could never harbor any joafouiy or suspioliin of what was dear to my pefiple. liy preserving frocdoin i:i Piedmont I religionsly recfwoted tha heriuigu whieh the proijiic-tio mind of iiy august iatlier had ctqucalhed l ill Italians. By roprexen tativtj franchise, by popular eduuation. hy tlic freedom of trado and indiurtry, I eadeavored to incroasti tlie wel! buing of my people. I wished tbat the Catlioüo roügion thouid be respoolod, but u!so thüt every man hould be free in the sanctiiary of his own conscience ; and, by Htrengt bening -:vil Miithority, I opunly resisied that obstinate and ccheming faotion whicb boaetn to be the only triend and guardián oí Ihe throne, but which uinjt a; ruling in t: c namo of king, and pltcing twoen tho sovereigu and the pouple the banier of lts ulo'erant ptuwious. Thifl systein of govermnent could not be without effect upon the rest of Italy. Tho conoord betweon ihe sov ercigü and the people in the purpose of uationii) indepeuduuuo and of civil and politicnl liberty, the parliameniary iribune aid the f;eepress, and thoarmy, which had preservad ius military traditions under tl e tricolor, raistid Piedtr.ont to tho rank of standard bearer and nrm of llaly. Tho etrensrth of my monarch)" was not the result of the arte of h clandestino poKoy, but úi the open inflnence of ideas and of public opinión. I wiiB thus enabled to umin tnin in that pirt of ;ho Italian punplu whicb was united under iny soeptra the notion ot a national leadership whencn was to spring the conoonlant honnony of the eeverul pruvinces in one single nation. Ilnly was üb!o to understand my conopption wlipn phe Veheld mv soldiers pent the 'of the Crimea besida tho troops of the gieat Wo!ern Powefa. I wir-hed thereby to acquire fnr llaly the right of paitieipating in uil ua'n oonoerninK the inlereots of Turope. At the Co gress of Pitrwmy Amb.-issaiiors ere able to fpeak for ihe fit time t Enrpe of vuir sufferingK. It becaiue clear to ill men bow the pcapondor nee f Austria in Italy was injurious to tho balance of power in E(iri f, and hat daofra beset the iadepsndencB and freedom of Kurope bo Lng as the rest ol Península a 8 ibject to foreign infiutmeo. My iriagrmniinoiis ally, the E .n per ir Napoleon III, feit that the Italian cause was worthy uf Uie great nivtiou ho rules. A iighteou wari.jaogaraled the new destinies of oijr eoantrv. The Italian golaier iought nobly bebido the únoonquered logionis if Frunce. Tbe volontoers, hafttening from aH Itwlian prnvÍD e?, from all Italian familias, tiuder the Oroi of Shvov, Khowed that all Italv liad invested me with the righi of spraking and fighting in her tiüine. Polioy put an end tp tbe war, hut Qot tn its efFucts, whiuh ent on with their development, Lu!lowing tho un► werving logic oí evento of popular movement. Had I bren nctuated by th;it ambit;rn whlth i. :;crlt)ed tp my fainilv by t'"O80 vho dn not considor the nature ■ f tho tiiT.-, I ou!d have been snt'sfied wiili tho rtpfjui.-iiion of Lombürdv; hut I bad slied the preulniía blood f 6 )l()iers, not (br myscM , but for Italv. I had cull'.d the Itaiians to anns. Sevttral Itulian prfivínoes hand ohanged thc ir form o{ gororninent to join in the war of iiulepeiidtiiicö- a wbf opposed by thtir Princcs. After iho peace of Villíifrauca those provírices ak iny protection (ruinst Iho thrcatonod rentoratiou of their f rnwr goveruinenU. If the evenís oí Central Italy were the 0 inseqnenco oí the w:tr t' whioh wu nad cilled the people, if the fyttem of foraign ínvontion ih forever to be banifhed from It:;]y, I hu' a dníy t" rccogr.izc, HP.d to t:jjhod thoriht's oí those puople )c;i!!y and froety t ntter thoir voto I i.hd.ew iny governnent - thoy made ir orderíy fruvernrnent; wulidrttw rny troopa - Ebeyorganizod regular torces; and, vyiug iil each otheriu unanitnity md civil rirluen, ihey ro.