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Douglas In The South

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Scattered throiigh the few ineagre returus of the result of' the eleutini in the South, here and there, like golden thrends, we are rejuiced to liud iiiurked evideiices that the Demoeraey of that sectiou are not all unmindful of the fidei.ty with whioh their Northeru brvturau in past conÜicts 8U8tained their nguts, uud that msny of tuera have not vet bowed their knaes to the Baai of Üeoeswon, and tu tho heresies of thu ultraists wbo bolted from the Democratie National Conventiun ad placed firuckinhdga and Line in the field as their candidates. Iu St. Louis, for instauca, the reported vote stands thus: Linodln, 8,9(i; Douglas, 8,177; Bell, 4,132; and the votu for Brecfcinridge was evidently so suiall that it was not coiwdered worth reportiug. In Louisville, the capital of the State of which Mr. Ureckinridge was fornierly " the farorite sou," the vote waï, for Bell, 3,823; for Douglas, 2.633; for Breckinridge, 859 - the vute for the Illinois Senator being i.early three times as great as that. polled for the Keutucky Seoessionist. In New Orleans the vota stood: for Bell, 5210; for Douglas, 2,998; for Breokinndge, 2,045 - a majoritj of more thau 30U lor the "Little Qiaut ' over bia Disunion competitor. In Mobile, the capital of the Mate of the archgitator, Yancey, where Douglas spoke on thu night preceding the tleotion, the telegraph atmounces that " the city and ccunty give Douglas a majority of 216 ocr Bell, and 322 over Öreckinridge." In the chief towns of Virginia the vote for Douglas does not fall rauch belund that cast for Breckiuridge, and the State has for the first time in her history been carried by the Opposition party. The experiment of claimiug al] the Southern States as "certainly" Democratie, in the peculiar and uuwarranted sene in whiuh that long-hunored appellation is used by the Set-essionists, and then, after outraging the honest sentimeuts, despisiug the wishes, and trumpliug upon all the nobler instinuts of the Democracy of the North, atteinpting, by base deception, oouteniptible bargainu, corrupt appliances, and iutimidatiou to cajule or ooerce enough of tiie Northern States into the support of "Fusión" tickets to secure the electiou of thu Secession moes, has provea a miserable fiuluro, and hag only Berved to demónstrate to tbe whole country the weukuess ot'its authora. In spite of tbc recent overwhelming tri■umph of Abraham Liucoln, tliere maj bo a bright future Cor a great and truly National Democratie party, but thöre eau be none fur sueh an organization as tbc men who have sustained James Buchanau, and who secedea at Baltimore, have sought to fasten upon tbe country. The verdict of Tuesday last tïiat party is the most cúmplete and overwhelming ever given by the American people against any eet of partisans who seriouily cherished a hope of gaiuing possession of tbe Government. ín New Eugland and tbe Northwest the whole vote for Breckinridge amounted to but a few tbousands. Iu the middle States of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvauia, it cannot, of course, be exactly aseertained - but it 8 doubtful whether uiore than one-tenth of those who supported the fusión ticket in tbose States did not infinittly prefer Douglas to Brockinridge. Virginia, Maryland, and Kentnukj, Bell appears to have certaiuly carried, as weil as probably other Southern States, and we presume ]5rockinridn;e has received less tbiin onc-half of the votes polled by the people of tbe Scmth. Of the wbole 5,000 000 of votes prob;ibly polled on ïuebday last, but liule more than onetentb were given for the SeceBsiou c indidates- yet the men in this woful minorjty have sought to rule'or to ruin a great Cotifederrcv, founded upm the Democratie principio that "the majority sbould


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