Lamartine On America
I found Lamartine in the salon,m a sort of short blue and groen plaid dressing gown I knew his age. aud expected to meet a gentleman of bent form and craeked voiea I was happily disappointod. He has the form aud mien of forty, aud a voice yet swoct and flexible. "Would y ou not like to go to America and write a book of tra'" ? It would bring you a fortune," I said wishing to turn the tho subject ''Go to America!" he replied, looking at mo with astonishment "No, I will nover sst my foot on American ground. - The Americans know nothing but the 'almighty dollar.' They stuff their millionaircs and starve their poets, because they have not the ability to understand their worth, You did well to come where you will be appreciatcd." "I was appreciated in America," I replied, "Appreciated!'' he exclaimed. "Thero are not many poople in that vast country who can understand a soul Lke yours. "I lovc my country," I added. "You lovo in vain," he replied, impatiently. "I hope not," I rejoined. "You hope in vain," he continuod. - "When I was able to live like a prince, whcn I was at the head cf the State, and all tho world was bowing to me, the Americans were at my feet; but when I was in need, and sent De Place to New York to gct subscriptions for my works, whereby I rnight be enabled to pay my debts, they turned their backs on me. I was iiiduccd to send De Place to America at my own expense by the adv ice and flatteries of Americans, uid lie returned wuhout one subscription. They aro deceiti'u!, false ' "You have many friends in America," I s.iid "I thouglit so, maderaoisolle, but I was mistaken. I thought your great American pnblreheï, Monsieur Appleton, my frienü, but I erred He is rich, powerful, and uosM have aided my plana. "l assure you, Monsieur Lamartine, that if Monsieur Appleton failcd to carry out your wishes, it as mot beoause he did not desire to do so. He is a high-minded a'd honorable gentleman, and feelv nu interest in genius beyond dollars and cents,'" I replied. '■J'en óoute, the reed broko beneath me wlien I had most nced of its support," he said .-adly "If you would go to New York and give t course of lefitures. you would make enou:b. to pay your debts," I added. ''Sans diiute, they would give their twenty five sous to see me once, as they would pive it to see a wild beast; then it would end ïliey would not come a second time. I'll not gratify their curiosi ty," he said, impatiently. "You would like to meet our poets, I am sure," I continued. "You have no poets. Soul cannot live aud grow there; it starves," lie retorted "O, yes we, have poets." I went on. - "We have Bryant Halleck, Longfellow, Willis, Holmes, Morris, Sprague, &c." "They might have been poets - great ones if they had had the proper nutriment Come to see me every day, but don't bring an American gentleman with you; I will not receive him ifyou do," ho said, as I rose toleave. "You areprejudiced, Monsieur Lamartine," I rejoinej. "" du tout" he replied; "the Americaus hate me because I am poor, and I return the compliment most cordially." "You are frank," I added, as I left him at the door.
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