-ü to si) high !i rcputation and 6trenf;th tháí hut '.he overbuarv)L viólenos (ï foreign anns could havo ubdned Ibem. Thanks to th wisdom of tho Central Ituiian peo le, tho hio narchiciil ideus constantly guiued trength and monnrchy gavu a moral guidance to that pencoíul popular rnnvemeot Thns diii Iialy rise in tho stimation of civilzod natione, and i: became clear to all Europa that thc Italiana were fit for gelf-governmeut. Whtn I ncoeptud the annexation I knew what European difficultiüa I was nboui lo meet; but I couhi not break the word I hd given to tho Italiana in my war proclaination. Thon who wonld chsrgö mu with imprudeuce should calmly cünsider what would become of Italy on the dny in which monr.rchy shotild np: ear poweiieas to satisfv tho wanta ol a notional rüonsíructjon. The asnesutioo did not chango the ítibstance of iba nutional mcvemtíiit, but it asKiinicd ne' forma. By p.ecopting fnm thí popular i-ight thoso fine and noble provincés, I must roynlly reoogniza tho npplioatioa of thnt principie, nor oot.ld I measure it by tlie luie i'f my private feeJingo and interest ; I renóunced two mot noble provinre.' ci( iho kingdoin of :ny Biicestiv. I have alsvoj'8 given thi'se Itulian ■Princí.'.s hi ished to be iny en niits kioere counsoK resolving, hower, thai it thoso comiséis were vuin. 1 wo'd neet tha danger to which their blind necs would have exprwed the ihrone bv aeoopting tho wil! i-í Italy. It wss in vain thwt I nffered to thw Grand Duku (of TiiMSony) allinnoe bufore th war; ia vnin lh;it, nf(or fhopeaca, I pffored the High Ponliff, in whom I wiiernto the hi'.fl nl loüioii of my fatner and of my people, to t;iko upon myrelf (ho vicuish t of Umbría and the Marches, lt was evident that if thoité provinct) whiob were only re Rtruioed by (he riiis of foreigo tiirulings, lid oot obl:i iho eenrity of t h. 1 1 oiyilized govoriiimtnt whiuh I pro posed. they tvuiild sooneror ínter Ure.ik out i.jto rerohitinn. líoitlior wlll I rucall the oouiwüIm prlvéii for mniiy yeura by tho P.c.vtrs to King Ptjrdinondof Naples, Ti;e jitdgrnon't whicl) wm pronounotsd Biruinst hii gnvernment at tho Piitis Oongress nntui'ally prepared iho pcoplo for the ohange, il tho outcry of pubiiü opinios and the eöorts of di.iliimacv pr veil to be of no avait. I offerod tlia Vivunfi; snc'ossor of tint Kin ui nlliarjna !: t'io war of iii'ldpoiidence. But there nlsti I fnund fouls oioséd agHinet ai! F',;.l:m ft-olingt, minds darkenod by pas.-ion and ob.linacy. it was natural i'üit tiio ovents in Nor l hor n and Gent rul Italy phould orouse mcu's tr.inds to the sonth. In Sicily tho exoitement broko out into open insurreotiofl, A lilit began for freedom in Sicilv, vyheti a braví warrior, devoted to ttitly nnd to mo - Gcorai (4(tribnldi - k' to its aid. They Were Italians. Couid I oiulit I, to have preverted iIkmi) ? Tho fall of ilie government oí Naple stranglhaed in my heürt the oonvictiiio that kins und govcrnments bhould b;;ild ihuir thrones on tho lovo and ostcom of ihupoople. The new gowrnmetit in the Two Sicil;es was iniiiignratod in my n:i:ne. But sotne of itt flots c.-iused apprehonsion, loiist it shotild hm' in evcry rssptsat wcll interpiet that poliiíy whioh i represenled by my nime. It was feured throughout Italy thot uader the uhad of a glorious p 'PuUirity, of a lotijxtried honusiv, n iaction shouKl munter whieh was readv Ui tmerifioe th fortli coming; triumph of tho national cause to thechiineras of its atnbitious fanaticism All Italkns turned to mu to ivert tho danger. It was my duty to d it, booause in the presenoe erneigency it would bo du tnodoration, no nisdoin, but weakness and iinprudenco, not to tako with a stronu; hand tha direotüiii of that national mocóme; t lor wliieh I am responsiblo beforo Eiirope. I have sent my soldier into t he Marches and Umbria. Dad so a ture 1 that ill sorte inob f peoplo of all nations and tonoriios whii-h h-id srathered thero as a new, Rtrange phe of lapeign 'iitortion, and the worst of all, I havo pro7 dainved Italy fbí Italiana; and wíl] never allow Itiily v beuome tho nest of cosmopolitian sects, assembling ihere to hütch reactionorjr plots, or to lurthur tho objectsof universal demagogy. Peoplo of Southern Italy I My lrf)ojs tnarchrd inlo yo'ir country to strungthen public onlor. I did mt come to imposu my ill upon vou, hut to seü thnt yours ar ruspected. You will be callod fieely to manifest it. May tho vote thiil you ill tloponi in the urn be inspirad by that Providence which protecls i ' ghte us cause ! W hutever may be the coursè of ovante, I iranquilly iwait tl.ejudiine:it óf civilizad Kurope, baoauae I arri convinood that 1 havu fultill'jd my dutios as an Italian. My policv may !Kt,perhaps,bb useless lo roconoile in Europa tho progresa of tho peoplo with tho stability of monariihics. I know tliat in Italy I oloso the era of revolttioQ9 VIC"OIt E JI MANUEL, FA.RINI. GiTen in Anoo:ia, this 9 h of Ootober, 1860.


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