From Washington
A portion of the moncj sciied by Gen. Degollado, a short timo ago, from tho conducta to Tampico, is on the way to New York for the purchase of arma and ammuiíition, through the same party who for tho last two years has been sendiag similar suppüen to the liberal inny. It is uuderstood that Torn Corwiu, of Ohio, can, if he will, occupy a prominent position to Mr. Lincoln's Cabiuet, and, in the event of his declining to do so, an invitution will be extended to Mr. Kwing, or Mr. Vinton, of the same State. Mr Grahaiu, or Mr. Badger, of N. C, is also as confidently inentioncd in this connuction. The President to day informed Thaddcua Hyatt that tho land s:iles in Kansas could not be postponed, but that such was the construct-ion of the law that actual settlers would be allowed to re enter their pre-emption claims, and should not be disturbed in their possessions. The President said Bome of the settlers ictud very badly, but tlicy were nevertheless human beings, and should be relieved and protected He gave evidence to Mr. Hyait's representation as to their suflFerings. He would appeal to Congress íq thtiir bebalf. As an earnest of liis sympathy, the President headed a subscriptiou list with a cheek for $100.
Old News
Michigan Argus