The Michigan Argus
igprmi?HTvY FritiatMoknisc, in 1l"íThrd Story .fthe Bru-kl. BUck, corner of Main and Hurón Btnet, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., Michigan, Fntnnm on Hurnn Street, oposite the KrankUu. JiLHU B, F O ÏST D Editor and Publisiier. TKJIMS, $l,5O A YB Alt IN AUVAS(F. ADVKRTI1K3j One square (12 llwi or Hu) one wepk, ott cent.-: ■"" Sfi ont for ever iasertiou Ihereafter, less tLan (oree JnTsquáre 3 months ..ÍS Qurttteol. 1" ■??] One do 9 do ....5 Huif ooi1 J ■" f On. éo lyear 8 BUf " r ,.;, r.osqVstinoi 8One do fm ■ -AdT.rtlMm.nt o.omp.nied JW """" I I41rtlon willbe puWfched ontil ord-ed out. nd chrfd acccrdinglrUk1 drertisemont-, drrt iMMtfcm, 50 cents per ; olio 25 cent per folio for ch subsequent bnertios f ' . „„„tpími-moiit i .cfted toan Hdvcrtis.mcnt the irhtilc ■ cliarged thf ssrae es for ürst insertion. JOB ïï?.I3MTI3Sra-PaniphlU,Hní-blls, Circulurs, Cards, Ball Tickots, ind ther varieties of Plam and Fancy Job Printing, ïlcütl with promptncss, and in the BEaT STYLE. BOOK bTnDTNG, ronnected with the Office is Book Bindery in chnry f mmpetent werkman. _'unty SAovds, Lvdgtrf), I iournals,.nd uil kindh of Blank BuskB made t o orlt;r, j ind of the best .-tock. Pamhlets and Periodiculs bouod in a neat and du table nmnner, at Detroit prices EntraDcu toBiuder.y through ib;ls OfSce.
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Michigan Argus