Proclamation by the Governor. TUis hos been a year of plenty. Fruit nnd flowírs end stolden araius have beeu pread out befiira us in abundance. And nw that thu yellow tinl 3 of Autumn admooish u that the harvest is over, it is frood (or u u humble ournnlves and give thanks tu the iver of all good. Let u meet nroun J uur firesuies and our iltnra and liumbl.v thnnk tin God of Eeaven for the mwy blsoings iliat we .laily receive at Hi hanJs ; and as our hearts aoftn in gratitud, 'et us not forste: to prny that ■war. pe tilonce fimine and civil commoiions. ni5y' ba averted iroin our happy land, and thst thi great Oonfederacy of Stateê may ba eemented in bon. Is of laating friendahip and tbeieby mon1 eif.ctually ' jecurethe ble sin({8 of lilieriy to ouraelrcs and our posterity" for all time to come. I Ho theretore appoint Thura ay, the twrnty nintli day of November mxt as a day of Thanksgivinf and Pniisc to Almighiy God for his continued fnvors Let us on tliat day abstain from all secular Iftbors and with j contrite liciuts huinble ourselves before Him, wbo alone is able to save In witness wherW. I have hereun to set my band. and cau-ed the Great [L S] Senl of the Stwte of Michigan tobo aflixcd, at Lansing, this 9.h day of Ootobr A. D 1860 By the Governor : M WISNÏR. N . G. Iebell. 'ecretary of State.
Old News
Michigan Argus