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The Home Of Mr. Lincoln

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Tír. l.iucoln liiiusolf ha been go often 1o.=cvilieil. fo often crayoned, painted, panoli sketehed, and photographod, that lii.s porHoniiel cught by this time to be! tolorably familiar witli thot ínanv headod , monster, tho general publio. Ono oan ! not lay hifl hand upon his bosom and say that oíd Abe ia a handsome man; but there bo thoe.?. and judioioos observara too, who would besitale bofore pronounciog him ngly. 11 is face ia quick and ínobilo ín cxpression ; his eyos, dirk and lustrou, et deupíy iu his hcad, like WobítorV, spoak beforo bis lips are opened. His cboek bones are biirb and prominent; the lowor portion of his faco tliin r.nd drawn into hard wrinkles. Tlio Jeep linos arouud ais moatli are probablj as goad a cortifioite as Ke would desiro of tünt strcnuous toil hrouglt whioh ho has made liis way up to fume. His great gature - six faet and three inches- gires hira an aspect ot lanknesa and tbinness uliieh dgea gravo injusfioo to his rcally stalwart, commanding proportions. Uo has a general reputution, wherever he is known, of being na " tough as a whip córd. ' Tho qu.iUfications for legal eraine:ico at the West ware, in thu early aya, partly muscular. It not unfroque;itly ocoarred that the presiding judo round it nece?s;iry to dismiss th court for s tima, iu ordsr to flog refraetory witnefSLV, or impress upon boisterous couosallors tho faot that if respect was not due to the judicial acumen cf tho oourr, at least i la abüity in a rougll and tumble üght was not to bo disputed. It i-s not probable that " Oíd Abe"' over found it nect'ssary to cap his arguuients by thrashing tho opposing counaol, but liad he ever dono so, all I can say. is I would mnch ratlier not have beon that counsel. Legenda of his prowess, in tao days wuou he adorncd tUe putsuit of flatboat Qavigntlou, uro yet current among his early oompanions. Probably, to his physiaal courage and daring he was indebtod for his acêcssion tn leador.'hip during the enrly Indiau troubles upon the frontier. His capacity as a luader was often tricd, iluring tUoso ehort cumpaigns in the WÜderBOSS, and was ncvor t'uund wanting. If he carrios to tho cxo;:utivo chair tbo pluok and daring whioh enabled him to hold his own against the rampnnt flatboatmen, with who-.n, from timo to time, even tho most peaceful of tho craft would now aud then como into hnstilo collition; if he takes thither the adroit finesse and cxeeutive decisión which enabled him to ovado an anibush of Iudians in the Black Hawk war, and to boat tho dusky warriors at their own system of fighting, nhonevpr they revealöd thomselves, he will make just such a President aa the present crisis demanda. Tho future lady of the Wbito House 8, perfotce, a personage to whora, just now, llie livelicst interest attaché. Tht sho will adorn and graoe even the cxaltcd positiou to which sbe biels fair to succccd, none who have had tho fortune to sec her aan doubt. She is yet. apparcntly upon the advantageous aide of forty, with a faoe upon which dignity and sweetness are bleudcd, and au air oí cuiüvation and rofliieiueiit to whicb. faroiüarity witli the cuurtly drawhig rooms of London or the aristocratie eulons of Paris yould hardly lend hn ailded gracc. Sho is admirably calculatcd to presido over our repablioam court. If one wcre permitted su far to describe her personal appearance as to meet half way the respectful curiosity which is geaerally feit upon the subject, tlie descriptioii would be : Tliat nhe is slightly above the medium staturo, with brown eyes, clearly cut features, delicate, mobile, espressive ; ratber distinguished in appearance Ihan beautiful, conveying to the raiud geuerally an improssion oi eelf-posscssion, statelinena and eloganoo. I distrust my own opinión apon eubjeets of tlio kind, but I concur u tho belief prevalen Uereabouts, tliat sha wi'tl make as admirable a leader of the gtatcly dames and lovoly demoiselles of thc natiüiial capital, as tho nioat fastidious social martinet could desire.


Old News
Michigan Argus